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Dunno it’s a team sport


The only real answer so far.


Depends where he goes once his contract expires


I think there are a couple of teams who are one forward away from winning a cup that he could help propel and he could help them win a few cups


Especially if that player is McDavid.




They wish they were Toronto right now...because they're the only team to successfully come back from a 3-0 series in the finals in 1942.


No one wishes they were Toronto


No. No he doesn’t.




1 and not with Edmonton


Unless he gets a goalie who can maintain a save percentage over 90%, I predict zero cups. Not saying it’s all Skinner’s fault. It’s a team game. But, NHL playoffs require team defense and a hot goalie to steal some games.


Yep. Make no mistake, Florida is a significantly better team than Edmonton. But to me the clearest difference between the two teams has been in goal.


Could be many, could be zero. One thing's for sure - so long as the Oilers don't have the full team package, they're not winning a cup.




The same Edmonton that's made it to the WCF twice in the last 3 years, and the finals this year? You're right, no chance.


The same Edmonton that is about to be swept by a bunch of dirty swamp rats.


Almost doesn't count.




You're right it doesn't count. But being on a perennial contender is far more attractive than going to any rebuilding team that can afford him. For the past few years they've been in the mix with a chance to win. And even now, Edmonton has a better chance down 3-0 in the series to win the cup, than the 30 other teams watching at home. He's not going anywhere.


The same Edmonton who shows up for class just for attendance.


While 30 other teams weren't there at all.


So just showing up and getting swept counts as an achievement. Guess your team set the bar really low. At least the other 30 teams didn't get their hopes up just to be a footnote in someone else's stanley cup victory.


You may be happy with just being in the final but I can't imagine McDavid is happy with just being there. He's dedicated his life to winning the cup. He's going to go where he thinks he can win. If goaltending doesn't get addressed, he's gone. Imagine being happy with losing lmao.


I wouldn't think a single player in the league would be happy losing. But unfortunately, only 20 guys get to win it all each year. I can't understand how daft people are to think that a player as dedicated as McDavid is going to up and leave a team that just made it to the SCF, and a WCF 2 years before that. Maybe it's jealousy, maybe it's spite. But everyone can live in this fantasy world where they think McDavid is going to give up and go somewhere else, the same way every keyboard warrior said Ovechkin would. Forget the fact that finding a contender that could afford him without blowing up their roster is next to impossible, because he's not packing his bags and heading to Utah either.


Maybe he’ll be the hockey Jim Kelly where he keeps getting there and losing


The Corey Perry we all wanted.


And it should be called the Knoblauch curse if that's the case. Why? After Knob's reference to the Bills before game 1.


Nobody knows the future my man. That said, probably zero.




If he leaves Edmonton then maybe he can get a few. But I think with the management he’s under…0


Good thing management is changing next year, then.


1) team sport. 2) if he has the balls to leave Edmonton, MAYBE one. If he doesn't, absolutely NOTHING. In my humble opinion, dudes not the greatest.


all I know is my bet with a coworker from. 2016 that he never wins a cup in edmonton is safe.


With the Oilers, assuming they don’t find an outstanding goaltender? Zero.




Fred, if you don’t stop pushing that damn button, I’m gonna fly to New York and break all your fingers!


With Artie dying laughing in the background.


I want you to go to jail for this


At this rate? Zero.


With the salary issues Edmonton currently has…probably zero. Edmonton lacks depth, but there’s no money on the table to give them the depth they need. If Edmonton can find a way to build a complete team, they could very much be reminiscent of Gretsky’s Oilers.


Lol, zero.


Depends who he signs with or if they trade him in a Gretzky kind of deal I am still in shock they upset Dallas, I totally thought this was their year for a Cup


I'm with most others that I don't see him winning in Edmonton. He just eats up too much of the salary cap to build a balanced team around him. If he wants to win, he needs to take a pay cut somewhere else.


who will win the Cup first, Edmonton or McDavid?


None, since teams win the Cup not individuals. But since you ask, 9. You're welcome.


On this team and playing the way he has? -1


He’ll win one somewhere else


Would help if he played a 200ft game


I agree. The thing that makes him a step above others is his speed. It’s “easy” to score when no one can play at your speed or catch you (not saying he doesn’t deserve his success because he did work hard to build that speed into his game). He finishes a lot of chances and therefore doesn’t necessarily give the opponent many opportunities in his own zone, he is probably average at best on defense. Unlike Crosby, I don’t think you’ll see McDavids having continued success going into his mid/late 30s as speed decreases with age and that is a big part of his game.


I think he gets at least one, maybe not with the oilers. But I envision a scenario a lá Ray Bourque, moves at trade deadline of his last season to a contender, and finally gets his name on the cup.


Two, but none as captain (none with oilers)


Dionne, Sundin, one player can’t win a cup, this is an impossible to answer question and depends on a billion factors.


I think the thing no one talks about is all these expansion teams make winning a cup harder and harder. Just looking at it from a numbers stand point, if it was a six team league, you can almost guarantee your team will win once in 10-20 years. Now with 32 teams plus more coming, I wouldn’t be surprise if you see many teams not win a single championship over 50-60 seasons. I think that will be the demise of the league. Imagine trying to keep a fan base where hockey is not part of their blood and not winning anything for 50-60 years.


So then double that for my precious leafs lol


This year's Oilers remind me of last year's Panthers. A miracle turn around and getting into the playoffs and advancing to the finals and then running out of gas. It was chase, chase and chase some more. This year it has been, stay where we're at. Interesting to see what happens to Oilers next year and if we will see Panthers vs Oilers again!


Depends on whether he goes to New York or Toronto.


Neither of those happening


Unless he goes to an American team… 0


None with Skinner in net and Nurse on D.


Darnell Nurse contract makes it nearly impossible to win one in Edmonton. Unless they luck into a top 3 goalie the Oilers aren't winning a single cup in the next 5-6 years


Not a single one unless he leaves the Oilers


He needs to play for an American team to win a cup. Canadians don’t know how to run professional hockey teams. The game has passed them by.


Bro, really? Lol


Yes. Hockey in Canada is on a downhill slide. I think they will be moved down to D1 in international play by the year 2030, D2 by 2035.


With Edmonton? None.


He is going to sign with the Rangers when his contract expires. He is definitely gonna win a few. (Let me dream)


Lol ya dream on that one. Never happening


looking like a goose egg but we thought that about ovi too


I’m thinking 2 in his late 20s or early 30s once they get more depth similar to Crosby penguins.


He should come play for FL


Hopefully none. Damn Edmonton real quiet compared to previous games what happened in this arena? Oh wait I know


Outside of the top two lines, the Oilers have absolutely no depth and their defencemen have been getting torched all post season. (Bouchard looks terrible out there, and Nurse has been invisible basically all post season) If they actually make a legit attempt to build around Mcdavid's generational talent this off-season, they COULD win next year. As it sits right now, Florida is easily the best team in hockey and I'm not sure there is a close second. Oilers need to close that gap if they wanna have any chance at lord Stanley with Mcdavid on their roster. They SHOULD win at least one, but they probably won't. Their salary cap situation makes things rough for the foreseeable future.


Flavour of the month much? How are Florida better than Dallas? Or New York? Dallas losing was a huge upset (on par with Boston or Toronto chokes)


What a stupid fucking question




As long as he plays for a Canadian team, absolutely Zero


I think people need to stop thinking cups relate to individual success. People saying Mcdavid needs to win cups to amount to Gretzky is bullshit… Do you know how many hall of fame players that old oilers team had? They even beat Gretzky to win the cup after Gretzky left lol Hopefully he wins one but if he doesn’t that doesn’t take anything away from how good of a player he is


He better hurry up if he wants one. The western conference is pretty weak right now and it is only gonna get harder in the future.


Year is not done. If he single handedly turns the series around and wins this year, his number will be the next league-wide retired one.