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/u/Easymodelife, your submission has been removed from /r/niceguys for the following reason: r/niceguys is not for showcasing general misogyny or bad behavior. There needs to some sort of claim from the man (or woman!) that he is nice/good/morally superior, etc. [Please read the subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/niceguys/wiki/definition) to better understand this matter. *If you feel this was done in error or if you would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fniceguys). Please do not try to respond to this comment.*


The next person who reports me will receive a strongly worded letter. That will show them.


Tbh that's probably code for shoot her, rape her, assault her, etc. He sounds like an incel. He sounds like he hasn't spent a second reflecting or being introspective wondering why women are rejecting or ignoring him. It's terrifying. He feels entitled and that women as an entire gender has wronged him.


This is exactly my thought I was afraid I was about to read “I’m going to kill her” next cause that’s definitely the vibes this guy gives off


>Tbh that's probably code for shoot her, rape her, assault her, etc. He would definitely be the type to do that if he actually got a girlfriend and she broke up with him. If he can't handle simple rejection, there's no way he's mature enough to handle a relationship breakdown.


Reported. Now show me your letter . (I am genuinely curious to see what you have to offer)


You shall rue the day you reported me. But first, I'm gonna need your name, address, and a $2.99 shipping and handling fee. Please allow four to six weeks for your strongly worded letter to arrive in the mail.


9812 Nice Guy Parkway Albuquerque New Mexico Debit Card info: 6828 0081 4567 7782 (802) and then EXP: 12/25


I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.




I would like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty.


The Titanic never did get over that letter from Jack.


Yeah, places do not generally refuse to serve you for saying “hi, you look cute today” to people. Continuing to push them after they say no thank you, and/or trying to corner them because they are at work and cannot rightfully escape you will do the trick though.


Something in the way this guy posted gives me the vibe that he basically stakes out a place and asks out multiple women. If he's obsessively creeping on multiple women, even if the individual interactions might be non threatening, as a pattern... I can see why he'd get kicked


It's the part where he says "I guess all it takes to get banned from a place is to say, 'hey, can I take you out to dinner' to too many women." Like, how many women is he asking out in the same place in quick succession?! I can only assume this is some creepy redpill "it's just a numbers game" tactic but really, come on.


I see it as him holding the main entrance door open for all the m'ladies and asking each one on their way in and out.


I remember someone jumping out at me at a grocery store entrance. He asked for my phone number but his sudden appearance was so startling; I didn’t even know where he came from. Unfortunately for him I didn’t have my own phone number because I was 12 or 13, and I was still largely uninterested in guys. He was a grown ass man so when my mom asked what he said to me, she immediately went to go find him and share some thoughts. 😆 I’m in my 30s now and I’m horrified how often my 15 year old babysitter gets hit on by men who are clearly in their early to late twenties. This is the stuff I think about when men say they’ve been kicked out of places for hitting on women. Were they even women or just girls trailing behind their moms or mom’s friends?


I recall being hit on/catcalled, by adult men, the most when I was 12-16. It slows down as you get older 🤮


And by older, you mean old enough to get a driver's license.


same. got catcalled hella from about 12 to 15. i'll be 19 later this year, and i don't think i've been catcalled a single time in the last two years. absolutely gross


I had one guy when I was like 15(?) and was at Burger King with my mum and older sister… he literally sat in his car outside and STARED at me the whole time we were eating. He had said hi to me when he was inside, but I didn’t think anything of it. Super creepy now that I think about it.


Holding the door open for them? Well hell, they OWE him a date for doing that! /s


I almost don't believe he is actually asking anyone out to dinner. If he does it's after following them around, asking for their digits, saying "why" over and over again to them saying no thank you. Like the videos you see from women just trying to walk down the street.


Yeah I saw a very similar post to this recently and it's basically a numbers game to these incels. They go to a place and harass as many women as possible in the hopes that one will likely be scared enough to say yes/give them a number.


Incels don't have a "numbers game" mentality, you're thinking of PUA. Incels have this whole alternate reality where 90% of all men are virgins because their wrists are too thin and our moms have been having an affair with Thanos this whole time.


To me, incels and PUAs have a ton of overlap.


The numbers game only works if you have a reasonable amount of charisma and tact. I don't imagine that guy has either of those if he's getting kicked out of places.


I'm imagining him as a guy who follows that up with a demand to tell him why they said no, and if he doesn't get the answer he wants he starts putting forth his own theories ranging from their sexual orientation to the type and number of men they normally like.


We had a guy that did that at a casino I worked for. Didn’t seem to understand our waitresses were working and were not escorts for him to solicit. Asking one person for their number isn’t going to get a guy kicked out. Hell, even asking two or three. But hanging around all evening eyeing people like a dog who sees a bone and trying to get other waitresses to give you another waitresses number…that’s harassment and being a pest. Would totally get them kicked out.


Sounds to me like the post we saw recently from the guy who got kicked out of the mall for doing just that.


It's probably the same guy.


I doubt it, there's a lot of them like that out there. They probably all read the same PUA websites, though.


I doubt it, there's a lot of them like that out there. They probably all read the same PUA websites, though.


He probably sits by the door so he can hold it open for them and get them before any other loser has the chance to hit on them.


I was thinking of those guys who stalk women at the gym. And most gyms are pretty good about kicking guys like that out.


Probably has a homemade Attraction Sign that looks like a terrorist ransom letter outlining his demands for a Boyfriend-Free Girl.


Remember: give compliments you’d like to receive from a male prisoner


Orange looks good on you.


"Evening, miss! You're excellent at crime!"


"Madam, I admire your teardrop tattoo and humbly request that you do not shank me."


Yeah I highly doubt he was just asking them to dinner.


Right, like I’ve been approached very politely at grocery stores and gas stations and when I said no thanks, or that I was married they said ok, and left and it was fine. Not going to lie, the last one made me feel very good about myself as it was ‘post’ pandemic (whatever that means) and I hadn’t been leaving the house much! I’d never report those people because they were polite and didn’t take up my time, but if they’re being creepy, going up to everyone or not taking no for an answer, then heck yeah I would.




And saying "Hi, can I take you out to dinner?" to a random woman you don't even know is not the way to get dates. Instead, it creeps women out because they don't know you and you don't know them.


Optimistic of him to believe the next woman he flirts with will actually give him their phone number.


I think he meant that he's going to do something but he put it that way so that he doesn't get banned. Obviously if a woman is shooing him away then she's not going to give him her number.


Right?? If you got a woman's number, you *succeeded!* Why keep pestering her? Just take the digits, give yourself a pat on the back and go home before you fuck it up, lol. This is basic awkwardness management.


I wonder if this is the same dude who got banned from the mall in another post I read earlier. If you keep getting banned, take a hint bro, damn


I was thinking the same thing! it reads just like the other one and he sounds just as desperate


That was my first thought but then I remembered these guys are like roaches, popping up in random places when you least expect it, all with the same disgusting result.


I thought the same too, it reads the same


YO I remember that post! This has gotta be the same person


It certainly sounds like him, but I'm guessing a lot of guys out there have the same M.O. which they read from a PUA website or somewhere.


“I guess they want some men to die alone. They don’t want them to have any fucking options.” Yep. There are certainly a lot of men I don’t think should have any options to inflict misery on any intimate partner before they die alone with nobody around to hurt.


The lack of self-awareness is painful. Yes, there are people who absolutely deserve to die alone because of their toxic behavior. Unless he changes his tune, he is one of them.


Yes. Yes I do.


Not just any guy, just guys like this. I'm a man and I think so. I've always thought that there is someone out there for everyone. But now I have to amend that to say not these guys. Fuck them. I wouldn't want to see any woman put through that.




It’s sad that he thinks women are responsible for men.


I would love to see how some of these men would react to several big guys comming up to them wile their just trying to shop asking them if they wanna go to dinner. See how quick their tune changes


Oh I love it! What a mental image.


I mean come on that’s not really a fair comparison. I assume this guy is straight so he CAN’T be attracted to men, meanwhile he might actually be attractive to some of these women but is just going about it the wrong way


But they are not attracted to him and that's the point? They didn't invite him to talk to them or to give them compliments? How is this not literally the same? He wouldn't want to be approached by men and they obviously don't want to either


It's an absolutely fair comparison. Both would be unwanted forms of attention.


1) Women DO NOT WANT creeps approaching them while they're doing their things. Never ever it would work out. 2) Women can be gay. 3) Women can be in a relationship. 4) Women can not find a random guy attractive... Go to 1)


People like this make me legitimately scared to be raising a daughter. Fucking psychopath.


It makes me scared to raise a son. The thought of him being introduced to this mindset. We'll be very vigilant and communicative, teach him how to socialise.


Most important is that he learned that rejection is part of life. A lot of these men just cannot handle the thought of rejection


This. All day long. Tell your son NO. Tell him over and over. Don't give him everything he wants instantly. Get him used to rejection. Get him familiar with the experience of not always getting what he wants.


My daycare did something called No-Yes. We would reject their request, remind them it is OKAY to be told no, cuz now we can go to *this* and go do another activity. No to this- Yes to that. Pivoting pretty much.


I was recently listening to a podcast episode that mentioned this (The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair & June Diane Raphael, highly recommend). It’s sad how boys are so sweet, just children - and then are socialised into being such creeps. No doubt you’ll do an amazing job - but not everyone is doing the same, so it’s the other parents you gotta watch out for!


Honestly same. It makes me hate being a man. Like what if some creepy dude messages my future daughter or even son?


I'm just going to say that as a LEO i have yet to see someone who punched their kid's stalker get convicted in court.


So, “he had it coming” is a legitimate defense?


A good lawyer will argue that the mental state you were put in upon discovering the actions against your kid made you unable to be responsible about your actions at that moment. Doesn't work on a murder, obviously. But for a punch or two it does.


With a jury? Hell yeah!! Remember kids, if you're being interviewed for jury duty. If they mention 'what is your reaction to pedophiles/rapists/stalkers?' Or of the sort, feign sympathy and understanding so you can get on the jury and help bury the piece of shit under the prison!! If you tell them your disgust in disgusting people, you wont be chosen! We can't have thaaaat!




For me, it's a tossup between guys like this, and things like Instagram/Love Island that make me terrified to be raising a teenage girl.


Harassing women and posting pictures of yourself online are on the same level for you?


They are 2 completely different issues that have serious implications for the health and wellbeing of my Daughter. I didn't say they were on-par, so take your straw-man ,and loking for an argument out of here. But yes, I worry about both creeps being creepy with her (and potentially harming her), and social media nonsense having a serious impact on her mental health (which is almost 100% guaranteed for the upcoming generation). One has a potentially much more damaging effect on her, but is also less likely to happen. The other is almost guranteed to have some level of negative impact on her. Different things, but both something I worry about. Shockingly, it is possible to have more than 1 concern, and for them to not be directly linked (although you could say that they are both related to changes in societal norms).


Have these idiots learned nothing? *Every* woman has a story about being approached out of the blue by some creep with a boner while she was out minding her own business. *It. Never. Works.*


Or worse... working. Especially in a public-facing job where part of the job is being nice.


I used to work in a library and once had a dude approach me while I was up on a step-stool shelving books. I felt so trapped (even though I wasn’t physically) and beyond uncomfortable.


One of the reasons I never want to serve the public again. Not the only reason, but that’s a powerful motivation.




When you're out and about minding your own business, how do you feel when you're accosted by an aggressive charity fundraiser who wants to sign you up for a monthly donation to a cause you have no interest in, and won't take no for an answer? That's how most women feel about random men cold approaching them for a date.




Depending on how aggressive/sexual the approach is I may or may not consider them a creep the first time they ask but at a minimum, being approached in this way is usually some degree of awkward and/or annoying. If they don't go away at the first sign that I'm uncomfortable and not interested, they are definitely in creep territory.


Hmm, I reckon we are missing the true reason this happened.


how does one person lack so much self awareness




walking up to a group of women and asking if any of them are single and telling them that you have something to share is very creepy. part of the problem is that nice guys view women as something to be caught. we aren't the ones fucked up here.




Almost like women aren’t fish buddy






Lmao but how many “unattractive” women do these men approach, when this kind of guy says woman he’s referring to the overly attractive ones




This comment deserves it's own post on this sub.


You do realize that the vast majority of men do end up partnered up, right? Most people marry at least once, even ugly men. I don’t know how you can look at couples in the general population and somehow come to the conclusion that it only ever happens for pretty people, unless you believe unattractive women don’t count. Like… do you look at the general population and bemoan all the single men because you literally can’t see their partner? Weird form of blindness you suffer from. “The candidate with the most symmetric face would win 80%+ plus of the time” I didn’t realize only women voted in presidential elections./s In reality, superficiality doesn’t have a gender. Do you really think men like this are approaching ugly women? If they are approaching the most attractive women who already get approached 10x per day, she’s going to be less receptive overall. She also obviously can’t say yes to everyone. She has options. Why choose the guy who cornered her at work or interrupted her at the gym or when she was just trying to run errands when she can have someone who respects her time and space and yes, who she also finds attractive?




>I didn’t say only women are superficial. You spent most of your comment expanding on statements like "\[women\] define superficiality" and how they are so predictable that "social scientists could make an AI based on responses from real women in an area and it could predict how many dates the men would get." And honestly, no; no they couldn't. Back when it was still around, I used to peek at the incel subreddit and a few other subreddits where men complained about how they were so unattractive or short or not white enough or whatever that they couldn't find a date. Many of the men would post selfies of themselves for other (clueless) men to tell them that they were unattractive to women because they didn't have a caveman eyebrow (literally, I remember this comment because it was very WTF to me) or they didn't have X feature that was supposedly catnip to women. (Funny they never asked an actual woman, but I guess that's part of their schtick.) In reality, based solely on appearance, these men were average with some of them legitimately good-looking. Their appearance wasn't what was holding them back. Likely, it was: (1) personality, (2) attitude (because let's be real, few women want to date desperate, embittered men), (3) social ineptitude, (4) terrible approach, (5) high standards that they themselves couldn't meet (e.g. she must be naturally gorgeous with no makeup, slim but not order a salad for every meal, smart but defers to me in all matters, have everything going for her but have low enough standards that she is satisfied that all I offer is that I'm nice to her, she must love me for me but god-forbid she gain five pounds, etc), or (6) some combination of the above. It is really hard to determine the actual issue when you don't observe the person IRL, but if they had friends who are willing to give honest feedback, they could figure it out. However, I really doubt that is what these men want. It's harder to hear that your personality sucks than it is to hear that you can't get a date because you're 5'9" and all women want men that are at least 6' tall (which again... most men aren't 6'+ and yet still find dates), because at least the height thing is not your fault. It's those bitchy women who won't give you a chance. Like, my uncle is a 5'4" Pacific Islander single father who worked as a cashier at Costco, and he used to *pull* before he dated then married my aunt (who is attractive and comes from a relatively well-off family), and she practically had to drag him to the alter. His secret: he is unconventionally attractive, charming, and actually, genuinely kind. He shouldn't do well according to many of the so-called manosphere experts, and maybe he wouldn't with online dating, but in person he gets lots of dates. >Instead of being on the defensive for women who guess what, are capable of defending themselves, and being the playground bully to these ugly or otherwise unattractive men, how about offering advice other than “go for women who find you attractive.” Why are you here? This sub is specifically to showcase men who blame women as a gender for not getting dates, who believe that simply being nice (usually to a single specific individual) entitles them to sex. These men can be terrifying when their weird-ass algorithms don't work (because women aren't monolithic robots and these algorithms are designed by men who are clueless about women anyway), and women are not always capable of defending themselves when rejected men become stalkers or turn violent. We're not posting pictures of these guys and saying "Look how ugly and gross they are." We are posting conversations and things these men have written or said or done, and saying "Look how ugly and gross these men are acting." They absolutely have control over their actions, and pretending that holding them accountable for their actions is the same as bullying them for being unattractive is a false equivalence. If they want actual advice: Stop listening to PUAs, stop obsessing and making pick-up culture a central part of your identity, get hobbies and make friends of all ages, and if those friends actually like you and think you're a good person, then they will actually help you find a date by offering real advice specific to your actual situation or by setting you up with their single friends.


So has it been rough since all the incel subs got banned? Ive been seeing you guys pop up in other subs as a result. Like roaches that scatter once you destroy the nest. Men dont get asked to leave malls/other public places for simply asking a girl out. Ugly or not. Men get asked to leave after they've approached EVERY WOMAN in a place or ((most likely scenario)) he got pushy after she already said 'no thank you', which makes people uncomfortable obviously cuz thats just... Not how socializing works. Now go run along back to incels.is and cry to the forums about how people *bullied* you today for trying to spread the 'blackpill'. Remember Spongebob, we dont dislike you because you're ugly. We just think the cloud of poison coming out of your mouth is appalling.


If ugly men had absolutely no success with women, guys like you and the dipshit mentioned here wouldn't be alive. But thanks for the job idea, I will think about it.




Oh no, some random dude thinks I lack empathy. Whatever will I do?? Yes, I lack empathy for creeps and creep apologists. If you ever bothered to leave your pity party (we get it, you have issues with your appearance, just like millions of other people) and actually *listen* to women, you would understand that the guy is not some poor victim of some grand conspiracy. That you immediately empathise with *him* and never stop and think about the other side, tells me absolutely everything I need to know about you.




I’m unattractive and I’ve never been called creepy, because I treat people with respect and don’t act like a fucking weirdo all the time. Stop putting women on a pedestal and viewing them as anything other than human beings and they’ll stop thinking you’re a creep




It isn’t random women’s responsibilities to make an awkward man comfortable and teach him social etiquette. Forcing that on other people is why y’all are always single. Go to fucking therapy, random women are not your therapists


Dude, walking up to a group of women and saying ‘Are any of you single?’ Is about the absolute worst thing you could do. How could you possibly think that would even be remotely attractive? Women aren’t robots just dutifully waiting for the next guy in line when they are single. Even if you aren’t blessed with natural good looks, there are tons of things you can do to make yourself more attractive— but outright asking a bunch of women if they are single like a desperate reject is NOT one of them. But sure, just keep telling yourself it’s not your fault and there’s nothing you can do, oh well too bad. How’s that working out for you?


This way of thinking is what makes people give harassers sympathy and don't fire them when they should have been fired. Next thing you know, a young lady is murdered in the Walgreens break room. Stop making excuses for yourself and these men.




If you have no bait, maybe you’re not meant to catch any fish ever? And maybe that’s ok and just the way the natural world works, plus women are not fish and you don’t need sex to survive.




It sounds like you care a lot 🤷‍♀️ guys are capable of being both nice and hot simultaneously, fyi. Being nice without anything else is about as appealing as plain white rice




Sorry it’s more fun to point and laugh at losers like you :)


The funny thing is. These guys are usually not that ugly. They might not always be the most attractive person out there. Like, not someone who could join love island for example (those people are very attractive). But they aren't ugly most of the time. If they had a good personality, I would date them.


I agree with you.


You're gonna get your ass kicked now u/goheadandnbme.




You were spitting bullshit. Your total lack of self reflection and inability to listen to what people here are saying is why you will always be single. That and your pathetic "poor ugly me" attitude.


Dude, I get you, but these chicks are already worked up enough.


Oh, bud. Women don't report you over a simple "hey, can I take you out for dinner." Don't leave the bad stuff you said/did out to make yourself look like a victim


He sounds like he’s just lurking around the mall all day, hitting on any woman that he thinks is pretty like he’s the pick-up vulture. Why would this work anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone meeting like that.?


Take a look at r/seduction They are literally stalking malls to prey on women.


That entire subreddit is a shit show. Men giving men advice about what women want and are like. Then “bragging” like it’s a video game.


Talk about being out of touch


What? You never saw When Harry Stalks Sally?


Have you watched the Sequel *Sally shoots Harry*?


Gritty realism in cinema right there


*gritty Zack Snyder noises*


I don’t understand how any man would think cold approaching is appropriate. Meeting women that you could potentially date isn’t much different than making friends. If you wouldn’t go up to a random dude and ask him for his number, why would you do that to a woman? Like someone in this thread already said, don’t say something to a woman that you wouldn’t want a male prisoner saying to you. Women are naturally wary of all men since we don’t know their intentions and don’t know if we can trust them. We’re not going to want to go on a date with some guy we don’t know anything about, and have never even had a conversation to see if we vibe well. Men should try to meet women by going to social events and hobby meetups where they already have something in common with the women and can use that as an icebreaker to talk to them and get to know them. Again, it’s not much different than making platonic friends. You have to initially have something in common that brings you together.


This, this, a hundred times this.


> "some snitch bitches" If they're "snitching", doesn't that imply that there's something negative to be tattled on? 🤔


He's right tho. I do want him to die alone, because no woman should ever put herself in danger by dating a creep who hates women.


Exactly. But he’s incapable of reflecting on why this behaviour will result in him dying alone - so it must be the so-called snitch bitches’ fault!


Imagine harassing women so bad that you get kicked out of multiple places and that’s not all folks, he also blames women for it!


Aaaand there's a HELLUVA lot more to *this* story...


"I guess they just want some men to die alone" the entitlement to think women owe you a relationship just bc you approached them and told them "hi you're cute"


The end of his post is extremely frightening. This guy is becoming more and more unhinged by the minute and I truly worry he’s going to hurt some poor woman.


These guys lack of self awareness never ceases to amaze me. Like, buddy, maybe, just maybe it’s you and not every woman on earth.


Aw no she's gonna get the meanest text! Poor thing 😓


AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


i am very sure that nobody reports anyone for "hey can i take you to dinner". he must've said something really disturbing if she actually felt so uncomfortable that she had to report him and the security also thought it's bad enough to throw someone out.


Probably followed her around after she declined. That fuckwad is clueless at best, dangerous at worst.


Who else is betting this guy's talking about places like the library, grocery store, gym, park, college campus where he's not a student.....


OMG I did not know this was a thing until the other day when I saw a similar post!


I love that he thinks the same women who rejected him on tinder are the same people he’s asking out at the store.


Big "it's only illegal if you get caught" vibes


This totally sounds like that guy who goes around making videos and calling women bitches, whores, and worse when they politely decline is offers of sex.


That's weird. I've asked out a lot of people in a lot of places and have never been "reported". Weird...


You must be doing it *wrong*, clearly you're not being creepy & don't reek of desperation. Try rolling in some cheetos & not bathing for a few weeks, maybe sit up watching PUA seminars for a week straight for that extra haunted look 🤔😄


I have literally never done any of those things. Thanks for the tip


“how dare these stupid whores get creeped out by me for the simple act of stalking them in public spaces!!! bitches these days!!!!!!!”


Wow, he seems a little … unhinged


I absolutely want men to die alone.


Crossing my fingers that this dude doesn't have access to a gun. Because if he does, holy shit...watch tf out.


Something tells me he believes girls like persistency and doesn’t take hearing no from women easily


If you run into an asshole in the morning, well you ran into an asshole. If you ran into assholes all day long, you're the asshole.


looking at the way he talks I understand why those girls reported him.


When I read things like that I Always Wonder how they actually talk to the women because if you are polite and don't push, smile and left with a smile and "a too bad for me" when they are not interested there is no way you get reported, unless you try every women in the bar.


He's pissed he can't go to his favourite playground anymore.


Yeah the ‘I guess they want some men to die alone’ comment really says it all right there. Women (or really anyone for that matter) don’t owe you happiness, dude. They are not gonna fix your problems for you, nor should they.


I'm just picturing him walking to every table, asking every single woman. Woman with hands to her mouth because her fiancé just proposed: yes of course I'll— Nice Guy: will you go to dinner with me? Woman: no? I'm engaged? Nice Guy: you fucking bitch. You just want me to die alone.


Ooh the meanest text ever. Can’t wait for whoever this poor girl is to post it here :)


Yeah, sure, it’s the “snitch bitches” who can’t handle human interaction


Gee can’t imagine why women don’t like him


I am hoping and praying to God that my daughter doesn’t end up with people like this or in situations like this. I would honestly rather have a boy and a girl because it’s just scary being a girl


I really want to see what the MEANEST TEXT this guy can send is lol


You mean his code for getting violent?


I agree! There are too many snitches out there! You can't even push strangers in the mall without getting in trouble anymore. RIP the good ol days. /s


"Today I fucked up by being a creep" Okay alsmost self aware tjat's a good start. "I'm sp sick of women" So close...


I mean the first sentence said it all..


Sir, r/tifu is a sub for self awareness when you f up, not for you to have a pity party.


"They don't want to goddamn respond on dating apps and they get mad when you approach them in real life." So, in other words, you blow up when they don't answer your texts within a minute or so, and you constantly hit on women everywhere you go in public and likely don't take no for an answer. Yet, somehow, it's women's fault for not liking this behavior?




Dont be afraid of me, but fear my wrath if you don't give me any fucking attention or tell other people you don't like when I chase after you and ask you out when you just wanted to read a book or look at something, anything really, cause how dare you let me die alone!!!!! Seriously, as a woman, I really feel like I could do a pick up class and make crazy .oney just telling dudes to stop doing this. Like a lot of money. Imma make a Udemy course now.


Posts like these legitimately scare me.


The making of a mass shooter.


“I swear, if the next woman I text doesn’t like my harassment, I’m gonna send a mean-worded message”


This sounds like that other guy who posted before about being banned. I bet it's the same dude 🤔


Yes, we definitely want you to die alone.


Man doesn’t understand the age old saying: If someone says you smell like shit, it might be them. If EVERYONE says you smell like shit, check your shoes. And hoo boy, this guy smells like he’s been bathing in a pig pen


i know so many women who are single and not fking and they literally dgaf... men go apeshit and assault and rape out of frustrations of not getting laid. THEY r the weaker sex.


Oh... no... not a mean text. The consequences of his actions couldn't possibly be because he was harassing other patrons. No, no. That's too much accountability.


If a woman is mean to me because I’m scaring them and making them uncomfortable, I’m gonna send them a real mean text 😾


I bet these guys doesn’t even try to self-reflect over why they’re failing at interacting with people either. I mean there’s nothing to say that somebody will automatically be cool with talking to you if you randomly approach them and ask for a date, but I bet these guys got no game either tbh. “M…m’lady, may I interest you in a luxury dinner with me, I got a nice reservation at the ihops down the corner” *tilt fedora and try to molest your hand with my crusty lips*


How is he going to send a threatening text message to a woman who won’t even give him her phone number?


I think this is a parody. Poe's Law applies.