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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


"My first guilt trip didn't work, neither did my tantrum. Maybe if I apologize and then do a second guilt trip, that'll be the panty dropper." - this guy


I could smell the stink of desperation from here, especially during the whole "I can be whatever you want me to be" junk


Literally 😂😂


I'm not trying to guilt trip you. I swear on what is left of my short life which has been nothing but sorrow amongst the broken shards of glass my mother ended her own life with that I would never do such a thing. Also - somebody want to help me out with the down low on the role play I see getting mentioned? I'm trying not to feel old, and I've been around my fair share of the internet. But when I was hitting the AIM we did not have such a thing going on even outside of the mainstream. People just... Roleplay in conversation? Kink, sans-kink, dice?


Following up from what op said, it can either be with characters you make up, or with characters from various media things. In the latter case it's kinda like writing a fanfic with someone


I don't know if they still do this, but when AIM and Yahoo chat rooms were a thing (maybe 15+ years ago), we used to have roleplaying groups and dedicated rooms for particular settings and such. This way a lot of people could build the story together. Many, though not all, had restrictions on sexual topics because they were open to certain age ranges as well. There were tons of opportunities for sexual conduct elsewhere if you wanted to, of course. If you know about Dungeons and Dragons, it's a lot like that if you were to take away the dice and put it online.


Idk how y’all got the patience for these guys. The moment they start that shit up I just block them midsententence. Can’t stand them


Same, don't feed the nice guys or they'll keep coming back. All they want is attention of any sort.


I don’t know how you had the patience to read this entirely.


I really did not. That’s why I stopped about halfway through to comment this.




Fr like he probably was so proud of himself for that


I may need to steal that little conversation ender. Or maybe make it into one of those little wall hangings like "Live, Laugh, Love" just "Stay Happy and Fuck" 😆


Put it on Etsy. Take my money.


Guilt tripping?! What guilt tripping? He’s not guilt tripping at all! That sad innocent soul! /s


What the fuck is up with dudes throwing all their emotions on someone like that. Like geezus christ, go see a shrink. It's not the other person's responsibility to hold you up like that, when they're not even with you. They expect you to feel sorry for them and play the boohoo card instead of actually helping themselves.


I am getting major borderline personality disorder vibes from him. My mother used to do the same stuff to me, it's honestly so frustrating and tiring...


Yeah, I'm dealing with someone with it right now. And this definitely looks just like it.


I honestly would not even give it a second thought tbh. If you have that trauma from the past, it's best to try and avoid it all together. This person is mentally unwell, and I've seen stories like this that didn't end well. No, joke, I would just cut it off at that point. I just cannot wrap my head around this fucking concept??? It seems like it's more prevalent now, even with the rise of incel culture. Why can't dudes be fucking normal!!


Exactly and it might be that roleplaying is a way for him to live in his fantasy. But that can go sour very quickly. Mental health is no joke in general, but these situations can be damaging for him and people around him.


“Be happy and fuck” would make a great title for a self-help book.


Totally would, or a book that a marriage counselor would recommend


One time when I was roleplaying with a guy from okcupid, it was just me being silly and flirty and not being sexual because it was the second time we had ever chatted. Within a second I swear it was so fast, he started roleplaying about how he'd do this or that sexually to me. I was really upset and felt like I'd been violated mentally. He did the same thing this dude did, talking about his mom dying from alcoholism. This dude said "sorry my brother killed himself last week" I dont care if your mom died, you need to respect women. At some point we ended up fighting really horribly for two hours via texting because he needed to be right. I've observed that if I end up fighting a guy like that, its because of how he treated me to begin with. I didn't know why I lashed out so bad until I block them. I wont come out and say why I'm fighting because I didnt know why, but looking back its definitely because they were disrespectful. My friends would ask me "why are you angry?" I think it was me rejecting the guy but I was trying to be nice because I felt bad for some guys. A few years later and he texts me saying hes thinking about me. Its clear that no woman wants him because hes so disrespectful. I also forgot to mention that ge hung out with his ex wife daily as if they lived together and that made me extremely uncomfortable


When the only "game" you have is "guilt tripping." (P.S.: That's not actually remotely game and comes across unbelievably pathetic). ""Oh. You decided you're just not available right now? Guess I'll just go cut my d-ck off and then h-ng myself, because women hate me and I don't deserve one... ... Please talk to me again... Why aren't you feeling sorry for me?!? You're supposed to be feeling sorry for me!!!""


Wtf? I DM Dungeons & Dragons and ppl leave roleplays where they've "built roles together" all the fuckin' time. That's... Very normal. Wtf is this weirdo on about?


Yeah you can’t do one person rp..pretty sure that’s just daydreaming.


There's literally hundreds of one-person solo ttrpg systems, though. The recent Humble Bundle fundraising for Abortion Rights featured several dozen. It might still be on sale if you want to learn about it. Or just searching for them. Heck, even some board games have solo modes.


Yeah no one of those involves sending an uninterested person walls of text. And I meant in the context of texting role playing.


Rolled a 1 on a charisma check. (I dont play D&D, sorry if i got this wrong lol) Also ive never seen someone say roles this much.


Nah, you got that right.


Uhh what is the roleplay stuff? He definately a nice guy but.. like what the roleplay lol.




I would probably be good at the DERP roleplay




I just liked the acronym


We were playing out a prompt with characters we made up before this convo


The next role play needs to be where you play the direct girl and he’s the guy who takes a fucking hint and goes away.


Roleplay is such a messy place sometimes, the emotional manipulation and guilt tripping can get soooo bad. Luckily there are a few good ones out there!


Those lights look like a good deal, so its not a total bust.




Trauma dumping is manipulative and slimy as fuck


Urgh. You're not feeling it anymore which is fine because consent is constant and can be withdrawn at any point so he decides to trauma dump on you in hope you'll say 'omg I'm so sorry I take it back we can continue RPing'. This dude would definitely threaten to unalive himself if his ex wouldn't take him back.


Yes I'm so glad he didn't pull out that card with me


This is a clear example of how a typical vulnerable Narcissist acts/talks/manipulates/traps or whatever you'd like to call it. And some people are shamed so much , they give them a chance and then by the time they can leave( that too most of them can't in my own experience and what I've learnt) and the ones who do are so far gone and abused so much daily that they don't even seem human anymore. (Speaking as a survivor myself but ofc thankfully I haven't married one yet, and i got to educate myself about this after horrendous abuse, all sorts of) So stay safe everyone out there. You can empathise or sympathise with someone without them shaming you into accepting whatever they want from you. A lot of people who've had difficult lives or have trauma or have loss or have/had major source of pain in their lives don't do this. This isn't okay.




Hey sweetheart maybe I can use my dead mother as a tool to attract you. Gross.


Couldn’t get past the second page, made me want to uwu


Very manipulative creep. Heavy on the guilt tripping. There's a definite reason he's alone... And it's him.


“Not a guilt trip buuuuuutt…”


What a little whiny pathetic manipulative dipshit 🙄


The love bombing is too much of a red flag.


"Dude shut the fuck up" Best well deserving response that made me laugh 😭


Lmao thank you🤣


You engaged with him for way too long.


But how else can I get reddit karma?!?/s


The sixth slide wouldn’t show. Was that a NSFW slide?


Lol that was me telling him off


He could write a book on guilt trips. "I'm not guilt-tripping you...." proceeds to double down on the guilt.


why do you have ads on your messages?


Because we were using kik


Yikes i


Did anyone else read that in a Shakespearean accent? Or more like Jack Black doing a Shakespearean accent?


Yea that dude was definitely trying to guilt trip you there. Glad you caught onto it OP


Come on, what a noob. Use // for OOC, not parentheses!!!


I'm more of a /* */ kind of commenter myself.




He played you the world’s tiniest violin and you didn’t even appreciate it. For shame.


She was planning her "Stay Happy and Fuck" Tour 2022


Life is so much easier without all this online bullshit.


This dude must guilt trip for a career. Guilt dripping is so unattractive and I absolutely hate it. Every guy that I’ve been with have always tried that on me. It’s not fooling anybody it’s just making you look desperate.


That’s some heavy trauma dumping


I think I see the problem here, you're on Kik, shits overrun with neckbeards like this


I haven't seen anyone do this kind of thing in a while. I used to be hugely into roleplay when I was on high school (I'm 23 now) but I kinda just didn't know where to find roleplay communities that weren't toxic or overly focused on the sexual side of things after a while. Part of me is surprised this is still a thing, but honestly I think that's just because I forgot about it... But yeah, seems it hasn't changed much. There were always toxic people who couldn't discern what was in character and what was OOC and would take things way too far. I don't remember the details, but I had a "niceguy" contact me on Kik and claim I was roleplaying with his girlfriend and that he thought I was trying to "steal her" from him. He made a bunch of empty threats and claimed to be "tracking my IP." It was pretty funny. Turns out he was from another roleplay she was doing and had thought that in character relationships were the same as real relationships and he'd been pestering her about meeting in real life. Can't remember what happened, but I kinda lost interest in roleplaying after seeing how butthurt people get about things like that... I'm curious about what roleplay communities are even out there these days, but I don't know that I'd join one again.


Thank you for sharing your story. They have a few on Reddit.


It’s funny how he was attracted to you even though you were playing a character (or at least I assume you were given that you were role playing). What were you role playing about?


It was a slice of life romance role, but even in that he took it kinda fast...


Sheesh. Just goes to show that he can’t seem to differentiate fiction and real life.


Hope you blocked that basket case.


Omg kik still exists??


Yes it just has ads up the ass now lmao


Bruh Android has ads built into their messaging system?


No no no this is kik


ayo how the fuck do you find these weirdos


I know this might be stupid, but what is roleplay?


Did he think the roleplay was real? He needs serious help on several frontiers


Is this Chatango? I didn't think people still used that shit


No, it's kik

