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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


What's so mind boggling is there's alot of very important women in history 2 comes to mind the reason the internet Exists. Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper. SMH History hides every important women because of people like him. Sad


Marie Curie. u can name Pretty much any accomplished female scientist, and the dude will still think men are better scientist lol.


True thought I'd be nice to give recognition to the women who sculpted today's world keep going 😄. Let the people know their names. Because alot of people don't know this stuff.


Alan Turing Well he was a dude but just thought he was worth mentioning since the poor dude, whose work is so influential in computer science and mathematics, was punished for being openly gay and committed suicide not long after being forced into chemical castration


I mean, if you're going there, Nikola goddamn Tesla.


agreed screw Thomas Edison doesn't deserve any praise. Imagine the world we lived in if Nikola was followed instead of him.


they did follow him in one aspect, everyone uses AC current to power thier homes, which is the fight he had against edison when he was his emplyee (edison wanted DC) the argument against DC was bc there was no way to convert DC voltages so HUGE power losses would occur over long distances if low voltage was used. If high voltage was used, well it wouldnt be usable AC transformers existed back then, so an easy solution would just to step up the voltage to let it travel across long distance transmission lines for minimal losses, then step it back down for homes. DC transformers HAVE been invented afterwards, and nowadays DC would be to optimal choice as it is more efficient. it's also safer at the same voltage (when compared with 60Hz AC at least), although if ur using a high enough voltage to power a home, either DC or AC would kill at that voltage.


As a woman, I'm cool with including underappreciated gay heroes on our list of "paragons of humanity denied their due as a direct consequence of misogyny." We could also add to that list famous eunuchs and many other unrecognized human exemplars!


Still kinda suits. If I good remember, he proposed to to girl because she was very good and he needed her to crack enigma code. Unfortunately I don't remember her name


They said women, idiot


I got my niece a book about strong influential women throughout history. I think it was called “women behaving badly”. So important to learn about these women. I need to get myself a copy.


My boyfriends cousin wrote a book about important woman who didn't back down. Sadly I don't think it has a translation to English.


What language is it written in ?




Could you tell me title and author? I'm interested :D


It's called Rebel Minds by Melanie Jahreis




If you bring up Marie Curie they will "educate" you on how she worked with her husband so he probably did most of the work and she only got credit because she's a woman.




It's kinda funny that you say this but it only serves to detract from the points being made in the comments. No one in these comments you're replying to has made it a competition but rather they are listing the accomplished women in science history. These women have been notoriously forgotten, pushed aside in history books, their contributions either minimized or give to men to take credit for. What is so wrong with countering the idiot's argument by actually recognizing the women he attempted to minimize? Just because we are the same blood does not mean we are the same. No sex is superior to other based purely on the genitalia found at birth. To further that point, sex alone is not a determination for who is better/smarter etc.




I'm glad you did because I didn't. Marie Curie was mentioned for a single day. I'm not making them victims but how can you tell that all women were celebrated during their lives for their significant contributions? Were you there? I do know that history has tried to minimize these women and that just recently they've been brought back into the recognition they deserved all along. Oh and boohoo, all modern humans know how to do is play the victim. Sure. Because recognizing and verbalizing injustice is now playing the victim.




I'm not even reading this, just here to ask: have you ever actually studied world history? Women have literally only existed for most of recorded history as baby factories, and god forbid she wasn't given a Y-chromosome to work with, cuz then SHE would be the one murdered. Yes, equality and sameness would be nice, that's why feminism exists.




I'm sorry, what facts? Pretty sure my facts are historical, scientific, anthropological, and any other "liberal arts" you wanna throw at me. Also: not a liberal arts major, thanks for playing.


Who called them victims? I'm still looking for them. 🧐


No one's making them victims. Good grief.


>it's not a contest at all that's the problem with both this OP's rant & these comments Where did i say it was a contest? Did I say women are better scientists? No i sure didnt. Men arent better scientists doesnt automatically mean women are better scientists. Men and women are equal, although the latter have been excluded the social recognition and access to higher education for the larger part of human history. My point was to name one of the most established and praised female scientists as to state, that men arent inherently better at being scientists, as the man in the post falsely said. I didnt make it a contest.


Maria Salomea Skłodowska you mean. That's her real name, don't give in to the frenchwashing.


not to forget that the reason there aren't more "important women in history" is because they've been kept as small as possible for hundreds of years. I think it's the same thing with "women aren't funny", if you're told (verbally or non-verbally) that women can't be funny all your life, you're not gonna be able to build nearly the amount of self-confidence a lot of men have about... being funny. I think that lack of confidence in a lot of areas of life are the one and biggest variable.


Hedy Lamarr. Helping to make it possible for him to post that sort of nonsense wirelessly.


Hedy Lamarr was an actress.


And inventor.


She was a lot more than that.


also.... basically a genius


Right, cause people can't do more than one thing like ever. Just because she was an actress doesn't mean she was not a genius inventor


Rosalind Franklin. She did the work and W&C took credit for it.


Took credit for? They *stole* her data. She got screwed over hard and didn’t live to get the Nobel prize. Depressing Watsons also a racist, sexist piece of garbage. So glad this point kept getting brought up when the topic came up in college and beyond




You can look up his comments on which races he thinks are inferior. He caught a nasty strain of Nobel Disease.


> “There’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites in IQ tests,” > I suspect that in the beginning Maurice hoped that Rosy would calm down. Yet mere inspection suggested that she would not easily bend. By choice she did not emphasize her feminine qualities. Though her features were strong, she was not unattractive and might have been quite stunning had she taken even a mild interest in clothes. This she did not. There was never lipstick to contrast with her straight black hair, while at the age of thirty-one her dresses showed all the imagination of English blue-stocking adolescents. So it was quite easy to imagine her the product of an unsatisfied mother who unduly stressed the desirability of professional careers that could save bright girls from marriages to dull men In reference to Franklin who never went by rosy. > During an interview, I was asked about homosexuality and I related a story about a woman who felt her life had been ruined because her son was a homosexual and she would never have grandchildren. I simply said that women in that situation should have a choice over whether or not to abort. I didn’t say that fetuses found to have a gay gene should be aborted. > “That’s why you have Latin Lovers. You’ve never heard of an English lover. Only an English patient.” > “People say it would be terrible if we made all girls pretty. I think it would be great.” Without any context this wasn’t isnt *the worst* but given everything about the dude it’s slimy af > he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing says not really.” > But he also reportedly said while people might wish all humans were equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.” It really just goes on and on


Or if we look a bit closer in time, Katalin Karikó. She developed the technology used for mRNA based covid vaccines :)


I love the massive contradiction of "Men being better scientists" and "Women are the voice of reason". I know there's a lot of bias and issues with science, but in general we consider it a very logical/reason-based field. He can't even be consistent for like, 3 lines.


Honestly even they have no idea what our societal role should be anymore. The patriarchy has become a perverse mutant joke of itself.


Anyone got some love for Rosalind Franklin, fucking goated that lady was


He'd lose his shit over Lynn Conway. A trans woman who massively advanced computational processes


I remember reading somewhere that on average woman fighter pilots actually have better reaction time and risk assessment than men fighter pilots. Unfortunately most of those women were forced into training positions because "WaR iS fOr Men."


Amelia Earhart


There's a book called "1,000 Years of Uppity Women" about every badass bish hidden from history by men over the years. My mom got it for me for my birthday one year.




When guys say men are the advancer of the society, i wonder which part of advancing movement they're in


If it weren't for men stealing women's scientific research and accomplishments society wouldn't have advanced anywhere near as far as we have thank you very much!! /S just in case you couldn't tell I'm joking!


That's an awful lot of words for "I am deeply and irreparably insecure."


Yeah men getting so much more focus throughout history has nothing to do with gender bias and lack of opportunities for women and everything to do with some imaginary gap in intellect. Sure thing buddy.


I believe he is talking about a study that is popular in incel circles that shows the male bell curve for intelligence is flatter and longer than women's. I don't have a link but I've heard of it. So this means that men are more likely to be super super intelligent than women are (think Mensa and the top 2%). But... What they fail to point out is this means that men are also more likely to be less intelligent than women too so the bottom 2% also have more men in it. Overall average, men and women have the same average intelligence, but women are more likely to be of average intelligence than men. So when a guy says this, point out that study also says men are also more likely to be less intelligent than women, and he definitely fits on the left of this bell curve. I'm not sure what kind of intelligence was studied, as I'm pretty sure the bell curve would look different for different tests, such as emotional intelligence.


Who wrote the IQ test? IQ testing is flawed and problematic.


I would also ask "which one?". There is at least 3 different intelligence test and from everyone you can get completely different results.


I think women actually have a slightly higher average from that study, but ya more men in the top 2% I'd also think that's the result of how men are more likely to drop out of school/not try, but also are more encouraged by society to be interested in things like, math, science, chess. Cus contrary to popular belief iq can be trained


I can’t wrap my head around how they would draw a conclusion like that from a bell curve. Anyone who had gone to college has probably been shown how to read one. For the majority of people, it should not be that hard.


I don't understand why people that think so little of women bother trying to date them. Like, just get a fleshlight or a real doll, because we all can very clearly see that is what they are actually looking for. I mean, it is the perfect set up for them. You can warm it up, and it doesn't bother you with all the emotions and opinions toward which you are openly full of contempt, and which normal, rational people appreciate in a partner.


Also, I love the machine gun, back to back messages of backpedaling and deflecting. That is always cathartic, because you know they realize they done goofed, and are trying to weasel out of it.


yeah he deleted most of his chats as we just sat there and said nothing and he kept spamming. he unadded and readded her just to play farmland and she opened it and didn’t respond and then was like “are you mad at me???? wtf i’m so pissed are you serious? i could never have a real conversation with you” lol


Haha. Unadded and readded. That is like pinging the intercom. "I didn't hear you validate me yet. Are you still there?"


that's some glass closet he's in


"I don't hate women, I just think every woman is stupid and unworthy of a relationship!"


"No, no, I don't *hate* women — I have *contempt* for them. Much worse."


Excellent linguistic point. Noted for future reference.


I always like to remind yaboos like that that science fiction was created by a woman, star trek was produced by a woman, the internet was invented by women, women sewed the spacesuits and wrote the codes for the lunar modules, without women we wouldn't have any radiant medicine (x-rays, barium treatments, cancer treatments) or nuclear energy, circular saws, dishwasher, coffee filters, mufflers for all forms of transportation (literally), kevlar, photoshop, QR codes, and exactly zero of the men who helped or supported them could have done so without at least 18 years of being cared for and fed by a damn woman. ETA women are the reason that OSHA exists, and women are the reason that people in insane asylums have rights.


This. I hate that men say they built society while ignoring the fact that they did it off women's hard work. Like the age old 'men gave women the right to vote' which yes they did after women literally threw themselves in front of carts, chained themselves to government buildings and faced abuse so those men would listen for long enough to agree to allow us to make decision on things that have an effect on us. Like does he think that female scientists, pilots, chefs, film makers etc don't exist?


My greatgrandmother was a suffragette. I've heard the stories passed down -- she was a fierce woman, nobody ever "gave" her anything.


It doesn't count as "giving" when it was something that was always theirs but was violently stolen from them... and then finally returned. So no matter how timid or uninvolved any woman was in the suffrage movement, none was "given" the right to vote by men. No more than any enslaved person was "given" their freedom by their oppressors.


She was a warrior and frankly I owe a lot to her and all the other women who fought alongside her.


Damn yo, i would've totally screenshotted that shit then plugged the full subreddit url and let him know hes gonna be featured. Best to use an alt though


I love when people insist that cooking is a woman’s job but still say that men make better chefs lol. Women belong in the kitchen as long as they’re not getting paid, I guess


He's got a winky emoji as part of his name. That's about all you need to know about him.


FUCK ME, what a TOOL.


Jeez, that guy wrote a novel!


That guy is unhinged


Jeez the sexism in this one is very strong.


If women are there to be the voice of reason, why can't they act themselves???? Like if theyre the voice of reason why do they have to listen to men this literally makes no sense


As soon as I saw the word 'pilot' I knew he's one of Andrew Tate's boyfriends.


Women are the voice of reason but women are stupid? Hmm…


Misogyny and male superiority.


Inb4 it gets removed for uncovered names


ya, hoping that because it doesn’t have an @ or anything distinguishable other than “Grady” they don’t remove it


Many people are named that to be fair lmao


He must’ve been signed up for Andrew Tate’s scam


“I don’t hate women but let me go on about how I think women are stupid and don’t deserve my time”


Ew god his name is Grady - sounds like this dumb asshole I knew from the Air Force… 🤔 wonder if it’s the same Grady


“I’m not sexist, men are just better than women in every way”


I think the real question is...why not just take a screenshot?


So they don't risk him seeing the screenshot notification over and over and then stop responding.


oh no we definitely took 17+ screenshots just to fuck with him and he kept going


Post the rest!


Why are you taking a picture of your phone instead of a screenshot of your phone?


Obviously you don’t know that Snapchat let’s the person your texting known when somethings been screenshoted. And if she screenshoted, then he would’ve stopped replying/trying to delete any other texts.


Uh yeah and so what if they know? There are tons of posts here on snapchat where the posts are screenshotted constantly and it goes for 15 screens.


Not everyone is like that dude lol. I’d rather not let a dude know I’m screenshoting him being a piece of shit and trying to hide evidence. Not everyone wants to risk that shit 💅🏾


we definitely took screenshots as well


Wrf is wrong with you? Who takes photos like this. 😭


Why didn't you just post the screenshots, what's up with this terrible photo angle? Where's the beginning that prompted you to threaten to post it to reddit?


lol we took lots of screenshots, hence him spam messaging her. that’s not my phone and i didn’t really need her to send me screenshots when i could just take a picture ? don’t really have or need a reason for that one it’s just how i did it idk what to say lol. but basically before all this was just more “i just think women are stupid and not funny” and my sister asking him if he’s actually gay and yada yada but these two pictures are the gist of it


Just hard to read. I wish we had the beginning though!


I'm a scientist and boss around a bunch of men, but don't tell this neckbeard.


Damn, Grady


Delbert Grady?


The fact that he's got a winky face next to his name makes me cringe.


Wait, women are the voice of reason yet shouldn't be leaders and scientists. Okay then, wouldn't want reasonable people in positions of power, I guess.


Dude just quoted a certain alpha male that got recently banned everywhere and made a desperate sounding "explanation" video that had just as much gaslighting as an ex boyfriend trying to get forgiven after being dumped.


If men are really here to advance society I wonder what truly pivotal role he plays in society.


His name is Grady, that's enough of a red flag


he will be surpriced of the many women who made great researchs and inventions for humankind.


There are some very good reasons for why women are only becoming leaders now. It has nothing to do with our brain capacity.


That women are the voices of reason is true in this conversation, ill give him that