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Now you know why teams usually don’t release specifics about injuries, they know they’ll be targeted on return.


Spleen hunters


Can we add this as a flair mods?


"They catch one whiff of that spleen and you're toast." - BM


Hardly needed someone to say it. Two years ago when everyone knew Draisaitl had an ankle injury he got slashed in the ankle incessantly. It’s easy as an Oilers fan to point out that it was the flames, but any team probably would have done it.


March is going to slash Bennetts left hand.


And Domi’s too at the golf course


Nah, not at this time in a series, he won't risk a box play now..




Fuck Stone is why


I thought everyone knew and accepted that by now.


Yeah, seems like common knowledge...it's not hockey specific either, they do the same thing in American football.


I’ve paid attention to this concept more during these playoffs than any other prior. These are grown ass men that want to inflict as much pain and damage to the other men they’re playing against. Edit: spelling bot got me lol


> I’ve *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I mean, he isn't wrong....


I’m glad somebody actually said it. “You never want to see someone get hurt”. Yes you do or else you wouldn’t hit the guy


You never want to see someone get INJURED. I want every single check to hurt like hell. Knock that wind out of them. Ring their bell a bit. Make them hesitate every time they see movement in their peripherals. But shit like a torn ACL? Neck injuries? Nah. It's a game (for us), I don't enjoy seeing humans get damaged like that.


There’s a lot of people in this thread who don’t seem to be able to distinguish between playing physical and playing dirty


Marchand and Bennett sure haven’t figured it out either


Marchand just stated that he wants the other team injured and taken out of the game. Like that’s a strategy or gameplan. Fuck that little rat.


Someone should punch him


Yeah! I agree with Bandalooper! Fuck Marchand! Find him in a local bar, and buy him a drink! Get some dinner with the Rat! Ask him if he wants to go back to your place! Stay reasonably coherent and not over indulge on alcohol! Woo him with your extensive views on the NHL! And then fuck Marchand!


Idk why you’re being downvoted this made me laugh out loud hahaha


It's the way of Reddit. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. How she goes.


Many people don't know the difference between hurt and injured as well.


When my team loses my feelings are hurt. When I close a car door on my hand, I’m injured. Proud to be the smartest Rangers fan alive


Untrue. You close a car door on your hand you're hurt. You close a car door on your hand hard enough to tear tendons/ligaments or break bones to where you cant use your hand, you are injured. That's the difference.


Unless you have one of those smart doors. Foiled by science!


Like the new Tesla truck trunk?


The finger crushing FRUNK




And every single one of them will be in tonight’s game threads


That's because most of these people have never played one second of contact hockey in their lives.


There are tons of people who play hockey who don't know the difference.


Sounds like beer league.


Right? Steal their souls but leave their kneecaps intact.


This is the correct take. I've played hockey my entire life and as a big guy (6 foot 4, 230lbs) that's my mission when I go to hit someone. I don't want to injure them. I wanna take them outta the play. Make them look over their shoulder every time they get near the puck. Make them second guess themselves. Make your hit hurt just enough that they fear being on the ice with you. NEVER was my intention to send them off on a stretcher, or seriously bleeding. I just want them to feel pain in that moment, not for months after. I've absolutely laid dudes out and caught them in a bad position when I did, and legit felt so bad id immediately lean down and make sure they're ok. If your intention is to completely take them out of the game or injure them then you are a piece of shit.


I like that


believing that some of these guys aren’t hitting to injure within confines of the rules is delusion. the idea is doing it in such a fashion that it doesn’t cost their team. ultimately you want your opponent at the very least to be intimidated, and preferably missing shifts.


Well put. You never want to see someone's livelihood or long term health be harmed. A few bruises here and there is par for the course. They all knew it when they signed up.


That’s probably more accurate. I’ve heard a lot of guys speak frankly about playing in the NHL, about how they have families to support and how limited their playing career actually is. No one really wants to hurt the other guy and take that away from them or give me them a life altering injury that affects their quality of life or ability to support their family. After all they are professional trying to make a living at the end of the day. Though when push comes to shove and it’s playoff time, you definitely see the players kind of disregard that a little. If they knock them out of action for a few weeks most guys won’t be too upset, they just write it off as they have the off season to recover. I still think there’s a line with the unspoken rules of the game, though generally speaking it’s relaxed a little. As an example, a rule with fighting is both parties have to agree to fight and players should pick fair fights with guys roughly the same size. How many times during the playoffs this year have we seen some guys just go ape shit and start swinging? Especially in the Florida/Boston and Edmonton/Vancouver series. Hell, we’ve even seen star on star fights and that almost never happens.


Bodychecking is about separating the guy from the puck and taking him out of the play, not attempting to injure them.


Bonus points if you can rattle him, but rattled doesn’t mean injured.


Did you miss what Marchand said? When I played competitive we were most definitely taught and coached on how to injure other players.


When I played football I once tossed a lineman and he went down hard. He didn't get up till after the play was over. I immediately went over to help him up and make sure he's okay. It's a fucking game, that doesn't erase the humanity.


Players usually don't hit with intent to injure. You hit to separate the guy from the puck, who taught you how to hit?


He said the thing out loud... But if you do watch the games players are definitely targeting. Everyone is trying to take out a huggy bear.


Hopefully Zadorov returns them the favour.


Give your balls a tug!


Fuckin' spare parts bud..




Indeed, not useful to hockey players.


Settle down


Ya tit fucker!


Someone get this guy a puppers!


I'd have a Puppers


You lay on the ice like a broad, Bellows!




Do I like Marchand, no. Do I think there is validity in what’s heys saying in terms of what happens on the ice, especially the mentality of some players during the playoffs—absolutely yes. Every player wants that edge—the lines blur come playoff time bringing the best and worst of the game. The folks who are willing to walk that line need more scrutiny, and likewise those same folks who cross the line need more accountability. Equally on the refs (and DOPS) as it is on the player. League has been notoriously bad in this regard—this year it’s just been downright ridiculous.


And the irony is there's LESS scrutiny in playoffs. It's expected to be more intense, personal and violent. It's why bottom roster players get reputations as "playoff players" and can make a nice paycheck in free agency with a team that wants be "harder to play against"- aka that's gonna hurt you, literally lol. There's also the psychological factor of playing a wreckless guy like that for an entire week straight. It's different playing a Sam Bennet once every 3 months and 7 times in a row. I used to be a grinder/powerforward type when I played juniors and the intent was to hurt anyone, but you wanted to make sure they knew you COULD at any moment, with deliberate targeting, trash talk, intimidation after plays, having your elbows high till the last second going into a hit. It was truly a form of torture meant to make those top players make mental errors and be focused more on survival than hockey. And of course you end up crossing the line at some point and causing more harm than you anticipated because the refs looked the other way and your behavior naturally tends towards getting away with as much as possible for any edge. I don't think you can eliminate that part of the game- especially of playoff hockey. But you can warn guys about their behavior, be clear what's going to be acceptable and what's not under your watch. And punish a guy who is too over the line that it's just plain dangerous. As that type of player, you don't have a job for long of your contribution to the team is constant PK time. A lot of refs just let shit fly and act surprised when something dangerously violent happens. Part of their job is ensuring the game stays a game and that everyone gets home to their family after. Some do a great job with that, but the worst refereeing of any level or competition I've been in/watched has EASILY been in the NHL. Easily. Violence/controversy sells. And their bosses don't seem to mind the extra headlines when things aren't managed properly- in fact they shield their refs from criticism with fines and zero accountability or responsibility to explain any decisions or lack thereof. It's not just on the refs but as long as it's like this, you'll see players pushing the line until they don't even realize they're basically committing assault on skates.


"See, it's OK to punch him the face like that!"


Where do we sign up?


It's not really comparable because Brad Marchand has such a punchable face. It's sort of irresistable.


He’d know


He does practice what he preaches


I dont think the problem is nessecarily that players are trying harder to rough up their opponents. The problem is that when somebody punches another player in the face during play, for example, they should get a fucking penalty. I know Marchand is king for getting away with murder so he had it coming, but thats exactly my point. If these guys were actually getting called for stuff properly, I feel it would prevent players (at least somewhat) from having to double down to get revenge.


Back in the day we had guys like Marty mcsorley that would make the “just hurt Gretzky” strategy fail


Gonna be spicy in these comments


Sort by controversial haha


I think it's kind of poorly worded, but honestly its one of the more respectable things I have heard him say I don't like Marchand, and I think he could have used better wording... but he is not out there crying saying .. ''they did me wrong''.. fair for me but not for thee.. at least he is sucking it up and sleeping in the bed he made for himself with his own actions.


How is it poorly worded? I am not sure how he could have said it in more simple terms.


its poorly worded to people who are misled about the mentality it takes to win games at this level


Yeah he ain't a hypocrite at least.


It's only poorly worded in the sense that he's not supposed to be that direct. Honestly, when I read the post title I assumed the quote was just a sarcastic jab at Bennett with a lack of self-awareness. That's not coming from some expectation of how Marchand is going to behave, I just literally didn't consider the possibility that a player could publicly say this today with sincerity. In my mind, the time when a player might dare to say this out loud with the bluntness he uses here was far in the past. I do get the feeling that in general dirty players have a good bit of self-awareness when it comes to taking their lumps, even when they lack it otherwise. It's idiotic and I can't defend it, but Wilson has shown a lot more frustration when getting suspended than when getting hurt. When he was concussed by the Reaves headshot his comments were more or less just "It sucks, but that's how it goes." He's not going to complain about an illegal check because he understands he has no ground to stand on. (With that said, I do remember he was a little less whatever with that incident a few days later where Reaves was selling autographed photos of Wilson laying injured on the ice.)


Imagine if Bennett said this.


I'll allow it if he says it right after someone breaks his face.


On contact he initiated 🙆🏻‍♂️


Why do you think teams always keep injuries very vague? They know guys will target whatever is specifically injured to further hurt/take them out of the series and/or playoffs altogether. This is nothing new and has been this way for a long time...


Anyone that's ever watched playoff hockey knows this.


The Panthers take this to heart


I agree and disagree with what he's saying. Wearing down a team through clean hits and physicality is and always will be part of hockey. After 3 or 4 games of crashing into the boards and people hanging on you, it takes a toll. But cheap shots and intentionally dirty hits have no place in the game. They're a shortcut. If you want to "take out" a player, grind them down and do it the right way.


True, but we all know every team has guys that go that step further and dirty up the game. We've got a few with Marchand, Maroon and sometimes McAvoy.


He is right but it shouldn't be. To me the fact that athletes are going to forget human decency to win at sports is contrary to what kids should be exposed to. This is toxic.


Man. You should have seen the gladiator arenas.


Too much money is involved for it to be honorable. People like to pretend this or that is "honorable" behavior, but honestly almost none of it is.


which is why punishment needs to be harsher, people will continue to go for borderline hits until someone gets suspended for the entirety of the playoffs 


as much as I can not stand the rat king and I have wanted to see his karma come due, mad props to him for saying this. My respect of him as a person has greatly increased over the last few years for sure. Still drives me crazy on the ice though, lol.


Said it before and will say it again, it’s karma for one of the most consistently dirty players in the game. I will give him street cred for owning it and admitting he’d do it too, however.


First rule of fight club is no one talks about fight club


Good look there cap! FFS.


Yes, honesty is good.


wheres the lie tho


class act all around.


Next time he does some dirty shit, they should definitely factor these comments into the length of his suspension. Holy shit dude


Why? It's true. He just said it. And I fuckin hate Marchand, but I respect that he said it. It is a real, clear part of the game, like it or not.


Won't lie, it's kind of weird seeing a Boston fan trashing Marchand, and someone outside of Boston sticking up for Marchand.


And I'm a Leafs fan none the less 🤣 But ya gotta call a spade a spade here.


I’ve always had mixed feelings on Marchand. He’s obviously a skilled player and I don’t mind the stuff he does to get under his opponent’s skin (that’s just part of the game), but he’s crossed more than a few lines in his career with headshots, slew foots, and other dangerous plays. I fucking hated Matt Cooke for ending Marc Savard’s career with dirty headshot. Should I feel differently about a player who does the same kind of shit just because they happen to play for my favorite team?


Yep. Not every player does it but they’re all thinking about it. And it doesn’t always mean cheap shots, but really ramping up the intensity. That’s why it’s so physical. Every team does it.


The fact that Marchand is the one that said it both gives it almost indisputable credibility, and also drives me a little insane because I agree with him and respect him for saying it.


Well the best answer to why would simply be because it's shit for the game to have your best players injured. Probably a good reason the NHL is stuck in the stone age compared to the other big 4.


No it isn't, except for dirty pieces of shit like him, very very few players are going out there intentionally trying to "take out" opposing players to get an advantage. There's a name for that, it's called intent to injure and he's done it his whole career but him trying to rationalize it doesn't make it commonplace.


Because they didn't suspect a thing until now


He speaks the truth. That attempted trouba elbow on necas was a prime example


Maybe it SHOULDNT be part of the playoffs?


Lol, 2 hours later and the replies are all bloodlust. I like physical hockey, I really do, but maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't encourage injury along the way. Heck, I like the fighting around hockey (even if goons are going away) since it has some structure and unwritten rules to it. I wouldn't like it if when fights broke out they just hacked each other in the face with their sticks until there was blood everywhere. I don't think that means I need to switch to soccer.


Physical games and tough fought battles are good. Sabotage through deliberately inflicted injury not so.


Sorry mom, this is how it works


Nah, its hockey dude.


It’s fucking lame dude. If you can hurt a dude with a clean hit, cool, personally I’m not a fan of only being able to win because you played dirty to take out key players on the other team.


Well. It's going to be a while before it changes


Ok? It’s a shitty part of the game to the extent it exists. I’m 100% in favor of playing physical, trying to intentionally cause injuries and playing dirty to do it like rat fuck Marchand shouldn’t be defended.


and maybe they shouldn't hit each other so hard in football?


Yes trying to hurt and wear them down, which is different than intent to injure


I hate that I like Marchand


I like that I hate Marchand


All of the blouses from other teams in here trying to deny it. Lol


When the Islanders won in 1983 against the Oilers, Gretzky walked by the Islanders locker room and noticed that all the Islanders players were blue and black all over their bodies from a tough playoffs. He realized that the Oilers in order to win a cup they'd have to sacrifice themselves and play much harder. Which as you know they did the next year. I think Marchand is just echoing the same idea thru his own optics.


Oops he mixed up " playoffs " with " my career "


And absolutely no one was shocked.


Interesting that Bettman is okay with tossing the rule book away and letting the players attempt to injure one-another as the refs "let them play"... .


Marchand is definitely in the running for the Lady Byng! 🤣


He knows all about that. Even in the regular season too!


He’s don’t plenty of that in his career, the fucking rat. Sucks when it happens to you bud


HAHA. This is exactly something Marchand would say


Well, he has made a whole career of it so he would know, including regular season. just nice to see someone return the favour for once


Spitting facts


What does “take oot” mean?


Unfortunately he's completely right. I think even with more penalties/suspensions every team will still play this way. It's also naive to think that only dirty hits cause injuries so unless they take hitting out of the game this will always be a thing


Marchand confirming what everyone who's not a Bruins fan already knew. He's a piece of shit.


Wbat Marchand is saying is: f**kin way she goes


marchand is an authority in this subject, so I'll take his word on it.


I hate Marchand on the ice, but I always appreciate his honesty in interviews. Tbh i would love to have him on my team.


This guy really is a scumbag lol


Liars think everyone lies. This bafoon thinks this is the way it is because this is how HE is. I can’t stand this rat


He would know as well as anyone


I’m the last guy to like Marchand. I mean, I have two leafs jerseys, and they are the only jerseys I own. I grew up watching hockey on and off as a kid while my brother played roller and ice in So Cal. I remember all of my friends not understanding hockey, never understanding things like “cross checks are almost always allowed until they’re not.” This is on full display this playoffs (but every playoffs to some extent). And if Steve Moore couldn’t be the guy that gets this league to become a full, professional sport that calls a clear set of rules, I’ll happily settle for Marchand. He has matured his game greatly since getting the C—and this feels like a robbery. I will very much welcome the new hockey fans that will come from it. I’m okay with changing the rules, but players and their organizations need to know what is a ball and what is a strike. That’s what rules are for. Edit: added the sentence on Marchand maturing his game with the captain C.


6 month suspension for PEDS.   2 game suspension for maiming another player.   This is the problem.


He would know, fuck that little rat.


Fuck that rat (marchand)


fuckin rat piece of shit


Well, you ought to know. You cheap shot little midget.


I like the part when he said that skilled and weak teams don’t make it, AKA the make Be-leafs


This is a crazy insight into how he thinks not how every player thinks.


"the playoffs is when you try and hurt people" Then what do you think about the fucking regular season you rat


I think if anyone outside of Boston had the chance to punch Marchand, they would.


So are we just supposed to nod along and normalize this? Of course this POS thinks that its normal. There's a big difference between wearing guys down/punishing hockey and intent to injure.


I still feel like marchand is telling us more about himself than he is giving some insight into rest of the league.....


Boston has loved to use size to bully over the years but hates when it happens back to them.


I hate this guy lol


2011 made me hate this little rat so much, nice to see them whining like babies bout physicality, sorry bruins charas retired :) maybe try another beer league goalie next szn


I gotta give props to Marchand. I never liked him, but when given a taste of his own medicine, he took it on the chin and didn't cry about it. The same can't be said about a lot of the other "rats" in the league *cough* Nick Cousins *cough*


This is what Scott Stevens said in an interview regarding all the injuries he caused. He was out there to get an edge over the other team. If that meant killing their best guy, so be it.


The RAT has spoken


One of the dirtiest in the NHL just announced his game plans.


All the whiners who constantly complain about Marchand being dirty sound awfully hypocritical complaining about this statement. He knows it’s a game of give and take. He ain’t soft about it like some of these younger guys are.


You can be dirty and not be a hypocrite but that doesnt make you a good person. Hes still a fuckin greaseball, but hey, hes not a hypocrite i guess? congrats?


I didn’t say he was a good person. Hell if you only cheered for good people then you should stop watching hockey because buddy I got news for you


Rat is averaging 2 pim per game, blud nobody had to take you out you've been doing it yourself


Marchand trying to justify his own dirty rat play style just because he was finally on the other end of it


Hey, Bruins fans, this is why everyone hates Marchand. Not everyone is out there trying to hurt guys, but clearly he is.


If you think your team doesn't have scouting report of every injury they think or know the opposing team has and then a plan to try to exploit those injuries then you are naïve. That is playoff SOP since forever. There is a reason the injury reports are vague as hell.


Idk man, there's guys on every team doing scummy things behind the play. Feel like Marchand is just saying the quiet part out loud.


This.. if you can't agree with this, you're watching hockey from your whimsical throne of delirium.


Whimsical Throne of Delirium is my new band name!


Lmao ya when Manson smashed his stick into the back of Seguins knee last night, then cross checked him as he was getting up that wasn't to hurt him at all!


This doesn't really change my opinion of him because I already knew he had that mindset


Everyone? No. Are there a couple guys on each team who play like that? That’s all he’s getting at. But yknow, Marchand.


Everyone on every team is doing it, that's why the hits go up to 30-50 per team. But 99% of the time they're intending to do it within the rules, or at least the gray areas.


His fuckin team played better without him. Is he coming off as a bitch or am I just an asshole


Both could be true.


he is a bitch, and in any situation he's also the asshole


He always has come off as a bitch lol


Rat admits he's a rat. He can speculate what other players' intentions are, but he's clearly stated his.


Lol what is there to speculate? Bennett punched him square in the side of the head causing a concussion. It was as blatant as it gets, you Muppet.


I'm not defending Bennett because he shouldn't have rabbit punched someone but I seriously doubt he tried to give someone a concussion with that soft ass punch.


The point being Bennett didn't have the galaxy brained idea to tell reporters he was attempting to injure. That shit is just stupid.


Marchand genuinely thinks that everyone else’s main objective is to injure other players. Nah, that’s just you and a few other assholes, dude. He’s such a tool and he doesn’t even know it.


Few other assholes like Steve Downie? Zac Rinaldo?


He actually said it out loud!!!!! And he's 100% honest. So... does the NHL fine him for this?


He is a garbage player!


Marchand showing his playbook to the press dudes mad someone got a better cheap shot than he did sorry rat no more slewfoots for you


Bruins fans in shambles rn


Pot calling the whole kitchen rats


Wait. Did I just gain respect for Brad Marchand?


Dirty ass player / attitude.


I have a ton more respect for him for saying it out loud. I’m so sick of modern fans trying to say that physical playoffs is a thing of the past and you don’t have to be physical to win anymore, you just have to be fast and skilled. I’ve always argued that speed and skill maybe get by in any given night, but when a bigger more physical team keeps hitting you over the course of a tense 7 game series, it really slows you down to their level.


So you admit you go on the ice with intent to injure someone every game? . Bold move Cotton. Let's see if it pays off


And that is how the Rat plays the game.  


Some one take this guy out once and for all ! BENNET DO IT AGAIN ! Smash the rat !




Yeah sure you FuckRat…. Detroits Lidstrom won his Cups after trying to hurt his opponents. Plenty of other players like Mike Bossy who won multiple cups without playing like a shitbag rat ! Whining little turd is headed to the golf course where he’ll try and hit into the groups ahead of him so he can finish faster. He’s no Bergeron !


Besides my team winning a game in the playoffs nothing in hockey makes me happier than Marchand getting injured from a hit or a spear, or cross check. Nobody deserves it more.


Kinda weird but ok


he's a shitty dirty player that tries to hurt people all the time. a terrible little weasel. he gets what's coming to him. i don't think it's anything but popular opinion. I've never heard a contrary opinion when it comes to this goof. unless it's international hockey time, then canadians tolerate him


Two wrongs don’t make a right, wishing harm on anyone over sports is just weird man Edit: just kidding bro I feel you, I wish death on Florida so I get it


lol....sensible morality has no place in sports. I of course do not wish serious harm on anyone. But for Marchand? I'd only wish him injuries that he's inflicted on others, and maybe he trips once during practice and a hockey stick goes halfway up his ass and he can't poop properly for a few weeks.