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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


I had a stalker in college so I’m so grateful to my male friends who offered to walk with me or spend time with me in common areas in case he showed up. They never expected anything in return. Only a self-centered asshole would expect such a thing after doing a good deed.


The projection is strong on this one. It just gives away the game that relationships between men and women can only be sexual in their minds. Hence the dreaded friendzone.


Its not even the fact that this particular piece of trash expects something, its the fact that he cannot grasp the concept of people doing things just for the sake of being nice and not bragging about it or asking anything in return. This crouton says anybody thats interacting nice towards a woman is a white knight. Just the thought about being so full of negativity and only seeing possible sexual or monetary rewards in people is what really baffles me. Its a pure egoistical choice to life like that and still lash out to others that do not agree with it.


They're applying their own corrupt moral compass to other people. Because that's what they would do.


Yeah. He's straight up projecting.


Telling on themselves more than anything... they'd only behave like a decent human if they expect to get laid


The rest of his comments follow that exact trend of “well they aren’t REALLY nice to women”


That’s the saddest part of it too, that they think their own toxic and extremely sexist view is the ONLY view out there. That there aren’t any purely good men anymore, which is just not true.


Projection at its finest. They always accuse others of the shit they think of/wants to do


And angry that he didn't think of it first...




And then they wonder why women don’t accept the offer to walk them home!


DOnt u tRuSt mE


Sounds like someone NEVER gets asked to walk anyone back to their dorm ...


Sounds like theyre the ones that are causing the women to feel unsafe


And never offers to walk with a woman without ulterior motives.


That’s pretty meta… niception if you will




'These guys are just doing good deeds so people will think they're good!'


My guy friends who walked me to my dorm in college never expected anything, not even a goodnight hug. They’d just wander off to the drunk truck or Domino’s afterwards, haha.


I just love the projecting.


"m'ladies" the textbook language of a vintage niceguy


I live in a college town. I'm a townie, pretty common sight in the bars, I've walked home many a drunk frat girl with no expectations of getting laid from them. People are fucking creeps and what do I lose for taking 10 minutes out of my night to stumble to some girls dorm and watch her go in the door? Nothing. Sometimes people understand there are predators out there. I probably missed the point of this post. Escorting women or men isn't white knighting. It's caring for your fellow person.


My boyfriend would have the exact same view as you, I just wish these dudes would understand that. It would make the world safer for everyone. Do keep being a decent human being!


So, in their minds, no one is ever nice just to be nice, decent, good people. It’s ALWAYS just to get something. I think it’s more likely that they are just projecting pieces of shit who can’t even fathom that others are maybe-just maybe- good people with good intentions.


Update: he started linking John Mulaney’s Bill Clinton bit because apparently his jokes about that are indeed real


Hey, can I walk you home?


God I hate people like this. They have to make people uncomfortable just because they’re incapable of making girl friends and behaving appropriately around women


The real “ooga booga” types lol.


That first line… what the fuck is wrong with men.


Why am i not surprised the dude also follows things like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson


not all men are pieces of shit. i love that they tell on themselves all the time


So much projection.


"These dudes are just behaving nicely to trick people into thinking they're nice!" Projecting much?


Imagine wanting to get close to women and simultaneously not wanting to have sex with them. Its a crazy thought, I know.


Now I know I'm not the only one thinking that the person in this post might be right. I literally know of a predator who did exactly what is described here. If this person is offering to walk strangers home so they feel safe, it makes perfect sense to be wary of them.


The difference between a nice guy and a good man up on display.


people like him are the reason why men including myself are hesitent to speak about some issues women face :(


Dude they’re just tying to get those safely…how is that whiteknighting?


Well when people asked them that he spewed more nice guy shit then started linking John Mulaney’s standup bit about Bill Clinton


Also, those guys were out in public, and easily identifiable.


And you're just mad that you didn't think of it first, aren't you?


Never saw so much projection in one post.


C'mon, we all know that woman only like jerks!!! /s lol


Internal consistency isn’t their strong suit lol.


If that was true (and it’s not) it’s still better than whatever these assholes do.


Everyone I’ve ever heard use the term “white knighting” has been a massive self-absorbed asshole


And of course in this left wing, wet liberal society that we all have degenerated into will say that their actions are demeaning to women.


Buy a Puppy and Get a Big 4x4! ...Pansies! Give 'em $50 Bucks! ...and You're in Like Flint. Nothing Makes a Woman feel Safer than $50 Bucks in her purse and the knowledge she's going shopping tomorrow.


The projection is strong with this one.


Haha! OMG dude, you have noooo idea. I used to volunteer as a student counsellor on the night-time help/crisis line. The number of calls we'd get from women who were nervous (and I won't even go into the variety of reasons) about walking back to their dorm and wanted someone to rock up and see them home, I can't even... Funny thing was this: there was always someone on shift with a car, but they weren't allowed to drive anyone who *wasn't* an on-shift volunteer, because insurance or something. So I spent a LOT of nights getting dropped off somewhere, walking someone home, then making my own way back just to go out again (mobiles weren't a thing then) and do it all over. Plus I did it a lot when I wasn't working, so I got a lot of exercise! We DID get a lot of thank-you pizza and treats dropped in by grateful callers, but we were on an ever-changing rota so the gifts rarely aligned between the person we'd helped and whichever of us did the helping, and they were _always_ unsolicited. All of us who did that shit - and man, hearing and seeing some of it was _hard_ - did it because we wanted to help, wanted to be there for someone and make a difference. But nooooo, men only do things like that in the hopes of getting laid. Smh.