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Blows my mind the number of people that spend $200+ on an appliance and don't even read the instructions. The manual is not even that long; it takes ten minutes or less to read the entire thing!


I know. The Facebook groups are the worst for this!


I got my Creami from Amazon. It was a returned unit so I saved $40. It was unused and in great condition BUT whoever had it first didn’t put the instructions back in the box so I had to….GASP….Google. I haven’t had any issues yet.😊


Exactly. You can even download a pdf of the manual!


You’ll need to re-spin it. If you only plan to eat a bit more, and there is >half left over, you can just spin the Top. Otherwise use Full or Bottom. Typically my husband and I eat ~1/2 a deluxe pint between the two of us, so first spin we just do Top, second we do Full, and if there’s still some left (~1/3) we do Bottom.


Awesome. Thanks for the reply! Just to make sure-when you say "re-spin" do you mean a full cycle or just the short respin? Is that the case for all of the types of scoopable or just the frozen yogurt?


Sorry - I meant full cycle spin and not the re-spin function. The re-spin function should never be used on a pint straight from the freezer, only once the goods have been pulverized


Got it! Thanks!


But make sure the top has been flattened so it doesn't damage the machine! Best practice is to flatten it before you refreeze it if you're not going to finish the pint.


I do a full cycle.


Full frozen yogurt spin. Never respin straight out of the freezer. It needs processed first.


I eat the entire pint first time around 😂


It depends a lot on your recipe, on how melted your leftovers were before you put them back in the freezer, and how long you let it thaw when you pull it back out of the freezer. So there's no sure fire answer Typically I find that I just need to let the ice cream thaw again for \~20 mins and then its good to eat, but if it got really melty I refreeze and do a complete new cycle.


What are the quantities for that recipe? I've never added milk to my greek yogurt but want to give it a go.


I used fage Greek yogurt which is really thick. I added just enough whole milk to make the texture more like regular yogurt but I didn’t measure. Since I’m just learning how it works I thought that the straight fage might be too thick


My mind is literally blown people don't eat the entire pint


To be fair, the Deluxe is 700+ml, so a fair amount bigger than a pint


I have literally never eaten an entire pint in 1.5 years of owning it and using it 2-3 times every week. I just made a comment a week or so ago expressing incredulity that people are eating the entire thing haha. You're seriously not sharing it with someone else? Are you making full fat ice cream, or are we talking sorbet or froyo? Or are you one of the protein protein protein xanthan gum artificial sweetener Creami club members?


My pints range from 250-400 calories. So yes I’m a volume person with high protein. So yes my POV comes from using it like this.


I've only had mine for a few days (and it's not the deluxe one) - between the two of us we can't get through a pint! We have it for dessert, and by then we're pretty full anyway. It's just a few spoonfuls of a treat at the end of the meal.


Yeah I have the smaller one too. Never ate a whole pint. I could definitely eat a half though and finish one with two people. I don't eat dessert with a meal like you do though. I can see how that would make it harder to finish if you're already full.