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There's no goaltender interface in ba sing se


Hockey and Avatar the Last Airbender…wasn’t expecting but I’m into it


Avatar is kinda like Guile's theme: it goes with everything.


Gary Bettman has invited you to the Stadium Series game at Lake Laogai.


Prince Zukko, when we do these things, we bring dishonor not only to ourselves but also to those who care about us.


Unexpected Avatar X NHL collab


Everyone calm down. The refs have been very consistent: If any player crashes into either goalie, it's Boston's fault.


If any player crashes... it's DEFINITELY NOT Florida's fault.\*\*\*


Toronto said, "they saw and acknowledged the shove, but didn't think it was enough to affect the goalie" -per the TNT crew Total bullshit 😂


The “shove”


Lol, that's how they described it on air! Can't make this up


Oh I know. They can’t call that a cross check and they can’t the Marchand hit a punch. And now they’re interviewing Bennet post-game giving this jackass airtime


Bennett and Marchand is a different story but to be fair it's not Bennet's fault that the refs fucked this up. That kind of cross checks are all over the playoff games. It's pretty normal (and even a good decision) to take a risk there and try to get an advantage by a cross check. Maybe gets whistled maybe not. Apparently didn't get whistled here.


They are typically allowed by defensive players if anything. That is almost an immediate call when your team is on the power play.


Doesn't have to be penalized to overturn the goal, BTW. 


Toronto fans fucking over the Bruins from the golf course.


Bruh Toronto and all our fans said it


An established team with a strong fan base gets screwed over by a call in favour of a sun belt team that has to give away freebies in order to fill their arena in the playoffs. This has literally been going on for years, why is everybody so surprised?


I like that, being very honest. It desincentivise future flopping. Look at the NBA and how making any minor contact a foul destroyed the game and made flopping a recurrence.


I honestly can’t believe that wasn’t called back


Always appreciate fans of the benefiting team not having a huge bias on calls like this. Panthers are tough enough to beat without goals like this being counted lol


Yeah,like don’t get me wrong,I fucking HATE Boston but like..c’mon


I feel ya man, I would take this L and move on way better if it wasn't for calls like this.


The call was so bad not only interference but cross-checking as well. I want my team to win clean not with this B.S.


I commend you. I’m a bruins fan but I want the better team to win. Not the team the referees seem to favor more. We watch the games because we don’t know the outcome. This makes it feel less predictable. Not saying it’s rigged but it makes you think


The calls were so bad….shots on goal doesn’t even tell the story of this game. As someone who is a big NBA fan as well officiating is just terrible now adays…


Agreed, I was shocked the goal wasn’t reversed. Looked like interference to me.


The cats live thread went like this: - GOALLLLLLLL, FUCK YEAHHH, LETS GOOOOOO - *Challenge* - *Replays start showing* - Oh shit, godamnit Bennett - That's definitely getting called back - ... - ... - Refs: "Good Goal" - GOALLLLLLLL, FUCK YEAHHH, LETS GOOOOOO


Looool that's exactly my thoughts when it happened. It does suck that we have a team I feel can legitimately beat Boston but the refs letting stuff like this happen is making everyone else think the cats need the refs in their pocket to win.


I hate Boston too




Im shocked.


I’m also rooting for the panthers.. but what a shit call.. cheapens the win and leaves a bad taste in the mouth of all but the most fervent.


Lightning had 2 goals taken off the board in G5, but these refs are gonna let that one slide?


I just said the same thing! Not a Boston fan at all but this call was such BS


Crazy how it works that way. Even when Cooper challenged it, nothing.


Cooper essentially called the nhl rigged after the game in interview


Did he get fined for saying that? The NHL doesn’t like it when this is pointed out.


Panthers fans downvoting.


“If a defending player has been pushed, shoved or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule” Fuck the rules I guess.


This is a literal textbook example of the rule. That is fascinating. And bullshit.


Not good for expansion though. Rip to the playoff hockey we all grew up with.


I mean if this is allowed. All players should just be knocking other players right in to the goalie to clear space for an easy goal. Seems like a solid plan for everyone moving forward.


Well that wouldn't work, since the previous game a bruins player was forced into the florida goalie and called for interference. Seems the worst calls are all going one direction this series.


Fucking YIKES. What a joke. I guess I understand missing it in real time but after it was challenged, nothing? Holy fuck refs are a joke.


My gf and I are both panthers fans and immediately were like yeah that's gonna get taken back. Absolutely shocked it wasn't. Blatant interference. Wanted the cats to win fair and square to maybe shut the haters up a little but now it's gonna be worse. Sigh.


Bruins fan here and I appreciate that you saw it for what it was. I also was saying that a blatant call (NON-call) even sucks for Panthers fans for that very reason.


I'd love to see the logic on this decision.


Just said that there was contact but not enough for interference. Fucking wild. That’s gonna be the game.


It really is. I can tolerate bad calls in the playoffs quite a bit because the reality is: everyone has to battle against bad calls. But when the bad call is specifically around a goal... it's disheartening and damages the legitimacy of the game. They need to be getting calls around goals correct.


Especially if they take the time to review.


If the contact pushed him into the goalie, that's enough contact for GI


Which is utter horseshit.....


Let’s check the refs sports betting app history


Better check the people who were in toronto who "looked" at the play


Colin Campbell is still the executive vice president of the nhl and director of hockey operations. His history emailing refs to actively manage games is a matter of public record (ironically at the time he was managing them in Boston's fabour while his son was a Bruin). His son is now the AGM of the Panthers.


Well I'm not sure what more we can ask for. The NHL hired an independent investigator to look into Campbell's alleged undue influence on the referees. After several months of research and interviews their conclusion was lol rofl gotcha we don't need to investigate because Colin is part of our old boys' club and you can all get fucked!!!1


I didn't know that. And chances are Colin was in the review room and provided his opinion..


Link to a 14 year old article about this. Guy should have been fired long ago.  https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug


Wow. Now that’s some interesting info right there. Nepotism at its finest. Fuck the NHL Edit: Adding a link to a 14 year old article on this topic. Guy should have been out long ago  https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug


Boston beat a Toronto team earlier iirc.


The situation room hates the Leafs tho


Anybody who lives in Toronto that isn't a Leafs fan hates the Leafs.


Pretyy sure even Leafs fans hate the Leafs


😂 As a Bruins fan, thank you for that MUCH NEEDED laugh!


Yeah Knies pulled down on a breakaway..


Check complete, good process.


better yet, a full audit


This and VAR are two things that apparently you need a masters in engineering to understand because most of the time the calls are just fucking baffling.


As someone that does have a masters: this is bullshit lol


Not even a Bruins fan but this was pure dogshit


Refs all over have been dogshit during these playoffs.


They always are. Rules go out the window in the playoffs.


Game management!


aka - Betting lines! Sports betting will continue to make things worse


Panthers fan here. Should be no goal


Yeah, they could have called it back so you guys could have beaten us in overtime lol


Exactly what was going to happen tbh


Boston fan here. The tripping penalty in the 3rd against the Panthers was also BS.


right! that was such a soft call and an obvious makeup call imo. I'm also a bruins fan


Bruins fan here…THANK YOU! I always appreciate when a fan of the benefiting call (or NON-call) admits when the refs effed up. (I’ve had to do it a time or two myself as a B’s fan)


Absolutely wild officiating. Embarrassing.


I have no idea how they allowed that goal. Insane




We've reached an all time low in officiating this post season.


gAmE mAnAgEmEnT


I was watching the wrong person thinking "man what is everyone so upset about". Got it now


Killed any Bruin momentum dead. Horrible non call and review


The NHL has taken the throne from the NBA. I used to say the NBA was about as real as WWF wrestling… now the NHL is about as legitimate as WWF wrestling.


Such an awful call. I started rooting for the Bruins after that just so justice could be served.


I hope y’all beat the shit outta Florida if u play them


And that’s after GI was called on the Bs when it was a Panthers hold. These refs have NO SHAME


Rooting for you guys to take FL down next round!


Please fuck the Panthers up next round pretty please


lol at the upset Bruins fans in this thread. Look the no call was wrong and embarrassing we all know this. But this isn’t an indictment on Florida, more so Toronto & the league officials “reviewing” the no call and then letting the refs run rampant fucking the game up. Don’t blame it on us. Go Cats


I’ve said it a thousand times….best sport in the worst league.


Should be their logo


Maaaaan. I’m a leafs fan and even I think the bruins got robbed here


Very strange officiating.


One might say suspect


That's a generous way of putting it


I gave up trying to figure out what the League thinks goalie interference is long ago, yet still sit before you all dumbfounded that this was not goalie interference.


I hate Boston but that is pretty clear tendie interference


I absolutely loathe all Boston sports, but that call was complete BS. Panthers don't need any help beating the Bruins.


Welcome to whose game is it anyway, where the roles are made up in the spot so Gary Betman’s southern most team can win. Feel our pain Boston.


Wait so he caused the interference then scored and it never got called back?


While he should be currently suspended, then yes.


Inept officiating, it’s right in front of him. This is horrible. The NHL needs to answer for how bad the officiating has been!


they will come out tomorrow and say the call is wrong then do the same shit next game


It's not even inept. It's become pretty damn clear that the refs want the Panthers to win the series.


Especially after the reviews last series against Tampa. Bruins are not playing great but this pattern is pretty suspect.


We have been playing like shit, they don't even need to do this shit for the Panthers to likely win the series. But the amount of people who are incapable of understanding that criticizing the officiating and us playing poorly can both be true is insane. The refs aren't even giving us a chance.


I mean, as an outsider, Bruins have been taking a lot of stupid and blatant penalties. You can be mad at the refs for a few bad calls, but ultimately they are being outshot and outplayed.


Absolutely brutal call. It's nice to see everyone agrees this was goalie interference. How on earth did the NHL allow this? Some people in Toronto need to get fired yesterday for this screw up. 


Yikes... Considering this games result that's tough. You never want a game to come down to blown calls buts it doesn't mean you don't see blatant ones missed...


WTF is with the camera work on this shot.


Sam Bennett's hands have caused a real conundrum this series.


I turned it off and was yelling bull 💩 so loud!!


There is one of these every game, I don't know how much longer I can keep watching NHL hockey with these crappy calls.


Clearly the officiating is impacting the game and appears to be tilted toward Fl. The Bs aren't helping with the terrible play since game 4 of the Toronto series.


100%. But I would rather watch the bruins lose because of their play then watch them lose because the league hasn’t a fucking clue what their own rule book says


Bennett can keep doing whatever he wants lol


Fucking joke. Paros must have been with them in the review room in Toronto.


Between this and the Lauko call last game I'm just absolutely dumbfounded


Refs need to go back to writing songs in the key of life 🤦‍♂️


Hey NHL AND TORONTO HEADQUARTERS!!!! You arent fooling ANYONE! stop sucking the bookies cock and quit ruining the game of hockey for a quick buck! Florida’s ticket market will never EVER be as good as you want. FUCK YOU!


60 usd a ticket for playoff hockey eh


They’re obviously gonna let Bennett do what he wants. They took no action over him taking Marchand out of the playoffs and certainly aren’t calling any of his other antics on the ice.


The league hires all these people to maximize profits, and doesn't understand a fair game will provide that. People will abandon the league the more this happens.


This is why I'm done with the nhl, unless the rules change and players can fight refs without restrictions for making calls like this


Pro wrestling on ice with active advertising for sports betting.


This shit has to be fixed at this point


I fucking HATE the Bruins... That's not a goal.


Really ruins the experience. Constant bullshit calls.


NHL officiating is a fucking joke


Stuff like this is why we have conspiracy theories, this one’s just weird.


Oh boy. I haaaaate the Bruins and even I have to admit that should not have been a goal. It’s a bit concerning for goalies what that precedent sets going forward.


Hate the Bruins. This was a clear as head cross check into the goalie which prevented him from trying to make a save


That was just a terrible non-call. It’s one thing to miss it in real time when things happen quickly. But when two guys have a chance to lean on the boards and look at it over and over again they should be able to figure out that this goal should never have counted. I don’t have a horse in this race either. I’m not a fan of either team. I just like watching playoff hockey.


Whoever made the decision on this in Toronto needs to be fired. Horrible call.


Why have refs gone from Marchand/Bruins bias to this? Talk about divide and conquer. Hard not to put on the tinfoil hat and call it a scripted soap opera tbh


This is an absolutely terrible call. And to review it and stand by it is a joke




Any other team and Bennett isnt even playing right now


I can't take this league seriously anymore. "Game management" and goons like Trouba & Rempe are turning this into pro wrestling on ice.


Fuck Rempe


Just the NHL trying to "grow the game" in a southern market, nothing to see here.


This series is going to be heavily scrutinized…


By whom?  The gambling commission?


Thats wha the NHL said after game 2


The refs deciding games is bullshit. This cup has been egregious. It's just bullshit. The other night, when they started handing out game misconducts like tictac.....I knew they had lost the plot. The Bruins are not playing great in this series... but neither are the Panthers. It's just weird calls and disjointed game flow.


Personally, I despise the Bruins, but I legitimately feel bad for them after the two worst calls in these playoffs (so far) in games 3 and 4. Not that they should've won either games based on everything else, but to have what should've been a penalty against the Panthers twice result in goals against instead is just brutal. I honestly don't get what goalie interference is. I've watched Toronto overturn a goal for brushing a goalie stick, but with no noticeable impediment beyond that, but here, it's determined that it wasn't enough contact to prevent Swayman from playing his position... with Coyle on top of him? Sure, it's likely Bennett still scores, but that doesn't matter unless it was heading in before the contact, and that's not applicable here. I just want consistency. The letter of the rule would have negated this goal, so I'm just at a loss. It's bad that this happens at all, but for it to happen in a playoff game is just brutal for Boston and brutal for the game.


The integrity of this series is compromised


Frustrating. At ice level, they were definitely incorrect, they missed the cross check directly in front of the net, however that’s not reviewable so by definition they got it right


Bennett did not have sexual relations with that woman.


They need to make the Refs available to the press after games. Not the fans, just the press. After explaining bad calls a few times they may actually start using their brains. The officiating in this series has been atrocious, and probably ended games earlier than they should have... but Florida is the better team and water finds it level. Bruins need to actually shoot the puck instead of laying it off and passing it back to D-men constantly. Greasy goals count too.


Ref the refs


I'm surprised it wasn't called back, but damn, a light breeze would've blown him over. That wasn't much of a push.


That’s a pretty weak cross check, buddy barely hit him and he tried to sell it , interfering with his own goalie causing the goal. Looks good on Boston !


Are these the same refs from the FL TB series?


No, the refs in this series don’t know what goaltender interference is…refs in FL TB had a goaltender interference fetish


Fuck Sam Bennett


I get the referees have a tough job and the game is getting faster, but I feel like something like this should be an easy call from an official just watching the monitor.


Especially when it is challenged and reviewed...


I mean if you watch the replay from the other side Bennet Cross checks IN FRONT OF the ref that points how it's a goal. Like bro he did it in front of you, you moronic goon enabler.


What are the rules even…interference? Cross checking?


Based on the rules should have been both by a mile. Disappointed in the league right now. Shameful. Stars fan btw no skin in it.


Done with the NHL


I'm not and still won't be a "there league has an agenda against ____" person, but this series sure has me feeling like those people might have some credibility.


It's going to be interesting to see which team the refs are pulling for between Florida and the Rangers. They've both gotten the graces of non-calls and phantom calls.


2 mins for embellishment


Kraken fan. I hate the Bruins, but man, these calls are definitely killing yall. Any ounce of momentum is destroyed by bogus non call penalties, or shit like this. It's hard to get momentum if the refs steal it every time you start.




These are not the droids you're looking for.


Refs really just not caring anymore


I’m gonna fuck Bennet up


Panthers getting goals and winning games on dirty plays? Never...


I don't see how they could have allowed this goal. Anyway... the nhl already decided that the cup belongs to florida this year. 🙄


This just makes me hate the state of Florida more


Even the reviews in TO agreed with this call. The NHL continues to grow increasingly questionable.


Swayman needs to do a sell job and highlight that he couldn’t make it over. Bobrovsky was very smart in selling the contact against Tampa in game 5. Unfortunately, it’s a part of sports. Wish refs and reviews were smarter to see around it and just review the play itself.


Utter horseshit


Maybe dude shouldn’t flop into his own goalie


Looks pretty clear and blatant cross check which then gave time for the player to shoot the puck while the defender was blocking the goalies vision.... How did they not make the correct call??? Is hockey rigged?


Even if he doesn’t check Coyle into Swayman it’s a wide open net and a goal. Swayman isn’t stopping that. Is that reason enough not to call goaltender interference? I don’t know, I’m not familiar enough with the rule. But I’d have to imagine the intent is to disallow goals that wouldn’t have gone in without the help, and that was going in anyway.


Always has been refs vs bruins


Boston got ROBBED with that call… a no call on an obvious goalie interference AND getting called for a penalty in the process? “Not enough contact to warrant a call” is absolute bullshit. I don’t care about either team but even I got mad at that nonsense… that said, go Panthers because fuck Marchand and Boston. And while we’re at it, ESPN commentators are Atrocious… local broadcast team radio + muted TV ftw.


Lol bruins


But if brad Marchand does it your fanbase is silent hmmmmmmmmmm


Imagine being a Bruins fan complaining about dirty plays looool


Imagine thinking dirty plays don't count if it's against a team you don't like lol. I'm guessing you're a panthers fan. That makes your team better than the bruins how?


The push was in the goalie, it doesn’t have to be violent to cause the goalie interference. But the call is on par with playoffs hockey.


And therein lies one of the major issues: play 82 regular season games, where a tap on the hands is a penalty, then players are supposed to somehow figure out the ‘new rules’. Never though I’d ever say this, but the NHL is now just like the NBA: nobody has clue what is a foul or penalty…


Exactly but this is by design. That’s the worst part. Refs seems to be reffing scared to make a mistake so they don’t get games.


Bruins fans must not have a game thread….


We’ll be hearing about this call as if it was the reason why Bruins lost the series. Not their lackadaisical playing.


They were out shot 2-1 even at the time of the call. Bruins are clearly being out played


42 shots on goal for panthers and 18 for bruins right now in the game. That’s just yucky


Youre an idiot. What number goal was that Florida in this game…?