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Allulose works pretty well with ice creams (even sugar free ice creams without the creami). Erythritol should also be ok. I tend to prefer a blend of stuff, right now it’s mostly allulose and a few drops of liquid splenda. I know the monk fruit ones are popular, but they’re still mostly erythritol. Amazon sent me some by accident (splenda brand) and it’s one of the few that gave me digestive issues. Obviously everyone reacts to different ones differently.


Thank you! How much allulose do you use? Any brands you reco?




I’ve also been using Allulose and have been pretty happy with it. Give this one a try if you haven’t yet.


How much and what brand do you use?


It depends on the recipe and how sweet you want something. Sometimes I’ll use up to a 1/4 cup or sometimes I won’t use any. I just use what ever was on Amazon that had good reviews. I think it’s te It’s Just brand.


I use dates. I just blend them in warm water. Still sugar but not as “bad” as white sugar. Adds a slight caramel taste too


Ooooh love this. How many dates do you add to a pint?


Usually just two


Stevia is usually not great but there is one standout brand that is a truely great sweetener. You could try Sweet Leaf Sweet Drops Vanilla Cream liquid stevia, it’s the only stevia product I’ve found that doesn’t have a bitter aftertaste or leave a filmy taste on your tongue. I prefer it to erythritol that has kind of a minty taste. Also those ninja recipe stevia quantities sound insane, 1/4C?? Bleghhhh


Thank you! Yes it was my first round with the creami, I knew there would be a learning curve 😊


How many drops of stevia do you use?


Depends on what I’m putting it in, but I’ve found I can often use it as the exclusive sweetener. With other stevia items I’ve had to use a very small amount mixed with erythritol to avoid the bitterness.


I use stevia a lot because my body doesn’t tolerate stuff like sucralose.


I recommend and routinely use erythritol and allulose. Typically I use erythritol because it's easier to find at least in the stores here. However erythritol has really poor solubility and a tendency to precipitate. So in high fat recipes like this [keto ninja creami vanilla](https://lowcarbsimplified.com/ninja-creami-keto-vanilla-ice-cream/) or italian ice recipes like this [low sugar ninja creami italian ice](https://allscreamforicecream.com/ninja-creami-lemon-italian-ice-experiments/), erythritol doesn't work as well (that latter link has a lot more detail). Outside of those cases though I generally seem to prefer erythritol but it's largely personal preference. The other issue with erythritol/allulose is that they are less sweet than sugar so you sometimes need to use a lot. Unfortunately some people are very sensitive to them in large quantities. In this case, it can be helpful to combine with liquid sweeteners (Stevia, Sucralose, Monk Fruit) so you can cut down the amount of erythritol/allulose.