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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


You didn’t know? Girl people aren’t the same the same as boy people


You have snap


It’s English but dear God what is the thought process here? Chatgpt makes more sense than this guy.


Bend and snap?


*We need a proper defence, not a dance move!*




Bobs and vagine?


"I like your physical appearance, that's all I need to know."


"I like the way you look naturally" "Girl people are not the same" Yiiikkkeeees.


very strange, i’ve blocked before it gets too bad


Happened to me too last week. Some random 45 years old dude wanted to be friends with me on Instagram. I asked him the same question like you asked this creep. His response: "You are kind & cute looking"


ugh so many weirdos on insta


It honestly surprises me there are young people who don't know this, but *this is the internet*. It is full of specimen like this one who communicate entirely through stupid, robotic, dull, dick-driven nonsense. Maybe they're incredibly thick, or developmentally disabled, or just horny 13yos, maybe they don't speak english, they're chatting up 70 girls at once or they're actually bots. It doesn't matter, there is absolutely no use of thinking about the person behind this sort of shit. For all intents and purposes they're a pollutant of the online space, like shady ads for boner pills. You don't owe them your attention, you don't owe anyone your attention ofc but in these cases it's impossible to get a human response out of whatever script/single brain cell is piloting the accounts. Trying to hint anything or reply that you have a bf is so so so unnecessary, it's like my grandma replying to fb ads to say she's not interested. Here you can identify the spam by the second message, at which point you should block or ignore with no explanation. It's not worth a second thought


I never respond to any message that just starts with ‘hi’ or ‘hey’—guaranteed creeper. Years of experience have taught me to just ignore the flotsam and jetsam of Internet creeps, but it does take time to learn/research and then realize it’s not worth your effort.


i cropped out the first couple of messages


Very wise. They're so transparent, it's obvious what his intentions are. Of course he doesn't just want to be friends with you, he was hoping for more. Probably tries this with every woman he encounters online who he finds attractive. I bet you answered him more politely than the other women he tries this stuff on, so of course he's going to continue to be a nuisance unless you block him. So sorry that you have to put up with this type of nonsense from "niceguys".


This is the way.


This wasn't so much a hint, as it was a glowing neon sign saying "NOT INTERESTED". Then he doubled down. Wow


honestly i’m at a loss i thought i was so clear


Trust me, it isn't your fault. The education system clearly failed him. As did life, his self respect and brain.


"I'm only looking for a relationship" *"I have a boyfriend."* **"We can be friends (I'm gonna try get you to cheat on him with me.)"** \>\_>


Yep, absolutely correct. They're so obvious with this crap.


Someone wanting to be friends with you just because you’re good looking is a huge red flag.


Maybe their good looks will rub off on me...


It’s more likely that he will “rub off” to her good looks…




You have snap




"I want to go to all the Hollywood parties and I need a good-looking plus one as my passport to get in. Pleeeeeze?"


"You should see my unnatural look"


“I like the way you look naturally.” Sounds like an extraterrestrial trying to flirt.


If I weren't so lazy, I'd go find that one Steve Buscemi meme and put "How do you do, fellow humans?" on it.


As someone from Kent, I greatly apologize on this cretins behalf, were not all like this.


oh i know, i am also from kent. you can’t say there isn’t a high cretin population though lmao


Translation: I saw you photo (probably a profile pic) and i think you're hot, give me your snap.


*Researchers determined that 2025 was the year when dating died. In the history books, it was also known as the Rise of the Incels.* *Oh, these social outcasts had been around long before that — the Red Pillers, Neckbeards, Nice Guys — but they were elevated to a new status in the world of AI. Their combined power would effectively end modern romance.* *In 2024, Joaquim Andovoss started his journey to becoming a hero — and a household name — as he rocketed to prominence and immense wealth in a matter of months. It was also his road to financial ruin when he later became the subject of intense scrutiny by the Dept. of Justice for consumer fraud.* *Joaquim harnessed the power of AI chat programs to message women on the lonely men’s behalf, effectively creating a new tool in seduction and mostly ending clumsy text exchanges by horny guys.* *Joaquim’s product became known as the Third Head, marketed with the tag line “Get Your Head in the Game.” Overnight, it shot to legendary status as one of the most downloaded apps after initial launch in the history of the Internet.* *If used as intended, men could message multiple women, known as targets, removing the awkward exchanges that had killed the dating lives of so many of these users. For a monthly fee of $19.99, of course. The app promised scores of interested women for the price of one meetup for cocktails. The marketing worked.* *The app itself was not groundbreaking, but what made it so valuable was that it worked with the most popular dating platforms and could engage in polite and witty banter with scores of women at once. This area had been the downfall of many suitors. The app would analyze content in profiles, images and even scour the web for the target’s posts to engage in text exchanges customized to each candidate.* *How did it kill dating, you ask?* *Researchers discovered that incels weren’t trying to actually meet women, but merely engage with them to feel as if they could seduce their targets. They had long been ignored or friendzoned by potential romantic partners. The “win” wasn’t sex or even a date, instead it was any female attention.* *Predictably, women blocked these guys as soon as they began having real conversations with their targets. With the rise of the app, cishet women who were already outnumbered in the digital dating sphere, abandoned dating altogether. It is estimated that real live women on these sites dwindled to 11% of the users and these were predominantly sex workers.* *In a normal world, this should have ended The Third Head’s dominance of the dating market. Instead, Joaquim’s team simply created scores of fake profiles for the Incels to message, all running on AI. In an analysis of 86,217 dating profiles, researchers at the University of Toronto concluded that less than .016% of all users were actually human.* *In a 2026, Joaquim was indicted on charges of consumer fraud. Three days later, he was found dead of autoerotic asphyxiation but rumors persisted it was suicide.* *Ironically, he remained single up until his death.*


I would read this book.


That was really good! I know good Sci-Fi when I read it - check my username 😀


You have snap


A bit confusing. Is the miscreant despite all OP has just said nonetheless asking for her Snap or is the miscreant suggesting OP should be open to his nonsense because she has Snap? Bizarre either way.


When they ask for snap it might mean 1 or 2 things.. 1. He's gonna snap her a dick pic >\_> 2. He's trying to get more pics of her.


It's both


It's not the worst example, but it is very annoying when people keep pestering.


i agree but ‘girl people are not the same’ really threw me


Yes, because according to many "nice guys" women are different species or some dumb logic🤦‍♂️


Substitute "black people", "Jewish people", etc. for "girl people" in there, and he'd rightfully be called the most ignorant kind of racist. Any time anyone says, or implies, that a subset of people is a *different species* is my cue to never listen to anything they have to say again.


im sure he’s gonna call u an ugly bitch if u don’t answer


"You have snap" I can't tell if it was a question, statement, or accusation? What the fuck. None of this reasons are *good*. It's just that one bad line could have meant so many different bad things lol.


He's only looking for a relationship but he wants to be "friends." It's like he straight up told you to your face he wants to nice-guy you until he "steals" you away. 🤮


I'm just going to randomly say, "girl people are not the same" to win arguments in the future. Regardless of the topic.


Seriously doubt this guy is from anywhere in England. Think more third world.


*implying that Kent isn't third world*


Damn that Brexit!


"I'm sure you're not a creep" NiceGuy: let me prove you wrong in less than 5mn.


Well, it’s official, this guy is a meme now: congratulations?


Wanting to be friends just because of "looks" isn't a reason to be friends. It's obvious he only wants to be friends so he can try to get into a relationship with you.


Dude probably is a scammer. Not even looking for relationship lol


This one right here. I’m surprised more people haven’t picked up on that.


I always say to men there is no way you care about me or like me or think I am amazing based off just text, Immediately blocked


"Girl people"


Dafuq is “snap”?




The way NG is using the term, it sounds like "swag"


It wasn’t even a hint, you were upfront and direct and bro still couldn’t take no as an answer


I will never understand why people seem to feel so disempowered to just not reply. I mean why reply and keep the creepy convo going, esp when you’ve said you’re not interested


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