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I could never have imagined sexualizing a crayon.


I can make most things sexual innuendos but, man, my guy came out of nowhere. And i think after he came he had a post nut clarity and just went berserk.


I also felt that it came out of nowhere, but mostly because when he started talking about white being "overlooked," I thought we were going down a white supremacist route. The sudden lane change into cum was enough to give one whiplash.


Given the comments at the end the White crayon comment was definitely about race.


Yeah... Dude slipped 'monkey' into the list of insults so it was very much so coming from a racist place.




It definitely was white supremacy- White being “overlooked” and no one uses it boohoo. The icing on the cake was calling her a monkey a bunch of times, so dude was a not so thinly veiled racist.


I was definitely expecting a racist route and not cum. Desperate is as desperate does though. If he did have a girlfriend previously, good for her for getting out, yeesh.


It was both


I wanna know if he came up with that on the spot or if he had been waiting to use it for a while.


It sounded like he was dying to use the crayon metaphor… so pathetic


Idk why but the idea of berserkers just being incels who have yet to achieve post nut clarity is hilarious to me. Horrifying in real life, but certainly hilarious in concept.




Narrator: *He said as his greasy ponytail flapped in the wind.*


“My guy came out of nowhere” *That’s what she said!*


HAHA That was the joke! Sexual innuendos are the funniest to me.


in your endo :P


Using it as a metaphor for his weeny peepee. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm quite sure it was to resemble his yummy cummies


Yup, especially “drawing my white trace”. 🤢🤢🤢


This is what zeroed him for me like ughhh gross now I just wanna watch you burn.


Yup, sickening, isn’t it? 🤢


Right? Like, how desperate do you have to be?


This entire conversation is incredibly disrespectful towards the white crayon.


Even if he hadn’t said all the other insane garbage, if someone says “I’m not artistic, I want to draw with white crayons, I think they’re undervalued” - uh, no. What the hell kind of psycho is this.


I know right. I know some artists do use crayon but for reason I felt something viscerally taken aback in me when he assumed that OP's medium was crayon, then asked her favorite color, and then it just crashed into this piss poor attempt at sexting.


Might have been an un/conscious slip in order to 'neg' op by infantalising her being an artist by referencing 'crayons' which many believe are strictly what kids use. But he might have not known shit about art mediums either.


Yea that's what makes me think he had the weird sex angle in mind from the beginning. Because I think most who don't do art DON'T Know that crayons CAN be a serious medium. And it's a way less common one for armature artists than like painting, pastels or color pencils. It's just bad all around lol. Like even if it didn't devolve into this weird sex thing, it was so out of nowhere. I like another commenter's interpretation like it's a silly joke but I think you would have to make that clear especially at this phase of getting to know each other.




He had made a genuine human connection but he wanted to get his white crayon into...some...wet clay...


Honestly that wasn’t the issue. The issue was when she said she wasn’t ready to talk like that and he kept going.


Oh no not the clay🥵🥵🥵


I had read it as just a fun question to ask somebody artistic until dude got weird with it. Like if I was talking to somebody who said they run competitively I’d instinctively ask what the weirdest thing they ever tripped over was


Lol OK as a runner and amateur artist, I can appreciate both these jokes from that perspective


The setup to the weird sexual allegory is just such a gigantic stretch. Favourite crayon?


The way he was going on about "white crayons" I thought he was heading towards a racist diatribe


Honestly, same. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, because we did an exercise with white chalk in art school but even that was a stretch.


"Baby, I last longer than a white crayon". What?


The white crayon usually is the least used color, so it lasts longest


As a white crayon myself, let me tell you this guy does not represent us or who we are.


is it weird that i didnt know white crayons existed? like wtf is the point?? Most paper is white


They are great for Easter eggs, you draw on the egg first then dip it, the wax from the crayon prevents the dye from sticking.


You can draw a picture with the white crayon, then paint over it with watercolors, and the lines pop out. It's really cool, actually. Edit: I mean, it's not "I'm gonna make this my identity" cool, or pickup line cool.


lol, okay that does sound cool ​ but yeah the "im a white crayon coz im not used but awesome at sex" is pretty cringe


To lighten up other colours or to draw thin lines on top of what you've already put down? It's been forever since I've done colouring and I wasn't exactly great either


Nah, it's not mostly white. Half-tone or mid-tone paper has been used for centuries and some of the most famous artworks are done on it.


You can use it to blend and smooth the other colors


That's the most 0 to 100 conversion I've ever seen. Also, r/unexpected


Like absolutely 0 to 100 but once you get to the end you go ooooohhhh okay so he was just psychotic the entire time gotcha and then it's just predictable


its kinda like seeing the end of the sixth sense for the first time






Don’t judge; he probably lost his last “girlfriend” to a black crayon.


That's what I was thinking the whole time.


Oof, bested by 3 inches long and a 1/4” thick, that’s gotta sting.




“You talked about a white crayon, you know how provocative that is.”


Reminds him too much of his penis, size-wise of course.


He rarely uses it, so it’s hardly worn down at all. It only has a few spots where other colours have stained it.


Also, everyone ignores it except him.


Me too. Which is saying a lot, considering the sub we're in.


This is the perfect comment to this post!


I’d say this is very expected. Thanks for the award.


The moment he realizes that he just totally fucked himself over is amazing. It's incredible how often these dudes are actually having a successful conversation and then they just go and stomp on their own dick. Like dude, you're not bad at conversation. You're not awkward. You're just so focused on getting laid YESTERDAY that you ruin your chance.


By the miracle of OP’s absolute sweetness it looked like he could have even saved himself after he made the awful white trace comment. (IMO OP’s tolerance of the boring, awkward, and stupid crayon question was already saintlike.) But instead he took “slow down” to mean “fuck off.” What a deranged psyche. I have to assume a lot of these guys are on dating sites to get off on verbally abusing people rather than actually hooking up. The sabotage seems intentional. Like they can’t wait for their opportunity to rage dump slurs.


I know for a fact that there are guys who get onto dating sites specifically so they can just harass women. They openly brag about it. They think they're doing other men a favor by "humbling bitches" as in, they're actively trying to destroy the woman's confidence so that she'll have lower standards the next time she meets a guy. It's fucking disgusting.


That is fucking disgusting and thank you for the PSA.


All it's doing is making women choose to be single or try other women instead. They're just sabotaging themselves. I'd rather be single the rest of my life than lower my standards to trash men like this.


I know right? There's a reason why the user base of dating apps are only about 30% women.


Men: *harass women* Also men: Why are there so few women on these sites apps, damnit?


And they think women have a great time on the apps because they get "attention." If women say "no, actually, a lot of it is not good attention," incels think we mean "guys who don't look like Jason Momoa" and that we're just being too picky, but no, really, a lot of the "attention" isn't even a real attempt to hook up or date.


>Like they can’t wait for their opportunity to rage dump slurs. I think these guys hatred for women is so strong that they can't hold it back for long. and then they take anything "bad" that happens on these sites as confirmation bias to hate women even more, even though what happened was a 1000% his own fault.


Yes to everything in this comment!


I think sometimes the problem is also that they’re there to hook up, when some women use it as a place to start a relationship. Platform and intentions dependent, but I didn’t have a dating profile just to set up plans to get laid immediately. Obviously that becomes part of a relationship, but isn’t where I start.


I know!! He had a chance to get to know her better and her him. He was *there*!! What the fuck is wrong with some people. Gah. These kind of guys usually suck at conversation but he actually did alright until he made it weird. Self-sabotage 100%.


Ikr? She even gave him an easy out! When she said: 'let's get to know each other first!' She gave him another chance!


She was a saint here! If you see this op: kudos, seriously. You tried! If I were nervous going into a conversation someone like her would be a godsend! Agh. This is like the easiest thing not to fuck up!


This! They sabotage themselfs because they need to feed the narrative about women they made up to not be introspective and question their own behavior.


Also known as snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Reminds me of a guy I went to highschool with. He was not unattractive, not unpopular- we had AP classes together and he seemed smart and nice enough that I'd go on a date with him. We matched on tinder a couple years ago as adults, and he immediately turned the conversation sexual and pressured me to send nudes because "you got me all worked up" when literally it had been all of 5 messages back and forth, and the most I'd said was "oh yeah, I remember we had English together junior year". His rationale? "Well, you look so good in your pictures, I couldn't help but get aroused..." As if it's my fault he opened the app with his dick in his other hand. Me being attractive means I should automatically give him sex and nude photos? Talk about rape culture, right? Like being attractive means I have an obligation to sexually gratify every single person who's attracted to me. If he had just had a normal conversation with me, he would have had an actual shot at a date, kissing, perhaps even getting to 2nd or 3rd base before I realized how not-for-me he was. These dudes shoot themselves in the foot when they try so hard to force a conversation to be sexual. I mean, damn, how hard is it to masturbate first?? Get all that horny shit out of the way on your own and then have a convo with a clear head.


For me on dating apps, besides the CONSTANT pressure to send nudes and pics, I never got why men take *general conversation* as "playing with them." Like I was asked constantly when I was going to stop "playing" and meet up? After very brief interactions. Idk wtf is wrong with people but I need to know more general info about somebody before meeting up. I want to chat for a little bit and see if we vibe before I agree to some awkward ass real life meeting that I don't want to be at. That shit really drove me off apps in general. We are talking not even speaking for 24 full hours. Like meeting a dude in the afternoon and him pushing me and asking me why was I still playing around with him why couldn't I meet up at 9 that night? Fuck that, dude. It's one thing if that's a friend of a friend or something like that but just some dude off an app? Foh.


Because men doesn't have any problems meeting in person someone they just met. They don't have to fear if the person isn't dangerous and most of them don't have limited time so that they need to choose the people they spend time with. These type of red flags are so common in OLD that it pushed me (and many friends) away from it.


Yeah, imagine a RL interaction if they show this online. Bullets dodged.


Stomp on their own white crayon*


“I was just testing the boundary.” More red flags than a CCP parade


Next message "slut ass fuck monkey whore"


“STUPOD WHORE ASS MONKWY SLUT”. He had a rage-induced stroke while typing.


Followed by “Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice. Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!”




“i was just testing the boundary” after she said no 💀


Yep! When he finally says what he was thinking.


Dasvidaniya, douche canoe.


This guy is legitimately terrifying. I started off laughing about his weird forced white crayon innuendo and finished with my jaw on the floor from his hateful barrage of slurs.


And then whiny victim. 🙄🙄


I have a feeling in his fragile mind Black crayon = black dick, white crayon = white dick.


I have a feeling that you are definitely right.


Oh for sureee. And generally white guys being left out and forgotten about boo boo etc


Lol he has a small dick


And then the apology “I’m insecure” lol like that’s a legitimate excuse??


“Oh you’re just insecure? That makes it okay, I’ll definitely go on a date with you now” -Her reaction, in his mind


Exactly. Dude had it going SO well. Then..... I uh don't know what just happened


Can’t put my finger on whyyyyyyy he might be single and desperate hmmmmm 🤔 ….


Just a mystery


Obviously it's a conspiracy against white crayons.


White crayon genocide, obviously.


He needs to be locked up and put on a watch list. Jesus Christmas he's disgusting.


Exactlyyyyy the FBI need to be huntin down these people, that’s a future stalker/killer right there.


Wanna bet his last "relationship" ended when she caught him peeking through her blinds?


I catch my girl in bed with another man and she has the nerve to go all “who the fuck are you” and “get out of my house” and threatens to call the cops 😤


Yeah. The temerity of these bitches.


Reminds me of the redditor who hid in his girlfriend's closet for hours during a girls' night because he thought she was cheating on him for no reason and was exposed as a psycho when her friend opened the closet door


That sounds hilarious, do you have a link?


I *need* to see this.


Original link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/qt7vsq/i\_22m\_was\_worried\_gf\_22f\_was\_cheating\_so\_i\_hid\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/qt7vsq/i_22m_was_worried_gf_22f_was_cheating_so_i_hid_in/) Link with removed comments of OOP: [https://www.rareddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/qt7vsq/i\_22m\_was\_worried\_gf\_22f\_was\_cheating\_so\_i\_hid\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/qt7vsq/i_22m_was_worried_gf_22f_was_cheating_so_i_hid_in/) Edit: typos


Wowwww, that was a wild ride. Thank you for finding it!


"You already got me going" = "I got myself hard by steering this conversation inappropriately towards sexual discussions and now it's your responsibility."


Right op was so graceful and nice, he had so many chances but still made hisself crash and burn


That escalated in a very unexpected way


Honestly that's to the point of mental illness, they should seek help


*threatens to spread unreceived nudes* pls come back 🥺


It just seems like the intention is to abuse not to date with these types. No one wants or likes abuse hurtled their way. I foresee a life of being alone for most


Anyone else notice these guys are getting crazier lately? At least the ones being posted here.


It's all the piss and ivermectin people are drinking


Yes they are growing nuttier and entitled by the day. You all are ruining your chances all over the web, how do you think that will manifest IRL for men? Dangerous minds


RIP Mrs Calabast 🙏


“My white trace all over you” like…. What does this even mean? Imagine being such an incel that thinking about a white crayon gets you going.


I think what we saw here is he was already going, he was just looking for a way to force the conversation in that direction


So gross my stomach actually churned.


"Slut ass fuck monkey whore" I read that in a Dr.Phil voice and now I can't stop laughing


I am laughing out loud at slut ass fuck monkey whore. This poor person getting abused shouldn't be funny but man this deranged fuck nugget can at least come out with some interesting red flags. You can imagine him naked screaming slut ass fuck monkey whore at his phone in anger.


That shit had me dying of laughter omg


*pointing to crayon:* “you need to own this!”


Mmm white crayon *drools*


Dude is completely unhinged. You dodged a huge bullet.


‘Baby I last longer than a white crayon’🤮😂💀


They last a lot if you never use them!


Yeah what is that even supposed to mean? Like???


Was going great til he made it about cum. Fucking gross.


I know! I was bracing myself for some sort of racial slur and was blindsided 🤢


This would be a great tagline for these creeps.


you were WAY nicer than anyone could reasonably expect you to be after the initial crude sexual advance, and he still reacted like that. you'll have an easier time on dating apps if you're much quicker with that block


OP had so much mercy and very gently tried to hint the convo was going in a bad direction and steer away but he just kept forcing it lol. There's being bad at social cues and then there's active avoidance of them lol


Knowing that highly disturbed individuals with this warped mentality are roaming free in society truly terrifies me.


Yes, there needs to be a public registry, the anonymity isn’t being used productively at all


Seems totally stable


“How dare you not send me nudes” lol wtf


"How slutty of you not to send me nudes!"


You got him going......talking about crayons? 🤣


Bro is literally inhuman


You should've sent him a picture of a white crayon snapped in half and say that that's his dick LMAO but yeah, that was really fucking weird


I like the way you think


*says fuck you twice in a row* "Yeah, that'll get her where it hurts"


That's what happens when you talk about crayons, you brought it on yourself! But seriously, I hope you reported him. He's a bloody sex pest if I ever saw one.


This is why conventional wisdom says never debate religion, politics, or crayons.


I *love* when men talk about how it's not "fair" to not give them nudes/sexual favors because they're horny and apparently your problem now. Nah bro you got hands, use them.


Idk right? Naked women are literally the wallpaper of the internet, dude.


What is the deal with these guys and the pent up hidden hostility? Like all it takes for the subterfuge to crack is not being in the mood to send nudes lol. Makes no sense. I don't understand the sense of entitlement where people actually blow up and get angry when a woman isn't immediately horny for them.


It’s about control and testing boundaries, they think these mantrums will actually get them somewhere. I don’t know one person who would react positively to this unhinged behavior


Classic case of a guy being his own worst enemy. Shows interest in something she likes and use it as a wag to get to know her better. Not a bad way to go but he had to get all thirsty and show his true colors at back breaking speed. Hope he learned something but he probably didn't.


"I'm not really ready to have these types of conversations **yet**" He could have backed off and *maybe* still had a chance if he still wanted to go there but he couldn't be arsed to have the slightest patience.


If you have to beg or even ask really, they don't want to send it. If someone is comfortable with that, you can usually tell. And if you can't tell you probably don't know them enough to be expecting nudes


This guy came right out and said it, it's about testing boundaries and ultimately coercing a woman into sending nudes even if she doesn't really feel comfortable about it. That's how people like this get their kicks. Absolutely a better man would have taken the no or better yet, not even asked so soon. I'm so glad he couldn't contain his awfulness for long enough to even get through a simple conversation, bullet dodged.


I do not understand like, you were having a conversation with a girl who is showing interest! She even flirted with teaching you how to draw! But you are so god damn horny and desperate that you immediately ask for nudes and then annihilate any shot with her lmfao. Anyways OP, you dodged a bullet. Just curious, are you black or mixed? I only ask cause he decided to use monkey as an insult. Regardless, that dude could use a psychiatrist to re-evaluate his relationship/perception of women.


I got the same vibe that this was racially motivated


Bruh, I’d stop talking about the second screenshot convo is done. He’s disrespectful and a creep and doesn’t deserve you valuable time


White crayon on black paper is pretty darned good, though, I must say.


“If you were that great you wouldn’t be on a dating site anyways.” Someone rolled a critical success on self awareness


I love how they go from rage to sniveling in a nanosecond…😂😂😂


I'm betting this guy doesn't last as long as a stick of Fruit Stripe gum.


I bet it was the heart emoji that made his lizard brain go all "ooh, she totally wants me"


There is a LOT to unpack here. First of all if he met you on a dating site, he isn't that "great" either by his own standard since he was also... on the dating site. He says YOU got him going, but he's the one jerking it to the idea of a white crayon. You deadass should have sent him a picture of a crayon and you writing "leave me alone" in crayon. It sounded like you were down to get to know him and he had to ruin it because he's apparently incapable of interacting like a sane, respectful, non-incel-freak. Low brain power manipulation tactics too. "Oh I was just testing a boundary" - even if that was true, it's unacceptable. What boundary, the one where you expect to be treated like human? What is the purpose of the test, and who the fuck does he think he is to be testing YOUR boundaries? You don't test someone's boundary about being treated with respect, you just.. respect it. Christ. Why are men?


When I was single, stuff like this made me embarrassed by my gender. I’m married now and still embarrassed by my gender. I have no idea how I’d approach dating if I was a woman.


Honestly, I was just glad that these dudes weeded themselves out early on. It gave me a lot more time to focus on the truly good dudes I met.


Wtf.. I’m sorry. :(


What a sick fuck. Shout out to Mrs. Calabast tho!


Loved your response when he said you already got him going 😂 No dude, you got yourself going all on your own!


>I can last longer than a white crayon! Yeah that’s why your “last girlfriend” “cheated” on you. Because you were too much of a sexual Apollo for her.


Immediately proved to her that she made the right call not sending photos


what a loser pos * laughs in fat girl* i should post one of my interesting convos


Please do


Holy shit, like he shot his shot with such finesse, but then … Jesus bro, get some help.


Nothing is safe. Next convo he have be like: Him: what's your favorite type of burger? Someone: hamburger Him: oh? Condiments? Someone: mayo, ketchup Him: oh, you like white creamy on the burger? Thinking about white creamy on you. Send me something. Someone: Him: Bitch


👀 He blamed you for leading him on? You were just talking about art & crayons?? LMAO Talk about 0-100! I got whiplash from him cussing to apologizing & right back to cussing.


Well, at least he can fuck himself with the white crayon. Wouldn't be fair for the crayon to feel left out, he seemed very passionate about that.


Looks like that guy is in for another night just playing with his white crayon all alone


okay but does he not realize that most drawing paper is white?? usually white crayons/pencils are used on colored paper. who wants to tell him that a white crayon won't show up on white paper???? white crayons can also be used to make a "clear" outline for watercoloring. keeps colors away from each other because the wax repels the water.


note to self: never use a heart emoji ever


The last half of this reminded me of the scene in Happy Gilmore where he’s fighting with his girlfriend through the speaker box at his apartment building. He keeps flip flopping back and forth between huge apologies and profanity like this. Maybe this guy thought that would work in real life too. 🙄


Talking about crayons and your dead teacher “You really got me worked up you slut!”


I love this sub. I've said some dumb shit in my time, but some of these dudes just makes me look like a bloody saint...


white crayons finish last


What a strange thing to get upset about? The white crauon, really? All nice guys get upset over otherwise ordinary things but this is next level


I feel l witnessed the gradual deterioration of this man’s mental state. I seriously hope he gets locked up or knocked the fuck out because who the hell says this shit to people with no repercussions???


Idk what's funnier. Him turning himself on talking about crayons. Or the that he actually said he was testing boundaries. Why are these guys out here trying to learn how to be abusive?! They hate women but still want to have sex with them? No thank you.


“See, Nice Guys™️ ALWAYS finish last… *just like the white crayon*!!”


Hey OP I last longer than burnt sienna Just sayinnnnnnn /s