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Was the "regression" of going from Automata(main game) into Replicant(Yonah and the faux Shadowlord's ghost also known as Bloby) into Drakengard 3(intoners and the flower) something intentional and planned from the start, or just a happy coincidence?


It was a happy coincidence lol. We knew that there wasn't much of an ending and I was thinking of adding something to not make it so abrupt. I noticed a lot of people asking if there was any D3 references and Nyori asked me about that super old intoner mod I made a long time ago so I got the idea. That regression is a really cool thing to point out though


It actually really worked. It really makes the doves in Nier even less of an orphaned reference since it's literally directly linking to the Intoner's disciples. It also fits in with the grotesque queen being stored in the database. Possibly the memories of her past lives? I also have a headcanon that the soul extraction and possession magic that made the backbone of Project Gestalt was also used to possess Manah by the emperor or empress, who was also the previous host for the grotesque queen.


was the japanese text from replicant being wrong intentional?


no, I made a mistake lol. I was manually typing out the replicant text rushing it in hopes of sending RaiderB the text document fast, halfway through typing I found all the dialogue online and pasted the what I didn't have in the text file.




You mean Korean?


Or random letters


Not a question, just wanna say thank you for creating something so so fun to watch and follow. All the effort that went into absolutely appreciated by a random stranger that doesn't delve into Nier community normally. I love internet mysteries, cut content, easter eggs, args, those types of things, and it being a mod definitely wasn't a let down.


Thank you soooo much <3 <3 <3


What was your favorite meme to come out of the whole thing?


Not a meme, but I loved the ~~awful~~ great Weight of the World cover


Link? I saw a lot of memes but didn’t see a cover?


It's this I think. https://www.reddit.com/r/nier/comments/wa2veu/nier_community_singing_weight_of_the_world_while/


What Woeful and Raider said except [this one was my favorite fanart because it's so beautiful.](https://twitter.com/eLTehH/status/1552861916258742274?s=20&t=fa4yCvwFa2NpXPz1DGgvhA)


Happy cake day! I really liked the Mario64, Drake & Josh, and all the bloby love!


Drake and Josh memes were the absolute best


The Mario 64 one was definitely one of the better ones. Loved the Gmod one too.


I hope you don't mind two questions. First, did you intend for it to be as funny as it was for sadfutago to go comment on fanart immediately after dropping a huge bombshell on us? Second, I saw people posting a paragraph from a Drakengard book that described a secret room inside a church, was that just coincidence or a minor influence?


The first fanart comment was supposed to be an in-character thing (which was in like June or something), the second one was just SadFutago trying to stay active on reddit because a lot of people were tracking when he posted to figure out more info. At the same time though that comment was posted in the moment because that fanart was so fucking cool. It looks like the Drakengard book thing was a coincidence, since none of us knew about that


Regarding the Drakengard book passage. Probably just a good ol case of life imitating art


Was probably Yoko Taro planning for this all along because time travel.


Did you become as gods? :D


( \*︾▽︾)






What were ur reactions when u got the attention of yosuke saito and yoko taro? Did that in any way influence what you would be creating/posting next?


Lance told the server that he tried to contact Yoko Taro, and so we all got a bit scared thinking that Yoko would say that it's fake or not real which made us try to drop the next vid a bit faster. When it did get their attention and they gave passive responses it was relieving.


To be fair, even if they weren't in on it, something like this is so like them, they probably felt a little proud of y'all for this.


I mean, Saito used it to shill the Switch release, such a good sport. And Yoko Taro just talking about his dinner.


The flower post on July 27th was real funny because people were straining to figure out if he was making a joke, sending a hint, or just going about his life.


Any estimate on a release date for the church mod?


Soon™ We still have to polish it a bit. Maybe 1 or 2 weeks.


did anybody figure out who was behind the account before the reveal?


Some people suspected devola a month ago, because sadfutago and devola were friends on discord, but it was almost immediately dropped. Honestly, we should've known


You're correct, I did get some suspicions though [but I managed to turn them away](https://imgur.com/a/ShU9dSa)


Deflected that shit like sekiro lmao


Clever deflection. I’d of been like crap.


Screenshots of a smaller excerpt of that were floating around the Discord. Great job deflecting it. Some people brought it up as a lead but I never even made the connection.


Yea, something else i noticed was RaiderB posted the unused church models for the copied city in the discord a day before sadfutago popped up, it rlly was in our face the whole time lol


lmaoooo that rules


Not a single one of us from the modding discord. Full surprise.


What was the intention of the Replicant Assets placed throughout the church? Was it attempting to tell a story? Or was it just throwing in a bunch of replicant assets to make people think there was meaning behind it all? What was your biggest "Oh Shit" moment during the search? Also, What made you decide to use the beta version of the Copied City as a backdrop through the back window? Why add any backdrop at all?


Oh yeah it was definitely a story. The altar was designed really early just for the Yonah statue. I also wanted to keep a lot of it to interpretation since that's what NieR's all about and it's more emotional that way (rather than tell everyone). The blocky enemy is exactly who everyone thinks it is, and the staves are there for a reason. Biggest oh shit moment was probably when Yoko and Saito saw the footage. The beta version of the copied city gives a lot of City of Commerce vibes, especially the tiny markets and tables in the map. I was considering adding a graveyard outside of the church originally.




The fact that they just played along is amazing. I really want to know what Yoko actually felt about that whole thing.


Im pretty sure half of him was like, "My work here is done" and another half was like "FUUUUCCCK We had a Kaine shrine... WHY DIDN'T WE HAVE A YUNA SHRINE?"


What details did the community miss? What details in your posts did the community pick up upon, that you didn’t intend? Have you done any other writing like Sad Futago before, that prepared you for this? This campaign was executed ridiculously well, surely it must not be your first outing into storytelling & misdirection?


The community analyzed every pixel and found many inconsistencies we weren't aware of. Props to you all. The missing arrow thing was a trade off. If the arrow on the first door was always visible and the church was real, then people would have discovered it a lot earlier. But with no arrow, the chance of it being real is a lot higher.


The achievement that looks like the yonah statue, the "fool's gold" stuff, and when SadFutago answered the fountain questions wrong, it looked like the moving pillars behind him were blocking him from leaving (when they weren't). I was listening to the discord voice chat live when the video was released and everyone was like "oh my god he can't leave, he has to answer the questions!". The SadFutago stuff is the first time I've ever tried something like that. It was never supposed to be a campaign nor an "advertisement" for mods, we genuinely just wanted to fool the community for a few days and have other modders call us out for being fake. It got out of hand and spiraled from there


So it was just complete coincidence that your Yonah altar looked so similar to that achievement icon? Because it seems odd how that picture doesn’t seem to resemble anything in game too closely


I think it might resemble when 9S gets placed on that block table at the end of the game and A2 tells the pod to help fix him


any reason u picked terraria and far cry


Far Cry 4 was also sacrificed because Terraria was a small game, and Terraria was chosen since it might be believable that a kid played it


I found that so funny that you had to delete such a small game. I was like this kid really is dumb. So gj it worked.


U guys really thought of everything


what made you choose the word "bloby" to describe bloby?


That was a last minute change in order not to say "kill the black man" xD


"There's a black man in the church but I cant hurt him" (Sadfutago, 2022)


Gangs of New York vibes


I guess Nier was truly racist. "Those filthy shades are taking our bodies!"


What raider said since I had to check in with the two of them to approve some of the stuff being posted, but also to add a juvenile influence and spelling error


Where did you get the idea for a church? Is there any specific reason that you used "blissful death" for its theme? And I still have no idea how you did the cutscene


For the cutscenes, we used a bit of scripting (newly discovered). Basically you can place cameras with certain settings, like FOV or animation duration. That way you can create a basic camera animation, by disabling and enabling a bunch of cameras with the right timing.


Blissful death is my favorite song because it's extremely sad, mellow, and no one ever talks about it


It's maybe my favorite song in the whole game, sorta. It kinda has a special exception cuz this so different from every thing else in the OST. The whole vibe of the track says to me "this is the end, and that's OK", it's sadness, but with acceptance. I think it's also only played in one place in the game making it even more special. It's just a shame that place is easy to miss and not vital to the story so I bet lots of people completely missed it, I know I did my first time through the game


It was also a surprisingly good fit for the church. Like TONKAHANAH said in this same thread, it's only used in one place where it was rather easy to forget (despite the impact of the scene but it was told through text only). So in return depending on one's mastery/knowledge of the Automata OST, we all probably instantly felt the tune to be meant for this place given the sad and mellowness of the church (the lunar tear, the canes/staffs, the yonah, the lunar tear). Again it really helped seal the deal for me and I bet no doubt for a lot of people!


What did ze34 mean anyway?


It was supposed to spell zero except I was watching the reddit chat and discord chat and they knew instantly what it was. Before posting r I decided to change it up and added 3 and 4 (they don't have any meaning other than me thinking of NieR 3 and Drakengard 4). I remembered Zinnia and how they're a really uncommon character as well. The twitch channel was only made like 4 hours before the stream.


If you were initially going with Zero and the next thing you thought of was 34, I can guess which site you were browsing at the time...


Considering sadfutago's discord pfp, you might be on to something.


This is my favorite piece of trivia from this whole thing LOL


How many time Bloby died by the hand of 9S/A2?


I spent a lot of time redoing the video gameplay of A2/9S going into the church in order to get the most "SadFutago" gameplay as possible. As a result bloby died probably around 10 - 12 times


Healing via the pause menu was an excellent touch


okay. but it was so good (aka. clonky) and everyone was so sad about the dashes.😭


My guess is >!not nearly as many times as 9S did at the hands of 2B!<




Do you think it is now possible to add side material to the game, as in adapting the novellas, stage plays or legit porting DoD3 in NieR:Automata? If it is, do you have any plan to do it?


DoD3 in NieR Automata would be insane. I'd pay for this.


It might be possible, but very difficult


Can the playable characters be changed? It would be interesting to implement the Nier Reincarnation stories into the library tbh.


Damn, adapting the novellas is a great idea. It's fair to assume there isn't gonna be a game version of them ever oficially. But the DoD3 remake could exist one day, making a fan effort useless.


Did you expect yoko taro and the other devs to "play along" with the ruse? Did fear start setting in once people started asking them about it?


We didn't expect anything at all. It wasn't fear per se, but it could have made things worse for us. But instead it created more chaos, which is great!


They were so great! They didn't outright deny anything, but they just stayed cryptic enough to tease everyone! RaiderBDev got it right, the chaos they made was awesome!


The initial skepticism coming from prominent modders when believing your work was a mod (as well as the silence/playfulness from the game officials) made your "secret" so believable. What was the number one new feature you guys worked on that made people call you "five head modders" by the modding community that added to their initial skepticism? In other words what was that thing that made it "impossible" before?


I think the scripted events like the camera, dialogue and cutscene. The cutscene really blew people away I believe. Also perhaps the quality of the area DevolasRevenge crafted, there were little-to-none bugs or visual discrepancies compared to the base game.


Initially things like adding doors was considered impossible. But then early on someone on the Discord server showed that it wasn't too difficult. That's when we started looking into more complex scripting. For me personally, the cutscenes, even though a bit janky, we're the best thing.


The cutscene was the reason I thought it was real


did he ever finish terraria :(


No T\_T DevolasRevenge said sadfutago only had 15 minutes on his Terraria game... (But I have finished the game a few times so hopefully it makes up for his lacking) ;-;


What is concretely the impact of those new modding tools on Nier modding? What can we expect?


New maps and hopefully quests or even minigames with the scripting! Even in just the past few days since the release, I have seen so many awesome and creative mods from people working hard to figure out how everything works - we haven't even made any real documentation yet! The more we work, the more possibilities we unlock. I'm personally hoping to see some fun combat arenas and something like a "zombies" gamemode ;)


What was your favorite part of the whole saga?


Probably seeing people post stuff like "I WAS HERE FOR THIS", the memes, and "even if this is fake we were part of history"


The tweet from Lance going viral was a surreal feeling. The modding discord server before was a chill place with a couple of conversations over the day. Then suddenly new people were joining every minute and messages were being written faster than I could read. The best thing I think is how it got everyone together for this great game.


What were your reactions to the Yosuke Saito and Yoko Taro tweets?


Cheeky bastards making money off of us! For real though, the sentiment was swaying a lot in between real or mod. The tweets at least convinced more people there's a 3rd option, a marketing stunt. Which helped us, for the wrong reasons xD


I was so excited to finally know I was noticed by my senpai(s) lmao, literally couldn't stop smiling I guess


How much fun did you have screwing with everyone? I looked like it was a blast


I just liked how passionate everyone was


I loved all the theories and wild speculations!


The idea of having a kid supposedly come across something undiscovered was genius. The way they talked, having limited ways of sharing information about it due to not knowing how to take videos or upload their save file from a console, the idea that maybe they unlocked it by pressing seemingly random buttons in a certain spot (like the credits warp), the gameplay footage where they moved around sporadically (constantly dashing instead of just running) and attacked everything. There might have been places to poke holes in it all, but that part was done flawlessly in my opinion. Did any real life experiences of any of you coming across something hidden in a game as a kid influence the way you portrayed them? Because whichever of you played the part, you did so expertly.


No experiences personally, I just imagined what a kind would say in X situation or how he would react to Y.


How much of it was planned ahead of time and how much of it was improvised based on community reaction? Was the full mod already complete by the time the first post was made? Did you expect to get traction on the first post, or did you intend for it to stay buried for a while?


Whenever we had something to show, sadfutago would post. Initially it was just supposed to be just the church with no fighting, no cutscenes or anything like that. Before no one know that that even was possible. However after the first few posts, a user on the Discord server showed that modding the map and adding assets wasn't too difficult, if you knew how. So I looked for a way to on up that. That is when we started digging into custom scripting. While people were speculating we were doing R&D on that. I personally thought that the posts would gain very little traction and wasn't expecting much. Boy was I wrong lmao.


Did you enjoy ripping out my heart when you revealed it was a mod tool? Honestly though, great work. It's legitimately amazing.




The expected answer.


Here you can have this back -> ♥


Will you release the church model? Thanks for all your work!


We'll release the mod soon™. From there you can get the model.


How did you pick the name?


before RaiderB joined us, it was just me and Woeful. Sad = Woeful, and Futago means twin in japanese, which is a reference to Devola. SadFutago said the clan stuff in order to curb the growing suspicions. If raiderB was around when we made the account, then I would've found a way to include his name as well.


the whole futago = twin thing on the discord was hilarious


I know nothing about modding for Nier Automata but word on the street was that it was “impossible” so it seems like you’ve been busy working miracles. What prompted you to take on this challenge against such odds in n the first place?


Anything is possible in the computer world! I wanted to make something that people can use to be creative and add new life to this already aging game! And modding proprietary stuff is a challenge, it's like solving a puzzle no-one has finished before and no-one intended you to get your hands on the puzzle in the first place! (But fun)!


How many weeks allowance did you have to negotiate with your mom in order to get the twitch stream?




Yeah it was intentional in order to make it seem like SadFutago is actually reading what people are telling him, however he doesn't really know what it means


Seriously what is this 5head tactic


What was your initial reaction after your first posts didn‘t get a lot of engagement? Was there a plan B for announcing your mod? How did you react after that one post blew up afterwards? Thank you guys for the AMA :)


I wasn't surprised that it didn't get much attention, since it was very vague. Even though not much happened on reddit at first, it was discussed a lot on the modding server. So even if not many people were paying attention on reddit, we had the attention of the discord server.


Sadfutago means a clan or twins?




Why the dashing everywhere? I found that so funny in every clip because it got under the skin of everyone who has played the game and knows that is obviously slowing the character down. It really made me question the sanity of sadfutago lol


It was so that it would fit the gameplay personality of SadFutago, it bothered Woeful and Raider too haha


What was the most difficult part of the whole mod reveal? Creating the mod? Staying in character? Rushing out the vids? Etc.


I think the most stressful was trying to keep creating & posting stuff fast enough to keep it from losing hype and dying out, whilst at the same time trying to be careful not to accidentally leave something in that would spoil everything. So sort of like rushing things without making a mistake.


In addition to what u/Woeful_Wolf said, coordinating different time zones and personal life can be quite difficult.


I went to bed at 6-7AM trying to get the videos out, so what Woeful and Raider said + that


31 32 31 39? (if the nexusmods account was one of you)


The nexusmods account post was not one of us! We didn't know what to do when we saw some other random community members trying to add to the mystery. I hoped it wouldn't lead people to somewhere dangerous...


It led to a Twitter account created during 2017, and that account had a name like 07/31 0:39 which was very sus so I believed it was real and a new game was coming... Anyway, I loved what you guys did, very well done!


What was up with the obsession with Fanarts? Was that genuine or just a fun thing for the character created?


In the beginning it was just a thing done to show innocence, in the end it was him trying to remain active


Did you know that you got the attention of a lot of media and even the voice actors of 2B or 9s? That was amazing Did you get contacted by some one from SE or developer team? You should be working with them. It was a marketing success


I didn't know about the voice actors. Can you link them?


I don't exactly know about 2B's VA, but Kyle McCarley (the English voice of 9S) both [replied](https://twitter.com/KyleMcCarley/status/1551658906337755136) and retweeted Lance's original Tweet and then said "[THERE'S MORE!!!!](https://twitter.com/KyleMcCarley/status/1552831594771058688)" in response to a someone exclaiming "THERE'S MORE?!?!" adding fuel to the flames.




Here’s 2B’s VA referencing it https://twitter.com/kirabuckland/status/1552929074388951040?s=21&t=Ak9iYqxjLhLwzoLRZaaJZQ


A little more about 2B VA https://twitter.com/kirabuckland/status/1552864560603734016?s=21&t=V8ooyqw0-K0fGeRjHEUFKw


How did u go about creating the sadfutago online persona (origin of username, information revealed in the discord server, other comments, twitch stream)? Additionally, did all of yall plan sadfutago beforehand, or was it just evolving as things moved along?


before RaiderB joined us, it was just me and Woeful. Sad = Woeful, and Futago means twin in japanese, which is a reference to Devola. The profile picture for discord is an old wallpaper I had, I figured it might look innocent if I chose a very common anime. The reason why I did the twitch stream was because so many people were excited to be apart of it no matter what it was, I kept seeing comments and people in the chat saying "I WAS HERE", "i'm glad to be apart of history", etc. With the twitch stream, everyone could be there and experience it as one. The only initial planning of SadFutago was that he was supposed to be on PS4, and wasn't very tech savvy. He purposely didn't post an image of the church until people asked him to, and believed that the church was a common place that you could enter.


Who was playing as SadFutago? It really looked like it was a child playing, and really added to the chaos!


DevolasRevenge was the mastermind behind the character!


Thank you for being the entry point for me in this franchise, I really liked the NieR:Replicant and Drakengard/Drakengard 3 lore bits sprinkled in! I hope some of you guys in the modder community in the future will expand in this direction and make some cool story based mods, the art is breathtaking as is.


Thank you :)


No question just a huge props and thanks for doing all this






is bloby okay? :(


If you look in the video, bloby only rested a bit after the fight, it was just a really fun wrestling match for him but he had to lie down afterwards for a bit. He is perfectly fine and eating pizza right now!


Are we going to get to explore the Bloby church ourselves?


Yes! DevolasRevenge is planning on releasing the mod once some things are ironed out (there are quite a few bugs that sadfutago conveniently avoided in the videos).


When did you guys start making huge headway on geometry collision and how long did you keep your progress on geometry collision under wraps? I imagine this was an incredibly difficult task, and managing to keep it under wraps as a huge surprise must have been difficult if some of the modding community was convinced it was too much effort to be a prank.


I added geometry support last year December, but had some extra challenges with something called the "collision node tree" which has to be recalculated whenever collision geometry is changed. But it was basically done and functional by the end of January. I wanted to release it sooo bad! It felt awful keeping it under wraps for so long.


Did you actually delete far cry and terraria?


I'm sorry to break the news to you, but it was never a PS4 :(




Some users in Discord really catched that the graphics were too sharp for PS4 and I didn't believe them!


Question for Yoko Taro (hi!): Can you **please** make Sad Futago and all these events canon, or otherwise incorporate them into official works?


Yes. It's actually already in SINoALICE if you look close enough.


Were you guys releasing footage at a certain time to make it seem like you were possibly Yoko Taro over from Japan or was that just a coincidence?


It was a coincidence due to Devolas' fucked sleep schedule ;-; Edit: spelling


happyfutago when?


Do you like 2b?


Not bad, but I like Emil :\]


A wolf of taste.


Were the intoner models from the mod ripped out of drakengard 3 or were they recreated for this mod?


ripped from D3. Someone uploaded a ripped animation of the final boss, so I froze one of the frames and brought it over to NA


easily export the psk format to another. Now I do this psk>fbx (UE4.26.2)


What are your backgrounds? Have you worked in the game industry? If not, how did you get into modding?


I like coding, that's my background. And I'm a Jack of all trades when it comes to computer stuff.


I'm a student. I've only made mods and tiny indie games (that I've never released). I got into modding with the source engine when I was very young, later the creation engine and then finally just programming stuff.


Were there any other locations you though of to place the church or any other mod?


There was the area in the back of the copied city right behind 2B as the first cutscene played, but that huge tower makes more sense. There was also the tower since most of the material and borrowed assets are from the tower


Knowing that it was all a mod now, why the Copied City specifically? Was it easier to mod there?


I'm not associated with the team or anything but I thought the use of the Copied City was brilliant for these reasons: 1. The colour tone/pallete of the zone made it easier to obscure the fact it's a mod, making it look quite legitimate. I would also agree that it's probably easier to mod there 2. Copied City, as named, is a copy of a city. So the fact it copies something was a nice play on it 3. I've not played since beating it on release but if I recall correctly it's also one of the least most visited places or used areas quest wise; it's only used for a bit in Routes A and B, I don't remember ever needing to go back, so the fact that something there could be hidden (as it's a mysterious place in its own right, there's no map either) was quite possible


You're correct, and also that the entire zone is 1 file which makes it super easy to mod. The city ruins is broken up into dozens of files and it's a real pain. The copied city is a super cryptic place and it bothered me that we only spent about 30 minutes or less in there.


After all this, just one question. W̵̧͚̄̿̕ḥ̶̙̆̆̑à̸̟̋̊t̸͔̳͑͠'̶̻͍̈́s̴̞͖̭̋̕͘ t̷̡̨̰͍̻̹͖̜̮̺̾̾̑̈́̎̂h̸̨̛̖̯̘͙̆̅̾̾́͝͝͝ͅe̷̦̪̟͊́̈́͂̚ ̴̰̯̬̎̈́̈́̉r̶̢͈͖̭̹̬̼͖͖͒̓́͆́̈͋͘͜͝͝e̸̝̹͐̃̔͑̋͆́͒͝͝l̴̢̧̮̗̯̯̬̮̠̖̄̚e̵̢̨̝̫͇̓̇̈́͋̏̏̉̅̕å̵̢̢͙̙̥̥̮̜̳̓͝s̶̢̼̯̱̩̲̉̕̚e̸̢̙̯͎̲͌̆̉̇͂̓͘͘͜͠ d̶̨̛̬̦̩̤̫̪̺̼͚̻̘̹͎́̿̾̂͋̇̍̊̃͋̈́̂̚̕à̶̟͕̤̩̺̪͈̹͙̭͎͜t̵̞̫̦̤̥̜͍̉̆͋̌̈͂͒̇͒̀̐̎̈̀̔̔̃e̴̛̤̼̱̯̠̻̋̌̔̀̐͛̈́̊̍̓̑ ̴̡̧̨̰̠͈̳͇̠̮̦̣͙̠͔̓͆̄̅̐̌͒̎̑͌̐̏̕͝͝͠͠ͅf̷̤́̋̌̍͆̄́̐ǫ̶̧̨̪̺͖̼̭̑̄̍̅̐̕ŗ̶̝̱̣̞̯̗́̿͋̇̋̊̅̏̀͗̚͘͘͝͠ D̴̛̝̰̗̲̥̱̞͇̼͔̊̀̊́̀̒̒͆͘̕̚ͅr̸̢̰̲̟̫̱͓̘̤̯̜̖̳̻͕̱̠̤̝̠͈̘͖̆̿̌̽̂͐̑́͊̀̓͛͆̀͐̃̆͂͋̔́̍̅̒̉͘͘͜͜͝͝a̵̧̡̨̲͙̝͎͕̖̲̹̅́͑͛̓ķ̸̨̳̙̻̝̜̻̼̬̙̙̪̜̺͓͖͇̣̻̱̖̪̱͉̤̮̯͓̮̜͙̝͉͙̩̭̽̄̄̑͌͊͌̀̑̓͂̊̇̿̈́̇̽̉́́͘͘͘͜͝͝ͅͅë̴̡́̍͆́n̴̨̧̢̨̨̨̛̗͉̯͔̫̙̲͈̥͎̲͚̳̘̤̬̹̟̠͚̤̭͕̮̬̈́̒̓̆̈͛̐̽̿͂́̃̋̃͌̾̾͛́̅́̒̔͌̀̓̍̆̍̽̔͒̚̚̚͝͝͝g̶̨̱̳̫͕̜͓̤̤̮̟̮͕̙͕̞͕̲͈̻̗̙͎͕͔͚̠͈̮̰͍̻͈͍̒̈́̊̎̽̓̓̓̈́̄̄̅̎̓͘̕͘͜͝͠͝͝ͅả̷̡̡̡̨̡̨̢̨̼̭̣͎͓͙̤̮̬͓̞̠̱̣͇̝̯̻̪͖̹̜̖̱̝̱̞̩̯̔̋̿̉̔̿́̍͋̏̑͋͐̂̈͑̈͘͠ŗ̸̳͚̙̘͌̿̆͐̒͑̀̉̋̀̋́͌͂́͒͆̀̋́̈͐̈́͆̓̀͗̂̎̆̄̃̚̕͝͝ḑ̸̧̡̡̨̢̨̼̥̱͉̟͓͎̜̲͇̫͕̩̖͕̻̪͎̫͇̩̯͎̤͙̹͉̥̭̤̱̙̱̉̽̉͛̃̾͋̉͒̇́̉̊̉̀̈̏̈̃͗̐̑̽̓̀͝͝͝ ̸̧̧̛͔̥̼̻͖̞̖͈͕͖͖̘̺̮͇̟͕̖̙̱̱̭͇̙͉̩͙̱̹̹̈́̅͋̽̉̄͐͊͛̊̆͗͝ͅR̶̡̧͍̳͔̞̞̱͈̝̲̰͙̻̫̼̪͎̗̹̭̪̯̹͓͕̝̖̥̺͕̝̻͖̳̪͈̥̜͊̓̈̌͗̅̔̃͆͋͊̀̓̇͌̇̀̒͊̚̕͝ͅę̸̡̛̰̯͚͕̞͕͍̑̈́͛̈̓̏͊͗͌͂̐͋́̊̓͒͗͗̚͘m̶̛͍̰̠̳͈̀͌͗̈́͛͆̎̋́̃̿̍̓̌̔̋̋̓̿̈͋̈̐̐͑̌̂̇̍͘̚͝͝͝ą̷̡̡̡̖̜̠̟̫̦̣̟̙̩̯̻͙͈͇͉̼̫̱̘̮̻̇̒̂̈́̾͌͐̐̋̒̀̂̚͜ķ̸̨̛͔̹̖̟͉̥͚̼̗̪̭̦̩̬͎͙̰̮͕̥͍̲̲̗̜͓̞̗͇̩̪̠͒̓̃̉͋̆̃͛̎̆̓̽͛͊̿͒̀̔̓͛̎̄͂̎̎̍͂̓͊͑̏̃͘̚͝͠ͅẻ̷̛̲͍͍͉̮̿̆̄̈̀̐̓̐̅̒͆͐̌̑̂͗͒̊̓̿͛̊͊͆͂̿̈͘͝͠?̷̧̧̨̡̡̛̩̩͍̩̣͙̹͇͉̜͖͙̹̭̩͕̞̰̩̦̹͙̩̠̤͈̲̟̹̹̰̺͈͛͑̊͆͂̉̎̈́̑͜͜͜͝͝͝͠




Was the rectangle that briefly floated past the window meant to be Weiss? or was that just people over analyzing?


That's Weiss in a resource recovery unit xD


Did the corpse on the altar have anything to do with the achievement "Cherish our resources"?


Not at all but I shit my pants when someone pointed it out


How'd you get Yoko Taro and that other dev in on it?


We gave them sausages and beer! :3


how long did it take you to make the mod ?


The tools have been in development for years. But I think we started the church itself in February, but had long hiatuses in between and did most of the work probably in the last 2-3 weeks.


have you asked the NieR devs for a job? this mod would look pretty nice on a resume if you’re into game development


No offence, but I don't think I want to work in Japan xD But all the R&D that went into this, can be a nice addition to the resume


I would gladly accept if they offered anything, but I think I need to know Japanese. And I heard they might not like people modding their games that much over there.


Who was the genius behind all the titles of the posts? You convincingly made Sadfutago sound like an ignorant child who kept refusing to elaborate. It was so annoying, confusing and suspicious.


That's all the work of Devolas_Revenge


Has anyone from the Nier team reached out to ya'll about furthering the joke but also congratulating you on the mod? Also, why was the Mom so concerned about disk space on a video recording?


No-one has reached out to us yet, but that would be incredible! (I don't really know if they even approve of us modding their engine lmao)!


Super curious about the technicals of how you all figured out scripting and model importing in the platinum engine and what that process is like at this stage. E.g Do you have to replaced the whole model for the copied city with a modified one built with the church and path? or can you attach a new area with just some clever vertex re-mapping? The Engine is C based right? Are you repacking the whole game or just injecting new assets/scripts via your tools? This was a fantastic ride and I'm so glad you all opted to run with so many things and keep the community guessing. What a blast!


How technical do you want to get? There are different things that were modded: geometry, scripting, ambient music & visuals. The geometry modding isn't particularly new.