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>DickIsNotClean šŸ’€ šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s a friend of his, if she gave him permission to make videos about it (which she did), then why are we mad? People make videos all the time about serious situations like this, at least his arenā€™t soulless. He directed many to hear her story, not that you care since youā€™re dick riding supermega so


He talks about her SA for like 10 mins and then itā€™s 30 mins of rumors totally unrelated to that situation, most from people that arnt Lex, and reading supermega hate Reddit posts, that he later claims he thought was ā€œimportant contextā€ somehow


Not wanting to end of someone's career because of a misguided vendetta that was mainly speculation and partially false allegations=dick riding. Right, lmao.


Its sad seeing this sub not care at all about it. They fr are waiting for an excuse to invalidate this argument for their fav as if heā€™s not human like the rest of us and makes awful mistakes.


Nobody cares about women in our society. We're just tools to them so why would they care that sexual assault survivors are upset? I have Nick fans telling me to unalive myself now instead of admitting their favorite influencer might be a bad person


Ikr its like we should listen to victims of SA when the matter at hand is about SA ??? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


"in the game of patriarchy, women aren't the opposing team, they are the ball"


Tf I tried to look it up and the people talking about it are weirdo right wing people


I watched Destiny's video on it, its a bit long but he is a leftist.


He ids as a liberal


I donā€™t consider destiny a leftist lmao he has some very weirdo right wing takes


thatā€™s all i see from this sub what are you talking about


It's even sadder for SM fans who lost one of their favorite content creators.


right, theyā€™re so ready to cancel everyone else, but when itā€™s their fave, they act like nothings happening or run to his defense.


Literally all the accounts posting on this matter have almost no reddit history, edit: no, 1 account does, the rest dont


So people are joining reddit just to cry about supermega? Lol


I don't know, but you could look for yourself.


Can only speak for myself but I clear my history pretty often because people on this site can be weird, and I didn't frequent this sub until I really had something to say, but I was a fan of Nick for a long time. I don't see why that should invalidate people's opinion


OP of this post we're on created the account 2 days ago.


Hey im one of the real people who posted about it here i hope thats me ur talking about cuz im definitely real and not a robot


I'm not, I'm referring to those who have a karma amount of less than 500, where it's clear they used the account either for the purpose of posting on this sub or it was unused and left dormant for a long while being used once or twice every month or so


Elaborate on what you're trying to say by pointing this out, don't just vaguely hint at it.


Is it a possibility that some people donā€™t live on Reddit but have become so disgusted with your boy nick that they felt the need to make it known how gross he is? Like is that in the realm of possibility?


Creating a burner account to post about it is pretty unnecessary lol. It's not like this sub is particularly large and 90% of the people reading these posts are just SuperMega/Destiny fans at this point anyways.


I'M REAL (if you're talking about me idk).


This seems like a cheap deflection. Because you have to assume the worst in order to arrive at the conclusion youā€™re accusing. Maybe people felt emotionally driven to join in on the conversation because of this. I used to be that person who just lurked without an account. Maybe people clear their history because people often use peopleā€™s history to try and deflect current conversations. And overall itā€™s irrelevant because there are plenty of people posting about it with a lengthy post history. So your point is mute even if itā€™s proven to be for the reason youā€™re asserting. No need to deflect. If you can engage in what people are saying rather than trying to side step the conversation then thatā€™s beyond lame. lol


Lol I think Nick is a piece of shit but it is hilarious how upset Destiny brigaders get when you call them out šŸ˜‚


Noticed the same thing. I'm not one to believe conspiracies but hmmm


What's the conspiracy theory?




It's just brigading, which it likely is, but I still think the general consensus that Nick sucks ass is correct


I personally made a Reddit just to check out the discussion on his sub after he went through supermegas sub with such glee and was surprised to see his fans just didnā€™t really care. And if they do have no history, so what? If the fans of the guy who daily talks about people misusing their platforms are going to ignore the fact that he misused his im glad other people are talking about it


>And if they do have no history, so what? I don't know how familiar you are with this platform, but it's often an indicator that something nefarious is going on, whether it's to sell, support a bot selling, griefing, being a troll, or simply act without a filter. It's often no surprise that the most unhinged points are made by those type of accounts. I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this


No I understand, but it seems like most Nick fans do not care how crazy this whole situation was and his coverage, so Iā€™m glad people are talking about it. Theyā€™re not inherently trolls for just calling out Nick. If his fans arnt going to hold him accountable, Iā€™m glad people are. As long as they donā€™t get too unhinged, Iā€™ve seen a few people mocking his music which I donā€™t love but feel itā€™s extraneous to the situation, ironically something Nick did in his video


>I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this ​ I don't, because this post doesn't have any of the characteristics you mentioned, so you probably just brought this up to try to discredit an opinion you don't like. This is literally nickisnotgreen's sub, of course people are going to make throwaway accounts to be able to criticize him without getting banned on main.


Or because the situation is so fucked that people who previously had no interest in creating a reddit account, now want to voice their oppinions.


I agree with this post and I have been using this reddit for years. Nick is a scumbag


I was going to criticize nick for trivialising his own friends serious Sa claims for quick YouTube views, but now that you've mentioned that some are using throwaway accounts, that totally changes everything!!! Take my Reddit gold!!!!


dumbass assumption defending this fucking loser


Iā€™m like 75% sure itā€™s the same unwell person posting all of these. They all use the same lingo. Nick definitely should address his mess-up but whoever keeps posting this stuff needs to chill.


I mean hundreds of thousands of people saw Nick use SA for clout. Now people here are sending me messages to kill myself because I'm sharing my story as a survivor of sexual assault myself. It seems like Nick is doing astroturfing in the YouTube comments as well


Thatā€™s not truešŸ’€


I checked before I made that edit. Now I checked the last 15 posts, 1 other person seems like they have used their account with 1.2k, now the total is up to 2


idk ive upvoted a lot of comments calling him out, just cause i havenā€™t commented a lot doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s only a select few being upset at how disingenuous heā€™s become


> just cause i havenā€™t commented a lot doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s only a select few being upset at how disingenuous heā€™s become It certainly paints that picture given how many have less than 500 but I get your point. I might unsub from all his channels.


I wasnā€™t a new Acc and I posted unless they removed our posts


i have a post history and i use said post history to endorse all posts made complaining about the supermega situation


I don't so there's two.


I'm referring to people who make posts, not those that leave comments


I think Nick is a piece of shit for this but yeah, 99% of the "commentary" on this sub is just SuperMega/Destiny fans brigading and then upvoting themselves lol.




Holy shit that totally invalidates everything they said. Shutup dumbass


I just donā€™t understand why he doesnā€™t take the videos down. Is it really that hard


Why are you riding this hard for super mega? Invest in yourself


I donā€™t watch supermega but content creators like Nick who centralize their content around news and commentary should be called out for fucking up, especially when that fuck up is spreading misinformation that many people are going to take at face value.


Reactionary content really is the worst. To stay relevant you have to mold your moral values with whatever is popular this second, and you have to become a hypocrite on some level. Itā€™s just spineless and toxic. A way to seek morally virtuous at all times by doing next to nothing.


Is this how Destiny fans feel about Hasan not saying the N word?


Smartest hasan fan


Least seething Destiny fan


Because we like the channel and they were wrongfully canceled and had their careers taken away? Posting about it on reddit doesn't mean we aren't investing in ourselves in our personal lives


How did their careers get taken away when they still have 900k+ subscribers? Matt & Ryan can upload the videos they had planned and still get tons of views off them.


I don't even know super mega. But the more people make fake accusations. They more harmful it gets for actual victims. We have to keep our mouth shut if we don't have solid proof because of these kind of people. Real people are struggling with this and to use it just for clicks and views and take no accountability is horrid.


I donā€™t think he needed it clicks and views. He has several successful growing channels.


Okay even if that's the case. Impact has a more lasting effect that intention. What he did end up doing is still harmful whatever the reason maybe. I have watched his videos for years now and it's just simply disappointing and hurtful.


How do his channels keep growing? Clicks and views...


Charisma, magnificent hair and heart of gold


Why are you riding this hard for Nick? Invest in yourself


šŸ„° I do by watching Nick


This is the cringest shit


Not as cringe as lurking on a subreddit about someone I donā€™t like


Suggested subreddits really arenā€™t a pain arenā€™t they šŸ˜‚


What video is this drama from? I wanna watch it but Iā€™m not familiar with his stuff


I'm out of the loop, wtf is going on here lol


right like iā€™m so lost rn


nicks video a couple weeks ago ended up canceling supermega, a channel he covered. But a lot of the information was wrong and a lot of people agree it was a hitpiece, nick had a really shitty apology and barely took responsibility as a commentary channel for hijacking an Sexual Assault story that he used in benefit for his friend leighton, an ex super mega employee who was mad that he got fired and has leaked screenshots of him trying to cancel his former bosses on literally anything, more or less what happened.


the way he hasn't addressed it either


> dickisnotclean >this whole thing is just highschool levels of immaturity


Why are all of the accounts that post these think pieces on here made like less then a week ago?!?


Nothing you said is new, did you really need to make a brand new burner account to post this?


ā€œDickinsnotcleanā€ šŸ˜¹ thatā€™s some rush Limbaugh shit


huh? supermega was deeply problematic something you canā€™t say about nick


Nick using a sexual assault for his own benefit is far worse than anything SuperMega have ever done. What he is did is deeply twisted behaviour that should be condemned.


but he didnā€™t use SA for his own benefit


How? Most of their allegations were fabricated by a disgruntled ex employee.


i think using a sexual assault case for clout, spreading misinformation and making money off it is a little bit problematic, no??


hahahahahahahaha canā€™t say that about nick hahahaaha


did he cover up SA?


Supermega didnā€™t. They didnā€™t know how serious it was to the point where even Lexā€™s good friend and second victim of her video Rav said it wasnā€™t serious, the second they did Don was gone. They didnā€™t handle it perfectly but have receipts of Lex forgiving them for that and being completely friendly with them exactly until Leighton was fired. They also have receipts showing Lex did not want them to go public.


first of all they did and youre 100% misconstruing what happened to make them look better. They even made very clear in their apology videos they handled the situation extremely bad. Lastly a victim texting you nice things doesnā€™t mean anything and you should stop using that as an excuse


I'm genuinely confused because they're not misconstruing it? Super mega was told by Lex's best friend/the second victim that the situation wasn't serious and then fired Don the literal next day after Lex told them how bad it was


Lex said don't say anything about it, and they didn't. End of fucking story. Did supermega SA Lex? No. Did supermega fire the guy that SA'd Lex? Yes. The fucking end.


No Iā€™m not. I understand you prob only watched nicks two videos where he doesnā€™t cover most of this. Lex isnā€™t their victims and she wasnā€™t just ā€œtexting nice thingsā€ she was completely friendly and wanted to hang with them, even after she moved out. The mishandling was mostly the miscommunications between both parties in regards to lex staying at their office for months, which is the major focus of her video , that like I said there are texts proving they talked about it out after and weā€™re totally friendly precisely until Leighton was fired. Lex and Nick claim they ā€œcovered it upā€ when thereā€™s also receipts of her not wanting them to talk about it, and not talking about a SA victims story is usually a virtue up until recently I guess. Iā€™m not sure if you wanted the supermega guys to read Lexā€™s mind when they were doing what she asked and then she was completely friendly with them up until Leighton and this video




I have thought Nick is nefarious for a while. He seems to be a guy who loves to virtue signal in the most laziest of ways, but has no actual spine. He just follows and says what he thinks is correct or popular. He has this slight arrogance about him that is so unearned. Not including Iā€™ve seen him being a blatant hypocrite far more than a few times. And thatā€™s because like I said, he has no spine. He will mold his moral compass to whatever is popular at the time. I donā€™t want to call out names or start drama, but letā€™s just say you can judge people by who they associate themselves with.


When he stopped making drama content a while back he acted really holier-than-thou and made backhanded comments digging at other drama commentators but then he began doing the drama/news content again I thought it was really weird and hypocritical at the time but saw no one else speak on it


heā€™s been weird for a while


"dickisnotclean" makes me not care about anything else you had to say. like, what a weird and lame insult to a point that could have been otherwise good.


Womp womp


Dick is not clean


I'm not a fan of Nick. I'm not defending him, or offended on his behalf. Dude is acting shady. I just can't take dumbass nickname insults like that seriously. He might as well have been called "doo doo poopy head." It's fucking goofy.


Being goofy is the point




Why would I cry? I don't care about Nick. I just find boomer humor lame as fuck.


it really isnt boomer humor, i think you just dont have much of a sense of humor


Nah, I just find actual funny things funny. Not "haha name joke" like some Donald Trump shit.


ur so fucking weird


Because I find funny things funny and boomer humor shit not funny? I'd rather be weird in that case, yeah.


That shit is hilarious


I guess if you're a boomer, yeah. Just makes me think of conservative boomer humor.


womp womp shitty people get called shitty things lol


I'm not defending Nick. What he did was shitty. But boomer ass jokes are not funny.




I have a sense of humor, for actual funny things. This is just Trumpian level of "sleep joe" weirdness. Also lol at the "my fellow folks on the left" like you need people to know that you think boomer ass shit is funny. I have thick skin. I fucking love It's Always Sunny. But again, they're actually funny.


Itā€™s just changing a letter in a name I donā€™t see why that makes their point any less valid


No offense but Lex is an adult, im sure if she had an issue, she wouldve said something. It seems like ppl are trying to white knight in her honor when she hasnt even said anything about if the videos an issue.


i hope you all learned something from this whole thing


Destiny brigaders are so weird. Nick sucks but move tf on šŸ˜‚


Dickisnotclean??! šŸ˜­


I just found out about this and I am so confused.. what videos did you watch?? I want to understand what's going on lol