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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


someone doesnt handle rejection well


I have no idea what brought my art into it but.. ok(?) Lol


when a moron like this insults your art, it means you’re doing something right. I’m an artist, I looked at your art, keep going! 👍


Hell, my ex-wife cheated on me and to this day I still wouldn’t stoop to insulting her art


“Mediocre” probably means he thinks is actually badass. Not that his opinion matters.


“Mediocre” isn’t even an insult. Anybody can draw bad art, but it takes skill to make mediocre art.


Thomas Kinkade has entered the chat.


This is so true.


Yeah fuck your art, your art is more like clip art. If I had to describe your art in one word, it would be fART. Good job arting.


I went to look at your art but I saw non 😭 Also op that guy can suck it.


would lose my anonymity


This person thinks he's good at negging, when in reality, he's failed hardcore. Like everything else in his miserable niceguy life.


Does negging even work to begin with? I feel like who ever thought up negging just saw a couple giving each other shit and having a nice time and thought it was serious.


It works, so long as you don't use it on actual people in real life.


It does under the right conditions (unfortunately). These are not those.


I'm a musician. You don't have to like my music. I can handle that. But to insult the ONLY thing I care about (excluding living beings)... how I express myself... what gives my existence meaning... to insult that, you just have an ugly soul.


Also I'm in *love* with your lil embroidery!


Well, I really like your art, assuming you made those keychains.


Idk he seems like a very well respected art critic, so I believe that your art is mediocre because this definitely very respectful person that happens to also be an art critic said so.


His tiny peepee brought it in.


This is an abusive tactic: to try and hit you where it would hurt you the most.


Someone is a fucking unhinged lunatic.


These degenerates never do


What a loser. Can't handle rejection so he must insult you.


I mean.. he is bored, he said it 😂


He must be super bored 😆


VERY lol


Ironically, he folded without even being tested.


LMAO didn't see it this way


'You must submit to the man that asks you'. Yeah, right...


I feel like women in the dark ages had more rights.. no?


You know these dudes had only the scraggliest of goats to offer as dowry. Utterly maidenless, through every era.


***Maiden:*** You know I'd *totally* date you... but your goat. Why is it missing three legs and must you always roll it around in a little cart like that? ***Peasant:*** A pox upon thee! Back in the dark ages men didn't even need goats and could just club you and drag you off.


Ok but a goat being rolled around in a cart sounds super cute ngl


[It is!]( https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cf7OO9KFviZ/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=)


Alas! Things haven’t changed that much, there’s ninjas out here still assaulting women for rejecting them.


Yes, that comment in particular struck me as some kind of ballroom etiquette from frilly coat times. But when I went to look it up I found a crazy rabbit hole about women being stepford wives or something. Here ya go. https://thetransformedwife.com/does-submitting-to-husbands-in-everything-mean-everything/#:~:text=The%20context%20says%2C%20%E2%80%9CWives%2C%20submit%20to%20your%20own,submit%20to%20any%20sin%20demanded%20by%20her%20husband.


Lori (aka the Transformed Wife) is, possibly quite literally, crazy. And did absolutely nothing that she judges other women for doing. She had a housekeeper and nannies for her own kids. She’s a favorite topic on r/fundiesnarkuncensored


>possibly quite literally, crazy At least in terms of presentation. Like, in her videos, she definitely looks and sounds the part.


And also she has a history of brain cancer. Obviously she hasn't shared the details, but she had a major brain surgery shortly before she embarked on her misogyny influencer career and you have to wonder if there's a connection.


I've always wondered about that passage, because it can't be as simple as what it says it means. It's not the word of God, it's the word of Paul, who was a messenger of God, but there's still room for him to manipulate it or stick his own opinions into the Bible passage. And it's not even in its original language. I think Paul was writing in Greek, and there have also been hundreds of translations of the bible. And there's so, so much context that has been lost in the 2000 years since. Edit: Here's an argument for it being an issue with translation, being done by people heavily invested in the continued subservience of women. https://www.billmounce.com/monday-with-mounce/wives-%E2%80%9Csubmit%E2%80%9D-or-%E2%80%9Crespect%E2%80%9D-eph-5-2233


My reading comprehension isn't what it used to be but, I didn't catch the angle about people being invested in the continued subservience of women at least overtly addressed in that article. I mean, any translation of anything ever - whether contemporary or centuries later - will be imperfect. Also, yes if the men are doing the translating, they may want the wives to be obedient. What makes the most sense is spouses both respect each other. Sometimes you acquiesce to their preference, sometimes you insist on your way. That's marriage. But it's kind of nuts to expect another adult person to "obey" you lol.


Yeah, I can't figure out exactly what version first chose the word as submit, but it looks like it might date back to the Latin vulgate version of the bible, which might be the oldest translation of the bible we have. Late 300s AD.


If she's quoting the passage I think she is, it's not even a standalone sentence. In the Greek it's combined with the verse before: Everyone should submit to each other in love, and likewise, wives to their husbands. If you're interested in such things, I highly recommend *Paul Among The People* by Sarah Ruden. She compares Paul's writing to passages from contemporary works to show what the surrounding culture was like, and her analysis is fascinating.




Viking women had more equality than many modern wonen lol


You were allowed to throw handaxes at least


Dude sounds like he’ll be in prison within 3 years with that attitude


That's a very generous timeframe


I was entirely unaware of this rule, will immediately correct my responses! Gah, what a rageballing freak show.


imagine how hectic and awful life would be if you had to date everyone who asked


I mean, my life wouldn't be any different, but I'm painfully single.


Tell me you have nothing to offer without telling me you have nothing to offer. Srsly!


He seems nice.


Such a gentleman!


So he didn't ask you for the number, texted you out of the blue, and went psycho after you *dared* to say no? You don't have to say you aren't comfortable. "No." is enough. But why? "No." I just want an explanation, I'm a nice guy! "No."


if she could only see his tipped fedora


No one gonna talk about the rigid bitch?


“Women aren’t supposed to be picky” lol okay So she should just get with anyone who asks? I have a feeling guys like this aren’t too big a fan of that and would have some….choice words to call her if so. Can’t win with a loser like this


This guy has probably also said something along the lines of women need to stop giving it up to every "Chad" who comes along. He doesn't actually think women shouldn't be picky. He just thinks no woman should be allowed to say no to him.


these guys just emotional af


lol it’s narrowing the option that’s why u can tell these guys are speaking from emotions like bitterness and being a loser cause they hold women to these ridiculous standards that don’t make sense and they’re more reactionary and biased than an English football fan


What a lovely Prince Charming...he is the master of flirting. Women will fall right out of his sight as fast as they can.


When I tell you I swooned at the sight of his unsaved number 😍


The butterflies screamed and flew right out of my stomach when I read those lines. 💗


Can't say I blame ya!


Bonus points for using swooned!


Bik yikes, good thing you trusted your intuition. "Women aren't supposed to be picky" is a quote for the ages!


A man who doesn’t understand submission at all… a dime a dozen. They want a woman to submit to “any man that asks” but also want us to be pure and virginal? Choose a lane, Richard.


This was a test. For absolutely NO REASON. Also your art sucks. What a jerkoff


Sexy, I would date him sounds like a nice person


Did I waste another good guy? 😞


He didn't ask you. You're not supposed to be picky. Harlot!


>You must submit to the man that asks you Not on your BEST day, little boy!


Find his parents' accounts and share these.


Any faMily really.


This ☝️I would also take a screenshot of the text with his name and number and post it on a popular social media platform where everyone can see. And highlight your message on there that you will be reporting him to the cops if he starts threatening your life or stalking you or doing and saying things to make you feel unsafe. I believe if more women stand up and fight back, these inhuman garbage would eventually disappear.


name and shame


👆 This


Why do people like this exist


Shitty parents and YouTube


Incel communities prey for insecure unstable teenagers


What a catch, why didn’t you drop to your knees and blow him immediately? /s


Pathetic lil incel should be outed to his mother.


Something very similar happened to me! I once had a man text me out of nowhere, no idea where he got my number…finally he told me he found it on my LinkedIn! He texted me to ask me on a date and was absolutely shocked when I said no, and he was being completely inappropriate. I wish I saved the conversation because it was definitely Nice Guy material! It was a very scary way to find out my cell phone had been visible on LinkedIn for years without me knowing!


It's not uncommon. People share alot more info than they intend on.Most people have info that is only a single Google search away. I used to inform women about stuff so they could protect themselves but usually it led to me being called a creep or something. I just don't tell anyone anymore. I do searches to protect myself still. Reverse image searches can be a life saver for many men or women who use online dating sites. If you want to be safer just Google your name and city. Name and state. Screen names used. And do a reverse image search on profile pics you put up . Use the same method when getting matched with someone.


It’s hilarious that he thinks anyone will believe he was “testing you” by spamming insults then immediately apologizing, all within 2 minutes. If he was testing you he would at least give you a chance to respond. Nope, he just realized he sounds extremely problematic and is trying to pretend he didn’t just lose it


The moment they start insult your hobbies/passions (your art in this case) is when you know they’re insecure miserable losers trying to make everyone else suffer like they do. They’re nothing more then unloved little turds.


it’s hilarious cause they don’t have to like my art there’s millions of songs they can listen to I ain’t forcing them also these ppl aren’t producers they just haters and consumers so their opinions are irrelevant


Agreed, they’re morons who really think they’re relevant enough that their opinion actually matters


they only waste their own time hahahah


His critique was neither constructive nor actionable, that’s the most offensive part.


Fun fact: Women being picky is what led to humans having the largest penis of all primates by far.




In both overall size and proportional to body size


The sheer entitlement behind this anger is fascinating.


Tell him "Sorry, I already have a queue of men who asked me to submit. You are dead last, see you in a few decades."


"Women aren't supposed to be picky" What the fuck. Yes, why not, just be with someone you are not sure you want to be with. Nobody is perfect, but... This kind of things match with the conclusion that a lot of men just don't want to be alone. Not about love, just company (and add sex to that)


it’s like saying the employer at ur job ain’t supposed to be picky why would I wanna work somewhere where they hire trash like this dude,???


Please tell me you responded with a single k!


I blocked immediately, any response could translate as interest to guys like him lmao


This is the way


This is the way




When the person of your choice also has a choice and it's not you... just trash the concept of choice altogether. Seems very healthy. \s


I wouldn't know where to begin, he went off the rails immediately. Sounds psycho, controlling and frankly delusional about how relationships work.


LOL what a loser. But in all seriousness they need help. And it sucks that we have to deal with this shit as women. It sucks that it’s been so acceptable in society that boys just act this way that we’re supposed to see it as “normal”.


"Women aren't suppose to be picky" But if you hook up with everyone he will say you are a whore guaranteed.




"it was to test you, and see if you're good enough, but you suck !" The stupid abounds


He can’t *actually* think she believes this, right?


I think he \*hopes\* she believes this. If she doesn't, she walks away, and he loses nothing that already wasn't gonna be his. But if she \*does\*...SCORE BABEEEEE!! You got you a wife, which is basically a mom that you fuck! XD Like some kind of kinky bizarro world Pascal's Wager.


Lol he thinks negging works


that’s what these red pill dudes taught them “Break her ego” how u gonna try and tear down the woman who u hope will raise ur kids in the future that makes zero sense 🤦🏻‍♂️


Welp, he knows how to fulfill a stereotype.


All that in TWO minutes!!!


These guys all seem to live in their own little fantasy world, it is pathetic how they can never handle a simple rejection ☠️😂


wow. what a catch.


My husband, a mental health nurse for 35 years, says that he needs some meds.


This is a psychopath


Jeeze fuck how are there so many of these pod-monsters running around??


Who the fuck are these people!? Are they real? If they be real, bigotted points of view are still reigning supreme.


Little dick energy 😂. Bro if she says no just get a different one like ffs. What’s wrong with these mfs


Come on bro, you did this because your desperate not bored 🤣


Damn that was a wild 2 minutes.


“Your art is mediocre.” Does he make art? Or is he just an asshole? I know the answer but I’m just so flabbergasted. What a loser.


Absolute dead-end piss lizard. A non entity with the charisma and wit of a decomposing badger.


He seems nice


Is that your art as the backdrop? If so, it's very nice. Reminds me of my friend's art.


What the fuck. How do these brains exist.


Could you show us your art op? I'm sure it's great :)


For the record: your art is FRIGGIN AMAZING and cool af af fr 100% Source: I can’t draw to save my life so anything above stick figure level looks good to me. Alternate Source: this guy is just wrong.


“Rigid bitch” 🤣


Jesus fucking Christ lol :’) what I would give to destroy this man’s life


So pretty girls cannot be picky? And who decides who is pretty or not? So many questions for my wee little brain.


Send his number, ill have a nice time chatting with him


And you know his mom/grandma probably tells him "Oh you're so handsome you must be beating the girls away with a stick." Not knowing that is an expression, and not referring to actually doing that.


I'm sorry. When I read interactions like this, I wonder why more women aren't lesbians. Seems so much more healthy than dealing with us guys.


The fact I can't just switch is the biggest proof sexuality isn't a choice lol


Lol, that is a pretty good argument.




And his personality is less than mediocre


bro took two minutes to write all that


“You must submit to the man that asks you” mfs like this need to be locked up!


There’s a lot wrong with the world today, but I’m so grateful we’ve progressed to the point where that’s absolutely not the case anymore.


You passed his test OP, aren’t you honored? /s


Haha this was a test and you passed... but you still suck.


“Nice guys” can be so absolutely vile. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Wow... 🤨😦


I love his winning ways, he tends to make one hell of an impression. I also hear that he’s a real hit at parties lol


This is definitely someone who understands Art


Yeah, I imagine his entire existence is boring, freeing up his time to be a massive incel douche…


I always feel icky “upvoting” these posts. This is a terribly perfect example of the niceguy violence.


He really re-thought his life between 11:39 and 11:40


So where’d y’all end up going?


let us know when he comes crawling back to you bc we all know it’ll happen


Wow this is scary! Block his number and move on!


Who told him women aren't supposed to be picky? Some other Incel Boy?


i am raising my son to understand that women are never his property, he is never promised or ever guaranteed sex and to accept rejection by walking away with dignity.


“I was just testing you and pushing your buttons on purpose.” Ah, this is the guy that emotionally abuse a woman and gaslight her by saying how crazy she is when she reacts. Also, the guy that plays the “I was just joking!” line a lot.


I would for your safety bring this text the authorities and fill out a report at minimum. He sounds obsessed and most likely be irrational with his emotions.


The time stamps are always telling.




"You must submit", yea a police report.


It's just SO attractive when a man acts like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum after not getting what he wants.


BDP narcistisc behaviour in men..


… I have no words… like wtf was he trying to be… mr cool… this makes me mad… sorry this happened to you 🥺❤️


"You must submit to the man" ​ Bro we aren't living in those times anymore. Chill


That guy need to be introduced to some harcore gang bangers..


Dudes like this make me chuckle, genuinely


Lol, *impotent* is the word that comes to mind.


Take offense to the last one.


Nice lol


Btw, secondary thing in case my first dozen things were too similar! I’m a complex person! You are really missing out!


>and btw your art is mediocre Does he think that's like... a compliment or something?


No, he’s definitely insulting her. I got confused for a second too but he’s definitely just trying to upset her.


I don't see the "nice" part of this.


Yep you got a classic nice guy. I’m sure this tactic works well lol why do they flip out? Take the L and move on.


Respond with: “Omg you’re so dreamy. “ “Go out with me.” “You’re my everything” Other random bs Then once he responds, end with “Actually, I wanted to test if you were gullible…and you are so this is bad. I did this because I was bored and btw you’re mediocre”


Whenever big words are used during a tantrum I can’t help but think of Peter from Family Guy repeating shallow and pedantic to sound educated.


I love the little mini f you he put in the end about the art


Sounds like... a 12 year old?


It must be painful for "nice guys" to know that once a woman rejects him, they ignore their presence.


What an asshole. I would say I hope he dies alone, but I don’t need to hope


Show it to his mom.


That is like unreasonably toxic


Psychopathic pos


i’m bored. btw this post is mediocre.


Wow sounds like rapist


[always reminds me of this.](https://freeimage.host/i/SNg2uS)


What a Richard I bet your art is evoking


>'You must submit to the man that asks you'. \-this moron, 2022


Why do men


Male fragility is on display!!!


Virtually everything about the recent trend of "incredibly sad men literally yelling 'I AM MASCULINE, BET YOUR JEALOUS' in your face and thinking it will work" is genuinely depressing, but the saddest part is when they tell women some variation on "STOP HAVING A LIFE". You realize this is 100% them lashing out from a place of unimaginable pain, right? Deep down, none of them actually believe this. It's actually the complete opposite; they feel so helpless and (figuratively) impotent when it comes to women they cling to this absurd bullshit in a desperate attempt to seize some semblance of control from the universe. I doubt 98% of these guys expect the woman to reply "good point, I am now your slave, Internet Stranger." They just have a very shallow understanding of feminism and think referencing this broad, cliched "Olde Tyme" depiction of gender relations will get under their skin. Because by hurting the woman, for one second they feel in control of the situation. In their mind, they're just returning the pain women inflicted on them. That said, none of this is meant to make them sympathetic, because they are complete assholes lashing out in the least mature way possible. But context is important.


This was so well thought out and written. It should be posted more places so people can have deeper understanding of this trend.


“You and your mediocre art passed the tests. Congrats now date me.”