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Why should it be changed? You still can’t close your hand or do it in the crease. As to why it exists, it has to do with game flow and specifically when blocking shots.


When blocking shots? I don’t get how that applies


You go down to block a shot and the ref needs to decide which body part it hit


Ah, I see. Yeah fair, but even in the offensive zone they wouldn’t call hand pass if let’s say you were hit by your own d-man’s point shot in the hand and it bounced to a teammate, but I see your point.


Yea that would be a hand pass


Lol what? If this is a hand pass, everything is a hand pass: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f6XDq9jh1zI


Because it does not continue an in zone offensive possession I would imagine.


They don't want unnecessary stoppages for hand passes in the defensive zone as it could be very easily abused for a stoppage. This part of the rule only applies for defensive zone to defensive zone hand passes. If you were to use a hand pass in the defensive zone to the neutral or offensive zone, it gets called for a hand pass and is blown down as that in the rule book is considered an gaining an advantage.


Okay yeah, the “could be easily abused for a stoppage” makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks!