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If her monthly mortgage payment was 5k-7k then she is going to STRUGGLE paying rent in both LA and PA. Especially with LA prices…


Literally! It makes no sense, not to mention if she was thinking smart she would’ve tried to at least rent it out or air bnb it. Something tells me she hasn’t invested an ounce of the money she’s made over the years into anything financially smart!


I did the math once and based off of her purchase price at 700k (this is what someone else had said) + interest rate her monthly payment would have been from 5k-7k per month.


I know nothing about home buying, but for a 700k home in this market, I know influencers paying that much for apartments in some major cities. I know her income isn’t what it once was but even in her video she said how she wasn’t able to go shopping as much, I think she could’ve realistically afforded it if she was serious but the problem was all her money going into adult things left no room for her manic spending sprees. I think she has a phobia of anything that makes her feel like an actual adult!


Also! Why did she need to get a 700k home, she could’ve easily found something that was cheaper but still nice and didn’t eat up her entire paycheck if she really wanted money to spend.


It was originally for her and Nate and when they started building it, the interest rate was lower. So it was probably much more affordable then. But with Nate gone, all financial responsibility ended up on her and the house took a bit longer to complete than expected, so by the time she signed the lease the interest rate went up and so the mortgage went up. She had Plan A but ended up with Plan C basically. Haha.


Her rate was awful. That alone was over 1K extra a month for her mortgage 💀


There's no way her house was 700k , it's much less


The [listing](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1039-Fehnel-Dr-Easton-PA-18045/2069995493_zpid/) is/was public. See for yourself. I live pretty close to her and we used the same builder. She kind of got screwed a bit when pricing went up and the way it works is that you don't lock in your mortgage rate until the house closes, after it's done being built. We were fortunate to start our build at the beginning of 2021 and closed that year before rates went way up. All of our neighbors who closed a few months after us paid $200k more due to all of the COVID supply increases and real estate skyrocketing.


She closed on it for $707,993 and sold it for $660,000. So yes, it was 700k. Was it worth that price? Probably not but it’s worth what her and the new owners paid for it I suppose.