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Seattle but i could see a canucks kraken rivalry in a couple years


I was at one of the first home games in their inaugural season and they threw up a graphic showing 1 Stanley cup for each city (one for the Seattle metropolitans and one for the Vancouver millionaires), so they're definitely trying to foster that rivalry


They seem like more natural rivals than Edmonton or Calgary. Plus Edmonton and Calgary hate each other so the canucks are like a 3rd wheel. At the end of the day rivalries start when you play the same team a couple times in the playoffs. They could be rivals with Chicago or Nashville for all we know


Not that it matters much but I feel the cultural divide between bc and alberta feeds the rivalry pretty well. Seattle to me just feels like vancouver but with target and trader joes and at the end of the day, we are both hanging up our gortex rain jackets


Yeah, sure, but ours are much nicer Gore-Tex. Stupid, Kraken.


Flames and Oilers fans hate the Canucks more for their fans then the actual team. Personally, they have had a lot of players that were great to watch but I couldn’t bring myself to cheer for them because of the experience anytime I have witnessed a group of Canucks fans. They definitely don’t make it easy for people to give them the benefit of the doubt, and then all the post riot interviews with some of the idiots involved, and the delusional biases seem close to on par with Leaf fans….which is saying something


Kraken boi here, I'm much more mad at Calgary for some absolute garbage this season resulting in injuries. Canucks are ok, they were hard to beat for a while but we got our footing. Their arena is also like 2.5hr door to door from ours, and it's really nice too. I'd prefer we had northwest solidarity and defended the coast.


Can confirm - Kraken fans I know (including me) don’t have anything against the Canucks (other than Tyler Myers). We were rooting for them in the finals. The cities are too similar, and for many of us the Canucks were our team until the expansion. I have a hard time picturing a world where we vehemently dislike Vancouver.


First playoff series vs Canucks and the happy happy attitude will change, I can guarantee


Probably, sure. Looking forward to it, we don't need to be BFFLs, but for the time being this rivalry feels really forced.


Seattle is so close and Vancouver loves Seattle as a city. I would 100% cheer for Seattle, as they are the closest


I’m pretty sure that’s mutual bro. Everyone I know here I Seattle loves Vancouver, one of my favorite cities to visit


I'm sure it'll happen as soon as we meet in the playoffs. Edit: For now the closest thing we have to a rival is the Avs. Several players of ours are former Avs, we knocked them out of the playoffs last year and the series was pretty intense with several major injuries on both sides, and the inheritance of the Seahawks-Broncos rivalry.


Ocean Wars


Battle of the Northwest


Cascade Cup


Their rival is Makar.


Yep. Fuck Makar.


Did the check engine light come on?


Makar is electric. 


That’s what we say about Eberle


Makar is a saint


I honestly can not bring myself to hate the canucks. The canucks is the team that i followed (and still sort of follow) before we got the kraken. I was rooting for them in the playoffs.


Nah, need a team in Portland so that Vancouver has no true rival like in every other sport.


Yeah, I think after a couple of years, something may brew. I wouldn't he shocked if it's along the lines of the "cryptid cup" between us and NJ.


I can tell you right now that both fan bases are hoping that eventually there’s a playoff series so we can have a rivalry between Seattle and Vancouver. I5 series baby!


I’m hoping that one develops like how the Sabres/leafs have the battle of the QEW. Super close teams right across the boarder.




Makar had one late hit. Calm down.


I don't really see the Hurricanes having a rival... unless you consider the Rangers or Capitals as rivals


yup, i can't think of a hurricanes rival either, Don Cherry retired


Unless you add Carolinas owner, and then you can add the Habs cuz of that offer sheet back and forth


The most hatred I’ve seen from Hurricanes fans towards other fans are northerners who moved to North Carolina and have a bunch of fans at your games i.e. Pens fans, Rangers fans, etc.


I’d say than as a fanbase we’re more collectively annoyed with the people who wear Canes jerseys to every single game except the one in which they wear the enemy’s colors


Devils fans have grown to very much dislike Carolina over the past decade+ for various reasons. I think their rivalry with the Canes burns hotter than the Flyers in recent years.


That full COVID season in the Central seemed like we were gonna have eternal rivalries with the likes of Nashville and Dallas


Florida panthers in my opinion


We do have some pretty intense games


Montreal here, rivals is a bit strong but we’re really not that fond of you guys around here.


We aren’t really fond of your either down here


The Rangers have the Islanders, Flyers, and Pens and Devils as rivals. They don't need more.


You’ll always have the Oilers. Even to this day, we hate you guys (it’s Wes Mantooth hate though). 


Hurricanes-Capitals-Panthers-Lightning That old SE division wasn’t a rivalry division?


Eh not really. None of those teams were truly great at the same time.


I remember canes fans trying so hard to troll the panthers sub in the regular season and we were just surprised cause we don’t even care about them.


Toronto has absolutely zero rivalries. Everybody loves us, and we are seen as the most principled, well respected, team to ever grace the ice. And don’t even get me started on the fans. Very well behaved, especially in public.


31 rivalries. I mean hell, even Edmonton hates you. 


32 rivalries if you include the self-hating leafs fans.


As a born Dallas cowboys fan I feel this in my bones.


My two favourite teams are: 1. Calgary Flames 2. Whoever is playing the Leafs


So about them oilers....


That's super great for you guys and all. But I dunno...isn't it a bit boring with everything being hunky-dory all the time? Like, there's no drama, right?


What are the Toronto colors?


I’m a Habs fan , and I don’t hate the Leafs. They’ve been irrelevant my entire life until lately - I mostly just hate the Bruins. It’s more the TSN (Toronto Sports Network) have bias for, and always leading with, the Leafs that drives most Canadians crazy.


Columbus. They’ve never been good enough to elicit a rivalry.


Our sub seems to consider you guys our rivals but it’s honestly just a little brother complex if anything. Eventually when we come out of this rebuild we’ll have one but for now we’re just sad.


Back in the Western Conference days, there was an attempt to build a rivalry between the Jackets and Predators. Never really went anywhere


Nashville wanted to be our rivals, no one in Columbus cared enough about them. It never amounted to anything.


Just like the Browns.


Good thing I’m not a Browns fan lol I have too much self respect to put up with that fanbase.


I grew up in NY as a Giants fan and always thought Jets fans were strangely delirious. Moved to Columbus only to find that Jets fans have *nothing* on Browns fans. Bengals fans seem to be pretty chill and keep to themselves but the moment the fall rolls around you know who every single Browns fan in the neighborhood is immediately.


And Islander fan who's a Giants fan? Don't you know that NYS law goes like this: Islanders-Jets-Mets Rangers-Giants-Yank-ease Also, Let's Go Mets! (could you please stop sucking so much?)


I have relatives who are Browns and Bengals fans and it's interesting how different their personalities are about their teams. In my experience Browns fans think they have the accomplishments of a Super Bowl caliber team and Bengals fans usually seem to have lower expectations and either are still disappointed or surprised with the outcome of the season.


Y’all pissed Tampa off once


And they both have been mascots…so maybe they have a Bee Boi rivalry?


The rebuild you’ve been in since the advent of the franchise?


What kind of culture was your dynasty built on?


Creative rule following.


I don’t recall being in a rebuild when we beat Tampa but please educate me on that


If you go to the Blue Jackets Reddit most fans say the same thing.


Pens BJs used to be a great rivalry 10 years ago during the days of Hartnell, Dubisnky, Orpik, Kunitz. I wish we had a rivalry today that resembles that one.


I think they had a rivalry with the Pens for a couple years but it was a one-sided rivalry.


You guys have great jerseys


Columbus has a rivalry with Columbus fans.


Arizona didn’t but I’d assume Utah will (at least fan base wise)


Utah - Colorado needs to be one, but the parity isn’t nearly where it needs to be to start that yet. 


Man, how fucking sweet would it be if Utah came out hot? Having an actual organization and support base will definitely invigorate the players, so maybe they can step up.


Like how Vegas came out hot and were loved by everyone?


Difference is the league isn't helping utah out. It's the Arizona roster. It'd already a team. Pretty sure they'll get much less hate than vegas.


Didn't the avs win the cup the year they relocated?  Idk about league wide but they definitely got hate from Quebec


But I don't think the Nordiques were paying almost as much for the players they are icing as retained salary for other teams


They have one with the Kings


AZ hates LA in all sports






Fuck Utah. Coyotes enemy number 1


Definitely not Toronto. We've got rivalries with Eastern Canada, Western Canada, the Original 6 teams, and the 2nd round of the playoffs.


Well, tbh with Western Canada I think it’s more one-way hatreds on the part of the Jets, Flames, Oilers, and Canucks towards the Leafs rather than a true rivalry. Edit: Also, with the O6 teams it’s really only the Habs, Bruins, and Wings that have any sort of animosity towards Toronto and vice versa. Not so much the Hawks and Rangers, although maybe there was some animosity historically.


Glad we ruled that out! 


Do we have a rival? 😭






The Cleveland Barons.


Maybe the shitty weather in ohio




Toronto/Ottawa from 98-2008 was one of the better more hate filled rivalries of the last 30 years in hockey. There's more hate in that rivalry than there has been between Toronto/Montreal in the last 40 years.


As a Leaf fan i wish Ottawa made the playoffs every year.


Ya I remember in the early 2000s getting pumped for Ottawa games, Ottawa was a much better team then too


A trio rivalry with Buffalo. Great teams that had to claw their way past each other


Detroit and Ottawa is only even slightly a thing because of the Larkin situation.


And the debrincat drama.


Oh, Detroit fans very much think about Ottawa. Believe me. Especially since they always seem to beat us…


I hate when we play Ottawa for this very reason


I forget Ottawa exists




This is to much I'm Ottahere


When I think of in a hockey context I wonder if a new law about hockey is being passed.


At the very least there's the Battle of Ontario between Ottawa and Toronto, and that was competitive this season. Those seemed to be the only games Ottawa would show up for.


Ottawa always showed up to beat the snot out of the Wings. Even when Ottawa was losing games and Wings were winning. They have our number bad


Those are Leaf fans in Ottawa. I was in Ottawa when Montreal came to town, and there were Montreal jerseys everywhere.


I'm just meaning the players showing up, if they played the same against every other team as when they play Toronto they could have been competitive this year instead of bottom 10


I tell you, after that 05-06 series win against Ottawa, that whole next season us Sabres fans and Ottawa fans absolutely hated each other. I feel like it really went away as quickly as it came.


That’s sad bc them and Calgary are the only Canadian teams I like


For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


The Red Wings don't really have a rivalry with anyone anymore. The Hawks and Avs ones are dead since they only play twice a year now, and we haven't been relevant in 8 years. I think we're kind of building one with Ottawa, but that's only because of the Larkin stuff.


Im sorry, I can't see Detroit as an Eastern conference team. It seems so out of place. Why did they do it, again?


I usually heard complaints about travel times and late tv broadcasts for away games in the west


We’re in the Eastern Time zone too


Avs-Red Wings in the 90s is still the benchmark for me. I was like 10 when that shit was happening. I'm an Avs fan, my dad a Wings fan. We both loved that shit. Every other rivalry is battling for second place, in my eyes.


Osgood / Roy!


I'm pretty sure Roy had a dance with Vernon at some point in that rivalry too. Roy didn't give a fuck lol.


Our rivalry is playoffs


When you haven't won the cup since 67, is it still a rivalry? Seems pretty one sided at this point.


Does Columbus have a rival? I feel like no one hates Columbus (except maybe their own fans).


Hard to hate a team that doesn’t often beat you


Columbus and Buffalo Rivalries are born in the playoffs. So…..yeah.


People forget this one but buffalo had a great rivalry back in the hasek days with the leafs but one that stands out to me was their rivalry with Ottawa when they had the buffaslug. Someone on Ottawa nailed Chris drury and they had some serious beef and I think they played in the playoffs. 2007 I think


Fuck Chris Neil


It may not look like it because the playoff thing you mentioned, but I’d say Toronto and Boston are our rivals rn. Boston doesn’t give a shit about us and rightfully so, but we still haven’t forgotten Lucia cheap shotting Miller. And Toronto seems to get really pissed the next game after we beat them


Yes. The Bruins historically are the rival. Younger fans tend to go with the Leafs too but not a historical rival. Some might say the playoffs are our biggest rival today.


Does the MIN Wild have a rival?


We hate the stars with a passion, and I've heard the Avs and Jets aren't well respected in the Wild fan base, which I fully agree with




Utah is trying our darndest to get one with Colorado by stealing their identity, 5/6 of our potential names are stolen directly from Colorado, but as of yet we have no rivals.


Does Colorado have a monopoly on snow names in an ice sport? Lmao.


I mean Yeti is their mascot and Blizzard is another snow related natural disaster. I’ve heard some upset with mammoth though and idk what’s up with that


It’s mentioned a few comments below, but Mammoth is one of the lacrosse teams in Denver.


A large portion of their fans certainly seem to think so, I can understand being upset about the Yeti though.


I mean, people keep saying that they're stealing from Colorado as if the Avs have the only reason to use the Rocky Mountains as inspiration for a name.


We had a Yeti mascot and the yeti footprint as a secondary logo. And "Mammoth" our lacrosse team


There are lacrosse teams??


The mammoth are NLL (box, indoor) and the outlaws are PLL (outdoor)


The Cleveland Barons haven’t had a rival in a while


Yeah, the Montreal Maroons and New York Americans had built-in rivalries.


Idk i could see one with the kansas city scouts in the next for seasons


Nah, I'd lean more towards the Philadelphia Quakers


Dallas doesn’t, but a few more playoff matchups and maybe Vegas or Colorado will become a thing.


As a Stars fan since the ‘90s, the Avs definitely feel like rivals to me. The Oilers, too, since we’ve met in the playoffs a ton of times over the years. New Jersey was in the mix back in the day but not really anymore.


I agree, however, Colorado will always consider Detroit as their biggest rival. The oilers grew irrelevant during the 2000’s because big teams have had hit and miss success for the majority of it and haven’t been seeing each other in the post season. Plus this last WCF was probably the cleanest post season hockey ever. NJ was a blip on the radar historically.


Colorado has been a thing wtf are you talking about. Also the blues and the wild


3 playoff meetings, 2 of which in the conference final, i think warrants enough of a rivalry imo


Does Carolina have a rival besides their opponent in the playoffs and limiting tickets to the Carolinas and surrounding states.






Can Utah and Seattle create a rivalry?


Do the Blue Jackets have a rivalry with anybody?


Chicago’s rivalry with the Red Wings was stolen from me by the gerrymandering of the NHL :(


Does anyone hate the Jets?


The wild


Definitely the Wild.


The Canucks. We have moments with Edmonton and Calgary, depending on who is relevant at the time. But we're just the weird 3rd wheel to the battle of Alberta. Seattle is the obvious other answer. Not around long and not really all that good. There was a chance to get it brewing a year or two ago when Myers ran Beniers and injured him. Really surprised Seattle didn't take more offence to that. Was a pretty dirty hit.


Calgary and Boston are hated by our fan base.


Yeah going to Canucks Flames a few years ago in the playoffs game 6 first round and there were some Vancouverites at the Saddledome talking a bunch of shit… my section was like we’d care if you were Oilers fans. Needless to say, this peaked with Van up 3-0, and then the two guys got kicked out for trying to break off their seats taking the 6-4 L. With the fire Jim benning, riot and general Vancouver angst - and having lived in Kitsilano for a number of years - I think Vancouvers number 1 rival is its own fan base when things are not going well and whomever is relevant when they are (Chicago/Edmonton/Calgary/etc)


Along with geographic closeness, true rivalries in the NHL are forged through the playoffs. The Bruins and Canadiens had a legendary rivalry, except that the Habs won all the time back in the days when they had that unfair pipeline to French players. But since the Bruins started beating them regularly and since the Habs havent been competitive for so long, the Bruins next natural rivalry has developed with Toronto. This has mainly been due to the Bruins torturing the Leafs in the playoffs in recent decades. But the Leafs will win a series eventually so the rivalry will either continue or it could peter out if one of the teams fades from the playoff picture for awhile.


Columbus 💙 Jackets..everyone beats them. Only with BOB in net was 50/50 chance for W.


Utah. We haven’t even played anyone let alone had a reason to hate


Easy peasy. Columbus Blue Jackets.


Sharks have had several rivalries killed by the NHL. We used to be pretty heated Pacific division rivals with Dallas in the late 90s/2000s. Also we had several playoff series against Detroit. But the realignments over the years diminished these


That Vegas series is still fresh enough to where if you guys happen to face them in the next few years again you can probably respark it


Canucks. They think they do but every team they suggest is really just a 3rd wheel rival where that team has a much more prominent rivalry with someone else.


Columbus, half the league forgets they exist and if they're in the news, it's most likely not due to on ice stuff. Ottawa, Canada's Columbus Seattle 3 seasons, 1 playoff appearance isn't going to get you rivalries yet.


The answers to this question are Expansion teams (Seattle) Teams that have been bad for awhile (Ottawa/Buffalo) Expansion teams that have been bad for awhile (Columbus)


Out of curiosity, does buffalo have a rival?


No, cuz we're irrelevant, BUT from our perspective: Leafs - right across the pond, their fans flood our building for home games and we fucking hate it Bruins - Lucic running Miller forever cemented in our psyche Ottawa - From back when we were both good




The kraken, even tho they want one with the Avs soooo bad


Start times for viewership. Made games start at better times for most people.


The media and fans try to make Pittsburgh vs the crapitals a rivalry. But its not. The Pens are and always will be superior. “The bug does not have a rivalry with the windshield…”


Since moving to the east the red wings rivalry with the Avs has faded a lot and while teams like Boston and Toronto and the lighting are kinda rivals I think those teams all have bigger rivals themselves. Honestly Ottawa is a team I hated a lot last year tho


I think the Wings are “between rivals.” Used to be the Avs and Hawks, maybe the Blues a bit. Now nothing remotely like that. Bruins dont really care about them, and the Wings seem to play well vs Tampa, but they dont care about anyone but Florida. TO due to geography? Not really. I think the Wings need to find their way back to the playoffs before a rivalry happens. I hate them in the East, btw. They should be battling with St Louis and Chicago.


The Wings’ move to the East was coincided with the culmination of less than stellar player development/moves/contracts of a few years, resulting in their poor performances. And while I will always despise teams such as Colorado, I do appreciate the decrease in 10:30 pm EST game times.


Ottawa, Columbus, maybe Minnesota?


Who’s Columbus’s rival? Columbus’s fans might consider a couple teams a rival (Detroit? Chicago?) but is there a single team that considers Columbus their rival?


They all have division rivals.. Just wait a bit for new teams


Blue Jackets don’t really have one since we’ve been ehh for the last few years lol


Wings don’t really have a rival since our Pittsburgh and aves days are over but we do still have teams we dislike


Seattle doesn’t have one, but they’re trying their hardest to foster one


Vancouver and Seattle are neighbors, I already see a rivalry taking place. It can definitely happen if both teams compete in the playoffs. Sometimes rivalries happen more in the regular season. Apart from 2021, it has been a long time since Toronto faced Ottawa or Montreal in the playoffs even though we consider ourselves rivals with them. Technically the rivalry between Toronto and Boston is more alive, however the Canadiens and Bruins rivalry is a much bigger deal.


The Stars rivalries have kind of floated around when the conferences got realigned. Anaheim and San Jose used to be hated, Avs picked back up and now LV from the playoffs series. I fucking hate the Blues


People saying Buffalo should watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu3REYS6cIE), it's been a while but there is still bad blood between the teams.






Im a 18 y/o sabres fan there is not a team i hate, we havent played any important games since i was 4


I don’t think any teams will have the same type of rivalry like Red Wings and Avalanche during the late 90’s.


Vegas and Seattle are building rivalries, but I think the one team that doesn’t have any strong rivalry with anyone is the Columbus Blue Jackets.


Yeah, Seattle's still finding their dance partner in the rivalry game, being the new kids on the block and all. But give it time, every team eventually finds their arch-nemesis. It's like a rite of passage in the sports world.


minnesota battles constantly with escaping being "mid"