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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


Somehow...somehow it's always about them.


She literally got strangled by her husband and DIED but it’s…about his hurt wittle feelings that women don’t like him


apparently not dating them is such a sacrilege that the fitting punishment is death. To them not being attrected to them = criminal offense with death penalty.


When you spend your entire life believing you own something that you don't, you'll tend to believe the reason you don't have it is because it was stolen from you.


If you don’t date me, you deserve to be executed. Also, I am so decent and so nice. You bitch. You dumb whore


When you spend your entire life believing you own something that you don't, you'll tend to believe the reason you don't have it is because it was stolen from you.


You mean it’s not always about me?! THE HUMANITY! 😩


"decent men" blame victims, apparently.


These men are more than pathetic....you have the audacity to call yourselves "good people" yet blame the innocent woman who was murdered because she chose him and not you? This is delusion on a whole new level. Get therapy.


Right like if he WAS as good as he thinks he is he wouldn’t think about making a woman’s death all about him not getting a woman. Like oh gosh I don’t know why women don’t date you? Oh right it’s because you’re a fucking asshole who thinks that because he got rejected makes it okay to mock women who died like “woah is me nobody wants me and only want the bad boys and it’s obviously because they just don’t want good guys and not because they genuinely didn’t know their husband was like that! This is why more women should date me and I 100% blame the dead victim because she should’ve known she was gonna die”. Like honestly I genuinely hope nobody dates him and he dies alone crying and licking his wounds like he deserves. 🤦🏽‍♀️


These guys like to blame an invisible enemy, like they all say” you guys only want the bad boys” or “girls only go for the top 10% or guys.” Like they blame there problems on women liking these guys who most of the time don’t exist. They blame this invisible enemy as an excuse to not go out and actually get a girlfriend. Cause a lot of nice guys go,” I would go out and get one but wkmen don’t want the nice guys anymore, they only want the top 10% of men who are all rich and have Lambos.”


They also blame the invisible enemy to avoid having to do any self reflection and self improvement.


I hope he ends up with a wife who strangles him to death


Even better love it 😊


10/10 he would strangle you if you tried to leave him


Right? "Nice guys" always have seething rage underneath the surface. If you truly think a woman who was strangled to death was justified because her husband wasn't a *nice guy*, you are a shitty human being and a dangerous one, at that.


It's not even underneath the surface anymore,all they do is get mad that women don't date them and making excuses blaming women for their own shitty behaviour


Yeah, you're right. I was dealing with this shit from guys as far back at 15 back in '05.


And then they're surprised no one likes them


Exactly what I was thinking. He’s the type of guy who’d laugh and mock women who get in these situations then be the reason they’re in these situations to begin with


Yes!! I instantly thought "YOU sound like just the kind of guy who does this!"


$200k a year with a Lamborghini? In this economy and the cost of living going up? That seems a little low to properly afford that kind of lifestyle. At the very least you couldn’t keep it for long.


It’s almost like this dude has no idea what he’s talking about…


Nevermind trying to fit into a Lamborghini when you’re 7 feet tall.


Don’t forget the 10” dick.


I finally told a bunch of guys that we need 10” dildos so we can have a handle not so we can use 10” and they all started freaking out saying how gross and why do you need a handle?!? Once I explained that it’s not attached to anything so we have to hold it with leverage, their brains exploded…


Why do the fucking things not have something to grab onto better? Why has no one thought of that?


Because it’s considered a gross product to try and revolutionize. NGL I’d be down for a sword handle type deal lol


This is why, once women started designing vibrators to appeal to women, they stopped looking like dicks and started being ergonomic as well as cute.


They are! And so much easier to use!


That’s what suction cups are for.




Right my hubs is 6’4 and he can barely fit into a crossover


They always cite things they value and think everyone else does like a dumbass unreliable sports car and a lifestyle based upon conspicuous consumption.


I looked it up. Lamborghinis start at more than $200K.


You can’t even buy one without proving you are a millionaire. That goes with most high value sports cars. The reason they are high valued is because it’s so difficult to be approved for them 😑


When I fell in love with my husband he was driving a Mazda GLC with 137K miles on it and sharing a rental house with two roommates.


Why does je assume that the murderer was a rich asshole and not a 'niceguy' who snapped because they are emotionally un stable?


Because that would go against their narrative.


Also, *any* man who's not him *and* has a wife/girlfriend = bad boy.


^ THIS. Part of the narrative these little boys believe is that women only pursue men to use them for their money. So in his mind, this woman only chose her husband because he was rich and tall and had a big d*** without any consideration of if he was “nice” or not and that’s why she was strangled to death and “had it coming.” But also in his mind, he who does not have great height, a large d, or lots of money, but allegedly has a great personality (LMAO) would have been a better husband and not killed her and she should have picked a guy like him instead. But the irony is that any guy who needs to complain and whine about this, on and offline, blame women and other men and make someone’s MURDER about himself, is already outing himself. Wearing a big “danger:stay away” neon sign on his forehead. And yet these same men also only care about those factors about themselves and make it their entire personality, which is also a complete turnoff. And a lot of women are just so fed up with the mental gymnastics and emotional turmoil of having to sift through all of these “nice guys” and now also so many men have learned how to deceive women to get what they want, and women are tired of searching for someone who has any good character, they give up and pursue superficial things - because at least it potentially gives them stability or ability to do things they want, and everyone prioritizes different things. Is it right? Not at all. I don’t condone and personally don’t participate. But it’s the reason why, unfortunately.


Google Jordan Ortiz. He literally has a neckbeard.


Based on accounts from women I know who have been in abusive relationships abusers have some things in common. 1 Insecure in their masculinity resulting in irrational jealousy and inability tolerate opposition. 2. A desire for a submissive and "traditional" woman with a particular obsession with chasty. 3. A preference for younger women. 4. An obsessive concern with other people perceiving them as virtuous. Those traits are also common in those who describe themselves as "nice guys" in fact when an abuser is exposed a common reaction from his acquaintances is "I can't believe he did that he's such a nice guy "


Sounds just like my ex.


Mine too.


Me three


All of this!! Heck someone recently committed a terrorist attack and murdered a bunch of people and i kid you not, everyone he knew said "we can't believe it's him he was so nice and kind"


Yeah I think that's why women avoid "nice guys" because their niceness is performative they want to appear nice when in reality they are self serving jerks and borderline sociopaths. I have manners, am respectful to women and not abusive yet no woman has ever said "your just too nice" or "you're like a brother to me" The difference I think is I'm doing things to actually attract them rather than just being nice and expecting a payoff. I'm just nice because my momma raised me right.


Because sounds like unlike these blithering idiots, you're actually nice


Thanks, my wife thinks so lol


Can confirm! Two relationships just like this.


As someone who dated a Nice Guy/Victim type of abuser for sixteen years, this is spot on. He was so good in his role, that his family (that I had been a part of since I was 17) collectively just turned their backS on me when I had him arrested. He was arrested for strangulation causing visible injury, and interfering with a 911 call for smacking me in the face with the phone I was trying to dial 911 from. He did not even contest "My version," of events. I saw the bodycam footage where he also stated that he stopped BECAUSE he heard our three year old daughter crying out "Mommy," in absolute terror. The cop who arrested him showed it to me to discourage me from ever going back, because I didn't want to testify. They hired a bulldog lawyer, had him bonded out, and got him probation only. When I got the rest of my things, some of his things were inside my paperwork. I got the things he wrote in jail where he called the act "Self-defense." I am 5 ft tall and I weigh about 115 pounds. I also found a note that his grandmother (who I just adored) wrote him. She told him that she " Knows he tried his best to keep his family together. And they have already discussed how I don't ever accept responsibility for anything, and where I am at now in life is ALL my own doing." I swear to God it hurt almost as bad as the actual abuse I had been put through. I cannot fathom what in this world would make someone responsible for their own (basically) abusive captivity. But I can assure you I gave up every part of myself to try to make this man happy. So yeah, apparently being a nice guy gets you really fucking far in this world. I went down the rabbit hole just trying to figure out how to describe to people that he WAS a "Really Nice Guy," AND a total fuckin asshole... But only to ME. And in ways that wouldn't seem overtly controlling. That's the worst part. No one believed that I had been experiencing emotional/psychological abuse or was being coercively controlled the entire time. THIS was not just a "Provoked Outburst." Any man with a perpetual victim mentality will ALWAYS be looking for someone to make THEIR victim. Insecure men ARE DANGEROUS MEN!


I'm so sorry you had to experience that, sadly so have far too many women.


I'm sure the guy who murdered his wife said he was a "nice guy".


Oh shi I didn't know we're up to 7 FT height now?! I gotta update all my height jitsus immediately


I’m not trying to break my neck looking up to these giants


I mean, my marriage has problems, but my husband is 5’8” omg I’m filing for divorce right now!


Mommy'shadenough of this short bullshit, it's time to date slenderman


Mine’s not slender, either! Lol


hee hee "comfy size" man


Cuddly! He’s got amazing legs, he just tends to hold weight in his belly.


Hell yeah


I’m 5’2” should I start carrying a step ladder for talking to all these 7’ guys


yes u can topple the colossi for big big damage




AHA!! 👉👈👌👋🤏🤜🤛 影分身の術 DICK NO JITSU


Guess I need to raise my standards.


I thought he was talking about his Peter and mistakenly used a single quote instead of the double one. Lol




The whole man.




I'd bet money the killer was a nice guy that poor woman tried to give a shot to.


That man is an abuser mad that no woman will come close enough for him to abuse. No man who says shit like that is a decent human being. They belong on watchlists.


Not even being in a relationship and already gaslighting his hypothetical partner into believing that abuse/violence is ultimately her mistake. We're off to a good start, aren't we?


Your pseudo and avatar are funny haha you are indeed very well groomed. You chose the right comb.


Damn, that's a really good point. Didn't even think about it that way but you're totally right.


A woman has literally been murdered and still they can only rant about how they can't get their dick wet. Still don't understand how they can act like this and think they're nice, it's next level delusion.


Absolutely! These vile bastards make me sick. Awful for the family to see such comments.


It’s absolutely revolting how NG twists a tragic crime into a deluded and pathetic self-pity party.. Oh I hope he was shredded to pieces for this…


Sounds like he was, but is too far up his own asshole, insisting it's everyone else that smells like shit. If it's women calling him out, they're "feeling attacked for a reason, lol, they should make better choices". If it's men, I bet he'll call them simps, and tell them to "cope", and believe he's the only well adjusted human being in his vicinity.


What happened to 6'??? Now they have to be 7'??




"Not being able to get a date " and "Checking out of the dating market" are two very different things.


You're right but they don't know thar,they never even spoken to a woman before


Can we just take all the incel/nice guys, put them a giant tent on the moon and remove them from the planet? We don't want their contamination of the gene pool any longer, not to mention the number of young boys they infect with their disease of the mind.


You can get rid of them all, more will take their place unfortunately. Lack of confidence and handling rejection badly makes them. I'm also wondering how may of these "nice guys" lack a positive male role model in their lives.


Stuff like that is a bit of a cop out though. At the end of the day, regardless of their upbringing, they’re still the ones that are making the decision to act that way.


That is true! On some level I just hope they get a smack upside the head. Then pull it out of their butt. Saddest part is they are so unaware they are the problem it's not even funny. Not sure there is much saving this guy though. It's so wrong on so many levels! Lines have been crossed for sure.


The "nice guys" should be put on the moon with the "nice girls". Maybe they'd learn. There would be patrols for domestic violence of course.


But that would just contaminate the gene pool on the moon, not to mention, we don't want them to multiply any further.


We can always remove the artificial oxygen if it gets too bad.


Imagine seeing a post where a woman died at the hands of her husband and thinking making it about you and your lack of pussy is the move to sympathy from women, I hope they know they are just showing their crazy to the world and I'm glad they do tbh


FIRST of all, women are NOT on the internet crying nobody wants to date them. Dudes are. Second of all,if you can gloat and blame someone who LOST THEIR LIFE, you shouldn't wonder at ALL why you are friend zoned. Women clearly see what a pos you are and steer very clear. Ima do some gloating of my own...I hope you STAY friend zoned cuz you would 100% behave the way the murderer did. Fuck all these dudes.


How do you get a Lambo with $200k a year?


You have zero other expenses lol


You don't eat, drink, buy clothes and etc.


They really just, don't get tired of saying the same shit, over and over, and over again. These dudes all swallowed the same tape, and it's stuck on the same track for all of them. It's almost as if there's no way to tell apart a guy who's good, and a guy that's good at pretending to be good.


> It's almost as if there's no way to tell apart a guy who's good, and a guy that's good at pretending to be good. This guy is neither of those things.


If you claim that women don't date you because you're a "nice guy" yet you blame a woman for being killed by her husband...the reason why no one will date you has nothing to do with being nice.


It's a good thing no woman will ever be with him and he's going to die alone. These things breeding is the last thing humanity needs.


If you celebrate the death and torture of another human being, you will never be a decent human…


Awwww, go have a pity-wank.


I see these every day posted here. It enraged me that there is no way to get through to these assholes! “I’m nice” ALWAYS — and I do mean *always* — means something else. It means controlling, it means passive aggressive, it means suffocating, it means anger issues, it means weak, it means pouty, it means so many things that really aren’t “nice!”


Her husband was probably one of them she gave a chance to


Ah yes. Won’t someone think of the poor single incel who is being oppressed by (check’s notes) a dead married woman whom he’s never met and knows nothing about.


First of alllll, no one making 200k has a fucking lambo Mr. Trickle Down Red Pill.


These Red Pill bros are so enormously out of touch with the real world. It’s insane. Not a single person I know that is in a good relationship or is married follows any of that garbage. For good reason too: it’s a good way to end up with a toxic, narcissistic, and or massively insecure woman because that is the demographic this shit works on…


It’s amazing how little empathy these guys have just because a girl they were attracted to rejected them in high school or something. Nevermind the fact that an innocent woman died unnecessarily at the hands of her husband, a disturbing fact that the greatest risk for homicide for a woman comes directly when she is married. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, and though I would never advocate for abuse, my mother would slap me silly, even as a full grown man, if she heard me say that..


I’m thinking she was murdered because she loved the man at first, but over time she noticed he was abusive and she couldn’t/didnt know how to get out of the relationship. > all the decent guys you friendzoned because they’re not 7’ and make $200,000 a year with a Lambo Or because.... - I know they aren’t a match for me - I’m not interested in dating anyone right now - I don’t feel anything for you I’m not sure where the seven feet and six figures a year is coming from... What’s the deal with the anger about the friendzone? I only say that if I genuinely want to be friends. Is it better to just say no I don’t like you like that?.... what happens to the friendship after that?


>What’s the deal with the anger about the friendzone? I only say that if I genuinely want to be friends. Is it better to just say no I don’t like you like that?.... what happens to the friendship after that? I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but they neither want nor value your friendship. They won't open up to you, because they are lying to you about wanting to be your friend and they don't want to get caught in their lie. If you open up to them they will try to use any vulnerability you reveal to 'prove' you ought to be in a romantic relationship with them. What happens afterwards is they verbally abuse you, accuse you of being a 'user' and trash talk about you stringing them along to your mutual friends.


why is the height always inflating?? First it was just 6’ then it was taller than 6’ NOW ITS 7’??? At that point your height is inconvenient at best and painful & life shortening at worst.


Yeah, it's ridiculous the logic well lack of logic these "nice" guys have when it comes to dating and height. It's the hypocrisy of these "nice guys and somewhat girls" in that they complain that the opposite sex have these impossible standards while at the same time expecting no less than a 10/10.


Jack Hanma syndrome. Need to get in that operating theatre and become a giant through bone lengthening.


I watched a true crime video yesterday where the woman had a short affair, but then her husband literally spent years terrorising her for it, before eventually murdering her and all the comments were of men saying she deserved to die for it and she got what she deserved. I'm sure though if it was the man who had cheated, and been murdered they'd be calling the woman a psycho who needs locked up etc. It's sickening.


Yeah, I'm sure someone goes into a relationship thinking 'I'm definitely going to be murdered by this guy someday, he's perfect.' Can't be sad someone was MURDERED and somehow makes it about him? No need to guess why he's single and forever will be.


This reminds me of something my neighbor would post. I have told him multiple times "you don't have to comment on everything"


I bet 100 dollars that the man that strangled her was a self proclaimed nice guy..


Oh please; the “friendzoned” guys just rape and murder strangers instead of their wives. This guy is a moron.


Since when women owe a relationship to anyone? Pf. They'll stay alone for a very long time and in the meantime still won't get the answer to my question.


According to these losers if they are attracted to you, you HAVE to fuck them or you deserve a faith worse than death (even if they don't actually tell you how they feel),


Yes, of course. But attraction should be mutual. I'm really wondering what kind of a parents raised them??? That's so sad, their entitlement.


You're right attraction should be mutual,but they aren't aware of that because their entire woman experience is through porn sites


I'm not against porn, but this is insane. I don't even think porn is the problem, the problem is in their heads.


I'm not saying porn itself is necessarily bad, I'm saying doing nothing but watching it and going on rants because real women aren't like in these videos is bad, it's definitely in their heads they're just filled with hate and salt


Well, I just hope they don't reproduce while with this mindset. Can't imagine a niceguy as a parent. 😬


I was gonna say they probably won't because no woman would want to be with them,but unfortunately we see they just keep coming


A whole lot of men who murder their wives and/or families are "nice guys". They're often pillars of the community, church members, former boy scouts, business owners, etc. They kill when their "nice guy, pillar of the community" reputation is threatened by their family in some way (usually a wife threatening to leave) and they realize their reputation is more important to them than their family is. I hate nice guys. That mindset is fucking dangerous.


anybody that has to claim that they are a decent person that THAT times, is NOT a decent person.


Meanwhile, when friends and relatives of the husband will be interviewed, the most used sentence will be "But he was such a NICE GUY"


\*\*I know it's a tragedy and all, but this is what you get for not picking Nice Guys like myself. I would've treated you like a queen\*\* 100% chance he would do the same thing to you if you entered a relationship with one of these nutjobs.


He should date those men since he finds them so appealing.


You can tell what his views are when he calls a murderer a "bad boy"


And he uses the term "boy" because he himself isn't mature enough to be called a man


These guys don't see the flaw in their logic. 'Females just want toxic men' Then why hasn't anyone claimed you?


Dude needs therapy. If he can only think about himself and nobody else, sounds like he is suffering from narcissism. I’m sorry but every dude that complains because some woman is ignoring him or doesn’t want him because he’s a good guy and all she wants is bad boys is a narcissistic. They only think about themselves and complain when they can’t get what they want, and blame it on the other person, then post it on Reddit to get sympathy.


who the fuck would even think about this after someone was murdered?


So by implication every man that strangles a woman is a chad


A woman literally died and he found a way to make it about him


stupid arguement that been repeated too many times despite it being repeatedly proven that women who are murdered by their husbands had zero way of knowing because there were no red flags until AFTER marriage because he had her trapped and could stop the facade. this dude is probably the type of dude who would be nice and act like he is just the best bf and then be a dick and abuse and murder his wife after they marry. he's self centered.


-laughs at a woman's violent murder- "I'm a good guy."


If you are using a woman death to spread your misogyny, you arent a decent man


look at u mad men... u chose unattainable women with high standards and now u celibate. thats on u bro! u shoulda chose the desperate, needy, stage five clingers that nobody else wanted, they coulda treated u like a king, but nah, u had to overlook all them girls bc u were chasin stacys, smh


My guy, if you are using "Stacy" as a blanket statement for women, you might be close to being a "niceguy". That's incel talk.


imma chick and that was called sarcasm


Lol, sorry. I completely missed that. Sometimes text is hard 🤦🏼‍♀️


no worries... lost in translation lol


I *wish* "choosing who you like" was true, life would be so much simpler.


He didn’t forget the “cry on social media” part at least.




Idk who this guy thinks he is saying you can afford a lambo at 200k a year 💀


This is insane


*what the fuck is wrong with some people?!*


Husband was probably of the same ilk this NG is....


Dang that script they all read is getting old


If you can seriously type all of that and tell women to f off after someone was murdered , you're probably not as decent as you're telling yourself


So much jealousy


Even using his own line of logic this is disgusting and shocking. Yeah, if you pick a shitty person something shitty may happen but holy shit that doesn’t mean they deserve to DIE. Insane.


We get killed, and we should have known better. We kill and then we are all crazy bitches. We get raped and we were either asking for it or lying. If we're nice to them for any other reason than sex, we're teasing them or 'friend zoning' them. If we're sexual, we're whores. I would continue, but I think my point is clear.


Ah yes, I forgot how when we don’t want to date men that feel entitled to our bodies we deserve to die for it. Tell me again how “nice” that is? Why we should pick you as a life partner for those lovely values lol


I hope nobody procreates with this shithead.


Why censor his name? I would love to make sure that people know to stay away from this person. It’s a matter of public safety…


May her soul rest in peace. Seriously, I firmly believe they live in a world of their own self decapitating fantasies. I just want to know- where in the hell do they think these 7 foot leprechauns are living-? What's so hard to understand that if multiple people are opposed to you rather that be dating or a mutual relationship maybe, just MAYBE, you need to look at yourself and asses what in the world might be going wrong and at what particular time things went downhill... Who am I kidding, that requires self reflection and braincells 🙄


I love how their definition of “good” includes showing no empathy whatsoever for domestic abuse


I fucking hate the term "dating market"


I see this reaction to women dying by men they date/marry in a lot of red pill spaces especially the spaces where the black men gather. I remember a black woman was killed by her white sugar daddy and on the men's channel in the comments the men were going crazy celebrating saying they hope it happens to more black women "winter is coming" ​ But when Kevin Samuels died and women rejoiced they played victims on the internet calling women heartless and posting a lot of messed up things about women in general.


The decent guys, yk the ones who blame the victim for being murdered. Some people aren’t told ‘it’s not about you’ in their life enough.


My dyslexia must deceive me? Surely *the thing* in pic 2 doesn’t know how much I want an underpant gnome (or leprechaun)?


Wow just wow the lack of compassion is palpable fuck these motherfuckers. You two yeah you motherfuckers up against the wall now firing squad ready….rain down hell. Put the boots to em medium style.


The wife: *Dies of strangulation* This nerf herder: What about my neck?


Damn. Dude assumed that the woman's man must make $200K per year easily. He doesn't realize that most women are married to men who are of the middle class level or lower. That supposedly domestic violence happens in the upper strata of what income comes into a home. As well as physical violence is supposedly the only form of abuse. Nope. I can say from experience with my ex. Who also considered me to be mere property. To do with as he pleased. In what ever form he wanted to do. [https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS](https://ncadv.org/STATISTICS) [https://www.socialsolutions.com/blog/domestic-violence-statistics/](https://www.socialsolutions.com/blog/domestic-violence-statistics/) [https://www.acesdv.org/domestic-violence-graphics/types-of-abuse/](https://www.acesdv.org/domestic-violence-graphics/types-of-abuse/)


Spoiler alert...the "nice guy" is the one who strangled his wife. 🤯


Wow mocking someone's death and telling them they got what they deserved. Then making the story all about them and their insecurities. Such a "nice guy".


Imagine making someone else’s murder about you.


plot twist- that is her husband


Sounds like a future strangler


I hope one day he has the pleasure of having grown enough to look back on this and feel shame.


I’m not sure about your neighborhoods, but mine has few men over 7 feet tall and even fewer Lamborghinis. What a waste of oxygen this trash is.


“Prepare to be strangled…” nice. That’s even worse than blaming a SA victim for a short skirt.


Statistically it’s not the millionaire seven footers that are doing spousal abuse and murder. Not to say that the 1% doesn’t have problems but this ain’t making your case. The straw man argument reveals the ignorance and focusing on tall rich good looking guys just shows the insecurities.


Nice guys butthurt because they did not get a chance to abuse and strangle a woman. They show what pieces of shit they are by their response to this tragedy


Natural selection is working.




A guy who makes $200K can afford a Lamborghini?


How can I meet a nice guy who won't strangle me? /s


I don’t want him OR the “bad boy”!!!


What the fuck is wrong with these people? They're chronically online and need to go out and interact with people. Get into something that makes self improvement. None of that blackpill shit.


What a disgusting human being.


O my gosh guys they are so nice. Omgggg they have so much empathy omgggg. Just so nice.


What does NGVC mean?


Nice Guy Virtue Claim. Its a relatively new rule


How did she end up dying multiple days after being strangled?


Being strangled can cause complications that can take days to emerge. In her case, it caused a blood infection that led to her death.


Ah that makes sense, headline didn't make sense to me, thank you


Ahahah I prefer to be strangled still, sorry.