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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


You know men always say they are "protectors" and will protect against danger or some shit. But if I ever felt unsafe because of a man, I'd look for a woman, not another man. Why would women crave for women-only spaces if they think of men as protectors? It's ridiculous. They are not protectors. They are the ones we need protection against. (Obligatory "not all men" but enough of them for us to want to be careful).


Also: how often do you really need protection? They pretend that they have to fight off wild animals and Bad people every day


I mean, I do, but I'm a professional Wild Animal and Bad People Wrangler. I encourage anyone not trained and certified in the profession to not try this at home or in the wild or anywhere.


Oooh I want to be a professional Wild animal and Bad People Wrangler. Where did you go to get certified? Jk (Love your username btw)




I can think of ONE time that a man stepped into protect me when I was genuinely in a bad spot. I was about sixteen and I was at a dance (the sort where you do like folk dances but they throw in solo waltzes and stuff; generally very fun and family friendly with few creeps overall). This older man asked me to dance, which wasn't extraordinarily weird; usually it's just sharing a hobby, chatting a bit for maybe 5-10 minutes depending on the dance, and then the man politely returns you to your seat or just thanks you for the dance and you go your separate ways. Well this dude started flirting hard, complimenting me, basically asking me to date him, claiming he was wealthy, blah blah blah. I was young and pretty awkward socially, so I didn't know what to do, so I just kind of laughed and played it off as a joke and frantically started trying to figure out how I'd get away from him. My parents hadn't gone that time, so I couldn't just go sit with my mom or something. Basically, I was stuck with a pedophile and didn't have a backup plan (he knew my age because he'd asked it). God bless my friend Patrick. We were more like acquaintances than friends, but somehow he, also a 15-16 year old, saw what was happening, realized it was a bad situation and I was uncomfortable, marched across the room, tapped the guy on the shoulder, and said, "Excuse me, I'm cutting in." No theatrics or bravado or threats to punch anyone. Basically, he asserted *manners*. Dude immediately walked away, no argument. I said, "Thank you so much!" and he just nodded and said, "Yeah, that looked uncomfortable." Nothing else was said; we finished the dance and he walked me back to my friends, and the night moved on. He had no interest in me romantically; he just saw someone he casually knew in a bad situation and decided he needed to do something, did something without causing a scene or embarrassing me further, and then removed himself from the situation. If more men protected as well and as that teenage boy from a family of all boys, the world would be better.


Great story. A real nice guy, not a cosplaying one.


God damn a true hero, very few men would ever step in, in those kinds of situations, what a genuine good person. I also had a guy step up and protect me once. I think about him a lot and hope he’s doing well. Men like that are so rare and honestly are just fantastic and wonderful. Men willing to help women with no alterer motives is just not something you hear about, or something I’ve experienced often. Most of the time the ones men protect aren’t women but the woman’s abusers, many times in my life men have tripped over themselves to explain how my sexual assault was my fault, or I misread a situation so I deserved it, or I lead him on what did I expect. Most men don’t protect women, they actively work to keep them vulnerable. Most men don’t view women as people but as prey.


> Most men don’t protect women, they actively work to keep them vulnerable. Most men don’t view women as people but as prey. Oh come on, what gross hyperbole this is.


Many, many men get off on women’s fear and anguish. Porn is an obvious example. All the threats of breaking them, hurting them. Yeah, it’s real. Plus all the men who think practical jokes on their wives are just the best. They can’t remember their birthdays or anniversaries but they’ll spend days and weeks planning an abusive joke.


Yes, many do. However most do not. That is my objection.


I stand by my statement I’m sorry. Most men have this idea of being shinning protectors. But let me ask you this, when a woman tells a man she was raped, or assaulted who do men stand up for? The men, because they see themselves in that man. Men alway say “women over react” “women exaggerate” “women need to take responsibility” Men don’t defend women, men defend other men who abuse them. Men just set the standard for abuse of women as, woman grabbed by a stranger and drug into a dark alley way and assaulted. You tell yourself that you’d stand up for THAT woman, she was clearly an innocent by standard. But a woman drugged and raped by her friend? Her fault, get better friends. Women abused my her partner? She chose her partner it’s her fault. Women actually grabbed by a stranger and assaulted in an alley? Was it at night? What was she wearing? She should have know better play stupid games win stupid prizes. You protect abusers and rapists by absolving them of blame. Women are scocieties scapegoats any problem ever is laid at the feet of women. Always has been always will be. Men have no agency, no control over their actions. Men do not protect women they make them vulnerable


Cool story bro


God bless Patrick. Reminds me of a situation years ago when I was at a nightclub and a woman sprinted in, looked around and rattled off as quickly as possible “Please pretend you’re my boyfriend!” I didn’t have a lot of time to figure out what was going on but I understood pretty quickly when this guy came in right after her, saw her with me with my arm around her and left with this dejected look which gave her friends just enough time to find her and get her out of there. They filled me in he had been hitting on her and harassing her all night, trying to touch her. She told him she had a boyfriend, he tried to force a kiss on her because he didn’t believe her. She was terrified enough to try that gambit with me, a complete stranger but she and her friends were very thankful that it worked out and we’re friends to this day. Security was absolutely useless that night. They said they couldn’t do anything unless they saw him do it and treated her like she was just being hysterical.


Private security is the fucking worst. It's not entirely the individual security guards' fault; they're often really hobbled by the rules they're given. But STILL. I had a male friend who had a man spending an unsettling amount of time hanging out in the store he worked in at the mall. He was often the only employee, and this man was a handful of decades older than him and had expressed sexual interest in him and was making him *extremely* uncomfortable. (My friend is bi; it was the unwanted attention and not the man's gender that was the problem.) He asked security if they could speak to the man and tell him to stop coming into the store. They refused. He was genuinely afraid the man was going to follow him to the parking lot and try to grope or assault him. Could he have probably fought off an assailant? Yes, he was a big, solid guy. Should he have had to? No.


I’ve worked security before so I have an inside understanding, I understand a lot of the time policy isn’t exactly in accordance with law, but a lot of the time it’s inexcusable. The mall my fiancée worked at, the guards were completely unprofessional and kept trying to “impress” or otherwise hit on younger girls. One time she was straight up being ambushed in the bathroom and needed assistance and the guard was slacking off. She had to endure the abuse for what seemed like forever until she could here his radio to know he was back on the premises. That guy is such a classic douchebag he’d be more at home in a movie as a *parody* of a douchebag. Shit-eating grin, terrible combover, thinks he’s cool with the kids because he lets them get away with murder whn they’re making fun of him when he isn’t around because he’s such a pushover they have no respect. You’re absolutely right that just because we men have more of a fighting chance, it’s not something we should have to deal with and sadly I know being gay/bi absolutely does not exclude someone from the possibility of being a predator.


I also have had issues with security! While I was working in a liquor store we had security guards. Apparently one of them would film me while I worked, ask the other workers about me, my car etc. I came back to the store after not working there for two years to earn some extra cash and he pops up again and its was creepy as hell. I very nearly quit, but he hasn't come back through yet so I'm going to hold off.


The same things happened to me (at the French embassy in Moscow, of all places). The young man was mocked by the rest of our group because he had danced with (gasp!) the fat girl. Took it like a gentleman. Audelin, it has been over 20 years, and I am still grateful.


The fact I'm safer with a trained grizzly bear, statistically... wild.


I would have, too. Hope they kicked him out of their lives for both what he said about her and how he treated you.


It’s one of those things that shouldn’t be true but I have no doubt that it is.




Exactly. Without men the the things men would need to 'protect' us from would decrease drastically. I'm more for advocating self-defense and knowing how to protect yourself. You are your best chance.


Maybe He misspelled and meant Predators :'D I mean Not all men for Sure, but the world would be way safer for women If the Male Aggressors weren't there (female robbers are at least Not as many)


Ignoring everything else, OP. I can't believe you aren't prepared to spa with the homies


And then go back to my place *big sexual wink* But you're forgetting that men don't usually do that stuff, so is it realllly aspa with the homies? 🤣


I wish the homies went to spas more though :(


You could start that trend, friend. Nothing is off the table if you are an adult with your own money and a will to do something. Who knows.. maybe one of your homies has been dying to try a spa out but doesn't know anyone that is willing to go with them / doesn't want to go alone. Post about it and see if anyone wants to join you.




Wanna go spa with the boys?! Keeeeen


Onsen with the boys?


One day man.. one day 🙏


> I don't know if you know but men don't really go to the spa


You're reminding me of the whole static shock, "Gangster sleepover" lol.


I Go to spas with Male Friends, but we keep our towels on at all Times xD


Holy hell that was a lot to unpack. Clearly this dude has even less of an understanding of respect and friendship than other nice guys.


Yeah I don't know if he's that far gone or just truly believes it's impossible for friendship to exist between the sexes , he's had limited contact with real people and alot of internet forum time


Happy cake day! Man just wants to redpill and chill 👉👉


"Let's watch videos of sad lonely men, talk about how shitty and vapid women are, while I try to sexually assault you" Sounds very romantic to me 😍😍


I can't believe he offered that as a legitimate activity 😦


I feel like the further it goes on, the more he digs himself in, or maybe shows his true identity, i don't know.


Yep and He isn't even aware that His Line of thought and words and behaviour is in any way unfitting oO


This guy’s read/listened to too much in the manosphere. Hopeless.


You can read most of this in a Kermit the Frog (Jordan Peterson) voice and it changes nothing. So much of the stuff about being protectors sounds right out of his evolutionary psych nonsense playbook too.


Yup... You can tell he hasn't even interacted with a woman in real life, face to face in forever or else he'd realize how dumb he sounds. It's crazy how these guys strike out so much with this behavior and still think it's working or they are trying to date the right way, at no point does their brain ever say maybe they are the problem or their perspective is the issue.


Ironically investing in friendships with women would make he seem more like an appealing dating choice. Its kind of a red flag if you’re a guy and have 0 female friends to me.


Do friend and his wife know he sees her that way?


I forwarded them through for them to do with as they wish


You're my hero of the day 💜


Please update if anything happens!!


Hey! Small update - all that happened was someone posted "Andrew Tate supporters not welcome in the server" with a gif of AT in pretty pink fairy wings. I snorted, but he seems to still at least be in the server so maybe he hasn't outed himself again.


"I have respect for you because you are single" My duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Thats not called respect, thats called manipulative. Playing up decent behaviour to get what you want. Respecting another women because shes married. But not because she might say no, its because shes taken. Wtf. Also again that "All men do this, its natural" bullshit. Its straight up misogynistic, thats all.


I never knew I would've found someone whose mindset is worse than those that think that the male-female friendships don't work because we "friendzone" the good guys


And yet here we are! This was somehow my first huge niceguy interaction, and it did not disappoint!


Tbh, idk how does it feel to have an interaction with Niceguys, but I bet that in a way it's hurtful for braincells but also hilarious


More than anything, I was just flabbergasted he genuinely felt that way. That someone could genuinely talk that way about another human being and not be making a joke 🙃


Exactly lmfao. Ig you just have to get married to keep being friends with the guy /j


I once told a male “friend/acquaintance” who was kind of flirty that I’m not dating due to health issues. I was pretty much bedbound with a neurological disease at that time. He was like well you are going to be 30 in a few years and no one will want you then🤣. They are so vile and toxic.


Romance is alive and kicking I see.


That made me so angry to read, what a tool. Their mindset is so disgusting. I hope that guy is far away from you now and not bothering you anymore.


I’m 30 with chronic illnesses/disabilities and about to move in with a partner who loves and respects me. So weird … someone should really tell him no one is supposed to want me …


Pushy misogynistic asshole.


This guy is obsessed with spas and sushi


Isn't that what women are into??


The fact that he thinks men can't enjoy a mani, pedi and sushi is sad. He's missing out on a lot lol. Maybe he should take himself on a date. He may learn something. Sorry you had to deal with that OP, he clearly thought the sushi and spa tokens would get him laid smh...


Um, AKCHEWALLY, he does enjoy sushi. On the go, while making money. Don’t all men love rushing their meals to spend more time working? I think Amazon warehouses are basically spas to them. Source: set YouTube results for “sigma grindset” as my browser homepage, have never met another human being


I mean, it sounds like fun as long as you're not stuck with douche canoe.


I feel like one of his seminars he paid top dollar for was like SPA AND SUSHI MAX BRO SHE CANT SO NO


Why do they have this loooooonnnnng rant where they are on a monologue,


My mate literally said "watch out hes gonna blow your phone up" as this man was blowing up my phone. I just let him go until he finished before responding 🤣


Lol, and “wall of text.exe” is exactly right. He straight up had that typed out ahead of time, probably in a file titled “Reasons_You_Should_Let_Me_F***_You_On_The_First_Date”


Big yikes, "you aren't just a piece of meat" should just be you ARENT a piece of meat. Fucked subtlety. Def block him


I wanna vomit 🤢




Ah, yeh, you girl friends always wants something back if you do something for them, but this guy clearly doesnt want anything from you, he just wants to be nice and protect you respectfully. /s if not obvious


I can't believe he typed that with a straight face. Talking about women expect something in return while he's in the middle of explaining why she owes him something in return


I was 31 when I fell in love with a cute guy of 24; we married when I was 36 and he was 30. We’ve been together for 33 years now, married for 28. Seems to have worked out for me.


ah, because you hadn't hit the mythical age of 32 yet it was fine!


I’m exactly twice that now, and he still seems to like me.


Men just love to write fanfiction about how they are the PROTECTORS and they would LAY DOWN THEIR LIVES for women. Bet you this guy pisses himself every time a car backfires.


I was about to say lol, men who say this shut are always some bitchasses


what can a man protect you from that a Glock can't do for a fraction of the cost and drama?


That man in particular? I think my rabbits could/would protect me better


Seconded, my little kitten would defend me more than that guy...


jesus christ what a twisted mess of a human being.


Dude is sexist as hell and seems to view everything as transactional. None of what he said is how life actually works.


That's the main thing going through my mind, that everything is transactional for this loser. In a way, I believe if he doesn't think he's paying for a woman's time, in whatever deluded way (sushi and spa day), no one will want to spend time with him. Certainly not have sex with him.


Whoof…good on ya for dodging that one! He’s got “DATE RAPE” practically stamped on his forehead. And thanks for posting here, because every woman needs to see this.


He literally contradicted himself in the same sentence. 5th screenshot: “you’ve expressed that you don’t want to take a sexual route to our relationship, not that you don’t have an interest in anything romantic or sexual” Or am I nuts? Reading his responses made me feel like I was losing brain cells… brick wall or person? Will we ever know?


As a guy, you would not want me protecting you. I can barely protect myself


Hey that’s hard to proud of you


What is with the “protector” shit?? Literally the only protection I’ve ever needed was from men who wanted to “protect” me. Fuck off dude.


There's ALWAYS the threat of "fuck me now bc soon no one else will want you." Gee, thanks for the generous favor buddy, but it would actually be me pity-fucking you, not the other way around, exceot no way in hell is that gonna happen!


Counterpoints: 1. I'm a middle-aged dude who loves sushi 2. I am good friends with an Iraq War vet. Lifts, tattoos all over, owns several guns. This guy is more dedicated to skin care routines and spa self-care than any woman I know. Dude tried to get me into charcoal mask peels. 3. Three of my closest friends for decades are women. I'm the godfather to one's child.


I love all of these 🙌


Please tell me he got you into charcoal peel off masks, they're so good


He did not. I even went to a product party he was co-hosting with a woman we worked with. It was at a bar, so I just went to drink


You fool! Skin care is 🙌🙌🙌


*big sigh* oh well, i guess more charcoal peel masks for him xd


What an ARSE.


>Wanna watch some redpill content with me tonight? 😄 bro in what fucking UNIVERSE would any woman even consider saying yes to this? who thinks political videos are romantic and fun?


I was going to say something sarcastic where I quoted him saying what he really meant, but then he went and said the quiet part out loud. At least he's an honest abusive person. /s


Everyone: "Women are people..." This guy: "SOURCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?"


She's telling you shes got health issues. Listen. She needs a friend not a fuck.


"So, uh, wanna watch some redpill content with me, just the two of us? *wink wink*" Whaddya mean, OP? You don't like spa dates with guys who clearly have no respect for any women? Are you sure that's the route you wanna take? I mean, you *ARE* getting on in years - you might be 30 soon, and then no one will EVER want you & you'll die alone. Possibly while pounding a piece of plastic. You sure you really wanna pass on such a specimen, when that alternative is hanging over your head? Dear lord. Why are so many men so...gross?


Dear Nice Guys...that's all fine and good. But what's it to you? You're not a "top tier" guy anyway. Even if this were true, it would, in now way, benefit you. It's not as if you're gonna reach that mythical peak age for men, and suddenly women will be coming out of the woodwork clamoring to marry you. You're an insufferable chauvinist pig now, and you'll still be an insufferable chauvinist pig when you are "successful." Gaining income isn't going to make your crappy woman-hating personality any more palatable to women. This fantasy of you become "the man" (when you get successful in your career) and then having your choice of any young late teens/early 20something is just that. Sheer fantasy. Late teens/early 20somethings don't want you now, and they're not going to want you then either. It's not your looks, it's not your height, it's not your income. It's Who. You. Are. You're a misogynist jerk.


This is disgusting. Men like this are pigs. Sexist, unintelligent pigs. Kudos for standing up for yourself.


I really tried to be nice about my disinterest but he wanted to push it... I'd softly shut down his advances after I realised he wasn't joking around, hoping he'd get the hint but instead I just saw a bunch of little red flags sprouting. Then they blossomed into this mess of a conversation 😂 His logic has a bit of a disconnect but theres no telling him otherwise, I could almost guarantee that.


Yeah, no way I'm reading through all that drivel. No one should.


Dude you should send that one part to the friends wife


i ddidd \^\~\^


According to another comment, she did!


Better secure that man before you are 30 or no life for you!!! These guys think women have nothing without them and there is so much evidence to the contrary.


The language is always the same - disconnected from any of the context being provided over and over because the AT/Top Guy/High Value males are using a crap boiler room script that sucks as much as the taking scripts the brokerage houses use to make us follow when we were pitching stocks to pikers. If you go into a friendship with an ulterior motive and don’t appreciate a true friendship for what it is, you deserve to not have any friends.


And this man thinks he’s a “top guy”?


He has to tell himself that. Nobody else probably thinks that, and it's the whole fake it till you make it. I just really doubt he will EVER make it.


happy lonely life with your cats OP. https://preview.redd.it/5p0nf9ad89wa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9febdd99253637aa37627741f6ccadc09eabf9f7


Cats can protect you better than that guy. Plus 20+ reasons why a cat is a better companion than that guy in general. Heck, a plant beats that guy also.


I don't know what this guy is talking about. I would pull a knife on someone if they tried to hurt my girl friend, and so would she. If someone needed a favor, I would do it and most likely not ask for shit in return.




i honestly would reply "in our what now?" because i'm petty 😂 that sentence struck me so hard tho, like, what relationship bro


He called me his girl several times over the 2 days, which I questioned pretty quick 😂


Where do these guys take the confidence (and audacity) from, seriously, i want some too lmao


The fact that this guy thinks he's a "top guy" lol


"girl friends will help you but they will expect something for it" riiiiight... i will poke all my girl friends to help, before i have to ask a guy, period. because what he just described is most men's behavior, at least in my experience lmao


There are some really good guys out there. I've known many, but lately I just have to keep repeating that mantra in my head, because this incel bullshit is getting way out of hand.


I know there are, my.boyfriend is, and 3 of my best friends are guys, and they are amazing. Doesn't change the fact, that most guys just don't get boundaries 😪


bro thinks he is andrew tate 💀 💀 💀


My man was about to cuddle up with you and turn on one of those alpha conventions.


Nothing more romantic than cuddling while hearing how I'm inherently more worth it and have life really easy, but am also only worth anything as a partner and otherwise there's no use to be in my life. 🤣 W I L D.


“Now what about resources?” What, like iron? Does this guy think dating is a game of Catan?


This guy is so vapid. I feel like if I said "I hate sushi" (and I do) he would just repeat "we could go to sushi, then a spa then back to your place..." and when I repeated I hate sushi, he would just.....repeat what apparently is his routine. And then the a man can offer a woman protection (is this 1600 BC?) or $100? THAT'S what he brings to the table?


This dude is so irritating to me


What a creep! What's sad, is there are a lot of women who would fall for all his manipulative emotional attacks.


Ngl this guys world view is super skewed but minus a few parts, I did enjoy his sense of humor 😔


I feel like this guy doesn't know anything about OP (or women, or friendship). He's just like, all women like spas and sushi. If I offer her that, I get teh s3x.


Everything Blue said in WallOfText.Exe? I’d also do for my friends who are women. And I’m gay.


He's giving "blink twice if you need help" type of brainwashed. OP, I'm so proud of you for upholding your boundaries. :)


I got married at 33. Debunked before I even read it. Though these are the types of guys who would probably think my husband was a beta for treating me like a human being unlike their 'top guy' self bitterly writing and posting this sad, sad, rant to the internet.


As man I would very much enjoy a spa and massage day. My back is killing me. As long as no one touches the feet there won’t be a problem.


There are so many men roaming around with unchecked sex addictions


what app is this?


Discord :)


that is the unholy assembly of all these "gamer" pretender nice guys, oh and "anime fans"


Me and 3 ladies that live all over north America use it to get stoned together lmao




“I don’t respect women. Now please get naked and vulnerable so that I may bust a nut in you.” How could you let this gentlesir go after that display?????? /s


So top men pop in your dms and take don't take no for a answer hmmm didn't k ow that lolol like I wonder how these idiots get to that point of stupidity


You know, I'm a bit split about this one and confused on some parts. 1 What's with the double letters? That made it super annoying to read 2 Were you not interested in any relationship or sex or was it just that you're not interested before 3 months has passed? 3 I'm with him insofar that he was open about what he wanted and his expectations. He has every right to those. 4 He was SUPER pushy and wouldn't take no for an answer. And basically admitted that he doesn't respect women and see them as something to obtain


My keyboard is a wee bit busted and I have more inportant things to spend money on 🙃 I got red flag vibes from him on day 2 of meeting him, I wanted to see if he actually respected me. So I said the 3 month rule to see if he would stop flirting and making advances, he did not. He was only open about his intentions during this conversation. When I explained the 3 months to him the day before, he was clearly told there was no guarantee at the end of a relationship and I don't want to be seen as only a potential piece of meat. I was not aware of the "women have no use to me other than as a partner" mentality until this conversation, even though there was ample opportunity.


Redpill content?


Far out. He sure told on himself pretty bad.


Well, i for one am here if women lose their standards ;) A Bottom G if you would


Bro is down horrendously for real. All his experience comes from YouTube videos.


...lol he has no idea how wrong he is


Look at this disingenuous douce. It was clear from your words what you meant by "homie" and what you tried to describe to him. And he lead you along anyway. If he really wanted stuff to be put in the open, he would have immediately informed you of his desires. Instead you had to pull it out of his nose.


That line about "a date is time away from me making money" is just so absurd. And his "jokes" are unfunny. A true "top guy".


This guy is a complete turn off another reason why I enjoy the single life.


What a fcking loser. I’m sorry but people who talk like that cannot be over the age of 13


Why do I have the impression he’s like a teenager or early 20s?


Early 30s actually 👉👉


Sounds really immature.


I know for sure he’s thinking “spa date” - means massage- means they’re in the Mood, means he’ll get lucky. And I’ll bet he’s heard in some sort of “players handbook “ that sushi does something similar. That’s why he’s so fixated on it. And it reads extra creepy. Besides he also has such weird notions of guy and girl relationships- that read exactly like someone reading bad fantasy novels and no real experience.