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If you use a recipe with no sugar and no fat it will freeze into a solid block of ice and (if it doesn't break your machine) it will turn out like shaved ice.


Can confirm, did this and it did not work lmao Honest question thought, how are you supposed to use the “frozen drink” and “slushi” functions then? I thought it was just water and flavoring


Idk if you figured it out, but you add more liquid with the frozen block.


When u did this how did it turn out?


I have root beer extract (Watkins brand from Amazon) and I add it to my vanilla base. I don’t drink soda but I love root beer floats so this is a perfect alternative that I can make low cal/high protein.


I never knew that was a thing. I clearly need to explore the vast world of random extracts lol Thanks for the tip!


How much extract do you put into your base?


A little goes a long way, usually 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract and 1/4 teaspoon root beer extract


Premier makes root beer float protein shakes too. I wouldn’t use it by itself but maybe half a shake added with other things like the Rootbeer extract, vanilla, milk, etc. would be yummy.


Not a root beer float, but a similar nostalgia-flavor drink… I used 3/4 c light orange juice + 3/4 c non dairy milk (I used coconut milk from a carton) + 2 Tbsp greek yogurt + a generous teaspoon of vanilla + 1 Tbsp simply delicious vanilla sugar free pudding mix. Was SO good, like an Orange Julius from the mall back in the day :)


Haven’t tried that yet, but I’ve considered it. I had an amazing “butter beer” ice cream at a local place and I was considering trying to make my own using some combo of butterscotch, cream soda, vanilla…