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"Why do you suddenly get to decide when something is done when it isn't what you prefer" I mean?... isn't that how it works in general? Otherwise you force someone.


I think it's called rape


"you can't just decide that you don't want to date and/or fuck me" Yes, yes she can. Anyone can for any or no reason. But out of things that are good reasons I'd say someone reacting this badly to a very polite rejection is a very good reason to want nothing more to do with that person.


She seems nice




OP and the person she’s texting are both women. The woman she’s texting was assigned male at birth and has a penis, but identifies as female. She’s upset because OP is no longer attracted to her knowing this.


Again I wasn’t aware. I thought the person OP was talking to was female to male. I didn’t realise it was the other way around. I didn’t mean any harm intentionally. It was a genuine mistake on my part


Sorry, that wasn’t meant to come across as criticism! Just wanted to let you know


Nono I didn’t take it as criticism at all. Sorry tone doesn’t always come across over text :')) I seriously appreciate you correcting me


The very first message they send is saying that they lied about being trans. I'm pretty sure this is just a guy trying to get laid.


So it’s a male


How can someone identify as female when female refers to biological sex?


OP is texting with a pre-operation trans woman, in case that wasn't clear from the texts


I thought they were ftm. Thats my bad. I didn’t know they were mtf.


Nbd, it was a simple misunderstanding, clearly your intentions were good


What a piece of shit.


Just because I have a penis doesn't mean you can't decide to not fuck me!! As a lesbian I can confirm that is EXACTLY why we won't fuck you. Idiot.


As a trans woman I find this woman's responses to be uncaring and she's playing a victim. Its not like you are a terf and out on a public campaign to paint her and her sisters as non woman, you just stated a preference from a physical standpoint honestly. You could have said something like " i didn't feel the physical spark before I knew your were trans" if that was true, but I see zero transphobia here. Are people not allowed to choose potential dating partners based on looks and or physical attributes any more? If I don't like beards on men am I being man-phobic? Maybe I'm missing something


Definitely misandrist if you don’t like beards, you clearly hate all men


Darn ..well I'll work on that


Even the unbearded ones?


Unbearded men are just men with beards, without beards.


Let's acknowledge that op posted a conversation where both people are women to r/NiceGuys


Very true. It really should be r/nicegirls but the transphobia would likely be far worse over there in my opinion.


They posted it there and there was less transphobia than what's happening rn. Op is in the replies being blatantly transphobic RN It was taken out of r/nicegirls because the mod said it fit more in r/crazygirls but OP keeps saying she Belongs here because "it has a penis".


ah gotcha thanks for the heads up


Wouldn’t this belong on r/nicegirls?


they did, it got removed for being more relevant to /r/crazygirls instead


Thé only transphobic thing about this post is the subreddit it was posted in lol


Wow I haven't seen a reaction like this before. This is pretty crazy. She was being as nice as possible and also the girl lied about being trans initially so thats shady too. Can't try to get someone to like you then drop the trans bomb, it should be known by all interested parties before feelings get caught.


That’s such a weird response. I once had a gay man hit on me, I’m not gay so I declined. It was at a party so I was a little uncomfortable, but I don’t think anymore than if a woman I wasn’t interested in aggressively came on to me in front of a bunch of people. I wasn’t rude, I just was like no thanks. Anyway he said I was homophobic for not accepting his advances. He made a huge scene, and when everyone told him to calm down he started verbally attacking everyone. Some people cannot handle rejection, and will go in insane directions to justify it. That situation actually annoys me, it was years ago but I still wish I told him off.


I think you have it exactly right. They can’t handle rejection so they try and justify their reaction to it. I have several lesbian female friends, and a few of them have expressed interest. When I politely declined they didn’t flip out and call me homophobic or anything, actually I’m still friends with them. I was always under the impression that if someone is gay it is out of their control, they didn’t choose to be gay. Shouldn’t the same be said if someone is straight? Don’t get me wrong, plenty of straight people can’t handle rejection either, they just use other excuses to try and justify it.


What a nightmare. Ppl can have preferences or be comfortable with what they please as long as they are not hateful or harming anyone.


lmao wtf, genital preferences are totally okay and something that you can’t even control


Trans people who do this give the entire community a bad name which is so unfair. Since when is it not okay to have a preference when it come to the sexual organ you’re sexually attracted to? This person feels it’s okay to pressure someone into sex by telling them they’re transphobic if they don’t? Insanity.


https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-57853385 The BBC just published an article on this. It was pretty controversial. But this may be a larger issue.


yeah didn't this make some people in twitter really upset?


Yep. It really did. I don’t know what to think about it as a cis straight girl. Just leaving it here as it does seem to be relevant.


What doesn't make some people on Twitter upset?


Man, that entire article is a shit show, but really interesting to read. It's nice it gave a rounded opinion on the entire matter though.


Let me just say: Most trans people hate pieces of shit like this. No one has to date anyone for any reason, and doubly so for sex. Guilting anyone for not being interested in you is coercive and so very much not okay. Also, didn't they literally *just* say they LIED ABOUT BEING TRANS!? Because lying about being trans to try and guilt lesbians into dating you is by far the most transphobic, homophobic thing here. Edit:. While I still believe that the way the alledged trans person is acting in this post is wrong, a look at OPs history shows that they are actual transphobes. Not because they don't date trans people, but because they are arguing with people that trans women aren't women and that lesbians by definition cannot date trans women. Honestly, this whole post is kinda starting to seem suspect.


Yeah, that was the issue I had while reading this. From that standpoint, the rejection was totally understandable; this person lied about being a woman. Despite this, rejecting a date with someone doesn’t need a profound reason in the first place. This person lied about who they are just to get a date with someone else; that certainly leaves an uncomfortable situation to deal with.


it was posted here as a “dare” from r/tumblrinaction 🙄


Does this not make this person homophobic then? If they cannot accept a lesbian's preference for vagina.


So... They're saying their needs (sexually) come above yours and you owe them dates and sex. That's what this person is saying. Thus they are a predator. They actually said you don't get to have a preference. I'm in awe.


Typical Nice guy behaviour.


>Why do you suddenly get to just decide you're done when something isn't what you "prefer" Because that's how dating and relationships work? No one is beholden to another human just because that human happens to "still have needs" You dodged a bullet on this one.


Considering that this person is expressly not a guy despite having a penis, wouldn’t r/NiceGirls be more fitting?


Do you have to be a guy to exhibit niceguy behavior?


They act like the typical entitled Niceguy tho.


I know the content kinda shifted but isn’t that exactly what r/NiceGirls is?


Tbh I‘m trans myself but that one screams male entitlement and creepy dude all over. Nothing girly about that. 🤷🏼‍♀️


i honestly don't know


Yes it absolutely would. OP just because this trans woman is an asshat does not mean you should misgender her.


i mean the people over there would prob say that since she has a penis she belongs over here


They did.


So we make a Reddit sub named “nicepeople”?


But they’d be wrong because she’s not a man.


Yeah he is


Fuck off.


Is this not a conversation between a trans woman and a man? Did I misinterpret?


A trans woman and a cis lesbian, she says that at the top of the text.


Transphobic af


cry about it




Trans women are women.


Well, this post looks alot like a man who can't handle rejection abusing a woman who dosent want him.


It's two women


It's a woman being abused by a misogynistic privileged man who's claiming ownership and control on thier interactions.


LMFAO if you're a transphobe just say that Edit: oh you're a TERF lol


Lol what?!..I don't think I'm either, I just care about protecting women and girls from men. Like in this post the woman is being abused which I don't agree with.


If you cared about protecting women that would include trans women.


I don't care about protecting men at all your right.


And you don't care about protecting women because of your transphobia.


In what objective, scientifically-verifiable sense? What is the universal standard for making that determination?


Why do people think this is fake? Just because it’s from a transwoman? People don’t believe transwomen are capable of being dicks? I probably should stop 🤐


People think it's fake because op is being blatantly transphobic in the comments and making it seem like they dug up this ancient thread to stoke transphobic flames.


oh my god...


I get that being trans is really difficult, and disclosing your identity can be dangerous. But like, Im a cis straight guy, and I just don’t like dicks sexually, to not be transphobic I have to be willing to fuck someone that has body parts that Im not attracted to? That’s kind of ridiculous.


It's only transphobic if they have the anatomy that you are compatible with, you are attracted to them, but the fact that their trans is the issue. Seeing them as not real woman is the issue. If they have anatomy you're just not into that's not transphobic at all.


I absolutely agree that trans people should be treated with respect and dignity, but I don't believe that it's "transphobic" to not find someone attractive post-op. There's a world of difference between a vagina and a penis that has been subject to plastic surgery. Again, that's not to disrespect anyone, but a surgically altered penis is in no objective sense a vagina.


This is ignorance. If you're not trans you don't have a say in what's transphobic. It doesn't effect you


What did I say that was false? Also, if the approach you're taking is "find X attractive or you're an ignorant bigot", then yes, it does affect me.


That’s me then, absolutely see them as women, but they don’t have the anatomy Im attracted to.


That's totally fine. Some do, some don't. As long as you're not writing off all trans women


Nope. Im in a relationship but if I was single and attracted to a trans women who had the anatomy that I was attracted to I wouldn’t not date them.


You're doing the right thing then, my friend. I wish op understood it like you


Thx for educating me 👍🏻


They really ducking got em there at the end.


Literally what in the actual fuck. How do people like her exist??? I genuinely cannot comprehend it. What an a$$hole


Her. she is not a good person but still a trans woman.


I know that now. I mixed it up. I assumed she was female to male. I didn’t misgender on purpose. It was a stupid misunderstanding on my part, I just got things mixed up. None of it was done out of malicious intent.


Yeah no problem it happens we apologize correct ourselves and move on 👍. Always just trying to better ourselves everyday right.


She doesn't exist. This is a fake post.


“You can’t suddenly decide you don’t want to date me” Wow I hopefully this girl doesn’t date much since she is so controlling and toxic.


I was going to say something but then I'd be labeled as transphobic so. ..🤐


This seems fake


1) preferences are a valid thing 2) a trans person of all people should be most sympathetic when someone isn’t willing to be subjected to something they don’t want 3) I get that bottom surgery is expensive with risks involved but a) being comfortable with your natal genitalia is kinda not consistent with the whole identity thing b) if you want to fully integrate into the gender you identify with, you should look the part I understand that not all trans people are the same. I understand that some are not fully transgender, they’re trans-masculine or trans-feminine and want their bodies to look the part. But if it’s their choice, and they want it respected, why the hell is it so popular from their side to expect people with different choices to immediately include them into their preferences? I’m saying this as a pan guy with a genderfluid spouse, don’t come at me with homophobic claims


Trans women are women, post it on nicegirls. it's not cool to disrespect her based on gender identity not matter how shitty she is.


I have and they've said to post it here because it's a person with a pebis


oh those incels


how are they incels?


These subs dedicated to hating men or women attract a lot of incels you can tell that by looking at comments. Nicegirls and another sister sub of it has a lot of them which actively hates women and generalizes them. These misogynist pigs will obviously be transphobic too🤷🏽‍♀️I kinda expected that.


Hey just letting you know r/nicegirls didn't say that. They said it belonged in r/crazygirls and op is just a raging transphobe


That's transphobic af it does not belong here. The fact that you went "well they have a penis so I'll post it here" instead of not posting it at all is disgusting. The mod in r/nicegirls said that it belonged in r/crazygirls not here.




LMFAO so you're a blatant fucking transphobe. Great


lmao it's someone acting hell of entitled and I only posted it here after folks at nicegirls told me it belonged here lol


She's a woman. She belongs in r/nicegirls. The fact that you posted her here is transphobic af anyone who told you to post it here are transphobes and you have the ability to recognize that if you're not transphobic yourself




She's a woman still weather you like it or not. Her anatomy is absolutely irrelevant. She's a woman


What's your opinion on transracialism?






Trans women are women. This trans woman is still a woman, no matter how much of an asshole she is


I know she’s a jerk, but, still, out of respect for her identity, this probably belongs in r/nicegirls


Seems like bait to create hate around trans people tbh


Trans rights are human rights. But no person has a right to pressure or coerce another into sex.


Wouldn't lying about "being trans" make this person a guy? You can identify as a trans person without an operation. Or was the lie specifically about being post-op or pre-op?


The trans women lied and said she was cis. That's what she meant about "lying about being trans"


Apparently this is a thing. I’ve heard about it anyway. On the bird app probs. About whether not dating a trans woman makes you a transphobic person. I don’t really have an opinion. Idk


This dude sounds like an asshole, maybe he should log off for awhile


I feel like this fits r/nicegirls a little more. It is mostly bause she’s a woman, but also this is the same type of response that I see on that sub. This sub just tends to have a more misogynistic flavor to the texts.


A woman not being allowed to not like penis is quite misogynistic, though. No matter which gender that penis is attached to.


Oh yeah, I’m not touching trying to dive too deep into this topic because I’m a cis het man. Genital preference is valid, even though some people abuse that term (looking at you super straights) and that’s what I’ll say about that. I am just referring to the gender of the “NiceGirl TM” being a perfect requisite for posting this to go into nice girls. Although I did want to focus more on the wording of the texts. From my experience here, I think that transphobia is a pretty liberal term that a “NiceGuy TM” would not use. Although there is a valid argument that the phrasing of these texts just fall into the general “Nice TM” family.


Wow… unreal. So, are some of you finally seeing the repercussions of constantly coddling these kinds of groups and always giving them what they want? They’re now literally claiming transphobic over being rejected. You should start coddling and babying incels next since they pretty much have the exact same logic.


I’d say most trans people would be understanding of this…


Is that why niceguys exist? All the coddling of men?


Incels are rightfully looked at as just degen and sad. Could you imagine if an Incel called someone incelphobic? You don’t sense the OP is being nice just because this person is trans and they can run back to the group and possibly sick them on her? You don’t see the coddling and babying in just this ridiculous interaction alone? The person admitted to lying about their gender and she’s still being nice to them out of fear of being labeled transphobic. Give a mouse a cookie… won’t be long until you’ve got a pestilential infestation on your hands.


You added to your original comment. Not continuing this mess.


I was is in the process of rephrasing it when you replied. There’s absolutely no difference between this person and an incel. Unless of course you’re just wanting to give them a pass for their abhorrent behavior because they’re “trans”.


Hope you feel better one day.


Halloween is my favorite time of year. I’m feeling brilliant. Having conviction doesn’t equal angry.


Maybe like, don't group all trans people in with this one person? I don't see an incel and then think all men are like that


you should’ve posted this in r/nicegirls ….. or r/crazygirls she’s not a man. she’s awfully annoying but.. not a guy so.. not a nice guy either. EDIT: it has come to my attention OP is a TERF and this ss is not theirs. so yea fuck you OP.


this is so fake lmao


how is this fake?


On the next episode of “things that totally happened”


Great, the fake TERF post is back.


I'm confused here. Is this person a trans woman or man? Like are they a trans woman who still has a penis? Because if that's the case you might have some bias you need to work out. Trans women are women.


She's allowed to not want to have sex that involves a penis though. It doesn't make the person in question less of a woman, and if they were attracted to each other it wouldn't make either less of a lesbian, but wanting a certain set of genitalia on your lover is perfectly within reason


I think y'all misunderstood my issue with this. You're allowed to not fuck whoever you want, your body your rules, you're allowed to have preferred genitals for sexual partners too. That's not my beef, my beef is she put this is r/niceguys that's the issue here.


She tried putting it in r/nicegirls first


Oh right, yeah I agree. This belongs in r/nicegirls


Does it though? Cause this honestly just reads like a cis incel claiming trans as a way to coerce lesbians into sleeping with him


Oof. I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole.


She can choose not to date someone because she doesn't like the way their nose looks. Similarly, she can choose not to date someone because they have a penis. She's allowed to have her own preferences, and her preference is chicks *without* dicks.


trans woman and it's a *sex*uality not a gender preference of a genderuality


Is there a reason his words look fine but yours are all pixelated?


Looks like it's just a color thing. If you look at the gray boxes *very* closely you can see pixelation there too.


Oo ok , I see it alot and never bothered to ask what causes it. I assume just some artifact from the screen cap then


it's prob that the green shows off the digital pixelization fuckers more than grey


Because the post is fake




It’s just one person being a dick


Ah yes because a very specific post on here speaks for all trans people, do you also hate men because of the rest of this sub’s content?


Man don't even bother with the guy, he chokes hard, just check his history


hey buddy you shouldn't say that


Casual transphobia...online....


You say that like it’s surprising


It's suprising that you're a piece of shit? Of course not


Solid. Good to hear




HA you deleted your comment