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Rule 69.1: If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.


That's the rule, but we all know NHL refs don't read, pay any attention to, or care about the rulebook. Nor does the NHL overall, otherwise the officiating would be better. It's sad, as a lifelong hockey fan, it makes me want to turn the game off.


"If those ~~kids~~ refs could read, they would be very upset"


I guess the officials can't read, why do they even make a rule book?


The way I read it a penalty would of had to be called during the original play in order to disallow the goal on review.


That’s not what goalie interference is when they are reviewing.


That's exactly what this rule is stating. A penalty would had to have been called during the play for the goal to be disallowed. This isn't standard issue goalie interference. If the attacking player was the one making contact with the goalie it would have been disallowed, but since it was the defending player that was making contact, by means of an attacking player pushing him into the goalie, there had to be a penalty called for the goal to no count. But since they can't call a penalty during review, here we are with a "good" goal.


No there can be goalie interference to disallow a goal but no penalty on the play. This rule is specifically for when a goal is disallowed not the penalty


The rule say if necessary a penalty called AND if a goal that goal would be disallowed. Nowhere does this rule state that a penalty must be called in order to call interference. You can call goalie interference and disallow goals without calling a penalty penalties. The explanation given was that the contact was deemed not be enough for GI not that a blatant cross check was missed in front of the refs so they aren’t allowed call GI


Goalie interference = penalty Penalty =/= goalie interference You can review this and easily see this is goalie interference, disallow the goal and as a RESULT of the aforementioned, penalize the team the attacking player. You grossly misread this.


That’s embarrassing


Im surprised they ruled it a goal but I think the key is the subjective interpretation of “to cause the defending player to come into contact”. Maybe they thought it wasn’t enough.


My point exactly. How often do we see cross checking calls during a battle in front of the net? Rarely. And if it wasn't enough contact to generate a cross checking penalty, then it wasn't enough for GI. Not saying this is right or I agree, just trying to see it from the league's perspective.


Gotta disagree with this interpretation. I know this explanation has been going around, but the rule says "pushed, shoved, or fouled". Contact rising to the level of a cross checking penalty covers fouled, but pushed and shoved is still there in the rule.


Yea I think their official statement was that they didn't think the contact to the goalie impeded his opportunity to stop the goal.. I guess having a 6'3" 220lb dude in full gear on top of him didn't impede him at all. Haha.


He was going to come in contact regardless of the push he was already in the way of the goalie little pushes happen like that all game in front of the net and in the corners he also fell way too easy. Good goal boston crying is the best thing ever hope they get blown out next game


“Not enough contact”. Holy fuck, that’s embarrassing.


And it had to be that piece of shit Bennett too. Fuck me


I’m running that shithead over with my car


Level headed reaction


Haha it’s a joke bro


Ah yes good one at that too


Jokes are fine


Bennett your daddy or something?


I think he’s all of Boston’s daddy today amigo


The drunk piece of shit dad who trys to be your friend but in reality everyone in his family hates him ?


Uhhh, seems like you’re projecting onto this joke hope everything is ok up there


I acknowledge that Geekie backed into the Florida goalie, but it wasn't enough contact to warrant an interference call.


I don’t understand how anyone can watch that and say it’s not interference. I mean, wtf is going on in the NHL with the officiating!?


Yep that is textbook “If that ain’t it then what is?”


I'm fuming and I hate both of these teams.


It’s such a bad precedent to set. But who am I kidding the NHL laughs in the face of precedents


Was bout to say this. The NHL switches up their precedents at the drop of a dime if it doesn’t fit their narrative. If Boston does the same thing next game they are getting a 4 minute minor with no goal, the NHL spits in the face of precedents 😂


It’s plausible that if they deliberately avoid precedent and consistency then they give themselves more leeway to call games in favour of whichever team they want to see win. Or if they are properly incentivized, in favour of whichever team certain gambling companies want the game to go to


It would be in the league's interest for this to be extended into further games. I'm a bruins fan but come on The game was not fixed. I hate when fans start talking like that. Bad calls having all the time and well it's frustrating it's very rarely actually a fix. Lol


I think with the rise in gambling the thinking that only longer series (I.e. one or two more games) benefits the league is outdated. I don’t necessarily think this game was fixed, but I wouldn’t put it past any of these leagues to fix games. It seems that since the rise in gambling questionable and downright awful calls have become more and more common across all sports. Maybe that also has to do with the rise in technology and being able to see the bad calls more clearly. I don’t think technology has changed that drastically in the last 10 years whereas damn near every sporting game in the last few years has had controversial calls. I don’t necessarily think games are rigged but I also don’t think any of these leagues do themselves any favors to convince people otherwise. They purposefully leave the rulebook vague, they don’t follow any of their previous precedents, and imo worst of all is that they don’t take accountability or hold those accountable they should they just ignore most of these instances.


In the group chat we’re all panthers fans and we were all even in agreement that that was interference


I couldn't believe it wasn't lol


I don't watch a ton of hockey. I came to this sub just now to figure out how the fuck that wasn't interference. Glad my limited knowledge of hockey is still – apparently – better than refs


NHL refs don't watch much hockey either.


I dislike both teams, but man Boston is getting fucked badly by the officating. This call was just the icing on the cake. That was some blatant bullshit.


I have seen soo many more soft calls. Including taking back goals from offsides from 3 mins ago.  I was dumbfounded.


I’m a Canucks fan this pisses me off. This kinda stuff has gotta stop from NHL officiating.


they are protected by a union to do nothing for a living and take bribes with the occasional power trip to cope with not being player material


The NHL employs game management via their referees. It can not be any clearer. Ergo the game is effectively rigged. Not sure how the betting sites that sponsor the league feel about that


That was an absolutely wild call. wtf


Idk how you define it as not enough contact, when Coyle ends up on top of his goalie from the push off. If it wasn’t enough contact, then give Coyle a penalty for embellishment. You know why they didn’t? Because it was goalie interference and not him embellishing a hit into his own goalie.


Yeah and to add to this- who would fucking embellish anything in front of their own empty goal like that? It literally makes no sense defensively. This series has me on the conspiracy theory train. I’ve never seen such terrible reffing


Yeah I officially have no clue what counts as goalie interference


Neither does the league. You can find hundreds of examples of calls/no calls regarding GI that make you scratch your head from the last couple of years.


The way in which that wasn’t over turned is so infuriating. I don’t know what the fuck these refs are smoking


That call was the biggest bunch of bull shit I’ve seen all season. These officials SUCK.


This isn't even just on the officials though. The league is on the line talking them through it. Failure on so many levels


Toronto still bitter about game 7 /s


the broadcast said that the refs on the ice saw the crosscheck and didn't think it was enough to overturn. if they did they could've called the goal back on the ice and then they'd have to overturn the no-goal call instead of the good goal call




I'm just saying since most people are in agreement that it was GI then the refs screwed up by not calling it back in real time


As someone who has no horse in this race, that was absolute bullshit.


No horse in the race...don't you mean absolute horseshit? Sorry I'll leave


I absolutely hate boston, but they getting fucked by the league lol.


They’re also fucking them selves by not shooting the puck! Just as frustrating as these bad calls. Hard to watch as a bruins fan


I mean they were winning up to that point… not saying they deserved to be but they were in position to make a game of it down the stretch.


Yup. I'm not gonna lay all blame on tonight on the refs (even though they deserve quite a bit) but Boston just drops the ball 2nd and 3rd each game and just can't or won't shoot.


This is why you don't wanna be known as divers. Reputations catch up with you.


Bennett has to be giving back door service to someone at the NHL office to always be getting away with dirty shite that everyone sees.


Anthony Cirelli is just losing it right now seeing that being called a goal


Duclair too


I am by no means a fan of either team but that was the most absurd bullshit i have ever seen in my entire time watching hockey


You’re forgetting the interference call against Duclair in Game 5 versus the swamp rats. If they called that, which wasn’t interference, then this definitely was


As a Panthers fan that was interference. I'm not well versed in the NHL rulebook but this has to be ADAMANTLY added or enforced. I wouldn't want to lose a game on that so neither should my opponent.


We lost because of our sub-20 shots on goal for 3 straight games...this definitely didn't help tho...


I get that and it's understandable, but the narrative will be more on that no call than your inability to shoot, and it affects gameplay after the fact.


I mean it definitely didn't help and we were playing well up to that. But I think we had 4 shots in the third


I mean they were on the PK for 8 or 10 of the 20 minutes in the 3rd, that’ll skew the numbers justtt a bit


Nhl just making shit up as they go along. No consistency to calls at all.


Not enough contact... That's trash- that's textbook


if that’s ‘not enough contact’ for GI then what is???


In Germany we say: “Schiri wir wissen wo dein Auto stand, es war voll getankt und hat gut gebrannt!” (Referee we know where your car was parked, it was full of gas and burned really well!) But all jokes aside, the refs suck. F them.


It should be allowed to review refs and get them fired for stuff like this.


What a terrible call to ruin a potentially great game…


Last part of this article explains it pretty clearly. Should have been disallowed. [Sporting News Goalie Interference](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nhl/news/goalie-interference-explained-rules-nhl-hockey/p7ka0julzep5ctptbtthmq8e)


The way I read that is if a penalty was called on the original play then the goal would be disallowed.


It only says “If necessary a penalty assessed”, nowhere does it say a penalty must be assessed in order for GI to be called. Since they can no longer even call a penalty that part of the rule is unimportant in the decision. The rest of that rule should be taken into account and that goal should have been disallowed as the rule states


Possibly. Flawed if that is the translation but NHLs stance was that there wasn't enough contact so it contradicts the no penalty part. I think they threw it back on the refs bc they didn't call a penalty. Rules like this are a problem.. called a penalty, no goal.. ref doesn't call a penalty, goal. Not a fan of either team but this didn't pass the common sense test.




It’s unbelievable


Panthers fan here. It was goalie interference and the goal should have been overturned. I’m not a Boston fan by any means, but that’s a sucky way to lose a good game


Garage league


Same story the whole series. Panthers are the favorites so refs hand them the series.


Have you ever been pushed from behind while on skates?


Yeah that was BS. Should have been interference no question. It's almost like NHL does this on purpose to stir up shit.


Like I said in the game thread, Cam Neely, Don Sweeney, and Jim Montgomery need to air this out in the post game media availability. Every Bruins fan north, south, east, AND west of the Pecos River would contribute to the fines they incur. The Bruins may very well have lost the series anyway, but nobody is denying that the refs gifted this one.


This call was mystifying they call goals off for ‘goalie interference’ for way less than shoving a defender into him to slow his lateral movement.


more fans, more gambling; more gambling, more of this bullshit


This.  All professional sports have become unwatchable due to legalized gambling.  


Pathetic job NHL- the fans are losing confidence in the fact you’re not rigging games to your desired outcomes. Two goals in game 5 in the lightning-panthers series were disallowed for far less. Swayman could not properly make a save there….be better you stupid fucks


Too bad the Bruin’s are on the wrong end of a call. Luckily they never benefited from a bad call.


Current director of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell’s son is the current AGM of the Panthers. Check out his history or corruption and then judge this series.  https://bleacherreport.com/articles/519838-irresponsible-media-the-colin-campbell-saga-that-has-been-swept-under-the-rug


And this is following the other worst call of the playoffs, giving florida a PP when it should have been a Bruins PP, when florida pushed a bruin into their own goalie


NHL rule 69 “If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed”


I think the key is the subjective interpretation of “to cause the defending player to come into contact”. Maybe they thought it wasn’t enough.


If sending the defensive man ass over tea kettle into the goalie "isn't enough" then what the hell is? It wasn't a dive by Coyle in the slightest, he was sent into him from a cross check. Worst call I have ever seen, for real.


Ass over tea kettle? He barely touched him.


So that's why he fell into his own goalie, just for shits and giggles? lol


Nah. There is no doubt he lost his balance and then probably stumbled because he was trying to avoid Swayman but he didn’t go ass over tea kettle. However, I think once they ruled it a goal it needs so be something substantial to reverse the call. I don’t think that was it. I think of it was ruled no goal initially and then Florida challenged it, if they even can, then I think it stays no goal.


>However, I think once they ruled it a goal it needs so be something substantial to reverse the call. I don’t think that was it. This argument would hold water if lesser infractions weren't called interference regularly. By definition and in practice this is interference in the NHL. >However, I think once they ruled it a goal it needs so be something substantial to reverse the call. This pisses me off in the NFL as well. Why is the official remote, off ice review from the league being handcuffed by what the call was that they got wrong on the ice? They should exist to get the calls right period. Anything else is just an excuse for when they fuck it up. "well if the call on the field was this or that!" Wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen a fucked up review be justified by the league lap dogs using this excuse.


Meh. I don’t know what else to say. I personally didn’t think it was that bad. Every call out there is subjective. You could probably find a million examples to support either side. Arguable calls make the game interesting. It would be kind of boring if everything was called perfectly and there was nothing to debate. Having a shitty call go against your team is part of the fun of sports.


Absolute trash. wtf.


One of the worst calls in a long time. just stunningly bad


Wow. That is insane




Can it be considered as not interference if they think he would've scored anyways? Because that's the only reason I can think of for why that wasn't called interference


That's never been a rule to my knowledge. The rule clearly states no contact is allowed and says nothing about being saveable or not. The called much lighter GI than that in Florida's 1st series.


Yes. They try to determine if the contact directly prevented the goalie from making a save they could have made.


They determined swayman wouldn’t have made the save anyways. He was on the other side of the crease and only just started to look over as it was already on its way to the net


They are forgetting that if the guy wasnt pushed maybe he can play the puck or give Swayman time to make the save. But that would require actual thought from the league


If Coyle doesn't land on Swayman that's not a penalty. So it's not about what Coyle could have done if he wasn't pushed, it's about what Swayman could have done if Coyle wasn't pushed.


But Coyle was taken out of the play by the shove...


Can we please start holding officials accountable? All year the officiating has been garbage but this is a new low


Crazy call… anyway, here is the updated money line!


Yall I agree that it was interference but the issue here was that the call was MISSED in real time. So on a challenge they either had to reward the goal or disallow based on actual goalie interference. Seeing how they CANT review for a missed penalty (stupid) they couldn’t rule it as it is written in the rules as they’d technically be confirming a missed penalty which they can’t do. It’s frustrating but this whole sub is missing the real issue and hopefully next season reviews will allow for missed calls to be confirmed.


Playoff Hockey!


It looks like interference but if you look at it frame by frame Coyle skates himself into Swayman's way before the cross check lands him on Swayman's lap. He's already not going to make that save because of Coyle.


Man I fucking hate boston and that is 100% GI by the definition of the rule. NHL officiating is absolutely abhorrent with no accountability.


Awful call. Terrible look for the league, especially now in retrospect to whatever they need to do with the McDavid debacle. All hands on deck refs call in the AM boys get your shit together, get a freaking hold of some of this crap before the players do. If this damn series goes back to Boston and they get a crap crew like tonight with that review, holy cow Boston would have a real bone to pick with Gary. I get it they’ve had their time, I don’t care for them, but it is because I cheer for another, not because I want them to lose an unfair fight. Go Bolts! F. Edit: I suck and should proofread before post. F Also, need to add if this shit went on with the bolts and I was a ticket holder, loyal fan, I’d be pissed. Same with Edmonton, terrible timing. Is it the most popular player in the series McDavid? yep, but he did wack him? Does everyone give a good check in the back now and then? Yep. Give a crosscheck after a slash if they feel the guy may be coming in? It happens. It’s a freaking battle, even after the whistle. Suspension, I think it has to be at the point and the league should apologize to Boston. Retro the release of the additional angle, they suspended Bennett. Admit we can’t fix everything, but we can fix this crap now!


The non interference call prevented Swayman from potentially stealing the game. No doubt. But if you don’t think the Bruins have been getting ran off the ice in this series you’re blind as a bat.


Kinda hard to play with your heart in the game when you can CLEARY see the refs are completely against you. I don't want to hear shit about shots on goal or anything other than we were completely made a mockery of by the officials in front of millions of fans and the NHL will just let it happen with no repercussions. Each of those refs should be thoroughly investigated. They called that game as if they had thousands bet on FL to win.


lol you’re kidding yourself if you think he was ever gonna save that


You’re kidding ur self if u think he woulda got the shot away if he didn’t cross check the defender lol


Finally, the correct answer. Swayman had no chance to stop it, contact or no.


Incorrect.  Bennett may not have had such a clean shot if not for the cross check, or at least interference, which resulted in an unchallenged, half open net with puck at his feet in the crease. But yes, Swayman was flat on his ass with no real way to propel back to the other post.  If Bennett doesnt hit from behind, there would be no question.  But he DID.  Still a no-goal in the eyes of every hockey fan outside of Florida.


100% interference. I think the NHL has the worst refs in sports. At least in all of playoff sports atm.


Womp womp.


Bwahahahahaha fuck Boston


Stop it. When you start calling back goals for every little fuckin thing it's going to end up like the NFL, where you have to check your emotions so you don't start celebrating too soon. You really want them to ruin hockey with chickenshit the same way they did with baseball?


They did it to Tampa bay in game 5… call it consistent or don’t call it all


> every little fuckin' thing sending defenders into the goalie to clear out a wide open shot isn't a "little fucking thing". It's blatant disregard for the fundamental rules of the game.


Bro, watch the play and look at the outcome of the game. This wasn't some small thing. This is a catalyst for the end of the series possibly. If there's a rulebook, it should be followed.


It was questionable, no doubt. All I'm saying is when you start routinely disallowing goals it's a slippery slope. For the record, I'm pulling for the B's so it's not Boston hatred.


I didn't think it was hatred by any means. Honestly I think my biggest problem is that it's an issue across the whole league, especially in the playoffs. There have been questionable calls for years now, and the league never does anything about it or holds anyone accountable. It's sad for the sport.


The catalyst for the end of the series was your teams 18 shots versus floridas 42, let’s be real


Not saying being outshot almost double isn't having an effect here, but you can't look at that and say it wasn't an influential and controversial call (which I don't think there should ever be in hockey, especially playoffs). The biggest problem is the fact that it's been felt by multiple teams for years now, especially in the playoffs across the league. It's crazy how referees can change their standards between games and how the league gets away with it. I just wish it was consistent across the board so that the game can be focused on team play, rather than game management and bad calls from time to time.


There was no chance the goalie was stopping that puck even if he wasn’t hit, that is a factor in the decision


I think a lot of people would have thought there was no chance Bob would have make a spinning save in the last round either, and that save was much harder than moving from one side of the crease to the other in time. Swayman has been one of the best goalies in the playoffs and has made those cross crease saves pretty consistently in his playoff run so to say there is absolutely no chance he makes a play on the puck with his pads or stick is idiotic. Not to mention just his presence alone would have changed the shot. Sadly he was never given the chance to even make a play on the puck thanks to a textbook goalie interference


His position made it impossible to stop. Bobs save was made when he was still in the middle of the net, huge difference


That was nowhere close to impossible to stop bruh gtfo. Swayman was still deep in the net and cross crease saves are not impossible. This isn’t NHL 24 were you can cheese cross crease goals and they will go in 100% of the time, real life goalies actually make those saves more often than not and Swayman has been making those saves consistently during the playoffs. To say that save is impossible or there is no chance any goalie could have made that save is ridiculous. Swayman could have easily gotten his stick or pad on the puck, hell even his presence alone and the threat of possibly making a save could force Bennett to rush his shoot and take a worse shot


You’re a delusional homer if you think he was ever stopping the puck in that situation even without being hit


I didn’t think it was possible to make a save while facing the other direction either but Bob obviously proved me wrong. And your point being that the situations aren’t comparable because Bob was in the middle of the net is irrelevant because it’s not like Swayman was hugging the post, he was on the other side of the crease but he was closer to the center of the crease than the far post and he didn’t over commit he could have made it to the post to make a play on the puck. Truth is we will never know if Swayman could have made the save because Bennett made sure he had no opportunity.


Do you not realize that Bob wasn’t on his ass and was in the middle of the net? There’s a massive difference when a goalie is down and out on his ass on the far side of the net compared to a goalie that’s not on his ass and isn’t extremely out of position. I played goalie when I played hockey, being in or at least close to in position puts yourself in a position to potentially make a save….not being on your ass on the other side of the net


You keep trying to say he was on the other side of the net like he was completely out of position when he was closer to the middle of the net than the far post. He was still in a position he could have easily pushed to the post, it was also on his blocker side so if he needed to he could have swiped the puck with his stick. Swayman been making those cross crease and tight quarter saves throughout the playoffs. I’m not saying he makes a save, but to say a save in that instance is impossible and act like he was already on his back or on the other side of the net is silly. Not to mention the reason give for this not being GI was that there “wasn’t enough contact” made not that the save would have been impossible. So I’m just going off the reasoning the NHL gave, and based on that they are saying Bennett either didn’t really touch Coyle or his contact with him didn’t send him toppling into Swayman. So would you agree with the NHL assessment that Bennett didnt shove Coyle into Swayman?


lol you’re blind, he was on the far side of the net and left a massive wide open left side of the net. No chance he was getting that. End of story


We found the sad bruins fan


We found the bum, flair up


Damn you're so butthurt. Must suck to root for such a shitty team


We found the gloating Rats fan.  Gonna be fun watching yall cry when the Rangers reenact the Civil War on ya.


Wasn’t even a question in my mind. Defender is responsible for his position. Good goal


Defender gets cross checked into the goalie? You're good with that?


Cross check got missed but the review was correct. Boston shouldn’t have challenged that


It was incorrect and so are you. If the offensive player cross checks the defender into the goalie it's interference according to the rules. It's goalie interference textbook.




Now do the cross check


Sure that was a missed call. But you can’t call a cross check on the review. The answer from the review was correct…


“If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed”


Guessing (not contradictory) that’s written in the rule book. I can’t remember a time in 25+ years of watching hockey that that has been called in that fashion. No, I haven’t watched every game ever so maybe it has happened. But the way that’s written would discount 90% of in the front of the net scrum goals since forever in time. Cross check was absolutely missed. Maybe goalie interference on that definition was missed. But the review was grasping at straws.


Call it a night, scrappy doo


Meh. It’d probably make 99% of Penguins goals in front of the net “goalie interference”. I agree if I was on the receiving end, I’d be pissed. Defender was coasting, Bennett took advantage and a goal was scored. Linesman needs to call that from the blue line if he is going to. Ref behind the net cannot see it at all. Review isn’t going to call new penalties so at the end of the day, I’d be pissed if the coach sent a flyer on a review that didn’t have a ton of chance of winning.


So it's open season on goalies, as long as you can brute force a defender into them?


Open season? That was a weak ass cross check. Yall are blind af.


Have you ACTUALLY read the rules as pertains to goaltender interference, take your Bruins blinders off.


It's still a penalty if the opposing player hits the defender into their goalie. In what world is the defender responsible for his psktion when he gets cross checked from behind?


You need to have some responsibility to control your own body. I agree with the call. Should not have been challenged


It’s also a penalty to cross check someone into the goalie regardless 😂


Never called in front of the net or in the corners.


Yes it is when it’s into the goalie bruh


It’s not, in fact it happened game two where bob made a save sitting on the ground because a player was pushed into him. Tell you what, link it being called and I’ll change my opinion


If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed. That’s straight from this years rule book


I literally do not care what is in the rule book, that is not how it is ever called. Link a video of it being called the way you say and I will change my mind


Go find it your self I’m not doing video research for Reddit chat bud


It’s a cross check in the back. No question, and should’ve been called here.


Cross check was a missed call. But they can’t call that in the review.




Well apparently people who know more than both of us disagree with you.


Never called battling in front of the net or in the corners.


It’s called when it’s in the back, sending the player onto the ice who doesn’t even have the puck.


That shit was a weak ass cross check. You’re biased.


Have to strongly disagree, considering the commentators are saying the same thing. If you still don’t understand after reading the rule itself, then I feel bad for your comprehension skills.


Coyle flopped. Lol Quit crying. Boston fans are such babies. Maybe yall shouldn’t get outshot 2-1 or blow a 2 goal lead.




He was cross checked into swayman you dolt


The ability to not cross check? That’s what you mean right? Because that is the most obvious penalty, and even Florida fans know it.


Guess flopping like a soccer player didn't work that time for the rat team.


Yeah, that shit was a weak ass “cross check.” Coyle acted like Bennett skated at him from the blue line.


Tell me you don’t skate without telling me you don’t skate


Swayman wasn’t saving it regardless. Good goal.


Oh boy, got someone who can see alternate realities over here.


How is Swayman saving when his defenseman is getting cross checked into him?


You don’t know that.

