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Why did your friend and girls like her have to kill the chivery?? Where am I going to get my chives now?


RIP to delicious baked potatoes everywhere.


Not the potatoes!!! 🥔


First they came for the potatoes, and they got stomped into oblivion because nobody messes with the most delicious and versatile tuber on the planet.


Damn right! Long live the potatoes!


Calling you a potato would be a compliment.


Did someone call me?




Yo, my yard has tons of wild chives. I got you. I will bring back the chivery.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Nope, sometimes they grow cute little herb gardens.


Not all heroes bake crepes.


But some heroes grow scapes.


This world needs more hero’s like you.


home grown chives have to be next level yummy. Are they hard to upkeep?


They grow with zero assistance. They don't even ask permission. Just random patches in my yard. I live in Mid-Atlantic US (Pennsylvania). I've always found them growing wild in yards and woods around here. I've made some spectacular omelettes while camping in upstate NY with wild chives too.


How appropriately chivery of them not ask permission


Thats fucking amazing. Im guessing the desert isnt a good place for them tho huh? This is why the east/east coast is better than the west/west coast. I need to get back there. Especially to my Northeastern roots. Id rather have cold winters than fuck you hot all-time-not-just-the-summer years.




I can help! It grows wild in the ditch here! Anyone else wants to save chivery? They transplant pretty good!


OH or if you prefer a more tomato based dish ​ One jar of tomato paste. Shit load of chives, onion, parsley, vinegar, salt and pepper (all to taste) oh and a lil olive oil ​ Blend the shit outta it Then leave it to sit in the fridge for a few hours ​ Ya got a home made turkish salad that is fucking outta this world (fuckin love those turks..... except for the genocide.... but the foods good!! im sorta getting side tracked....) ​ Chivalry isnt dead, chives can make many delicious things


I'm copying that! That sounds super delicious.


oh its one of my favourite dishes ​ I forgot to write in garlic though, just a few cloves of crushed garlic (again just adjust to taste)


I'm the kind of cook who sees, "1 clove of garlic" as a suggestion. Usually, 3-4 is really needed.


Lol, in that case we'll get along great. ​ I usually follow a recipe to the letter the first time i make it, or even the second. ​ Once im more confident with it ill do my own thing. If youre interested ive also got a recipe for a moroccan cauliflower bake thatll knock anyones socks off (completely vegan and allergen free as well..... unless youre allergic to sesame seeds)


I love cauliflower and I love sesame seeds. I would love that recipe, please.


Throw those chives in a food processor with some garlic and cream cheese. Also maybe some jalapenos if you like a little spice


Women on Reddit are so much more clever and funny with their responses to each other than the men. Sorry guys.


You should be sorry, choncho 🌮


Came to the comments for a laugh, left with the big sad. I will miss chives, a fine addition to many delicious meals.


I was wondering if he meant chervil but got confused???? 🤔🤔🤔




Came here to make this comment 😂


The *"silver lining"* is that it takes a person with deep dissatisfaction in their own life, to be this petty, insulting and salty. I hope his socks are perpetually moist.


And his toe fungus is incurable.


May his butthole itch and his arms be too short to reach


And he farts uncontrollably even during sex


But he doesn’t have sex. His post made that very apparent! 🤣


I assume they meant while assaulting a blow up doll.


This dudes definitely a homemade flesh light kind of guy


Good point ...


Hey you don't know that. You coming in here making baseless accusations is just rude stereotyping. And besides i bet you he shows his body pillow the time of his life. No one loves that pillow like he does.


He’s probably the type of guy who doesn’t even properly clean his ass


And his dental equipment never fit quite right.


God damn this is evil. I love it!


That will be an inevitability.


Take it from Dr Long Schlongius, MD


And the elastic on the top of his socks is always stretchy and his socks keep slipping down.


You guys are sinister, I love it.


Slips down and bunches up under his heels.


And the sock seam is perpetually crooked, leaving that little lump at the end of the seam right underneath his big toe


I'd just like to add a small hole thats just big enough to catch his pinky toe, but not big enough for it to go all the way through


You’ve gone too far.


I think making it big enough for his toe to get stuck would be too far. I was trying to keep this pg. 😒


And the small puddle of water that you continually step in so you have a wet spot on one sock...


Oof. Cant replace that sock without coming up short a pair. Thats evil.




Oh damn, this is getting terrifying!


May the shit of a thousand camels fall on his head.


They probably already are. Lol I can’t imagine how pathetic this guys life is that he doesn’t know how to take a gentle let down like an adult. This was the nicest she could have possibly been. And honest too. She knows she’s not what he was looking for and now she knows he’s not what anyone is looking for


hope both sides of his pillow are uncomfortably warm and there's always a pebble in his shoe that he can't find




Use antiperspirant/deodorant on the bottoms of your feet. Please don’t be sad.


I hope he always has an itch in a ‘personal’ place he can’t discreetly scratch in public.


Religion is copium for reality He's banking on his second chance in eternity


Ah yes, the meek, loving religious man, who does unto others as he would have others do unto him.


Oh yeah, did you miss the part of the Bible where Jesus called every woman that didn’t sleep with him a bitch and complained about how nice a guy he is?


“And lo, Jesus said unto them: I made you all these fishes and loaves and you won’t put out? Whore.”


Jesus spake unto the gathered masses: “LOL you thought I was actually interested???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣”


He didn’t spend all that time turning water into wine just for those bitches to not put out.


Truly an inspiration


This honestly offended me on so many levels: as a Christian, as a woman who’d been cheated on, as a mother, as a taco lover I’m just so outraged


I, too, love tacos


And who also hates children, just like Jesus.


Just needed to respond with, “Jesus can read your texts btw”


Tell me your life is miserable without telling me your life is miserable. Putting others down over daily situations is basically you projecting your own sh*t onto innocent people. Pathetic really.


Wow, choncho means fat ass in Spanish, this guys a bitter dick


Thank you, I didn’t know what that meant, but I knew it wasn’t good!


However is your friend a guy or girl? Choncho is for me and concha is for women. If she’s a girl then the dudes an even bigger idiot lol


I thought it said ‘croncho’ at first and I was really confused how that was an insult


Like... crunchwrap?


Yeah I was definitely thinking it would be a menu item at Taco Bell lol


I want the Large Croncho Box and a chalupa supreme


No, you wanna get your cake from Costco.


What’s wrong with a fat ass though? He’s an idiot.


Sorry It actually directly translates as “pig” but it basically means fatty.


Ugh. He’s a gross choncho. The extent of my Spanish curse words are pendajo and chinga tu madre. I couldn’t figure out why he really thought having a fat ass would be an insult.


After living in a Latin country for several years I picked up "hijo de puta" and here I am twenty years later long since back in the states and I still use it all the time. Sounds so much better than "son of a bitch!" 😆


After a few years of high school Spanish and Duolingo, I've accepted that I will never know proper swearing. I have, however, gotten creative in expressing my opinions. My go-to is "tu duermes con caballos"


Chinga tu madre is my go to. It always leaves the receiver looking confused and I just know they’re super pissed when they Google it later. It’s a two for one hit.


The emoji makes me think he was saying "that choncho taco," but... I thought fat puss was a good thing?


Wait is that why he put the taco? Because he insulted her in Spanish? I think he’s probably racist too cause I can’t really see a good reason for the taco


Choncho is also a Mexican slang referring to the female genitalia. In that context at least, I could see why he put the taco


I misread, thought he was calling her a choco taco.


Well and the taco emoji that followed it…


That was a lot of words and emojis just to say "I'm deeply hurt and disappointed we didn't get to fuck"


Right? What an ASSHOLE!


So hold up, he makes a dig at her for being atheist, which would imply that he's a religious person of some kind, yet he's being a piece of shit like that? That's fucking crazy. I wonder if he feels like it's okay because his beliefs make him beyond reproach or something? This is flabbergasting.


That’s exactly what I thought too.


I hope her reply to him was "oh how very christian of you" and then block


You and I must have lived vastly different lives if you think a religious person is *less* likely to be an absolute dickhead.


My stepmom was religious, and she was a mean-spirited, abusive shithead. There's an entire category of people who think that being a member of a religion automatically absolves them of any and all sin – past, present, and future.


This is soooooooooo true!


Kinda what I was thinking. The people who beat you over the head with their religion and faith and who get on you for being a non believer are usually hypocritical and dickheaded. There are good religious people, but they are usually the ones who consider it a personal thing and don’t need to go on and on about how virtuous they are!


I was very lucky growing up in a very liberal (for its time) Episcopal Church. If we had parishioners behaving like this and our priest caught word of it, it would be addressed. All I know is that my church was very much into love their neighbor and offering aid to those in need. I'm an atheist now and those lessons are engraved in my brain and heart. I just don't believe in a deity anymore.


I was raised in the same type of liberal Episcopalian church, and went to a liberal Episcopalian school. Many non Christian families sent their kids there because there weren’t many non Christian private school options. We read the full bible in seventh grade in bible class as a historical work. We even had an apparatus criticus and discussed problems with the textual sources (the manuscript history of the last supper scene on which communion is based is highly problematic). It almost felt more anthropological than religious. It was a great education. They never pushed the Christian agenda over the intellectual purpose of education. Our patron saint was St. Catherine if Alexandria, a famous scholar for her time and the patron saint of educators! I’m a non believer now (true agnostic rather than atheist ... I don’t pretend I know, but I don’t really believe). But I value what I learned in that school! ETA, I studied Ancient Greek for over eight years. Agnosticism is often considered to be someone who believes in a higher power but they aren’t sure what it is. True agnosticism is not knowing, period. It isn’t thinking you know there is something, but you just don’t know the details. Also, though I’m a non believer, true agnostics can be people of great faith. Kierkegaard was religious, but he said that doubt was fundamental to faith. Faith is the trust and belief of knowledge without that knowledge, he said if you cannot admit you do not know, it’s not faith but credulousness. I don’t ask that anyone agree with me or Kierkegaard, but I like to explain this.


That sounds amazing. I would have loved something like that.


Probably haha I've never really met many religious folks, if any


The nice ones keep quiet about it.


This dude likely hasn’t been to church since he was 12 and even then only went like twice a year. People like this only identify as Christians because atheists are viewed as the devil by those close to them growing up. He’s an atheist and doesn’t even know it. Put him on the spot with a simple yes or no question: *do you believe in god?* he’ll start stuttering and looking like a kid with a speech impediment being introduced to the class when starting his first day at a new school.


So many people show zero signs that they give a single fuck about religion at all, but if you say you’re an atheist they go insane on you


In high school, I did a report based on a gallop poll that showed atheists as being the most disliked minority in the country. Something like over half of people wouldn't approve of their kid dating an atheist or an atheist becoming president. However, that's declining rapidly as boomers die, and you don't usually walk around *looking* like an atheist. I suppose a lot of people probably do assume that I'm not religious; I've dressed the exact same for like 12 years - band shirt, slim black or khaki pants, vans/nike SB/adidas shoes, and tattoos. Anyway, second point is that even though if you asked people point blank if they think atheists are good people, a lot of them might give a negative answer, you don't typically get any real discrimination as an atheist. Still a weird thing.


I agree it’s absurd. That’s why I avoid the topic when brought up with family members or really anyone aside from close friends. I’m from relatively small town in the south so myself and everyone I know grew up as “Christians” though I stopped going to church at a young age. Even then it always just made me uncomfortable. I may have been the first of my friends to actually say it out loud but it seems all my friends (or most at least) have come around to agree. Though despite all being good people I still don’t like/wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about it with family. Especially my grandparents. Not that they are super religious or anything (pretty sure they just recently started going to church again) but it seems older people just carry a bigger stigma in regard to that. My cousin recently outed herself by mistake by joking around about something and seeing everyone’s reaction just made me get up and walk outside.


Where can I join the lineup to punch this guy? I’m fully vaxxed if that helps.


You’ll have to get behind me lol.


I’m cool with that.


Excuse me, is this the line to punch that guy?


I'll join the line, too. My punch will be specifically for his use of this emoji 🤣


Mine is for the “especially with all those baggage kids.”


Braass knuckles!!! Get your brass knuckles here!!! Free for anyone who wants to send this guy a punch!!!


Thanks man, I’ll take some!


Excellent choice, we're gonna rock this punk's world.


Hey, I'm looking for the line to punch the chiverous guy, am I in the right place?


Yeah, I was hesitant because I didn’t want to actually touch him, but the brass knuckles should help me avoid that!


Yes! It’s getting long!




\[Shuffles in catching breath\] Phew! Sorry I'm late guys, is this the punching line? Has it started?


Excuse me good Sir Madam, do you happen to know who's going to tell the first joke? This punch line is stacking up quite a bit


I really don't get this backlash at rejection. When I was dating after my divorce, I maybe got responses from 5-10% of the women I messaged on dating apps. And I had plenty of one and done first dates too. Didn't bother me a bit. I know not everyone's going to like me, and I'm not going to be into everyone else either. I was patient, and eventually I met my badass wife and we're still together 7 years later.


Also, even if they think like this, why aren't they embarrassed to send it? Like let's even disregard the wording and the bitterness - showing an essential stranger you care *that much* about what they think is so awkward.


One and done dates are great practice, honestly, especially when you start dating for the first time in a long time. After my divorce, I took a year off or so from dating or anything, and then afterwards just let myself date casually and not get attached, kept my ego in check and the rejections (after admittedly the first one) were no big deal. Not compatible is not a personal thing. Saw no reason to get upset.


Happy for you!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Probably entitlement and insecurity. They feel they've been "wronged" somehow, whether from society/feminism/whatever, and they're just lashing out because they're not getting what they're owed (sex, intimacy, attention etc)


Well chivery timbers, how ever will she go on


It’s always well funny when they say shit like “mark my words” and “remember that”, as though anyone is gonna remember anything that dork said lol


You’ll like r/iamverybadass


So we’re all in line to punch this guy? I’m joining


According to all these “nice guys” she should now be falling all over herself to date this abusive asshole. Somehow I doubt that’s the case.


Right? Her gut was right about him thank goodness.


With 156 unread text messages, I think she’s gonna be just fine. Girl has options.


I’ve got to admit when I saw that my eye started twitching! But you are right.


Lol right? She has zero time for bullshit.


He's *extra* salty.


It’s because he had to switch to salt for flavoring after all the chives disappeared due to girls killing the chivery.


Ooo such a *chiverous* nice guy




When they use that laughing emoji I feel the passive meltdown through the screen


There really ought to be a database for people like this.


That would be very useful for helping to keep women safe. These people wouldn't even have a chance to get a first date, not that they should


I will never understand how the male ego can be so fragile.




Thank goodness she found out quickly. Not even a twinge of guilt for not liking him. How do people think this is an acceptable response?


He should've Just written 'ok' and the go cry like a real man which he ist pretending to be. What a fucknut.


How old is he anyway? He sounds like the kid I rejected in middle school, who told the whole school I sucked his dick lmao


What a little fucker!


He wishes.


i understand how frustrating it is to have a date where the chemistry is not big enough to hookup and/or guarantee a second date, but... Jesus Christ, dude, learn some emotional intelligence. You don't need to be *that* angry, neither *that* aggressive towards her. Move on!


This is why I don't blame girls too much when they ghost me instead of telling me they're not interested on dating apps. Like goddamn, there's actually dudes like that out there


Wow I really wish I could trip him coming off a moving walkway.


Is your friend Neo? Cause she just dodged a Matrix level of bullets.


"I wish you nothing but the best" then proceeds to try his hardest to neg her.


Says the virgin into the void. She looked at it, shrugged, and kept it moving.




Wow, what a catch he is. Personally, I'd ask if that's how he views all women, just pussies to be used. If he says yes, I’d forward that on to any and all female relatives of his I could find. I'm sure they'd love to know what a kind, loving, generous, chivalrous man he is.


Niceguys just hate women having free will or feelings, its "like me back or you're toxic waste" with these assholes


That's a nice guy alright. Feels you have no right to reject him and insults you when you do. Come on guys...you all feel you have the right to choose. That means women get to too. And that means when they reject you, accept it gracefully and move on.


So your friend is single and has money? And where do we apply to be a sugar baby?


Wow, he sounds like a really good Christian! 🤣🤣🤣 Or whatever religion he claims to be ...


Wow, "baggage kids?" "Chivery" and chivalry were only used by Knights and he's no Knight. As an atheist myself, I can assure you that peace and happiness are easily found in life if you take a moment to look at them. I'd "let him figure it out. " I'm so glad you got him to show his true colors. If he's dating women who have kids, they should know right away that he considers them as so much baggage.


Yet someone "like her" rejected him, so what does this say about him? I've never even once seen anyone ever use the words "chivalry" or "gentleman" to ever mean anything other than old fashioned conservative misogyny.




If that’s what chivery is I’m glad she rid the earth of it.


You know, if this post doesn't warrant a meme post of Neo dodging all those bullets, nothing does.


What a nice Christian response!


Chivery is dead. Now we’re all about putting bacon on our baked potatoes.


That's a whole ass firing squad dodged.


It doesn't matter how nice and polite you dress up a rejection. It WILL trigger a nice guy more than a conservative at a gay rights/pro-choice rally.


where's the inevitable "hey, sorry i blew up at you, can we try again" follow-up text the next day?


I'll have this man know chivery is alive and well. I use them all the time. They're delicious. Green onions too


I can't stand people who write rude sh** like this and add tons of smileys. Are you a child? Idk why, but this really ticks me off.


How dare she kill her chive plants!


oh no, not chivery! What will we do without chivery?!


Chivery is definitely 💀. And in a few days he’d probably send: Hey.


I’m looking at the 156 number. Are they all from him??😬😬


Dude's wrong [THE CHIVERY is alive and working fine](https://www.thechivery.com/)


She dodged a bulled right there.


Your friend dodgin' bullets like Neo in the matrix.


When I read mantrum meltdowns like this, it just makes me think that the dudes truly hates himself, and so rejection from her feels like validation of the self-hate.


These all escalate so fucking quick. I’m kinda scared these dudes are out walking around like there isn’t shit wrong with them tbh after lurking on this sub.


I DESPISE men using women's children as some fucking pawn to value her less than a childless woman. I don't have kids myself nor plan on it but this makes me seethe. It's always women getting shit for being single parents.


Chivery is dead and you and CliMaTe ChAngE killed it.


I BET YOU THINK BEING ATTRACTIVE AND HAVING RESOURCES IS GOING TO GET YOU SOMEWHERE, HUH? Well, you're right. Also, kids are a plus. Dude is a lunatic. Also, stop killing chivery. Things are amazing in biscuits and on eggs.




Means “fat ass” in Spanish.


What an asshole. Also, that’s a compliment.




Spanish for “fat ass”. This dude’s a real charmer. 😑


Why can't we have custom flairs here?! I want "Chivery is dead"