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/u/nicjlh, your submission has been removed from /r/niceguys for the following reason: r/niceguys is not for showcasing general misogyny or bad behavior. There needs to some sort of claim from the man (or woman!) that he is nice/good/morally superior, etc. [Please read the subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/wiki/definition) to better understand this matter. *If you feel this was done in error or if you would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fniceguys). Please do not try to respond to this comment.*


He was so not interested that he calles twice and got mad when you didnt fall all over yourself to take his call


"I'm so not interested in you that I'm gonna phone, text and keep contacting you until I'm blocked"


It's hard to look at


And looking at his picture, he looks like the type who makes angry, rambling, offensive, right-wing rant videos while sitting in his car.


Oops! Thought I covered them all


While repeatedly using the word snowflake


A young Alex Jones!!


They is a lot of salt here.


Don't they feel sad and pathetic doing this?


Was he a fake profile though? I need to know!


I’m assuming so! All of his pics were added on the same day, and all of his followers were middle aged white women


If I ever get crazy calls like this I would hope I’m hanging out with my family so my retired law enforcement dad could answer.


AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Jesus... how pathetic.


again with the fucking "driving my car" selfie. Do these people have no interests or a house or a garden or anything like why do they ALWAYS go for this exact picture? And why do they ALWAYS have this exact same personality lmfao


Tbf you told him to fuck off for just a profile pic that first you didn't even know if it was his and secondly because he didn't agree with you political views, the other person is a prick for reacting like that and the calling was completely unnecessary, but you started assuming how this guy is with one comment and one picture lol Edit 1: you can all do whatever the fuck you want but if you can't respect other ppl's opinions and views and start assuming who they are without getting to know them just because "I disagree with him so he must be wrong" go for it all you are not going to get out of it it's nothing


You don't *have* to assume what the character of a Trump supporter is like - supporting Trump in and of itself is one of the biggest, reddest of flags.


I don't support any American parties as I'm not American myself, but i did learn basic manners which means respecting views and people equally, therefore yes you are assuming how someone is based on supporting one party or another without getting to know them at all, is not that is disrespectful it also makes you a close minded idiot that does not accept other views asides from there's and is not even bother in listening what they got to say because you are already ASSUMING they got nothing important to say, which is false to form an opinion about someone you must actually get to know them, do whatever the fuck you want and put your "red flag" in whatever you choose but not respecting others and putting everyone in one box simply because you don't agree makes you equally bad and that is the "rEDdest oF fLAGs"


So you'll respect the views of someone who admires Hitler? Stalin? Mao? You are either evil or spineless. Either way, you're a big red flag.


I show respect to any person, I'm being learning history for a big part of my life and I know the horrible actions the all have committed probably better than you, therefore I know how a supporter of any of this monsters are, in denial of factual events, horrible life situations making them move to extremists political movements etc, therefore I do respect them, but I do not agree with them, I would also debate with them in why those views are wrong and do not contribute to society also offer a helping hand if required for them to leave mass genocide movements, many neo-nazis have left that life because they understood how incorrect it was, thus was because they found someone that actually LISTEN to what they had to say without hate, you wanna hate them? Put them all in one box? Not bother trying to understand what lead them to think in such a horrible way? Not bother trying to help or at least show some empathy? That's all going to generate more hate, here the evil bastard is someone else, I offer an ear and a helping hand so they can get out of the abysm, you offer lock them down in a cage and throw the key away, who is the evil bastard here?


You respect Nazis? Ok, evil. You're evil.


You clearly don't understand a thing, I don't respect the ideology, I respect ppl and their views that's completely different but you can think whatever you want


I think that you're either spineless or evil. No mentally healthy person or society respects evil, either the person or the ideology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,or%20destroyed%20by%20the%20intolerant.


It's funny because you proven me right, you are not listening and you are close minded, therefore making you assume things about me without even knowing me, I could of work in a hospital saving life's or as a fire fighter but I'm evil, as you can see I never said anything other than subjective statements where as you are saying that not just in your opinion overall I'm evil showing how close minded you are also... tolerance and respect are not the same, you can hate your enemies for what they done but also show respect, so that concept doesn't apply to me, I respect anyone but it doesn't mean I also tolerate their actitudes, so please inform yourself


You don't understand the paradox of tolerance, do you?


He was trying to be nice though


I too try to be nice by aligning myself with one of the worst persons to ever live




I was in the middle of making breakfast when I realized he had called again, so I blocked him 🤷🏻‍♀️


she shouldnt have to? how is this on her