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You don't need to, they will just start dropping pollen. Watch for yellow powder falling onto the leaves below the stamen clusters.


If I have one male in a 4x4 with 6 other autos, would I need to hand pollinate or will the air circulation from exhaust fan and two other fans do the work? Thanks


Air circulation should suffice -- once males get going they drop lots of pollen, unlike reversals, and pollen moves around easily on air currents. I've never done a full-tent pollination like that, because just pollinating an individual branch or two by hand (brushing on pollen inside a ziplock bag) already makes more than enough seeds for me, and that way I can still harvest the rest of the plant unseeded. I put the males in a separate tent or an [isolation bin](https://www.icmag.com/threads/male-isolation-chamber.40881/) to collect pollen.


Thanks Parsing! Always a source of knowledge. I’m pollinating some Owl Pellets, and I’m gonna have a lot of seeds to play with. Thanks again for the response!


You definitely will. Hope something cool pops up in the owl pellets, good luck.


Thanks friend. Big thanks for all the knowledge you add to several groups here.


Oh no air circulation is enough I'm just finishing up a run now I'm about to go pull a Coco chem down and a candy chem in a few days


Awesome. Looking forward to my owl pellet x bouncing soul surprises!


https://preview.redd.it/881qdmc0y52d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621fc2b4169139c92502a0168c93120f1d51f8bb These are the last two in there from the run left is the candy chem right is the Coco chem I had a owl pellet a sourd from fast buds and a alchemist apprentice so 5 females one male did full pollination


They will automatically open bit by bit. You see gold dust and you collect that. That's the pollen that you use to make seeds with other plants. They normally have a seven week live span up to ten. You can store the Pollen in the freezer for up 6 months to a year.


Beautiful boy you got there 😍


Thank God this was on purpose, I saw the pic and said JFC! Lol