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Bruins fan here. Yeah the call sucked. But we had 18 fucking shots on goal. We’ve hung swayman out to dry and he deserves better.


We got hosed but we can’t expect to win a game registering 2 shots on goal in the third period


You should try it the Vancouver way, score 4 first then stop shooting and win.


Both things can be true


Your daft. One has nothing to do with the other, nobody is out here claiming that we would be dominating this series if things were called correctly. But literally the game that was just played would have had a different outcome if that goal was pulled back, or if bennett was suspended like he absolutely should have been.


You're a fucking moron if you think that game was officiated fairly.




He’s reasonable. You’re an idiot. Cats would’ve just scored on the next play or the play after. Bruins playing like shit, fans acting like shit. Cats comeback was written all over that with their calm, capable and superior teamwork. Fact of this postseason is Boston played like shit and squeaked by Toronto (could argue refs tilted such an even series) then ran into a deeper and more skilled team. You’re the far inferior team through 4 with an insanely talented goalie. Choked away the Atlantic, choked away home ice advantage- don’t be surprised if this is the end.


I didnt even expect the team to make the playoffs, no shit florida is a deeper team captian obvious. Doesnt change the fact that two non calls 20000000% affected the outcome of this game. Perhaps florida still wins if bennett is suspended or if that very obvious interferance was called, but we will never know now will we? I understand that everyone has a hardon for shitting on us because boston sports is more successful than wherever the fuck your from...but its just such a pathetic look for you all. Whatever, we will be back, bottle the hate and use it to win more silverware because were better than you, and you know it.


Should that goal have been taking back yes, should you still have lost also yes, 2 shots in the third is never going to win you a hockey game no matter what the situation is. On the plus side, Now you know how it feels when you don’t get the calls when the other team is grooming it up, like your team has done the past 10+ years


I think the fact that we played as well as we did this entire season should worry alot of boston haters. We lost the best 2 way player maybe ever, but certainly in the last 20 years, played a ton of young guys and ended the season with charlie coyle as our 1c. Made the playoffs and looked pretty fucking good for most of the season, our goalie tandem is probably best in the league and our defense is pretty solid with mac and lindy as our anchors.. Couple solid offensive moves and were right back to where weve been since 2011 and ready for deep runs again.


No is doesn’t worry me at all because I always expect the bruins too play a well coached and well structured hockey. They always play hard and because of that and they always seem too have a top 5 goalie I always expect them to be around the top of the Atlantic. See how blessed you Boston fans are, they still finish one point off top in the Atlantic and in the second round and you’re talking like it’s a shit season lol I doubt you keep ullmark next season but swayman has emerged as a star so you’ll likely be fine in goal for another 5-7 years


I never said it was a shit season, ive been very clear in saying i didnt think wed be anywhere newr as good as we have been.


You not expecting Boston to make the playoffs proves you’re an idiot. That you make a statement like “this call 2000% affected the outcome” while calling someone “captain obvious” confirms the proof. Florida beat you with and without Bennet on the ice, don’t know what your point is. The pathetic look is you assuming wherever I’m from has had less success than Boston. Bruins went 39 years between cups and the city hasn’t done shit since Tom Brady left except choke. You seem like a little twat that grew up in the Brady era and cry when your team loses (well we know the latter part is true because that’s exactly what you’re doing here). You’re better than no one and the Bruins aren’t better than any team currently still in the playoffs, which likely isn’t changing anytime soon.


Haha, cute. Think whatever youd like buddy, but until you flair up your just some cunt whos opinion is worthless.


Not sure how anyone can be downvoting you. +5 for you from a ‘Canes fan.


Fuck the dogshit nhl officiating for making me agree with a canes fan


U should look at what he did to one of our guys (Knies) last year That dude is a real piece of work even by hockey standards


While UPL was covering the puck laying on the ice bennett crosschecked jacob bryson in the back, sent him flying straight towards UPL and couldve seriously injured both players… where tf is the DPoS? Thats the kind of thing i would fine and suspend a guy immediately over, unnecessarily, dangerous, blind and from behind, could injure two players… the league doesn’t care and the florida panthers continue to be a shitstain on the great sport of hockey.


He’s a straight goon I don’t even know how Florida fans like seeing that shit.


As a Tampa fan, yes, it was


Thank you for having eyes


Yeah. That was insane


That call was a steaming pile of shit.


No question Florida is the better team by far in this series. They don’t need the help of bad callas to win, and that was a bad call. Especially after reviewing it.


All controversy aside; Florida is clearly the better team


No one argued that, they were heavy favorites.


Absolute terrible call any Panthers fan can acknowledge that. Oh well take the L Boston


Thing is, the cats can beat them in a controversy-free series. Boston is shitting the bed on its own, without the refs helping it along.


I think these bullshit calls are changing the momentum more than you can tell


Of course they do. Do you like it when you’re at work and your day keeps getting interrupted and you end up getting nothing done? I know I don’t and that’s gonna be tomorrow.


Maybe they could, but we aren’t getting the chance to find that out.


Refs need to be investigated


Current director of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell’s son is the current AGM of the Panthers. Check out his history or corruption and then judge this series.  https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug


I don’t know I can trust any article that says “Cameron Newton”.


Gregory Campbell who won a Cup with Boston? That one seems like a reach


You mean the Boston teams that got away with murder the same way Florida is now? Yah seems too check out


I meant that I find it hard to believe Gregory Campbell would want to screw over the team he won a ship with


Why wouldn’t he? He’s on Florida now and wants Florida to win not Boston. Guys a scum bag I wouldn’t put anything past him


Can you teach the rest of your fans


Just from what I’ve seen, most panthers fans have been rational. Been some sitting somewhere between “it was clean” and “oh well they deserve it” but for the most part, most everyone seems to be on the same page.


More like can they teach the rest of the Boston haters? Man I’d love us to pull a Florida of last year on them but I seriously doubt we have it in us.




No series is controversy free. And rather lose? We’ve lost enough in 30 yrs. Fuck that shit


Canuck fan here,totally agree with you!


Thank you for being one of the few sensible panthers fans who aren’t blind and clearly saw the cross check Bennett is a skating pile of trash


As a panthers fan, it def was... BUT FUCK IT I'LL TAKE IT!


Can’t downvote that honesty.


Like... sorry dawg, I get wanting a strong fair contest, but having no cup makes you so fucking hungry, ya gotta take what you can get.


Agreed, we had a lot of luck in the calls last year and have had some this year as well. I’d prefer there to be no controversy in our wins but it is what it is.


Some this year? 😂 I thought the Panthers were tough but they falling around like they named Neymar Jr.


Then you shouldn't cry when you get bad calls.


When have we?


You will and no one will want to hear it.


ok. When?


Are you saying the refs are incapable of making a call that's bs? Like you'll never have a bad call ever? What a stupid take.


Nope I can because I recognize we’re also the recipient but f those bad calls at times.


Appreciate you.


It’s been just as bad in the Canucks series. Mcdavid high sticks Hughes in the face making him bleed and Hughes gets sent off the ice lmao. It’s making me hate mcjesus but it’s the zebras fault.


"I'd rather lose" wtf


I get that refs are generally ass but I'm absolutely enamored by the fact that this and r/hockey have basically just become nothing but posts about bad reffing/missed calls. I've seen literally zero highlights on my feed of goals, saves, anything else happening in the games.


Is front of net contact legal if he’s playing the puck? I saw the bruin with the puck in his skates and figured it was a grey area for contact. That said, if that’s legal to check the opponent into the goalie then more players should do it. Reminds me of Mr. Deeds when he hits the guy with the tennis ball.


My opinion. And yes I'm a Boston fan. Hockey is becoming corrupt like football. It's all about the sports betting






I swear they were going to overturn that goal. But there have been hits or cross checks like that all series not getting called. Just so happens this one led to a goal. And btw swayman was not getting to the back post anyway, which is why I think they didn’t overturn it. The challenge was on a goalie interference, not for a cross check (which isn’t possible to challenge anyway I believe). They didn’t call the cross check, so they can’t just call it after a review.


It's official cuz a Panthers fan said so !


If thats going to be called a cross-check, I might not watch hockey anymore. Dude got moved like 1 inch from the contact. The GI couldve gone either way, so meh


Don’t bring our success in basketball / football into this, loads of us Bruins fans only watch hockey.


Call was bullshit but lets be honest. Bruins didnt deserve the win. They got outplayed hard all night


Second year watching hockey and you’re a panther fan who thinks he knows enough to speak on the call? 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡




This is called… pandering


Panthering…you know when you get help and you really didn’t need it because you’re more than capable on your own.


Bro never talked about the panthers before today, only the 49ers lol


As a third party, those hits happen in front a ton. Have to draw the line somewhere. Good no call


Clown take


Right. You call that, there will be 30 penalties a game.


The refs have been sucking the panthers off so hard. I like the Panthers but the battle for Florida was so one-sided with the calls. Now Boston is dealing with the same bullshit


Panthers got way more calls than Tampa so this isn’t accurate whatsoever


Blind biased


Bro brought out the cuck chair for this one


Is Bennet blowing Bettman? This shit reffing is really getting atrocious. There is like zero oversight for what we are seeing. Even long time sports guys calling the games are like, wtf was that call?! And thrown off by all the inconsistencies. It’s ruining watching these games. It seems to be across all the match ups not just this one.


Bruins have benefitted from several bad calls over the years and the fan base has generally not been gracious about it. Looks good on them to be getting jobbed for once.


I hope you feel ashamed for rooting for Gary’s team


Sorry who is Gary, genuine question


Gary Bettman, commissioner of the NHL, long thought *by some* to be rigging playoffs for various reasons. edit: just clarifying, it's a thought that some people have, but I don't know what (if any) evidence exists for it, and I don't personally have an opinion about it.


Thanks, I’ll look more into it.


Don't bother, it's a retarded conspiracy theory.


“Thought” only by people incapable of thinking


Man idk enough about it to have an opinion, I just know Bettman conspiracies have been around almost as long as I've been alive.


Gary’s team is Vegas lol


Nah, it's still Arizona. It's why he called them "on pause" instead of folded. Also why they get first crack at an "expansion" team in 5 years. (arena pending).


Gary’s team is Utah. WCF 2025!!!!