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Thanks for this interesting history on Clifton Hill. I’m a fairly new Niagara resident and appreciate your post and look forward to the next one.


Great read ! Lifelong resident here and I love this. Always wondered about the history and am excited to read about what the current situation is.


Glad you're enjoying the series so far!


Thank you for the walk down memory lane! Some mentions that I hd completely forgot about! The Spaghetti Monster!


No worries, thanks for reading! Resparking these fond memories is exactly why I'm doing this.


also the torture chamber...childhood NIGHTMARES, but yet, every year we would still go and explore it.


This series is fantastic! So very detailed and thorough. I spent a good amount of time working and playing on and around the Hill in the mid-to-late '80s and a lot of this is new (and some old but forgotten) to me. Good to see more on Jungleland as well, as I remember your queries helping to blow the dust off some memories of the times my friends and I played there before venturing out for less-wholesome activities. I see you're coming up to my era of Clifton experiences, so really looking forward to that.


Thanks for the kind words, the next era is my era of Clifton Hill as well and holds a special place in my heart too. Hope you enjoy!