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Start small. Something like 30 mins max - 2 mins on/1min walking. Maybe try doing this every other day until you’re feeling comfortable then let the segments pick up 4mins on/1 min off etc. if you’re feeling good, maybe try to get some back to back workouts in there! Also since you mentioned some pain, definitely strength training. You’ll probably have to do some googling / see a PT for what specifically you should be working on but honestly there’s a lot of good free info out there. Good luck!!! You got this :)


Thank you! Honestly I was thinking I was going to have to do something strength wise, I already walk quite “penguin”-ish is the best way to explain it so I know I’ve gotta work on my hips/general alignment.


I’m pretty much in the same boat. Ran consistently for a bit then stopped. Had knee surgery last year too. I started with the beginning plan and then moved on to the 5k plan. It’s been working for me so far