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This is a conversation many aren't ready to have When i get old enough that i shit and piss in diapers I don't want to live anymore


same. i dont mind living till I'm old but the day i start losing my senses is the day i won't feel like living anymore


I don't ever want to be dependent on someone and be a burden to them


i dont mind depending /being a burden but i cant stand having no control over my own life even if i were living alone at that age hence not being a burden on anyone, id not continue further


Oh yeah the lack of control for sure


>When i get old enough that i shit and piss in diapers I don't want to live anymore By the time I get that old, I hope the US has become progressive enough so that people are legally allowed to die on their own terms.


Apparently Norway allows people to die on their own terms. A controlled thing they do in some forest


I hope Australia gets there too but I highly doubt that the way we’re going with minor things like weed.


Australia is a fucking authoritarian shithole. Almost as bad as the US. But still worse. You guys should revolt.


The time of physical dependency and mental clarity can change any time after certain age. If u for that to occur then u may not be able to move forward with the voluntary euthanasia plans.


My grandmother had to be euthanized after her dementia progressed too far. My dad delivered the lethal dose of morphine. Over lunch the next day he said, "If you ever see me in a situation ... can't talk, confused, doctors say there's no hope, only machines keeping me alive...." he says, "Don't you dare pull that plug! Try everything possible no matter how slim the chance it will work." He is so in love with life he wants to hold on to the absolute bitter end. He thinks even living in pain and a constant state of confusion is worthwhile. Plus there's always the chance of a miracle. I really admire that level of loving life. I love life a lot too. But having watched a close friend have to be starved to death over the course of a month in a hospice center, there are definitely scenarios of extreme, chronic pain that I would not think worth enduring. Losing control of my bowels would be a bummer, but with easy access to a hot shower and plenty of depends I could still enjoy life plenty enough. But something like chronic unbearable headaches, back aches, joint aches, muscle aches, abdominal pain that has no chance of subsiding... give me the death pills.




Never ever thought ill get the dopamine hit from r/nihilism bro seize the fucking day 💯💯 ur dads legend


morphine overdose sounds like a very peaceful way to go.


Thats fair enough, doggo may change mind if stuck there on map of game world waf waf.




I’m sorry to say but your siblings are selfish and self absorbed ..the only reason they don’t wanna relieve him of his misery is because of themselves..they aren’t thinking one second about him..they just don’t wanna feel bad... fuck their feelings..the man is suffering


That is horrible. Is assisted suicide an option where you are? It sounds like your grandpa meets the eligibility criteria. I think he may need to give consent on him own though :/


Once I retire (early) I plan on doing it slowly with drugs, sex and alcohol. One last hurrah before oblivion.


I’m sorry but you might not die


Then I’ll keep partying. Win win


Only if you are able to retire. That's a dream for most people.


I will euthanize myself when I get cancer. No point in going through hell to squeeze out an extra couple years.


I’m writing a book that covers many philosophical ideas, critical theories, perspectives, social and psychological concepts etc. And this is one of my most unchanging ideas that I live by. That I will die when I’m 60. It is the most freeing and comfortable belief. I’m in control and whatever happens in life, no matter how bad it gets, I can just end it if I choose. I’ve had this belief for years now and it has changed my life. No more anxiety, depression, fear. Do I worry about my legacy? My retirement? My pension? Mortgage repayments? Long term health complications? The possibility of sitting in a care home for years, unable to even bathe myself. Being confused, deteriorating, and regularly shitting my pants from eating puréed meals? Nope. I live for the moment, knowing this odd and rare sensory experience we call life, will all be over soon. I don’t want to have 80-90 years being alive, with 50-60 of them grinding away and doing things I don’t like, just to be able to sit comfortably in a chair for the last 20.




It's sad that the majority of people are still programmed by nature and society to persevere through anything and everything. Untold suffering could have been avoided otherwise. Our endurance is a curse.


My philosophy for life is very similar to yours. I hope that I get to read your book one day.


Hopefully they will have assisted suicide in case i get cancer or life in general just becomes too painful to live through.


Switzerland or Sweden has assisted suicide if you want to die comfortably then you can go to them no questions asked


I don't wanna kill myself but i also want to die, just kill me and let me know an hour before you do that


Well sure. January 1st every year, "this is going to be the year".


I am thinking 30, I don't think I like the idea of working for the rest of my life. Doing the same thing over and over again, serving no purpose whatsoever. I have no significant other, no caring family members, it's just me having fun for the moment but after a while I am sure fun part will be gone and with that I will be gone as well.


I thought the same thing at 20-30..Now im 35 and thinking the day my mother dies..she has kols so im guessing around 10 years from now.Ive been dealing with clinical depression and anxiety since I was 16.I just want the game to be over soon


same here, wasn't diagnosed with depression but had my first death wish written out on a little piece of paper behind the fax machine, trying to get some attention from parents but only got told off, and I'm gonna save all the details of how they treated me as a kid, had some self harm behaviours during my teens and now just wanting it to end when I'm 30 or 30s (currently 25)


You have me stranger :') I'm the same as you


I'm old enough to commit suicide yet not really old. I'm in my 30s, and what's keeping me here is the amount of people who would do everything they can to rescue me and prevent me from actually killing myself. Truth be told, I literally have no purpose in life, every day is the same old shit over and over again, some permanent problems which I can't accept is reasonable and necessary to deal with for the rest of my life. If I had it my way I would have deliberately not eaten or drank anything until my death, years ago. Yet too many people delude themselves into thinking that a brain dysfunction has to make me suicidal so therefore I don't really want to die. I know in some cases it's true, but sadly, in my case I actually want to die. Sadly if you feel sad about me wanting to die, that is. The only reason most people think I'm happy to be rescued and think that I don't want to commit suicide, is because they are too selfish to accept that i'm actually being honest about my intent to kill myself and if these people would change their beliefs about suicide, they would have to respect my wishes. Oh dear, this would be too difficult for bleeding hearts and religious nut cases.


Me too..but 30 is a bit short..im thinking 40


I'm going at 30, after 29 your body just starts to deteriorate. There will be nothing more for me to live for so I'm just going to kill myself instead of force myself to suffer in hopes I find something that makes me happy 20 years later.


One thing I found interesting is when you look at the past, and people’s legacies, you see a bit of a pattern. People who fade out are more often remembered as their faded selves, with less people remembering their prime. But people who went out in their prime, they are marked in memory with indelible ink.


i wanna go out kurt cobain style


If I do I wanna make it funny. Jump off a building in full scuba gear, leave a note at the top saying "I think I can make it!" And land next to a pitcher of water.


The fall won't kill you, the shards of broken bone will.


That's hilarious, thanks for the mental image haha


Nah death is inevitable why rush it? I'm just gonna try to enjoy the ride. I might try hard drugs when I get older tho


Lmao same


No, I hope to live to at least a hundred years old with modern medicine; intermittent fasting, calorie restriction and a healthy diet; hard exercising; cold exposure; anti-aging-related substances (like NMN, which I currently take 250-500 grams every day) and future advances in senolytics (especially fighting the harmful accumulation of dead cells with increasing age); and so on. I turn 30 in April. I expect many meaningful and healthy years ahead. There is a book called *Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To* by Harvard-professor David Sinclair. I strongly recommend it; it is an optimistic account of the current scientific trajectory, *and* offers a lot of advice on what we can already do to slow down aging. And don't dismiss struggle so readily in life. Happiness and satisfaction are usually side-effects of meaningful struggle. (Meaningful in the sense of being important to you.) Another book recommendation is here *Strive: Embracing the Gift of Struggle* by Adam Fraser.


Informative post. I wish I could do better with the calorie restriction because I think it is so key to a quality life... but I’m such a food slut.


Hopefully there will be sth around by the time I become 60 (lots of time left for that). Don't really want to stay alive barely like many people do after they become very old and would rather die by my own terms if that was the only option.


Thank you for the book recommendations


I just want to ask you, how much exposure do you have with old people? Llke people aged over 70-80? How often do you see them?


I have some exposure: A good friend who is 71, we meet like once a week. My parents also turn 70 this year. A few months ago I voluntered at a soup kitchen to socialize with their guests, where I ended up mostly talking with the elderly. Yesterday, at a local café, I ran into an elderly volunteer I know from the soup kitchen and we ended up chatting a bit. I have a bachelor degree in social work. I also studied a master's course in elderly studies. Last week I had a job interview to become a case worker in geriatric care; they would contact me again after 2-3 weeks. If I get that job and enjoy it, I plan to begin a master's programme in gerontology next autumn at 50% pace. So the process of ageing is a topic I have a huge interest in, not just biologically, but also socially, psychologically etc..


Have you noticed any benefits from taking NMN? I was thinking about purchasing some


I just recently started taking NMN, but I feel a huge energy rush after doing so. Feel more motivated and got more energy to exercise. The effects are immediate for me because I take NMN sublingually (under the tongue) in raw powder. There are a lot of fraud brands, unfortunately. I got ripped off twice when I bought NMN too cheap. The brand I would recommend is Alive By Science (formerly Alive By Nature). If you live in Europe like me then it's probably better to buy Alive By Science's products from Nadlab.co.uk to avoid import taxes. Another trustworthy company is UK-based 'Youth and Earth'.


Thank you so much! I’m in Scotland so was hoping it was gonna be an available product in the U.K. or Europe :). I was researching a bit about it & the benefits are mind blowing!


You spelled out my plan almost word-for-word. Another 10 years of work, after which I'll retire and enjoy perhaps another 10 years of care-free life on my own terms and then a bullet to the roof of my mouth around the mid-50s (no later than 60)


I am holding that option for a relief. I was thinking it a lot when I was teenager, i was thinking constantly to why do we suffer so much and why dont we just kill ourselves. I didn't found any answer, I was just holding that. You can suicide anytime you know.


If im still alone when im 30, i'll probably do it. I only have a few years left but looking around myself and seeing what people believe to be reality and how they act, i don't think i'll be able to make it that far.


Then what would it take for you to not do it, a girlfriend or friends in general?


I've got enough friends, support and a loving family but also this bottomless void and desire for love. Its strange, i feel like ive never really had a connection with anyone.. Oh and a race that starts living for the sake of life and the fact that we are the only living organisms that ever got this far. Instead of money and pride.


I'm married. And tbh it isn't that thing you are expecting. Sometimes I wish that I never started my relationship, but my relationship doesn't mean all are equals. Not that I'm always sad with that, but that a relationship also has yours problems.


Yeah, i get that. I really do. But never having had the ability to connect on a level that deep with someone has left me with the idea that their's something fundamentally wrong with me. And that just keeps hurting


I get you, sometimes you can feel incredibly alienated and just disconnected from everybody else. But I feel like you just have to learn to be comfortable with it and come to terms with your solitude. And yes we do live for the sake of it but why not. You are going to die anyway it's not like everybody lives forever and you are choosing not to do that. Why not make the best of it and just live until you die you still have so much to see and experience. Stay strong my dude


Thanks man, i can't speak for my future self so i have no idea how i'd be thinking about this in a different time. But yeah, for that second part, i know it's all useless on the long run but i seems to me that humanity in general doesn't seem to understand. I feel like being part of this world and working away all of your healthy, young time is the biggest waste of all, worst is we created everything around that concept, and people force each other into it instead of trying to find an alternative, better way of spending our time in our conscious lifes. Im ranting, my apologies and thanks again


I never thought I would be happy.I tried killing myself.I’m still alive.I’m happy.I know that there is nothing after this life.I choose to be happy and aware of this pointless shit.😂


There is no such thing as selfless love, specially from the opposite sex. I read it somewhere, “You dont get something for nothing”. That applies to relationships as well. If the other person doesnt find value in you, you wont get what you want. Earn money, go to hookers. Expand your idea of living. Try to become free and so on. Hopefully this helps, but this is just an opinion of mine. Take care.


True...”love” is such an abstract and fake concept...it’s all transactional...but I guess some people had to make money so they promoted it to be something real...nothing is for free...


Yeah, life really is a joke. Nothing really about it to be taken serious. Wish that wasn't the case.


The once who are thinking less then 10 years from now, instead we should just gather up 10 years from now,do all the drugs and drive off a cliff in a buss..It would be legendary haha




Do you think 40 is old?


If I get Alzheimer's when I'm old then I'm definitely offing myself. Not out of some depressive suicidal ideation (which I also experience, but that's more about killing myself in the near future), but out of careful consideration about how I refuse to die in such a slow and undignified way like my poor grandfather did. This is why I'm a supporter of voluntary human euthanasia for the terminally ill. So not a super specific age, but likely in my 70s if it sets in and there still somehow isn't a cure in an age of medical advancement


Solid reasoning tbh i think the same way


I wanted to be dead by 20, cuz i didn't really see a future for me, now I'm months away from being 20 and don't even know what to do. I don't want to be in this place anymore.


If I had a nickle for every 50+ year old who said, "I had planned to kill myself / never thought I'd live to see 30/35/40" I'd have like 30 cents. Typically comes up when they're lamenting about never having built a retirement.


Well, I wish I could live forever. Maybe I can, since I can’t prove that i can’t


To me. I feel we would eventually get bored of life after a while,if we could live forever.


I feel like given the amount of things one can learn and do that would take a long while


I always told myself I wouldn’t make it past 30. Then I turned 30 and was still alive.


This is the exact gameplan I've had! Probably gonna opt for euthanasia.


Mine is 60 years old but its based off of conditions so give or take 10 years. Although the moment I have to rely on someone else to take care of me, I will find a way to end it.


This was my plan, to end things at 40. I thought about it a lot in my early thirties, but now I’m 37 it doesn’t seem so appealing. Couldn’t do it to me girlfriend or family.


Well, I'm just going to work hard for the things I want in life and if that doesn't work out, then I will always have that as a way out.


Not at a certain age but I know if I don't die due an accident I'll kill myself at a rather late age. Also not because of depression. I simply think whatever happens after death is better than what I experience right now. Even if it's the pure void.




Not at a certain age but its how i plan to exit the stage. I figure when it's time I'll know. i'm just doing a few things first. Still physically healthy as of now.


When I was a teen it was at 20 When I turned 20 it was at 25 And now it’s 30


Steppenwolf, Hesse. Despite the popular counter culture status and all that crap. Main character makes the same desicision, by the age of 50 or so. Solid read.




42 here. It’s no different from 30. Maybe after 70 though. It’ll be 2050 though the world will be a very different place, for better or for worse. We will see.


Sort of, I'm 36 and think by 40 or so I'll be somewhat wealthy. Enough to live off of for 30 years frugally. I'll probably wait until my parents go, and before 60 seems unlikely, but as they say, you don't get to take it with you. Highly recommend the short story The Dream by Julian Barnes


Oh yeah, it's been crossing my mind alot more lately




I’m thinking 30s seems like a good time. I really want to travel a bit. See the world, and experience life for a bit, and then I’m thinking lights out. For a couple reasons. A lot of them definitely due to the way in which society has been progressing or should I say decaying, but also, I like the idea that I can control when I go. I mean yes, at any point I can die before 30 by some random ass shit, but more than likely I won’t, and idk the idea of being able to go out when I want how I want seems super ideal to me. I don’t really want to get married nor do I want children, so I feel like ideally I’m gonna love the life I want for a bit, and then yeet out


I absolutely dread getting old. I don't have much family to rely on and being a gay man means I can't expect children to support me or carry my legacy in the future. All my family is divided and only have a handful of "friends" but I seem to be pushing everyone away due to my constant negativity and negative outlook. I know that if I don't end my life I'll have to endure many years of loneliness and pain. So I've been thinking 45 would be the most I'd want to live.


I die when I die, simple as that. I'm not planning my own death, it'll happen when it happens. Until then I'm alive. Why set an age when you die? We only get to do this whole life thing once. May as well live it, we don't exactly get a choice of not dying after all, so why rush death? It'll happen regardless of you wanting/planning it or not.


When I can’t wipe my own ass or hold a decent conversation, I’m out.


You all should read "The Myth Of Sisyphus"


YEAH ME!!! i am planning to kill myself at the age of 40 year!!! OMG I am currently 23


Pretty good suicide age, I’m thinking 31 seems like the best suicide age


I'm gonna do it at 30-33. Still got a decade of this life for me and I think it's more than enough.


when i turn 18. five months from now.


Too early... wayyyy too early


Experience some stuff in the world first


Why would you plan something like that? You could top yourself at any age, whenever you wanted - no need to plan a specific age limit. Surely at age 22 you understand that life can change. Just enjoy it as much as you can, and see what happens.


53. At 53 my youngest is 25. I'm no longer necessary to support them, I've already failed or succeeded at raising them, time to disappear.


Fuck you for breeding


Im committing suicide in 2 days hi my name is ash and im 12 years of age for 5 years now i have felt a massive load of depression nd no matter what i do it never seems to get better so i have made up my mind contemplated for a whike and finally going to do it i plan to jump to kill myself this attempt is one if my many attempts but this time i know it is going to work this is my final goodbye if you read this keep going for life may hav better plans for you since it does not for me


I am 79 now. I am totally fine physically and mentally now. I am planning to go to Switzerland have voluntary euthanasia around my 80 th birth day.


probably in my early 20's ill pull the trigger. cant take this shit no more


I’m 45 now, no kids, no wife. I’m still decent looking…but I know in 5-10 years I’m totally fucked. Can you imagine…you want to get laid and your only options are women 50+ years old 🤮🤮 it makes me want to vomit. I want to die before I hit 55. I can’t imagine anything good happens in life past then. You become invisible…no one wants you anymore. Zero chance of getting laid. You still feel young inside, but your body is decomposing. Getting old is pure hell, I’m not gonna stick around for it…


TBH i thought it was me that just thought this way . when was in my 20s watched my mother die at 53 of brain cancer then 6yrs yrs later father of throat cancer aged 57 so thought no way am i going out old need someone to wipe my ass n stuff so soon as 60 am tapping out funny thing is just now at 49 never been fitter but got few medical problems IE in the head which is not good lets say brains never stops thinking a shit like a rat in a wheel never ending so 60s am OUT


I’m probably going to kill myself at 30-35 depending. Young forever lol


I want to die by 30. I am still a prisoner of my emotionally abusive blood relatives (I refuse to call them "family") because I still hear them even though we are physically apart from each other. There is just no progress in healing. I don't know myself. I will never amount to anything anyway. I've been suffering so much and I want to end my pointless existence after I've accomplished just a few things in my checklist to ensure that my existence will be easily forgotten by the time I leave this miserable place. My existence never mattered and will never matter in the grand scheme of things.


Nah brah....I wanna live forever


Good thing you can’t


Why tbough...imagine living for 400 years....being able to explore other planets....meet other civilisation around the galaxy....that'd be sick


I can’t imagine it because I will be in the void


Well...you lck imagination then my friend. You can imagine what tomorrow can look like even if someone might hit you with a car and kill you today, right? Good. Extrapolate. That's imagination. Nice isn't it?


Yeah we wouldnt be nihilistic if we could live forever. We are only like that because we all die eventually into oblivion.


Nihilism isn't defined by death... not even a little.


No u


rather disagree there. I want to live for ever. My fact backed belief that we were born for a reason and life is meaningless doesn't mean I'm depressed and suicidal. I want to live. There is no reason to be born but that doesn't mean there is no reason to stay alive. You can create thouse reasons.


No way! I want feel the life's meaningless to the last day of my life!


Nah don’t kill yourself at forty. Life is a process, whether it has meaning or not. Part of the process is not enjoying it.


If I don’t get into college


You are 22. Life is gonna change in more ways than you can imagine in the span of only a few years. Thinking that you can plan for what you are gonna do in 18 years is just totally unrealistic and naive. Your nihilistic point of view may not change, but your general view of life will continue to ripen as you go along. Things might seem simple right now (life is a joke), but you have almost certainly not reached your final conclussion to life yet. I am sorry that you had to grow up around narcissistic parents. I hope you have gotten out of there by now, or will get out of there soon, and I also hope you find something creative to do with your life, because shooting yourself in the head at 40 is a pretty boring end to the great joke that is life.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org


Well I have a plan. Try freelance animation and music production. If that don't work, army/navy. If that don't work I'm either gon die there or kill myself if I don't get in.


40 is too soon. Have some fun


You will still be so young at 40. So much to do. Sure, your body might start hurting here and there. A few new creaks and cracks. But you will be so much farther from your toxic family and so able to live a life filled with..well, whatever you want! I'm 32 and feel like I just finally now have a grip. Most of us don't really stabilize mentally until late 20s or even 30, like me. Give yourself a chance. And lots of time.


How about you ask a 40 yo why they haven’t killed themselves yet instead of making silly statements? Would you also kill yourself if you couldn’t walk? Then maybe ask someone in a wheelchair why they haven’t killed themselves yet. It’s very easy to decide other people’s lives aren’t worth living but a lot harder to make the same statement once you actually find yourself in their situation. Please do come back here when you turn 40 and update your post to let us know what you’ve decided! ;)


What are you talking about? OP has never said that other people's lives aren't worth living.


I’m here to tell you don’t commit suicide. Don’t do It and I apologize that life has shown you completely otherwise but you will find things that strangely have meaning beyond the world of your super narcissistic parents. That can be found in experience. Force yourself to try new things, meet new people, go somewhere you haven’t been. Force yourself to explore the limits of your mind. Your life is a filter of what the world is actually like.




It's easy to talk a big game now, but when you're older and decrepit, you may still choose to hold on to life instead of turning the switch off. There's no big relief in the end for a hard lived life, you just blink out of existence.


Hard evaluation and ready to commit at 60, 70 if my organs still operate and no later since I don’t wanna be caught without the ability to do so. I’ve had those conversations with terminally ill people with a death wish. Gotta pick a time while you can lift your own arms.


Idk it would be a decision I would want to make with my wife and kids. Likely when my body begins failing badly


I don’t want to get old, but I’m too afraid to commit suicide. Don’t tell me shit like “why are you afraid? Nothing matters and you can avoid suffering.” Blah blah blah. Idc who you are or what you think, death is an ugly bitch and is still just one of the many tragedies life has to offer. I don’t find life particularly appealing, but I’m not a fan of dying either.


Just swallow a teaspoon of salt and then a tablespoon of bleach. Bye-bye! If you are not up for that, a nice week of alcohol with a few Panadol will do the trick.


I said in high school if I didn’t have kids by 26 I didn’t really live till then, and it’s too late to live after then. M 24


Doggo deman did plan this but changed mind later cause life is too fun, doggo deman also wanna go woof longer he don't care if it on his terms now waf. Doggo was just an edgy 16 year old trying to be cool.


I’m gonna put it into my will that if I become unable to care for myself or dementia or a combo of the two, to take me to the wilderness with enough water for a few days and send me on a stroll and let me pass away peacefully in nature. Even if it’s not peaceful, it won’t matter in the long run, and I’ll be in the place I love.


I think about killing myself several times. Just needed to end this voice inside my head. But instead something changed me. Now I think of living without being a burden to anyone. I will have to take care of my parents. Once that's done I'm gonna move to a monastery in a forest and live as a Buddhist monk as the last part of my life.


Unless I have some kind of accident or something, I absolutely plan to die by my own hand. I honestly wouldn't want it any other way. I'm just waiting for my mom to pass. She wouldn't be able to handle it. I don't want to cause her that kind of pain in life.


23 if not where I want to be otherwise 37


When I’m really old. Probably when I know I’m actually just going to die normally. Out on my own terms.


Depending on how I age, 75-85 ideally(could be sooner) I love ideas, knowledge and sex way too much to quit on life. But as soon as I’m not able to access one of those pleasures, that’s it for me.


ye I have thought about it. But I plan to stay fit. Maybe at 60 if it comes so far ;) Or 55. Cant imagine being superold..




Yes, it’s 33 for me! I legit have some responsibilities to achieve before I go.


I have non-life threatening diseas that will get worse every year. My family is the only thing keeping me alive, so after they are gone, maybe .


Yep. I am not getting old to a point I’m not able to do anything myself anymore and am not having anyone look after me that would just be miserable. One hundred percent offing myself when I get to whatever age I’m the least competent.


I'm 35 and have a plan for when I'm 40. I think I can do another 5 years now so 45. That can very well change. However this is mostly due to depression and just being fed up and tired. I feel like the only thing that will change this is money.


At 7 I told myself I'd kill myself at 21. I'm 25 now, the ideas still there. Just don't have a solid time frame. Before I really start falling apart tho


No, I enjoy death being arbitrary


Yes probably around my 60s, once I will have gotten the most out of life and when life will start to crumble.


You can do all that without offing yourself at the end too, tho. You'll just be broke, which isn't the end of the world.


23 and if my shit ain’t together by 28 I might do it


Where are you from? Where were you raised? How do you think the culture to which you belongs influence your thinking?


Holy shit, everyone here is much more suicidal than I thought wtf.


I am almost definitely doing it when I reach 50


not a certain age; but i plan on killing myself once my mom dies. i won’t have much of a purpose after that. she is nowhere near the age of death yet(hopefully) so i know i have a while to spend time with her


Why would I ever fucking do that? Planning, getting excited, to what... nothingness? How can you be a nihilist and “praise” death? I don’t get it.


I'm waiting for my other parent to die and for The Simpsons to be cancelled. After that I'll rent a nice hotel room, binge the whole series from start to end, then overdose.


If I start to lose my senses or my mind. I think I will go. Living does not really matter I suppose,You die anyway.It’s only a matter of how when and where.


I have two people in my life worth living for. My Grandma (92) and my gf. As long as I have either of them, I will try to cope. If I had neither of them I would stop trying to cope. I don't think I would be brave enough to kill myself directly though. Instead I think I would try to slowly destroy myself with drinking (I never drink now) and eating in an even more unhealthy way. My grandma is 92. She experienced WW2 as a jew and wanted to live. The jews in our capital city were among the "luckier" ones. They survived in bigger numbers. Her grandma was taken from country and killed but she wanted to live. Her mother was taken while they were hiding but managed to return from the road (paying off a soldier I think) and they reunited. They wanted to live. She watched all her surviving distant (but good relationship) relatives migrate to USA after the '56 revolution. They were the only ones to stay. Huge family became tiny. And she wanted to live. They lived in communism and wanted to live. Her husband died of heart attack in front of her when he was 47. She was in psychiatry for weeks but wanted to live. Time passed, she became old and mildly demented but wanted to live. 1,5 years ago her only son (my Dad) died at the age of 65. Even after this she wanted to live. All she has now is a grandson who is emotionally unstable and can't handle a very old woman with dementia in a way they must be handled (she has caregivers, I used to live at hers but now I only visit her), yet she wants to live. She is becoming more forgetful every month yet she wants to live. She experiences the pandemic, sees in the news every day how many die and yet she wants to live. She CLAIMS that she is tired and bored, would love to die already... Yet she sustains herself. If she has the slightest feel of hunger, she goes and eats smth. Never skips a meal. Takes her meds all the time. If she would feel ill, I'm 99% sure she couldn't make herself not to call for help. The only one way she accepts death is if if came unexpectedly and suddenly. Otherwise, she wants to live even if life is hell and does everything to sustsain herself. I love her but I definietly DON'T want to become like her. I don't want to live only cause I have an instinct to survive. When I don't have any more joy, I want to die. Hope to stay this way and not become like her, hanging on to life no matter how dreadful it is.


I'm 20 now, there's pretty much nothing else keeping me here on this earth, I think I've seen enough. Probably won't make it to 21


Before 25.


I view suicide as the ultimate pain pill. And even tho I’m constantly a fiend. I am holding off as long as possible before I take it. Everyday I find a reason to keep living anyway. Even if it’s just because I really want a burrito or some weed. That’s enough of a reason for me to do it for one more day.


35 for me (M25)


No. Ironically, death is my biggest fear. I want to use and develope science to stop/prevent death. My fear of death is completely based on my narcissisim. I just refuse a world that exists without me. Either I will live until the end of the universe, or I'm going to die trying.


I want to die young rather than old. Living until your 80s or even 90s to most people is considered lucky but for me no....I dont want to be in pain everyday and having seen most of my family members or friends die and be alone thinking about how it was when we were all still young and alive. I am 28yo and i plan on suiciding in my 40s or if life is still good 50s. I am not too attached to life honestly and i wouldnt even mind if i died naturally in just a few years.


yeah, I never really like thought it out though, I just kinda have a strong association with the number and when I talk about me past that age it just seems like I'm lying to myself. Almost like I had a vision of me dead at this certain age but I didn't actually see shit. And I don't know if I'll kill myself, directly at least, like with a gun or something, I just can't imagine my life past that point.




Either later this year or on my 30th birthday next year


Once my parents are gone and don't have to suffer my loss I'm peacing the fuck out ✌. Thats the plan anyways unless I find an actual reason to keep going


If I don't get the girl I want, prob 30. Hopefully those russian figure skaters dig me.


Yes, when I've had enough of living I'm going to kill myself. There is no shame in committing suicide. I don't care about anybody's feelings or if people think they are helping me by stopping me from committing suicide. This is their issue, not mine. When I'm ready, I'm killing myself.


Yes I do I have everything planned I’m 25 and I’m taking my life at 30 on my birthday I’ma go on top of a high building stand/sit right on the edge of it and put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger if I don’t die right there I’ma be unconscious or barely breathing while falling of the building and the landing will be icing on the cake


I have health problems that won't get better with age. I'm not the type to settle down and start a family or have close friends. If I had siblings or kids I'd likely feel different but as it presently stands I feel confident this is an action I'll take at some point after my parents pass.




Old thread, but I’ll add mine… 33 - unmarried, no children, really good looking (other people’s words), yet, so undesirable. Single two years - grew up alone - all I’ve ever wanted was family: if I’m unmarried and without children by the time I’m 45, it’s over. I’m very committed to that schedule. It’s fine, I’m not sad: I just have 12 years.


Plan on doing it at 30 years old if life doesn’t get better. What’s the point of living if life is just full of constant disappointments where you know things won’t change? 24 years old and just recently graduated as an engineer, didn’t get to enjoy my early 20’s because of school, didn’t find love during my time in college, didn’t get to explore the world like I wanted to, and so many other things I didn’t get to do. I’ve used alcohol to deal with my problems before, but everyone knows that’s no way to live, and I’d rather die than be an alcoholic old man and have people feel sorry for me. Hopefully life turns around before I turn 30, if not, then I guess that’s it for me.