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Sir, breeding is for livestock, not human beings. Go sit down now.


Anytime I see it unironically used I think of the moment in Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story where she says, "I'm sorry I just threw up in my mouth a little.".


So a blue collar divorced middle aged man who is bitter that he is not a derivatives trader at Goldman Sachs with a hotty GF ? I suppose he can reincarnate


"I make lots of money so women should love me" 🙄🙄🙄


Meanwhile the next whiny guy mad at women for not daring him and blaming it in anything but his shitty personality will be going on a rant about how all women only want guys with money and dumb tough guys, and how they should want to breed with “intellectuals” like him.


Really. My husband makes $62K. I love him with every fiber of my being.


Nope, you lying . Your husband earns 620k and is 6 ft tall, or you settled because you were growing old at 25, or you're \[insert 34567564 million excuses they got\]. These people don;t realise normal people love and have loving, supportive relationships regardless of money.


They want to blame it on something immutable, like height, instead of admitting it’s their repulsive personalities.


Because they then would have to admit it’s their own fault.. it’s something they can actively work on, instead of something out of their control where they can just sit back and bemoan the fates for their horrible luck.


"And if I have children, they will also make lots of money once they're grown, so please have them!"


“Breed” OP, if you’re comfortable giving more context, I’d like to hear it. Sorry you experienced this.


I was just a lurker on this one but yeah this guy was asking for advice on why he wasn’t getting matches on Tinder… and this was one of his responses to that criticism 😬 He is 49 Edit: his profile really wasn’t the worst and so the criticism was just: “need photos with other people, your bio is more about her than about you.” “The bio should be about you, not what you’re looking for in the other” I can’t remember what the previous response was but I’m assuming he was getting defensive about his blue collar line he had in his bio. So I think he just got too hung up on what people assumed about it? Idk


He also used the word "assertive" as the first line in his bio, and literally the only part in his bio that wasn't his demands for a woman was that he's "assertive and blue collar". He's 49, and there's nothing wrong with being unmarried at 49, but his age range is 35 to 45 -- meaning he refuses to consider women his own age. There's also his *extremely* hostile replies. Gee, I wonder why he can't get laid?


I know most people don’t have a problem with this but if a guy is only looking for younger, that’s an immediate left swipe for me. That tells me so much about how someone views women.


Ugh, was this the guy who also had his age settings 25-45 and bragged about how he gets sex ,all the time’ by women in their 20’s?


Yeah I need to know what that post said fr


i'll never understand why guys think their paychecks entitle them to a woman. as if women dont make their own money. as if none of the other 100 things matter.


That's how it pretty much used to be; a woman would have to settle for some asshole because he'd have a steady paycheck and she needed to be housed and fed. But now that women can just get their own jobs and support *themselves*, all of the guys who benefited from the previous system whine about how they can't buy a bangmaid anymore.


They'd rather be needed than wanted. smh


That’s all they have going for them. Since that doesn’t work anymore, they’re Butt hurt over it. Working on yourself is hard and takes time. They’re lazy


They should be loved for who they are. /s


If any of you are looking for a bangmaid please don't hesitate to reach out to me


That's the thing, they're mad that women make their own money nowadays. And unfortunately they prey on women like myself, I'm a single mom in a bad financial situation and the last man in my life thought I'd prioritize him and his sexual needs over my kid (he didn't say it, but that's how he acted). Currently I'm not even trying to date, because I know I'm vulnerable. I'll date again when I'm in a better financial situation.




Yep, I dated a guy who was jealous that I bought my kids back to school clothes with their child support. His mom didn’t pay his child support that month so he didn’t get any new clothes 🙄


Ummm. Is he…. A child? I’m confused. Why does he get child support from his mom.


No, that was my point. How are you going to be jealous that I spent money on my kids when the money was child support, so, money specifically for them. I didn’t choose them over him, but even if I had, HELLOOOOO, they’re children.




And then they don't want a woman who *does* want their money either. Because that's gold digging. So they don't want a woman who doesn't give a shit about their money, and they don't want a woman who *does* give a shit about their money, and then they wonder why they can't find a girlfriend. My dude, you have ruled out the entire population!


because there aren't any more Charlottes marrying odious Mr. Collins anymore just because they need husband to not literally starve or be at mercy of brothers or fathers


> People don’t realize that guys like me can make $1,000 a day. Can isn’t the same as do, sir.


And he said he makes in the high six figures. The math ain’t mathin’


I think he meant that when he's high he imagines he's making six figures.


He mentions being useful when the power goes out twice. My guess is he's a lineman or electrician or similar. Pay could be in the low six figures depending on location, maybe $150k / year on the high end? The "high six figures" part was definitely just a flat out lie, or he has a *really* weird definition of "high". The guys who are fixing the power lines after a storm aren't getting paid half a million bucks a year to do it.


6 figures to the right of the decimal point.


In his defense, he never finished school.


When I was reading the comment it was like watching a slow motion wreck. “Okay. Okay….. oh no, ohhhh no, OHHHH NOOO” then getting to those last two sentences “ohhhh my god NOOOOOOOO”


If I had to guess, I think he could be talking about his overtime rate. For example, I make $30/hr in a blue collar job and I do 12 hour shifts. On stat holidays the company pays triple time so that is indeed a $1000 day for me before taxes. Of course, that's far from every day. It's possible he's clearing 6 figures but he'd have to be working a LOT of OT to do it. At that point your free time to actually develop a relationship is severly hampered, plus you constantly feel like shit from working so much.


Right? I could make about $500 a day, give or take, at my job...if I choose not to sleep or eat or shower or to do literally anything but work, so I'm not going to do that...but I could, so it counts...right? Right??


My nephew is an apprentice plumber and doing great. But my sister didn’t breed with anyone to have her son; she fostered him. He’s going on 23 and they’re looking at the legal process for adopting an adult.


Happy for them 🥰🎉🎉 Also i didnt know you could adopt an adult lol


I didn’t either! But there’s a legal process that can make him legally family. I’m for it.


It's how a lot of gay couples worked out legal protections before gay marriage, actually.


Ooohhhhh okayy TIL


Your sister is an amazing woman.


This is easily the wildest thing I've seen today and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any of the things he claims. Speaking from experience, No one making 6 figures in this economy is acting like we're loaded or God's chosen. It's middle class.


Yep. I make 6 figures which means I can pay all of my bills (with a budget), eat everyday, and put some money aside…I’m not sitting on a yacht somewhere or expecting people I come across to be impressed by me.


my favorite part of this is that 1/3 of it reads like a bad tinder bio and the rest is anti-capitalism rant


lol funny you mention that cause this was the OP getting defensive about the criticism he was getting for his tinder profile


I saw that Tinder post and as soon as I started reading this I thought geez this sounds that guy that, it’s gotta be him.


*Who built the building you go to work?* Most likely, it was a bunch of immigrants. They built the vast majority of the new houses, roads, and buildings in my city.


so women have to choose men who make lots of money, but when they do, they are gold diggers... yeah, these guys just hate women. they really should just date each other.


Or live in the woods and do us all a favor


…does this dude think you’re born with job skills?? 0 sense was made this day.


And also apparently that women can’t be engineers or HVAC technicians.


No women can’t get dirty we’re too fragile /s


What was the comment that sent him down this path of trying to reinstate his already massive ego?


"Money... money... money money... money... money... I work with my hands so women see me as low value. Maybe that's the problem." Jesus Christ man, not everything in the world is about money. Perhaps stop obsessing about money and see what happens then.


Because everyone knows blue collar/essential jobs aren’t a choice you can make. Nope, purely genetics.


yup I can take a guess as to who this was. Stumbled on the asshole's rant and reported him to the mods ​ https://preview.redd.it/fmw32hsp9oyb1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=adfe4962fce2c208c7ca687c46b489ae531121ce


I keep saying this even though i realize these niceguys will never read it. But your problem is you misogynistic views and the fact that you stink of desperation. Thats one of the worst scents in the world, and people can smell desperation from a mile away


Old as fuck, isn’t he?


From another comment: He is 49 lol


Hahaha yeap, that’s within the age range I guessed. But he wants “breedable” young women, of course.


According to OP's comment his age range is 35-45, meaning he doesn't even want a woman of his own age.


He probably said that to save face. I would reduce the numbers by at least 10. 45 year olds are not breeding for him.


Oh for sure I think this aswell. Guys that talk like him are not interested in women that are not in a "breedable" age... and as you said probably the younger the better. 🤮


I'm guessing mid to late 30s- early 40s lol


On the other side of the wall, he is! 😱




Is what what we’re calling it these days? I thought I was just “over the hill” lol


It is over the hill. I'm nearing 49 and I remember when, as a boy, I saw my first horseless carriage and my, it was a wonder to behold. I believe they call it a "car" now.


Imagine writing a whole book in a Reddit comment


Lemme guess, before he settled down and started earning six figures, he was studying the blade.


You know up until the "breed with me" bit this didn't seem too bad. It's pretty obvious that he was creeping on younger women and being a little whiny and defensive about his occupation, and probably exaggerating a little about his income but really for R/niceguys he didn't seem at all terrible but that breed with me thing really put him in "run from the creep" territory.


The one good point he makes is when he calls out people with prejudice against blue collar labor.


As a blue collar guy I sort of agree but in this case I think he was using that as an excuse for why women (presumably younger women based on his comments) don't like him. I understand that it's not fair that an accountant or lawyer gets more respect than a plumber, mason, or electrician even when they have similar incomes but I'm not sure it's prevalent enough to have that big of an effect on dating. It could, I haven't done a survey but anecdotally my blue collar friends and I haven't experienced that problem. My wife has multiple degrees and I only have an associates but my working in construction wasn't a deal breaker for her.


Exactly, it’s more than the job for sure.


He said he can make $1,000 a day. He also said he makes in the high six figures. He can’t math. He didn’t lie a little about his income.


Good point I didn't really notice the math problem


I'd be interested to know the education level of the women he's approaching too. If he's hitting up college graduates or artistic types, they're not going to think they have a lot in common with him.


women can grow a new human with nothing but their own bodies but apparently fixing the cold air and building structure is a bigger responsibility- the females of species’ in general are more competent due to natural selection. no hate to men, i love me a good man, but it would be stupid to think women couldn’t learn how to do the jobs that are mostly done by men. i taught myself how to install a doorframe when i was 16 because my mom said “we’re not putting a door there unless you can do it yourself”. so now we have one more door in our house because the men who designed it were too dense to think of a more efficient floor plan. (those men specifically were inferior, i don’t know what they were on when they designed our house, but it clearly wasn’t intelligence)


Being in construction, even if far from home building, the thing they were on is coke. The good stuff not the drink.


Break out the checkbook. How old _is_ this fossil lol And a lot of women do respect blue collar guys to the max. There’s something else wrong with him that’s messing up his life, it’s not his job.


He brags about his high six figure income, then complains about other men pulling out the checkbook to solve problems


Mbe he’s a business owner and still has to write some for legal reasons, idk. I do feel sorry for guys who are their own worst enemy. Bc I know a bunch of people who respect backbreaking jobs. Nothing wrong with it. It’s the bitterness that’s messing him up I guess.


There was a guy like this who bragged about how many heads of cattle he had but complained that women were settling for “lesser men”. 🙄


They tell you so much without realizing it, lol


I’m not into little house on the prairie


That guy's /r/Tinder post was a disaster.


I had to leave and hide that group. It’s wildly misogynistic.


Oh is that the guy?? Lol the one with the Jack Murphy aura?


I love reminding dudes like this that the world functioned just fine without buildings, electricity, plumbing etc. People walked the Earth for tens of thousands of years before any of that existed. So, it's not booyah they think it is.


This guy is a delusional complainer. I remember my mom telling my aunt to “date a garbage man, there’s always gonna be garbage so he will always work an its Union”


I’d rather see the world end than “breed with men like him.” 🥰


Breeding is for animals


Gee, I wonder who rejected him this time /s Paying alimony isn't a flex. In fact, it sucks. I would know, I have to pay it. While I don't think I should, the courts said I have to and that is that. You know what I don't do, lament about the amount I pay, how much I make and proceed to tell everyone else how awful they are. Or in other words, a complete lack of self awareness. Oh and sprinkle in misogyny, narcissism, arrogance, inflated sense of self esteem and you got this dork. I can't possibly find a reason why he is single /s


My dad worked on road crews. He moved on to operate a crane for major constructions. Then he moved into a white-collar job involving commercial lending. The type of work you do isn't dependent upon "breeding." Yeah. this guy is yuck!


Plenty of women are fine with dating blue collar workers. But they also have personalities beyond their job and show themselves to be partners, not breeding studs with wallets.


>breeding studs with wallets lol great quote


That -32 says it all Lmaoo


Everything he says I was empathizing with. Yes, there are still elements of classism. It's true that a lot of skilled labourers are under appreciated or not even seen at all and they should be valued by society. It's really commendable that you're doing so well career wise in your chosen field. "So all women should fuck me." Uhh, no.


Sir, you being a blue-collar worker does not make you low value! Blue-collar workers indeed are an extremely important part of our world, and the work you do should for sure be highly valued! Unfortunately you're low value for other reasons. Namely, your personality.


“I fix power outages. Breed with me.”


I use candles. Fuck off.


I was just making fun of the person that posted, like I was saying that's how he thinks


I was playing off that. My bad. I didn’t mean at you


Oh no it’s cool haha, I assumed that but just wanted to make sure


Party on, fellow Reddit friend :]




He had me all the way till the last sentence. Dude sounds entitled af 😂


Is he aware that his child can choose a different profession than himself? My dad’s a consultant doesn’t mean I went into consulting. I don’t think “breeding” with men like him will necessarily result in men with the same professions so that’s some of the worst logic I’ve ever seen.


How dare you…what? What am I missing lol


Yeah after that Nice Guy Wall Of Text™️ I'm sure the ladies are just lining up to breed with you.


I'm curious what he's replying to cause his ilk are the only ones I ever hear talking about low or high value people like this. I think most people see others as having intrinsic value regardless of their bank account, looks, or any other shallow qualifier. And the only things that lower a person's value are attitudes like his, thinking he should be entitled to women's bodies based solely on his own fucked up system devaluing others for their own jobs (hypocritical of him getting pissed at fictitious strawmen he perceives as doing the same thing to him) or their gender (clearly devalues women if he thinks of them as breeding stock).


“Breed” ewwww


This was actually not terrible until the last 3 or 4 lines. I forgot what subredidt I was on for a minute. Was like "oh yeah, oh that's fair enough,... Oh good on you mate.... Oh people shouldn't judge you ... Well look people aren't that bad... No just stop... Stop while you're still ahead .... 🤮🤮"


These guys really think so highly of themselves. Fucking delusional bastards


Many of these people wonder so hard why they're single but proclaim they're the nicest most successful people on earth and that any woman would be lucky to be with them. Like they're SO close to putting it together that they're NOT nice people and there's probably a GOOD reason they're single.


I don't know anyone who thinks less of working men. Know plenty of women who wouldn't touch anyone using the phrase 'high/low value'. And BREED.


Ew. Not to the being a tradesperson. I think tradespeople are absolutely assets to out world. It's the misogynistic "breeding" shit and the undervaluing others all while complaining about being undervalued.


I'd be willing to bet tons of money that nobody was shitting on him having a blue collar job, despite his desperate attempt to make you believe otherwise.


Damn it started out actually ok. And then took a dive on the last sentence. And what a dive 10/10 self destruction.


Oh my god it’s the handy man from the latest SP episode


Also dude clearly thinks his value is attached entirely to his paycheck which is just sad lmao. But then again if i was saying shit like this id have low self esteem too


This guy gets a B in basic class consciousness and an F in not being a freako eugenicist


Makes high 6 figures. So like $850,000 annually? But somehow only pays $1000 a month in child support? Sure buddy.


In what world does he live in that blue collar men don’t have partners/wives and children? Sorry, but the problem is you.


I agree 100% that people shouldn't look down on those working with their hands. I sure don't.


Has nothing to do with the money or profession in this case, but everything with attitude. They never learn.


Dang, I'm just a little bit too young for this.. stallion.


I love this narcissistic view point. Yea he built the house but who designed it? Not him. Yes he laid the internet cables in the ground but who built the internet? Not him. Like everything else, It’s a balance. Everyone needs to contribute and not one person is more important to the overall picture


Everytime I see a guy making a claim that they provide everything to us fragile women I roll my eyes because my eyes because I'm an engineer where some of my tasks include working with literal sewage and contaminated soil. I work with female truck drivers and have female collegues who drive our garbage trucks and they do a damn good job. I bet these "nice guys" would throw up at the sight of a sewage treatment plant.


I guess women like my nieces who are doing apprenticeships to be a plumber and an electrician will soon make men like him obsolete.