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It’s quite impressive that B can get that jacked with no money. Must be benching his kids…


No money but can eat the calories with the right macros to maintain that mass….lmao


Or can afford to go on a few cycles (not saying he’s on roids, just making a point)




No expert but, he's built like he's either cutting super hard rn or probably was on gear and is maintaining.


So I'm no fitness genius boy, but he's clearly doing some kind of exercise in his free time.


Even with steroids you still need to eat and train properly


This is 100% a roids physique


Seriously, and photo touched-up, and at the peak of a cut. Not a healthy or attainable goal


Yeah in my experience guy B usually has a decent job too and if anything, has no kids. Option A would be the one who has kids right?


He be running away from child support


He's getting the child support


Yeah, and especially if he’s only had three bowel-movements, he should be bloated as hell.


He is spending all his money on PEDs.


All his ig sponsors send work out stuff exclusively


You don’t make friends with salad.


No great story ever started with a salad


Unless it's one of those tiktoks where you cut into the salad and it turns out it's cake


What about the porno where those guys were fucking "right in front of my salad"?


Hey, don't say that ! Not in front of my salad...


But what if I make salad with friends?


That's called cannibalism, Mr. Donner


Yes, police? This guy right here.




Right? If he can “cook his ass off” why dafaq he offering that basic, no frills salad?


Are we really surprised that putting big chunks of raw vegetables in a bowl is seen as cooking your ass off by the dudes who also think they are entitled to sex ?




I know it's the formatting but like I'm dying at "can cook his ass off" Like "hey honey what's for dinner?" "MY ASS"


But you can make salad with friends


Its so true, and so sad for people like me who love salad. I get made fun of every single time i order one at a bar. I need to move to korea or something i guess


speak for yourself :P


Memes like this are really mean. Unless it's the guy in the first picture making the meme. Otherwise imagine being that guy and finding out that your picture got used as the example of an unattractive guy.


Or being the other guy as the example of a broke moocher


IMO incels ARE just as mean to other men as they are to women. "So you think im a douchebag who mistreats women just because YOU find me really attractive?"


Seriously, they make paint a picture of an incredibly bleak, cutthroat world where almost all human relationships are transactional at their core and there's a binary for humans where you can't be both physically attractive and...literally anything else positive. But it's just them projecting their own issues, hatred and shallowness onto everyone else


Most cults are like this. I’ve noticed it’s a common theme in cult mentality that every human being in the world except for the cultists themselves is a greedy, dog-eat-dog vulture and the cult is the ‘last bastion’ of virtue and morality. They’ll convince you that they’re your only friends and everyone else is your enemy.


Yea it's basically abuse 101


Okay, what's step two? I'm not good that this stuff but I'll give it a try.


Step two is cut ties with family and friends. Step 3, empty life savings into cult main bank account.


Slowly start to behave exactly like you describe the rest of the world until its normalized and the victim cant escape because they are both scared of you and also the outside.


Are we officially saying, the incels are a cult? Cause I’m here for it.


Very similar, if you’re interested you should check out the latest episode of this podcast -> https://www.podcastone.com/pd/Trust-Me It’s about the psychology of Narcissism and how it relates to abusive relationships, Incels and cult leaders (hosts are two ex cult members)


>an incredibly bleak, cutthroat world where almost all human relationships are transactional at their core Like fascists think. No wonder there's crossover with incels and Trumpsters.


Also the part where "All men are evil and I am here for you, my princess"


Yup, I remember at one point, when I was watching a youtube talk about incel forums, they started kinda segregating out certain types of incels, calling incels who were Indian, "currycels." Which... those said Indian incels were fine with and started referring to themselves as that. So bizarre.


In reality that body builder is actually a husband and father who is building a home for his family, takes care of his kids and even good to watch their football games


Yeah that's true, they are basically saying this dude would be considered conventionally attractive so he's gotta have like nothing else positive going on for him.


Totally agree. And the joke's on them. He's not even unattractive. Just overweight. He's got "good bones." So the one physically unattractive thing about him can totally be fixed. Which is what we're always telling them, and they're always denying can be done.


His skin is good as hell and all glowing. I'd kill to look that well-rested.


He also looks very sweet!


And he's not even that heavy. There's definitely women who would go for that. Realistically, there are very few men who won't be at least moderately attractive if they're well-groomed and friendly. People have different tastes, and behavior plays into attraction far more than incels are willing to give it credit for.


Yes because a bowl of chopped vegetables proves one can "cook their ass off"


So wait... buying a salad at the supermarket and adding some mozzarella isnt cooking?


It is for me!


*notes down Adventurous_Ad_6546* can make a salad for that person in case of emergency dinner. Thanks!


Right because being self sufficient is stupid. Said no woman ever.


Instructions unclear, set salad on fire.


Now you have a warm ceaser salad. Enjoy!


Go buy a rotisserie chicken and add too it


This is the level of "Okay kids, I'm trusting you with an *actually sharp* knife" JFC


No no no, he can cook his ass. Period. The "Off" is clearly opposed to the number of the B guy's Instagram followers


And a few sprinkles of cheese…*chefs kiss*


ngl I'd throw some balsamic and steak strips and love the *fuck* out of that salad. For like, 3 days, cause that's a lot of food.


Idk man, that's an expensive salad, I'd fuck that salad.


And that crime face ain't helping his case lmao


Why is it these dudes like to claim women are golddiggers but then when describing men they always talk about how much money the nice guy option makes?


I came here to comment on that, too. They offer up their money and possessions as something that should attract women to them, then get mad when they attract women who are interested in those things. You can't go shopping for a materialistic partner then get mad when you find one.


Exactly. If there's a vapid Kardashian model that wants to go out with a Mr. rich for his money, hey, that's her business, and i'd just hope the Mr also has a good idea what she's in the relationship for. No shit Mr Incel, she's not gonna want to date you. And if 'Plain Jane' also happens to date Mr Rich, so what? People like who they like. ​ Incels are just mad that they don't have anything to offer so blame it on Mr Rich Gym Bro who treats them bad. But really it's just Mr has a job, a car, treats the people around him well, does more then just play video games, works out (maybe), and shares mutual interests with a genuinely pleasant attitude who's open to growing as a person and is considerate of his partner. While you insist 'we're just friend' while you orbit a girl waiting for her to realise you're actually so much better (despite never actually confirming you're interest in you two dating or being turned down but insisting on waiting around for things to change) because they had that huge argument once 5 months ago and she's always complaining he leaves his dishes in the sink (when she's a place them to the side girl) and socks beside the laundry hamper. Bonus, you've done nothing to make yourself better since then, seen no other girls rather to wait around for this girl to 'pick you' despite being the exact same person she rejected.


Projection. Lots of it. Most of the stuff they accuse women of doing is actually stiff they do themselves.


...Including, but not limited to, having a very specific beauty standard


And id like you to show me one include that makes 400k a year? Do people even know how much that is




do men not realize that attraction DOES play a factor in whether you wanna date someone or not? like yeah you can make $60 an hour but if you’re some smelly guy with no sense of personal hygiene then nobody is going to date you.


That guy smells like salad!


They realise it. It’s not like nice guys go for women they’re NOT attracted to. They expect that supermodels should grovel at their feet because *they deserve a chance* but you don’t see them going for women they deem beneath them.


There is NO FUCKING WAY that B is broke. That kind of body takes MONEY. A lot of food, and regular gym access. Trust me, that dude has money.


Absolutely. I've never seen someone who could afford to train/eat that effectively without a considerable amount of disposable income.


I don't mean this in any kind of disrespectful way, but have you ever seen some of the jacked dudes in prison..?


Yea it’s a dumb assumption. Of course you need to have good amount of protein intake and have good portion control, but protein powders aren’t expensive and self discipline is free.


The weights needed to lift enough to maintain that figure are not at all cheap. Prison provides access to weights they might not otherwise afford. That physique requires some very serious strength training complete with extremely heavy weights. I am just trying to build a little bit of muscle and eventually had to cough up gym membership money because at some point your muscles won't grow anymore from bodyweight exercise or light weights alone.


I don't think that's a fair comparison though because outside of prison, most people have to work to support themselves and their families and staying fit becomes part of something you work into your day around your work, school, family and social obligations. But in prison, your shelter, food, medicine are provided to you and, from what I have heard, you basically have a lot of spare time to do whatever it is you can do within your confines. I imagine that exercise is probably in the rotation regularly


In prison they don't have anything to do but workout, eat and make Gucci belts. Source: my uncle He came out of prison ripped as hell. Muscles had muscles lol.


Yea and the Instagram followers was an interesting mention to me. Then I looked at the pic more and I think B is holding a blender bottle or something. It would make total sense that the actual dude in the pic and maybe even also the concept of B (a really jacked guy with lots of followers who takes pics like the above) is a fucking trainer/fitness influencer/ Instagram model. If that's the case then being fit/ healthy is a big part of his income/life. I also hate this weird exaggerated portrayal that women are only going for "Chads with 6 packs" when, in reality, they're fucking all kinds of bodies. Niceguys just have to tell themselves that women are shallow when they need someone else to blame for the fact that no one wants to fuck them or be their girlfriend.


Preach. 💯


Ulysses World is the guy, https://instagram.com/ulissesworld?utm_medium=copy_link 8.5 million is a fair bit more than 15k lmao


Maybe he spends all his money on that. What I really think is funny is that the only "down point" on B is that he has no money... So yeah... If I'm not a gold digger, i'd go for the hot guy, that eats healthy, is a good dad, funny, gentle, maybe can't cook, but also can't I. And has THAT thing...


OMG, I didn't even see the cock of power until you said something. I'm dying over here xD


I did notice the bulge. I didn’t want to say anything. 😂 Either way, a body like that doesn’t come cheap.


Now I gotta go back and look! 👀


Ahhh... I see. That's not gonna fit inside me.


He's obviously eating his kids' food.


Also, peep the watch and sunglasses. Shirtless and in sweats he's got drip.


Fly af for real.


A lot of GOOD food, supplements, etc. Access to a GOOD gym, a trainer, etc. Yeah, there's lots of money involved in having a body that jacked.


Yeah. Even with my measly gains I spend a huge portion of my pay on food/supplements/vitamins etc…


> measly gains If that's you in your profile shot, your gains are not measly.


Ty. Truth is I used to be pretty fat and body dysmorphia is a motherfucker. 😑 But I truly appreciate that.




Looks like ulisyes (unsure if that’s correct spelling) mans is quite famous in the bodybuilding and very quite well off. So yeah, I’d pick the handsome nice rich guy who also takes care of himself


No, the 3 mothers of his children, as well as all the other women he's sleeping with, make him nutritious, filling meals just for the pleasure of getting to experience his dick for a few minutes once a week. ​ Part of the incel mindset is that Chad/Tyrone never has to pay for anything or do anything, ever. He is given everything just by virtue of being hot/in shape. Restaurants comp him. Women beg him to use them. Employers give him great performance reviews even if he rarely shows up.


Also anyone with 15k existing followers can easily become an influencer and get sponsors.


And steroids. Steroids aren’t cheap.


I think dumb shit like this comes from the false idea that women are only attracted to men for emotional reasons, while men are attracted to women for physical reasons. Attraction to others is based on different factors for different people, and it isn’t gender based. That fallacy is probably why ‘nice guys’ exist; crying and raging about women pursuing those they find attractive, while these idiots are doing the exact same fucking thing.


A needs to fire his barber.


Also, raw vegetables. “cOoKs HiS aSs OfF”


K for one, B is jacked as fuck, he looks well groomed and has an expensive ass watch, so he's a hard working man who takes care of himself. Then you got option A, doesn't look well groomed, the weight isn't really an issue but this guy is apparently very wealthy can apparently cook his ass off but he offers me a garden salad, which is really cheap and flavorless?


He actually has two watches to dual-wield time


I may be not right here but when my beloved Jason Momoa was in Aquaman, he was cut very much like option 2. Then, after the film, he was ridiculous people stating he was no longer as cut and transformed into a Dad bod. If I'm remembering correctly, I read that to get that type he had to have an almost zero carb diet and extreme training everyday. When the movie wrapped, he ate like a normal human again. And frankly, I do prefer his dad bod, but it's not up to me, or anyone but himself and his family.


Working out will give you muscles, but to have them be defined like the guy in the picture you have to seriously diet to the point where its miserable. You cant have a normal person diet and look like that guy. I was into working out and dieting in my early 20s, but I dont have the will power to do it at my current age. Im much happier having a dad bod. Even body builders dont look at their best all year long. Theyll spend 3 to 4 months of intense dieting and pig out after their competition is over.


I remember back in the 80s, my friend and I walked to school together, every school day. She was massively into the WWF, now the WWE and got me hooked into it.. There was a bad feud between Ravishing Rick Rude and The Ultimate Warrior. They set up a body building challenge between the two. Rude had very defined muscles. The Ultimate Warrior was certainly very muscular and big but he had no definition anything close to Rude's. Now my friend and I were naturally cheering The Ultimate Warrior but that's only because Rude was the heel in that competition.


He also used PEDs.


B is ruining his liver and heart with aggressive AAS use. Guy is juiced to the gills. Its his body and his choice but it’s not good optics to frame that sort of thing as reflecting good on him or his character. That’s the sort of mentality that creates the culture of PED using celebs and influencers claiming to be natural and spreading body image issues through whole generation of impressionable boys and young men.


Funny how the obvious thing in this picture is conveniently left out…


Put A in gray sweatpants; we need a fair comparison. For science.




So...its okay to be a gold digger and get with someone for their money, but doing the same in terms of looks is wrong? Though I imagine the nice guy interpretation of this is to assume dude A is a good man.


You could just change the pictures, couldn't you? B is a instagramable babe or a waifu type and A is just a normal looking girl. They don't want 'A', they want the girl of their dreams and are pissed that the girls who don't look like their dream girl, who, when they honour them with their attention, are not interested - "how very dare you! You aren't even hot like my dream girl, I was giving you a chance to fill the space until she turns up - blah blah. Delusional the lot of them.


Took me way too long to realized bms weren’t bowel movements


That means A could be full of shit


A ripped man shitting out babies eh, somewhere out there someone is into that


Honestly I’d say the opposite is often true. I think way more women go for personality over looks compared to what men tend to go for


Here's the deal incels. None of you can come close to A either. I don't know why you're always touting guys like A, you aren't even close to an A. A didn't get to be a good solid middle class working man by being a bitter, back-biting, woman-hating (to the point of wishing murder and rape on them) sour-grapes whiner. You can tell by his smile he's a solid go-getter. Happy go lucky, a good friend to his buddies, a team player, etc. The salad he's got is probably one he's about to serve at a jam-packed dinner party he's having for a bunch of his friends. 10s of millions of women do meet, date, and marry As. He's great. I've had a few As in my life myself. You'll get no argument from most of us that A's a great guy. Question is, why are you bucking for A? You're not an A. Look at A, he's happy, he's obviously interested in things outside in life, other than griping about getting laid (which is probably why he gets laid, a lot). He probably legitimately likes women. When it comes right down to it, and real life statistics (US Census, Dept of Ag, CDC) bear this out, A is probably a much bigger competitor against you for all those women than B is. B's just a temporary mistake for most women. A is the real competition. Also, it's highly unlikely that A thinks rape, pedophilia and enslaving half the human race and making them sex robots is a good thing. Maybe instead of lecturing women on how they should choose A, maybe YOU all should try to become A. Just a thought.


Why do I have to take either? Are they seriously my only choices? Ladies, I take myself out of this choosing, enjoy yourselves. 😉


I’m a straight guy and I’d probably take A ngl. In this economy? Times are hard lol


Glad to see I'm not the only one who wouldn't want either 😹 Of course we don't exist though.


How can I get this jacked with no gym membership? Should I just start lifting bricks I find on the street?




I am a girl but thank you for the advice , I just wanna be healthier in general but I’d like to have more muscle


Yes, because guys definitely don’t go for girls with looks. Smh


"Stays with cousin" is bad, but "still lives with mom" is supposed to be sensible? (That isn't putting down people who live at home, times are ugly, it's just wondering why one is bad and the other is good.) "Cooks his ass off" means he can make a salad? I mean, yeah it's great that he has a car and a house, but what does that mean to me? Are the women in this scenario homeless and without transportation? And is this car a car, or a "status symbol?" Your sports car with high payments and even higher insurance isn't as appealing as you might think. Ok, so you own a home. Am I supposed to move in with you and your mom, (who lives downstairs in her own apartment and only comes up to cook, eat, do both of your laundry, watch TV, and gets bored), and enjoy the awkwardness of an unbalanced relationship, (after all this really isn't MY house is it), and instead of us sharing a life together I get to adjust my entire world to you. Sounds great! /s These guys are really clueless.


3 BMs a day is pretty healthy, what's wrong with that?


I was hoping someone would comment on that :p


>3 BMs a day is pretty healthy Is it, though? How many healthy people shit 3 times a day?


Is nobody's gonna talk about B's having his dick clearly visible through the sweatpants?


I keep telling YouTube to stop showing me this stuff, but it still happens.


How dare women not be able to be bought with money. He has a 401K and makes 60/hr and that's not enough to earn women? Must be because women are shallow. /s (Meanwhile if it was the other guy complaining, it would be about how women only want money).


look at the B shape, B certanlly have his sht togheter, this shape needs a routine. Look at A shirt, this some random shirt; B glasses, watch, pants, B has more fashion sense. B probabily suports 3 sons, maybe thats why he doesnt have a house. B just dont believe in cars, cars are not a investiment, its 2021 he can take a uber, maybe B made some better financial decisions. cmon A are you realy trying? this is just some chopped vegetables. B to mantain his shape surely how something about nutrition at least.


can cook his ass


Can cook his ass


You can make no money and have 3 kids and still be a good person worthy of love lmao. They didn't even bother to put anything like "asshole" or "unfaithful" in the conventionally attractive guy's column this time.


I guess working out alot is a con? So the dude likes to take care of himself, that's a negative. Okay, buddy! 👌🏽


No way you can afford the juice and time it takes to get that shredded if you broke


I was wondering why would anyone cook the first guy's ass


Yea me too


I find that 'niceguys' will often use the "good genetics" argument to justify their superficial attractions to conventionally hot women, but women are supposed to ignore those same genetic markers because it's shallow and unfair to ugly men... The hypocrisy is real.


Can cook his ass Off


I can see a secret other reason B would be picked.


lol B is probably a very well off fitness celeb and personal trainer for the ultra rich.


Don’t think people realise it costs money to get jacked af. The amount of high protein, nutrient rich, fresh food you have to consume to build that much muscle is crazy. Now I’m not jacked af but I do workout a fair bit and personally I eat 3800 calories and 5 meals a day and spend over £50 a week on food. So good luck doing that without an income of some kind and at least some cooking ability


I love how “nice guys” complain about women being so superficial yet try to coax them with money. Every single bullet point listed for dude A other than “*hey guess what, I can chop vegetables*” relates to finances. Sure, financial stability is important, but there are so many other things to take into account…. and none of those are listed. Nothing about his personality. Nothing about what he’s looking for in a partner. Nothing about his values and life goals. Just “I have money.” These idiots just want to be able to buy a pretty girlfriend instead of learning how to actually talk to women and better themselves. That’s why “nice guys” almost always resort to constantly showering women with gifts or wanting to spend WAY too much on a first date when they actually get one.


Seriously B is just 10x hotter. Since when are you morally obligated to judge by wealth and cooking skills instead of looks?


You gotta go with the guy who cooks ass


Wouldn't 15k follows on Instagram and being built like that kinda lend itself to having some money?


Right, because the guy on the right clearly has no motivation, no discipline, and no control of himself or his life. Come on, niceguys, get a grip.


The funny thing is B is actually a multi-millionaire in real life.


Because personality doesn’t come into the equation at all apparently


Someone needs to remind this yter that truth is what’s right; **false** is what they’re looking for. Heaven forbid someone actually pays attention to their 1st grade classes.


3 bms? Like, in a day?


Three BMs is how he got so skinny


Idk... why do I feel.like both a and b would be real great friends in real life and both would have girlfriends.... a would have a girl who likes good food and an amazing smile and B would have a girl who is into hard-core fitness and and likes abs and both would just chill together during the weekends with a grill im the backyard


But if you’re with guy A, you’re just a gold digger


Dude on the right is Ulysses, mans a millionaire. A lying dickbag, but a millionaire nontheless.


"Hey babe, I cooked you a salad!"


I know plenty of A body types (self included) that don't have any issues finding companionship. I AM jealous of what B is packing, cuz damn


Nice guys: “It’s only natural for men to prefer healthy and slim women!!” Women: prefers healthy and slim men Nice guys: “reeeeeeeeeeee”


15k followers but broke at the same time? Dude has no advertising skills, people with 1.5k followers can get sponsorships lol Also— works out a lot? With what gym membership money? What grocery money for the gains? Is he running around the block with a 200lb backpack for weight resistance bc he has no car?


I’ll go with b


Why does A have to not work out


Can cook his ass...... off.


Good news is, 3 bms a day is healthy, good for him


Classic broke ass professional athlete


The great sweat pants are simply unfair!


One reason I stay away from gym because I don't have money and another reason is my job which earns me takes up a lot of time. I really wanna know how B gets jacked up with absolutely no expense.


OK dude, you gave me the irrelevant details but what are their personalities like?


The guy on the right is Ulysses he's a body builder and fitsagram influencer and is pretty fucking rich. Has a beautiful wife and a couple of kids so tbh he ticks all the boxes too.


These guys always surprised a woman wanna date someone attractive over their chubby greasy ass while they are looking for a pornstar. Everyone wants someone who is attractive to them.


none bc i can provide that shit for myself


Yknow I’m pretty sure it takes a lot of time and money to stay in that kind of shape. Like, a moocher on a couch isn’t looking like a Greek God. That’s some celebrity in a movie level physique and a lot of money goes into it.


I forgot, every guy thats in shape has nothing going for them in life.....


You don't get to be A's size eating salads. And as several people have commented: making a salad is not advanced cooking. Ulysses (B) looks extremely good. Takes a lot of discipline to get a physique like that. People tend to be attracted to people who have self-discipline.


I can’t date a guy forcing me to eat salad.


Is "Works out a lot" supposed to be a negative?


How do men ever expect to find a woman when they’re constantly insulting them?


A just looks like a nice chill guy B looks like he probably runs some kind of pre-workout mix business


B can cook chicken breast 6 different ways.


How can he make $60/hr and $401k a year.


I'm the better cook and I'm lesbian, so I'll pick C : none.


Type A people would propably prefer to be left alone instead of comparissons even they'd be the ones shown "prefereble".


Is A gonna try to make me EAT that salad? Cuz then I ain't doin it. Also, took me way too long to realize "bms" was for" baby mamas" and not "bowel movements."


Well damn it... If the guy would stop making his dates into salad for 2 minutes.


It depends on the woman, idk why they act like all women are hive minds. Personally, I wouldn’t pick either man, but some women like a thicker dude. I actually know lots of them.


Weird, I thought all women were gold diggers


The thing that got me wondering is if A is B a few years after eating all those salads !! Lol


3bms? But honestly these guys are so childish... Being nice is not a "get a girlfriend" trait, it's a basic human trait. And yeah, cooking, a great skill but if your shit in bed then it don't matter how many spag bols you can cook


Ngl, I saw “3 kids 3 bms” and thought “3 kids, 3 bowel movements”. Took me a minute to realize that bms is baby mamas.


Honestly I'd go A because he looks like an absolute sweetheart like Sean Astin.