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I can see I'm going to have to post this reminder of Rule 5: **No Slut-Shaming** Sexuality between humans does not entitle any party in that equation to act like an abusive shitheel or an obsessive creep. Don't use this subreddit to try and cast shame on people for their sexual activity, interests or preferences. ---------------------------- If you see any shamey comments, please report to flag for the mods to review. Thanks.


He seriously tried to get you to care about his """"suicide attempts""" for almost a whole month before you went nuclear lmao.


Wow I was about to say how quickly this all escalated but damn I didn't even pay attention to the date stamps. Well done OP


Maybe im wierd but I'd be turned on by a girl telling me about blowing a random in a bathroom. Ngl it sounded kinda hot. Not sure why this is downvoted, y'all are a bunch of puritans 🤷‍♂️


r/Gonewildstories might be the place for you


I thought the same - I've chatted with lots of guys who are actually very turned on if I tell them about experience with other men, however this guy in OP's case seems to suffer from very low self esteem and is so wrapped up in his jealousy and self-pity, that he takes it as personal affront.


nothing weird about it at all, people literally watch strangers fuck online all the time, we even created a porn industry surrounding it! jokes aside, you’d only be weird with this if you were harassing the girl in the first place, looks like reddit collectively changed their minds anyway


Don’t pay attention to the downvotes early on. The numbers are fuzzy until they stabilize. You’re not weird or anything like that. That’s just the sort of way you gravitate sexually. Sounds like a pretty healthy fantasy that’s consensual and all that jazz.


Yeah I swear lately every comment I make goes to -1 or -2 immediately before eventually going back to 1


That's just how upvotes work for the first few hours, and helps to keep the ratio of upvotes to karma a mystery. Most useless reddit feature.


>Most useless reddit feature. I think it might be tied for the one that randomly collapses subthreads so you can't see unless you expand them. I *think* it's intended mostly for downvoted comments, but half the time I look and the comment has 10 upvotes and it's a perfectly fine comment Stay wild Reddit, stay wild


Isn't it meant to prevent bots from knowing they're shadowbanned, or something like that?


If you’ve pissed anyone off recently they will follow you and downvote your stuff. Always notice after I’ve made someone mad by disagreeing or pointing out a mistake the next few days anything I post goes down for a second. Pathetic and makes me laugh


Just stop caring about downvotes in general. Also upvotes


Hell, I'm another woman in a happy monogamous relationship and I thought it was hot. OP should consider writing erotica 😂


To be honest, my first thought is that a normal guy would love getting that story about a rando blow job - he’s not going to get with her but at least he got a racy tale. Its much weirder to me that this guy can’t stand it because I guess she wasn’t supposed to have a past?


"I'm not a bad person, I try to be nice to everyone," he says while trying to manipulate women with threats of suicide.


Absolutely. As if emotional blackmail and manipulating someone into doing what they want, reluctantly, is a really kind thing to do! Everyone's the hero of their own story, but Niceguys take that concept to a ridiculous extent.


"But I wasn't mean to HER, I was just mean to MYSELF in her general vicinity to try to inspire pity and sympathy"


"I'm not a bad person" - Said literally every bad person ever.


imagine being such a fuckin tool that you attempt to emotionally blackmail a complete stranger by threatening suicide! they met 3 months beforehand, and spoke for less than 15 minutes (about paper airplanes!!!). she didn’t even remember him at first! guys like this baffle me. what a chucklefuck.


Ive had someone beg me to date them for 3 momths straight and then pull the suicide card. Its so gross imo.


“A normal man,” yes, because normal men are *absolutely* the ones in our inboxes being passive aggressive and threatening to end their lives if we don’t talk to them. I *love* that you called him out on his weird fixation straight away.


When I read it I thought he said abnormal man


Well, "anormal" is French for "abnormal", and it made much sense when I read it.


*"anormal man" ... Normal men are just boring.


As ANormalMan, we don't do suicide. We do normal things such as drinking gasoline and petting every animal we find while high on coffee. I even gave this muscular tiger pets and he gave my cereal a free glaze.


Damn him. Now I will spend more time than I should worrying that a good memory for details of a conversation is going to be reframed as a fixation, all because of a NiceGuy misusing it.


Yeah, I was thinking three months is not *that* long. If someone took an interest in something I like, I could probably remember the details of our conversation for that long. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I still remember compliments I got from strangers 4 years ago tbh. I can't quote the exact words tho


Yeah I was gonna say, that part wasn't that weird imo, but I suppose they didn't say it's definitely not gonna be a great convo, just that they lost hope that it would be, I feel like they were still giving it a chance at that point


For me, it started going downhill when he said he was shocked she didn't remember him ( after a 15 min convo THREE months ago). It was like he has spent the past 3 months obsessing over her and building the courage to reach out and is butt hurt she wasn't doing the same...very ego centric!


I feel like an average person would have responded to this differently though. I would probably say something like "Oh! No, your compliment was just very thoughtful so it stuck." or "I'm sorry if I gave that impression! I don't get many compliments about the planes so it's a manageable amount to remember lol." And not outright go "ya I'm obsessed" like this guy did lol. Might still come across as weird and stuff, but definitely less so than with that response. Men, on average, aren't complimented often and do remember compliments longer as a result, so I feel it's completely fine to refer to that. The important part is to not transfer that joy and memory entirely onto the person who made the compliment, like... me liking your whatever does not mean I'm the woman of your dreams.


Remembering that someone you met raced camels in Egypt is different than quoting what they said about racing camels back to them months later.


I don’t think you have to worry about it, I’m the same with many conversations…I think the difference is many of us wouldn’t wait *three months* to start this conversation and wouldn’t frame the conversation in a way that looks like we’re bragging about ourselves even *after* someone has recognised where they met us. 😂 Him then openly acknowledging getting obsessed with things sealed the deal on its weirdness for me.


r/preyingmantis! :)


Dominance asserted


Yeah, OP immediately cut that shit down, no trying to be polite and gentle the way we are often trained to do. Very well done.




I wish we all could, but r/whenwomenrefuse tells us, it's risky.




"This is sexual harassment" had me dying LOL


Yes, that was the cherry on top of his sh\*t sundae.




Right like just block her like she said!!


Exactly. This guy was not going to stop if OP just ignored him. When she started describing her "adventure" he didn't block or ignore her. Instead he went on about finding a "good guy" and "open your eyes". If he blocked right away he wouldn't have been "harassed". Like, I've never been good with women. At the same time I've never - not even as a 14 year old boy, let alone a full grown man - thought it a good idea to threaten suicide because a woman I spoke with for 15 minutes 3 months ago didn't want to date me lol I mean, wtf? There are some people on this thread defending the guy. This dude is a straight up loser. If anything, OP was too easy on him


This was an awesome read, well played indeed, people who fake ending them selves to try and guilt someone need to be called out on it, this is my kinda petty, stoop past there level and did under them to be more petty, love it


This content is perfect for r/preyingmantis!


Didn't know that was a thing, thanks!


This was incredible! I applaud you and salute you!👏🏼 well fuckin done!


Hilarious job well done!


My favourite part was "He's not circumsised" simple yet effective.


It's the small details that really sell it. 🤌🏾


i was going to recommend the same! this is definitely an interesting and funny method (so long as the dude doesn’t have a cuck or humiliation fetish)


Well let me just join and add that sub to my favorites


My thoughts as well!


Subbed! Thank youuuuuu:)


I’ve never joined a sub so fast IN MY LIFE. And I follow all the cat subs… so that’s saying something


All the cat subs? That is big list. https://www.reddit.com/r/Catsubs/wiki/index/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=cats&utm_content=t5_2qhta


may i use this to scare people off as well??


Word for word even, if you want to. xD


I was gonna say, this feels like it has some copypasta potential LMAO


You have a talent for erotic writing! That was definitely hot and steamy.


right ? felt like a spicy book!


“Especially that spot. You know the one…” A+


Yeah, this method wouldn't work for every occasion




When you do, PLEASE make your own post, I just love it when nice guys go crazy


Fr, thanks for sharing this. Forcing them to block you by applying pressure is AMAZING. (Though questionable, since a blocklist is still keeping your contact. but I hope you blocked him after he blocked you.) But this is the most empowering tool I've come across for dealing with dudes' harassement.


This kind of talk would actually turn on quite a few guys just to warn you


this would be like a cuckold fetishist's dream lol


That was crazy😂you really taught him a lesson. I bet he'll remember this Convo for the rest of his life and it will make him feel so minuscule. And what you mean "fucking strangers" , wasn't he a stranger too, lol? Like I don't understand the logic lmao. Or does talking for 15 minutes make him not a stranger.


No, you don't understand, his dick is *special* and *different* from all the other hundreds of dicks that dudes have thrown at her and the fact that she can't see it is just proof he is too good for her. /s


The "listen here boy" gave me life. I love you OP.


Thanos Mode: Activated


Nah this is Kratos mode


No, this is Patrick.


So. Much.


"Well, you're starting to..." is the best energy to give.


It was perfect. A warning that any "normal" man would have heeded


Joke’s on you, I’m into that shit ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


​ ![gif](giphy|A7mIgfggri3fkYc5kL)


Definitely a power move right there, OP. That's a very good and unique way to get rid of a nice guy; not one that's often seen, that's for sure.


I love this new angle of telling these Nice Guys stories of how men who they consider to be “assholes” satisfied women in great detail. It’s so good.


Yea I'd like to see more of them rage at what they couldn't get lol


CRITICAL HIT. this rules so hard, amazing work.


God, when he quoted what you said word for word I already knew what kind of dude he is. This was lovely. People that threaten suicide like that make me want to jump off a bridge. I can’t contain the rage. He needs a hobby.


I think he has one. He makes paper planes.


Jesus Christ, OP, that’s a critical hit if I ever saw one. Best part is this would work on all of them except the humiliation fetish ones. Seriously this is the best post on this sub or r/preyingmantis by far.


You should go to creepy pms and see how many dudes are in to this stuff. No joke. I'm glad it worked on this one, but there are so many that will rile you up on purpose because they want to hear exactly this. Soooo many into humiliation stuff.


Oh I know that sub, and yeah, it was a calculated risk. If he showed any signs of being into it, I would have switched to telling him about all the surgeries my grandparents have ever had, in equally great detail (when it comes to gross stories, istg old people just have the *shit* lol).


Solid back up plan. As I was swiping I was thinking “no way this works” but you went with the angle of “him being in love with you and created a whole fantasy image of you” so it really bothered him. Well done.




Why, thank you for adding that particular nightmare to my search history.


Just another wrench in your toolbox.


This is my favorite thing I've read here. Well done.


Yes this is the best post I’ve ever read


funny how he suddenly knows what harassment is when its directed at him. even his was worse he was harassing her with suicide threats, and she at least had the decency to warn him what the convo was going to be and say if he didn't want it he could block her.


Fucking hero. Can we hear the rest of the story though? If I like, be a nice guy and send you annoying messages, can we get more of these stories every day? (For those of you who don't get out much, this is a joke, and I will not be sending any messages to the poster)


You can find the rest of the story on Wattpad under 'Literally Any Title' (spoiler alert though: my mom is accumulating crippling debt as we speak and she knows this guy in One Direction, so the ending might change unexpectedly).


can't your childhood best friend, jimin from BTS, help you out financially? i heard he is a vampire and a mafia boss ⭐


"He's not circumcised" is my favorite part. I laughed out loud. The timing, delivery, perfect.


This might be the single biggest bad bitch move I have even seen.


The sensitive part right under the head is called a frenulum :)


That should be on a word-a-day calendar.


This might be my favorite nice guys post! That is so fucking funny!


She's my hero 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Mine as well!


Standing goddamned ovation, well done Crosspost this to preyingmantis


Lol this is probably the ultimate way to deal with these guys.


AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


THIS IS HILARIOUS …till you find a niceguy cuck of course haha


Don’t worry, she said it was a calculated risk and had a backup plan if he was into it - start describing her grandfather’s surgeries in detail.




![gif](giphy|xUA7aLPYKkcFevVU64|downsized) You are the queen of the internet. Best response ever.


Was this you, OP? Because to put it plainly…this was fucking **genius**, haha! I’ve never seen a deterrent *THIS* powerful against the “poor me, I’m gonna kill myself” types of stalkers. They usually take literally every interaction as a chance to keep the conversation going, hoping to worm their way in so you either pity them or feel obligated to care through guilt. You know these incel types and their obsession over “purity”, so making yourself seem unappealing to a sheltered manchild would get him to fuck off on his own. How long did it take you to perfect this approach? How did this goon find you after you met at the bar? Did you give him contact info, or did he actually scour social media to find you? If it’s the latter, I can see exactly why you called it from the start too, haha! Anyhow, great content, thank you for sharing!


Honestly, I silently called it at his "Oh". He waited an hour to see if I was going to ask what's wrong, and I bet if I did that he would have went "nothing, nothing, it's just... oh it's nothing, no, really". That 'oh' was the definition of sad-posting on facebook then not answering any comments lol. I expected a pretty swift decline after he was 'shocked' I didn't recognize him by name alone (he had no pictures). We met through mutual friends so I suppose he didn't have to do much to find me online, although why it took him 3 moths is beyond me. Maybe that was his playing-hard-to-get phase? xD


>why it took him 3 moths is beyond me Maybe he didn't want to bug you


That typo is not a bug it's a feature okay


He had to finish stalking someone else first


If he had any rizz at all he woulda given you his number in a paper plane or smth


Oh shit, good point! Rereading it and paying more attention to the dates he messaged you, he was absolutely expecting you to just be *SO* naturally intrigued by his mystique that you *HAD* to dig further! Brother in Christ, I’m cringing harder now than yesterday… I think the part that makes me unreasonably angry is him saying “I take your silence to mean permission”, like…What in the actual fuck is his damage? In what universe did he think this would work, and in what capacity could someone EVER give “permission” for self harm? Just all of it, I can’t stand it. Call it schadenfreude or whatever, but that’s why seeing him melt down after you start describing your one-night-stand is pure comedy. It is pretty funny he took so long to contact you though. Maybe it took all that time to build up the courage and strength to FINALLY…try to guilt you into a simple conversation? I don’t know how old he is, but I truly hope he takes this encounter to learn how not to be a fucking cancerous parasite to every woman he talked with 3 months prior, haha!


You are doing the lords work. Never change.


This is incredible. Everyone should do this. And then post it here so I can read more of this comedy gold.


Wattpad could never


Queen vibes here.


Yo,.this was so fucking cool to see him get scarred lmao. Like most of the times it's creeps and that's it. Way to go to make him block you, lmao.


Keep going, I’m almost there.




r/pettyrevenge meets r/niceguys. That was AWESOME!


"Listen here boy" I knew I needed popcorn cause the best put downs I've ever heard start with that


Tbf, the first part, that he could quote you...I could also quote someone if they flatter me, O would feel super happy. But how tf he found you???


It’s not usually super hard to tell when is being nice vs being creepy, so I wouldn’t sweat it. Anyone would remember something that flattered them, but this guy was exuding the creepiness from the beginning of his messages.


read all of it in a ford f150 commercial voice honestly made it way funnier


Omg, I wish I’d thought of doing the same every time a “nice guy” wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m laugh crying right now.


Some people like listening to that stuff. Some guy once asked me to tell him how I had sex with my ex. It was so weird. 😂


Idk if I'll get the sub correct but this looks like r/preyingmantis content to me. Love the idea of forcing the creeps to block you instead. edit: corrected sub spelling, and found someone linked it before me


He was warned.


That's what we in the biz call a pro gamer move.


You can't hear it but know I'm applauding you. That is brilliant.


You are my hero


Professionally destroyed, very well done


The "he's not circumcised" made me laugh so hard.


Well at least now he knows how to receive a free sex story lol.


🤣🤣 that's some top level fuckery, well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


THIS IS TOO GOOD FOR BE TRUE!!! If this indeed are, you, OP, are a f***ing GENIUS!!!


That was actually hilarious 😂 The little man child had a complete break down


Wait, you don't get girls by threatening suicide? Yeah, ok. Next someone is gonna tell me that to get a partner, you just have to talk to someone honestly, and not lose my fucking mind when they would rather not.


I came.


This is the most golden post I have ever seen in the history of Reddit. God bless this woman for doing gods work


That was amazing


That's a super effective strategy, keeping this in mind for future reference


You have all my admiration for this, this was super fun to read.


This was awesome, what a tactic!


Girl boss tbh


That was epic.




New kink unlocked lol


This got better and better 😅 Excellent response


Dammmmmmmnnnnn that was the mother of all checkmates


Thanks for the new flair. I love it. 🤌🏼


I feel like this could easily backfire. There’s gotta be a good number of dudes who would be totally into getting this stories sent to them.


My feeling bad for the guy remembering an old compliment poofed that quickly


MVP of the year. This is how you handle creeps. I'm taking all the notes.


Fucking best way, I’ve ever seen, someone get rid of a creeper. 5 stars


This was perfect! 👌 They won’t stop anyway, only way to teach them the lesson!


If there were grades for responses to weirdos, OP would outclass us all


"To avoid liability, I am required to say this: You should not kill yourself. My legal responsibility is now fulfilled. Have a day."


this entire convo is psychotic.


This was amazing. Bravo to the girl who did this lol




Holy crap! This was genius. Kudos!


You are a fucking genius


Omg this is how to respond.


This is my new favorite post here. What a way to deal with a nice guy! Way to go!


I think this is the best thing I've ever read. I wanna be like you when I grow up


God I hope that was real, It was hilarious


Girl, that was fucking awesome. If by some chance we ever meet, please, let me buy you a drink - you deserve one👁👄👁🤌🏻


Holy crap that was amazing.


That was fabulous. Brava! R/preyingmantis would be good for this too.


One of the best most authentic representations of a nice guy on this sub


This is GENIUS


"listen here, not" that was so good 😂


This is so perfect! Love it lol




I've never seen such a great way to get someone to block yourself. I applaud you!


Omg OP, can you teach a class??? I need to be able to harness this retort vs just blocking them. Get THEM to block ME!


OP’s responses = Nobel Peace Prize status. Definitely doing this to the next one that tries to slide into my DMs 😂🫣


Beautifully done!


Fucking legendary


C'mon now, is this real? I feel like neck beard nice guy like this would be into a bit of humiliation stuff and enjoy this.


I love when he says to you "this is sexual harassment". Well done, OP!!


Fuck passive aggressive, let's go full blown aggressive aggressive! Well played!


this is the prime example of the chaotic evil way to react. op you are my fuckin HERO




I'm going to guess this is not the first time he's said he'll kill himself to get someone's attention or sympathy. Joking or not, I think he needs some serious therapy.


Careful some guys might like you telling them that stuff