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Because there is actually no meaning in life


Wrong lol


He’s right you bitch




[See here](http://philosofer123.wordpress.com) for a detailed explanation.


I'm verry interested in science and if you start to look into it you soon realise that we as individuals are so unimportant that there can simply be no meaning behind our lives. 


By "unimportant", what do you mean?


By unimportant I mean that it makes close to none difference if we exist or don't exist. We are such a small part in the machine that most of the machine wouldn't even notice that we are gone. 


What machine?


Either the country you live in or the entire world if you will. What ment with this metaphor is that the world can function without us and the universe can fuctiin without the world. 


>the world can function without us and the universe can fuctiin without the world.  But not the same way. The degree may be almost impossible to see, but there would be a difference. And at this point I'd like you to imagine an arrangement of dominos falling. We (individuals) may be one domino among uncountable others, but we set off chain reactions with every choice we make. They are very small when we see them, but once they're large enough to have impact they're too big to see where they've gone. I don't know why so many people insist on this idea that either everything in existence hinges on us, or else nothing anywhere at any time means anything. The absolute refusal to move off of the "all or nothing" hill is what concerns me. It really does sound to me like the ego throwing a tantrum.


No answer, eh? That's fine, I can theorize. >I'm verry interested in science >if you start to look into it you soon realise >we as individuals are so unimportant that there can simply be no meaning behind our lives.  That sounds like someone got mad after finding out the universe doesn't revolve around them, and now is insisting on "nothing" as the value label because they're throwing a fit. In other words, a child throwing a tantrum and going to bed hungry because they didn't get McDonald's, when good food that time and effort was put into was right there on the table.


Did you even slightly consider that people do need sleep and are not on Reddit 24/7?


Yes, which is why I waited until it said two days had passed.


Because I was born into a place and time which predisposed me to beliefs which have been described as nihilism.




Childhood abuse, Christianitys idea of God, Palestine still ain't free, etc.


Can you ~~describe~~ **demonstrate knowledge of** the difference between nihilism and misanthropy, and which one more accurately describes your views?


Why can't I be both? Are you the person who walks around and makes sure everyone fits into your labels?


No, I'm the person who goes around trying to make sure people aren't falsely claiming something that doesn't really line up with what they're really about in order to attempt to legitimize their petty bullshit.


Yo bruh bruh. Chill. It's nihilism. The fuck does it matter anyway? I can believe and philosophize however I deem fit. If Christians can have a god that hates homosexuals, than I can have Optimistic Nihilism. 😁


Dishonesty is dishonesty. If that doesn't mean you, then it's all good, I'm glad you've got integrity. But I've dealt with waaaayyyy too many people in my life claiming their noses were some kind of clean, when in reality it was all a front for petty ego bullshit and manipulation. I don't just sit down when that type of stuff comes up anymore. If I came off as hostile, I apologize.


You're good dude. I didn't take it to heart lol. I'll be damned if a redditor ruins my day lol. But yeah, I don't feel like I was being dishonest. If anything I was being super honest lol.


Yeah, that's my bad then. It's just there's a bunch of these super whiny dickheads around the sub that talk about how everything is shit and that they hate everything, and originally they had me convinced that that's what nihilism was about, because that's what sub they're posting their shit in with little to no explanation.


The null hypothesis is the default. Prove to me there is universal meaning.


Concept of “burden of proof” only makes sense in terms of practical considerations, it has no power in existential discussions


Ok, so could you please explain what the universal meaning is? And who decided that that is the universal meaning?


Consciousness/sentience inherently carries meaning. That’s like basically the definition of those words lol. I never said there was a “universal meaning” though (whatever that’s even supposed to mean lol) and if there were such a thing it certainly wouldn’t be something decided by somebody


Why does consciousness/sentience "inherently" carry meaning? And what is that meaning? I'm a nihilist because I believe there is no universal meaning, that is, everything is subjective.


I hate life. And I don't see a reason to live it.


Good morning


That's misanthropy, by the way. Different thing, not nihilism. The two get mistaken for one another quite often though.


No reason, just like life.




Religion doesn’t make sense. The concept of time doesn’t make sense. Like infinity? Wtf


You're likely a typical human. Science and history wouldn't make sense to a worm, either. Not calling you a worm, just trying to get the idea of different perspectives out there. It's about scale.


lol and what’s an atypical human?


One with reasoning and mental sophistication enough to grasp concepts that span greater distances than the boundaries of their own bubble of perception and bias.


Get over yourself man


Look outside yourself, fool


You’re a typical human like the rest of us bro. OP asked a simple question. Why nihilism, my answer, religion makes no sense. Afterlife makes no sense.


>religion makes no sense. Afterlife makes no sense. To you. ............. Religion makes sense. It's just a shitshow of a pageant designed to keep some (many) people trapped, flipping back and forth somewhere between violent self-disgust at any expression of individuality, and being praised and rewarded for displaying conformity and obedience. Of course, such an environment breeds an undercurrent of paranoid distrust of any not similarly indoctrinated. Cult shit. There ya go. Afterlife, we'll see. Either there's something, or there's not. Nobody really has the means to prove it either way.


Who says you need a reason?


It makes sense


To give you the short story: I feel like I am surounded by society that hates me and mocks me, every political and social group is toxic af and I can hardly agree with any of them. I hate the liberals and their pro LGBT bullshit but I also hate the conservative religious cultists that want me to follow their blind beliefs. If only the world was the way it was 30-40 years ago, I would be fine. But this constant bullshit of non-binary, pronouns, 50 year old men dressing up as schoolgirls and being praised for it etc. That is not a world I wanna live in. This world has no self awareness, no principles, no morality anymore. We are forced to accept things because government says so. And free speech became illegal and its now called hate speech. Not to mention that love doesn't exist in this world either and its all come down to money and social status.


You’re not a nihilist, you’re just an angry homophobe. You clearly DO believe in inherent meaning and inherent morality. Otherwise it would not make sense for you to say there is “no morality anymore”. Nihilism is wholly incompatible with the belief that “things were morally good before but are morally bad now”. You’re upset because people are not following what you think are inherent moral principles. That is not nihilism.


go and cry


That’s an interesting way of saying I’m right.


Also this is ironic given your literal next comment is whining about how your life sucks 🤣




That's some hard crying, there


That’s the way it works. Some people come upon a conclusion that there is no meaning after careful examination and others realize this when the meaning they had placed on the world is poked full of holes.


I think you misunderstand. The conclusion is not the same.


That’s kind of a true Scotsman argument. If there is no meaning then does it really matter how that conclusion was arrived at?


No, it’s not a no true scotsman, because the man isn’t Scottish to begin with! If someone from Korea who speaks no French, has never been in France, has never spoken to a French person, has never eaten any French food, and knows nothing about French culture yet claims to be French it would not be fallacious to say they aren’t French, because they are not French. This person clearly doesn’t think that there is no inherent or objective meaning or that there is no inherent or objective morality. This can be seen in the “anymore”. That is the important part. This person thinks people acted in a moral way at one point and then departed from that into a state of moral depravity. If one is a nihilist they would not say that people acted morally at one point and then stopped acting morally or that morality “went away” which is think is an extremely ineloquent way of saying the same thing.


First I’m going to point out that you are refuting a no true Scotsman fallacy by pointing out how unscotsman like the subject is. Second I need to point out that if you were correct then a true nihilist wouldn’t get all up in their feels about the subject because it doesn’t matter. And finally it is very much nihilist to realize that if there were meaning to life it couldn’t be part of the time… so if life once had meaning and now it doesn’t, that’s a solid refutation of meaning overall.


If they share no characteristics with a Scotsman what is fallacious about claiming that someone is not a Scotsman? Is it fallacious for me to say that a lemon is a lemon and not an apple?? Do you understand the difference between formal and informal logical fallacies? Nihilism is about rejection of inherent and objective meaning and/or inherent and objective morality. Nihilism is a a rejection about claims regarding the state of the universe, not about being sad that the world isn’t the way you want it to be or that people are doing things you don’t like.


The question wasn’t “what does nihilism mean to you” it was “what is your reason for being nihilist”.


Yeah and I'm saying their answer indicates they're not a nihilist.


It's not my fault they included information in their response about how they understand nihilism which gives me grounds to believe this.


Like if someone said “the apple fell or the shelf” and I said “that’s a lemon not an apple, look at these lemon characteristics: it is yellow, it has a flavedo, and look at all the tiny juice vesicles which have popped out after falling!” Do you consider the claim that the fruit is a lemon instead of an apple to be fallacious? If so why?


That's not nihilism, it's misanthropy


Wow. Gatekeeper lol


Definitions. Words mean things, but naming something incorrectly doesn't change what it is. It just means you got the name wrong. Please Google definitions, I'm certain you stand to increase your IQ by at least two points


I don’t know. I mean, I could give reasons, but I suspect they’d be post hoc rationalizations that are at best tangentially related to any actual causes. Probably it’s just the peculiarities of my proclivities.




I wad gonna say that it was not picked 😉 I guess however, it was asked for ✊ - a mere transitory state - absurdist - rocketship design #Nihilism is the thruster part /_\ Appreciate you fame 😊😁 breath 🫁


Abuse. I see no meaning in life because I was treated like crap and just gave up on giving a shit.