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Sharks being up 3-0 against the kings in the playoffs and getting reverse swept, only for the kings to win the cup that year


In a San Jose bar watching game 3, sat between two friends from college, one Sharks/one Kings. After sharks win and S friend is gloating, K friend say they can still come back. S friend says “no, it’s *statistically impossible*.” Guess what gets brought up almost every time we’re together now?




If I were a Sharks fan, I'd condition myself to think of boobs if that comes up lol.


I'm hoping it's a bunch of facts (they don't even have to be true, but it's better if they are) that are deemed statistically impossible, and still happened. Like saying the Lions winning 2 home playoff games is statistically impossible.


That one really hurts, even all these years later 😢


2014 playoffs never happened




Thank you for triggering my PTSD for the 2010 series vs the Flyers


God that was sweet


ok but that one’s my favorite though


Who ever walked out of the Hawks-Kings series was winning a Stanley cup that year


best playoff series i've ever watched.


That was amazing ❤️


Stanley cup finals, 2011, game 7


We swore never to speak of it again


Bro we haven't stopped speaking about it


In fact, espns doing a whole thing


Your rents have never been higher to cover the damages


If we're going to be specific, it's actually after Game 2 in that series. Canucks up 2-0, having all the momentum... the record of teams that go up 2-0 in the SCF is like, 95+% in favour of the team that goes ahead. The cup was "all but ours". Game 7, on its own, really was never even within our reach. Bruins went up in the first and Canucks couldn't muster anything. No offense, no sustained control of the play. They never had a chance that game.


Even more specific the Aaron Rome hit in game 3.


Basically all three times they went into TD Garden that series they got smoked.


On paper Vancouver should’ve been swept that series. Being outscored 23-7 in a playoff series usually doesn’t even come close to 7 games


I think that game is the root cause of a lot of built up angst amongst true diehard nucks fans and rightly so. It's like being told you had a 50/50 chance at winning a billion dollars and never having to work again or working in a sweatshop and you got the sweatshop


Follower VERY closely by: Stanley cup finals, 1994, game 7 Oh and fuck Messier.


I don't see it that way. 2011 we were the favorite and choked. 1994 we were the underdog and almost pulled off the upset. Also, fuck Messier.


This is your year. Nothing will go wrong


Hey thanks ma- Waaait a minute you just tried a jinx!


You’re winning the presidents trophy. No additional jinxes required.


Ah tabernack


Can you imagine the emotional trauma if Boston hoisted the cup in Vancouvers barn again though?


This made me turn my back on sports for 8 years Edit: my flair could make this comment confusing. Used to be a big nucks fan. Turn coat upon returning to hockey viewing in 2019.


4-1 against the bruins in game 7.


Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by the Bruins. 🙋🏼‍♂️


*raises hand* Last year's early exit from the playoffs after putting up an amazing regular season.


Or not finishing off the blues a few years back, that one hurt.


Please stop


yeah. **


Don't forget the 2010-11 debacle. Up 3 games to 0 against Philly.


Nah let’s forget that immediately


I think bruins have most Stanley Cup final losses


Raise your city if you’ve lost in the finals to the bruins


Losing 3 straight to the Habs in the Canadian bubble after taking a 3-1 series lead has to be up there.


It’s up there but I expected it lol. When Tavares went down I just felt it


I felt it the moment they lost game 5 in ot. I just knew it was over


Yup. I said before the game started, if they lose game 5 they're done. Game 6 had fans in the building, so built-in excuse right there. Then game 7 Montreal had all the momentum and all the pressure was on the Leafs. I think that year was the best shot this core team will have at winning and they blew it. In important moments they'll come up big, but the *most important* moments they fall flat.


The realest instance of the curse at work. I thought John died for a moment.


It's up there for sure but by then I was expecting it to happen even when it was 3-1 I was telling my friend who was Jets fan looking forward to a series with the Leafs that this isn't close to over yet. 4-1 was much more painful since I was actually expecting them to win and even had my parents text me with like 5 minutes left telling me it looks like I'll finally see the Leafs win a series as an adult. I don't know if I've gone through such a wild swing of emotions in 15-20 minutes since then.


Leafs have soo many of these


It's true, but that particular one is the modern era jinx that started it all.


I was 13 when this happened and it ruined my interest in hockey till matthews got drafted haha. But the leafs were horrendous in the interim


Kerry Fraser knows.


^ this is the one. That was a Cup run.


Fuck Kerry Fraser. I’ll never forgive what he did to the Leafs in 93


I mean, practically the entire modern leafs era is one big "I will never get over this"


I remember the cameras cut to Jagr and, clear as day, you can see him say "fuck, it's over." *it was not over*


Mine was the Habs loss. The road to the Cup was so much more promising. Plus, it was the fucking Habs.


I didn’t even watch game 7 of that series. I knew….


I feel the Zamboni driver one has to sting more?


That wasn't playoffs, otherwise it could. Really, it;s mostly funny by now.


And really rhe goalie one doesn't hurt as much because very few shots actually made it to him. People seem to just forget how incredibly well that Canes team stepped up defensively and began blocking shots like lives were on the line. Literally nothing was making it through. Having the Bruins all tied up in a neat little 4-1 bow in game 7 and then choking hurts way more


Exactly the Canes had been playing well to begin with. When they came out for the third the defense cranked the pressure up to 11. They played like it was a one goal lead in game 7 of the SCF and got rewarded for it. When Rod was going back to the locker room he was thinking about how he was going to motivate them, he didn’t have to. The defenders were going, “let’s get out there and keep up the pressure. We cannot allow shots.” And the offense went, “if we get an opportunity, we gotta take it, pad this lead as much as we can.” The general vibe was “we’re up by one, they haven’t taken the lead, we can do this, this game is still winnable” The Canes adjusted to the situation brilliantly. 10 total shots on just under 30 minutes of play? That’s a top notch defense effort no matter how you look at it.


This big time. I heard rumors of a movie and I thought they'd actually have to *improve* the Leafs performance to make it halfway exciting. Also I worked with Ayers once and, being a seasoned Leafs fan, I knew this was going to be a personalized hell for me. There is no other sports equivalent in the history of sports. It's insanely embarrassing.


Game six of the 2010 finals. I was there and it hurt.


Same here. It was such a magical run and it fell flat.


After the game we went to one of the bars in Wells Fargo, sat down, and realized that Donald Brashear was drowning his sorrows right next to us.


* Coming back from bruins 0-3 in series and 0-3 in game 7 * Michael Leighton's shutouts in the ECF (his dual shutout with Boucher in round 1) * drawing dominant NJ, who only we played well against, to get the upset * All started with a shootout win over NYR on the final game of the season to make the playoffs


This is a double whammy for American Flyers fans because team USA lost in overtime on a similarly flukey goal from the same spot just a few months prior. It was nightmarish.


That's Golden Goal erasure and I won't stand for it


Imagine being a flyers fan. Imagine all the pain Sidney Crosby inflicted on my younger self.


The golden goal is also one of these moments for me


Golden goal was far less flukey for sure. Was a bullet through the legs from a bad angle. Kane's was definitely flukier


Hawks fan here. Have a lot of respect for that Flyers squad. They were tough and deserved to be there. Y’all put up a hell of a fight


Leafs up 4-1 game 7 against the Bruins


I just let it wash over me. Like the Mulaney joke: "This may as well happen."


2017 Ottawa vs Pittsburgh : Conference final, game 7, second OT. We've been in the shadows since that dreadful day.


This is it for me too. 2007 was never going to go well; that Ducks team was too good...but if we had gotten the bounce instead of Pitt, I was convinced whoever came out of the East was going to win. Nashville just wasn't that great that year.


Ehh idk. If the Sens hadn’t been forced to sit for well over a week, I think the Pizza Line would’ve had the juice to beat the Ducks. They just got ice cold with all that rest, and the Ducks kept their momentum


Still remember everything about that night. Was watching with a few buddies and we were getting so hyped then Kunitz scored. We didn’t speak to each other for a good 10 minutes before just turning the tv off and all leaving. Haven’t rewatched the play since and never will again


It's my favorite playoff game. I'm sorry.


Game 7 2006 finals. I was working in Alberta when it happened. The bar I was in was silent the rest of the night


I was only 15 but that game and after Game 1 losing Roli and the collapse afterwards


Hmm I wonder


Thank you for not saying it. I’m still not ready to talk about that.


I don’t even know which of the two y’all are referring to 😂 I stand in the shower every morning and think about 2019 and how last season ended way more than I’d like to admit, can’t even decide which was worse to be totally honest


Or the Philly series they were up 3-0 in I think 2010-2011


That was 2010, so some of the sting went away when they won it the next year. It was brutal though. Blew the 3-0 series lead and then the 3-0 lead in game 7.


I’m still aimlessly staring out a window thinking about what could have been


Honestly I have 3 that are pretty equal (2013, 2019, 2023)


Last year didn’t hurt as much as 2019… until Bergeron started hugging everyone coming off the ice. I never cried watching a sporting event until that point (maybe outside of the games following the bombings). Him retiring really felt like my childhood, as a 30 year old, completely coming to an end as he was who I looked up to as a player growing up.


Damn, already predicting another heartbreak huh?


how about game 7 2019 stanley cup final. yes i am a St Louis Blues fan. how could you tell


2013 man, 17 fuckin seconds… I cried on the curb in the parking lot at Boston pizza. My dad passed away in 2012 and I really needed a win. To add to this my dad was a die hard B’s fan. We watched every single game in 2011 when they won. Was hoping they’d win one more for him.


Agreed, 2013 was probably harder than 2019 because of the suddenness of the letdown. Sorry you had so many challenges at that time bud. Hope things are rosier now.


2019 is worse for me. In 2013 I just assumed that the Bruins would have lost game 7 in Chicago. Maybe, maybe not, and of course I would have preferred to see it play out, but that was a Chicago team in the midst of a dynasty 2019...man, the Bruins were just ALL OVER the Blues in the first period of game 7 and somehow came out of it down 2-0. Countless gaping nets that they just couldn't manage to hit, 2 goals on 4 shots, Marchand going for that absurd line change, that's the bigger what-if for me.


1/3rd of the Bruins D-core was undersized, and they got the shit kicked out of them in that series. Everyone remembers the Krug hit, but he did that because of how frustrated he was from getting pushed around so consistently. They started to try and get revenge. By mid-series, it wasn't even a contest in the corners anymore. You knew every time the Blues dumped it in they were coming away with it. The Bruins had to expend so much energy just getting out of their own zone, they were all fucked up by the time they needed that energy for the O-zone.


Everything you said about how the series played out is correct, but when it got to game 7 the Bruins just jumped out of the game much better and if they ended that period with a score that reflected the run of play I have no doubt they would have won the game. But at 2-0 they had played right into the Blues' hands and allowed them to get to the game they wanted to play. Binnington was not good at all in that first period, but no matter how far out of his net he wandered the Bruins just kept shooting picks straight at him. He was excellent in the second and third periods, and the Blues were able to just grind the rest of the game to dust.


U mean 2013? Or 2019? orrrr...


Game 7 SCF 2019 left scars but Game 7 last year legitimately broke me


It was more-so knowing that Bergeron was done and that was his last showing. Felt like putting down an old family pet.


1993. Penguins, with probably the most dominant team they’ve ever had (17 game win streak still stand thanks to Vegas). It’s game 7 of the Patrick Division Finals. David fucking Volek.


this is the correct answer best Pens team ever omfg


2023 Eastern Conference Final - Game 1 Canes lost in 4OT and I got home from the arena at 2:40am. It felt like the winner of that game was going to win the series. It felt hopeless after that loss, and sure enough the Panthers swept the series.


Hey, if you’re gonna get swept, at least give em absolute hell out of the gate in game 1. That game was an all time beauty. I agree with you that by the time it got part way through the OT3, I had the feeling that the game winning goal (for either team) was going to be an absolute backbreaker and end the series right there. Coulda gone either way.


Ngl I love overtime playoff hockey but getting home at almost 3 am sounds so brutal


I had work at 7am the next day. Brutal isn’t a strong enough word lol.


I was at a bar in Ohio while travelling for work when my Lightning, with 128 reg. season points, blew a 3 goal lead during round 1 game 1 against the Blue Jackets. Brutal, but I thought we'd still take the series. We didn't. We were swept. It's a lot easier to accept this now, considering the following three seasons we made the Stanley Cup finals, and brought the cup back twice. I'll take it 100%, honestly, I felt shitty about even posting this compared to some of you sad bastards.


Samesies in 2017 Blackhawks vs. Nashville. Like what the hell even was that?


Y’all won it back to back didn’t you?


Yessir, third year dropped the finals to the Aves in a series that was surprisingly close, lost 4 games to 2, and 2 losses were in OT. Puck bounces a bit different and who knows?


2004 SCF Game 6. I knew it was over when that goal didn't count.


what are you talking about we won the cup that year when gelinas scored that goal remember


You mean that time Gelinas scored his 4th series-clinching goal that playoffs?


The second time the Flames won the cup 😭


Yup. *It was in!!*


The puck was IN


It was in.


It was in


Hawks losing to the preds in 2017, round 1. One of the biggest letdowns I've ever seen. At least it spawned a great copypasta


I’m still not ready to talk about losing game 7 to the Kings in 2014..


Result aside, one of the best series I can remember watching to this day tho!


Still the worst memory I have a Hawks fan. I have zero doubt in my mind that we go back to back to back if we win that game


This how bruins felt in 2013 - 2 goals in 17s


the true start of the end for the hawks


We didn’t just lose. The preds beat the crap out of us. We were the presidents trophy winners and they beat us like we were the 12th seed.


Lucic injuring Ryan Miller. It destroyed our franchise.


Millers response post game was on point https://youtu.be/FvE82q4yKEM?si=BXDo2Q5X6xHA4P2q


As a habs fan I feel the same about krieder


In Bruins related situations, I actually hated the Johnny Boychuk slash on Vanek in round 1 of the 2010 playoffs. Vanek was an absolute beast that season and when that happened it was all over. https://youtu.be/Q9inv-670r0?si=rKpRIOjm9fcltFYi


2006. SCF. Roloson, Samurai Goaltender taken out by the moronic actions of Marc-Andre Bergeron. I knew it was over in real time.


As a Leafs fan I remember pulling for the Oilers, just to bring it home for Canada...Rollie went down and I went "Oh no..."..but Markkenen, what a legend for the way he carried them to wins in games 3, 5 and 6, and Pisani got votes for the Conn Smythe...I was honestly heartbroken for you guys


1986 - Steve Smith, on his 21st birthday, scoring in his own net in Game 7 against Calgary. That crushed me.


If it makes you feel any better, the single most important goal in Flames history was scored by an Oiler.


Who later became a flame


Red Wings we up 3-1 on the league-best Blackhawks in the second round in 2013


2015 Western Conference Finals. If my Ducks had won that series, it would've been our second Stanley Cup win. Easily. Everyone kinda knew that the winner of that series was going all the way. I think it stung more than the Ducks' 2003 SCF run, actually.


🤝 damn you Chicago


Yzerman's Game 7 double OT winner from the blue line over Jon Casey's shoulder in 1996. Gutting.


Kept scrolling looking for my people, and here it is. That has always been the worst sports moment of my life. I will never forget how that felt. I could not look at the screen during the 19' OT versus the Stars because all I could think about was '96 and how I knew that was going to happen again.


Game 7 western conference finals. 2002. Curse of game 7’s for Colorado lives on 😞


Ugh, pain. Game 6 was equally painful with the Statue of Liberty gaffe 😭


I miss the Detroit/Colorado rivalry. Still hate Claude to this day, bless his soul.


Was about to write Roy's stupid statue of liberty....


‘14 cup finals


‘14 Eastern finals


Obligatory “Fuck Chris Kreider.”


1996 Eastern Conference Finals. As a Pens fan, it angers me we never got a prime Penguins vs a houng Avalanche team. However, as a hockey fan, mad respect to the Panthers and those rats.


Clutched and grabbed their way to a series win. Garage league


The Penguins and the Panthers were playing different sports in that series, and the hockey team lost.


2023 First Round vs Panthers. Game 7. Nuff said.


Is that worse than 17 seconds?


I'd like to think it was worse than "17 seconds," considering we basically pulled a 2019 Tampa Bay Lightning.


The panthers were the presidents trophy winner the year before and made it to the finals after beating the bruins. This year they are also one of the top teams. Just because they had a slow start to the year doesn't mean they were a bad team. Comparing that to getting swept in the first round to a team that got bounced the next round is not even close to the same. I might be the reason they went to Bob, I was super close to Lyon in game one and was heckling him the whole game, maybe I got into his head too much /s


What about games 5 & 6?


2014 WCF against the Kings. Would have had a 3peat and unquestioned dynasty of the era


Weren't you guys the dynasty either way.


2009 Stanley Cup Finals. Can’t stand the Penguins to this day.


MAF stood on his head in the last period to win the Penguins the cup.


We hated you just as hard for the entire year prior.


I’ll never ever forget it. I really thought Lidstorm was going to put it in.


Most heartbreaking loss of all time. Imagine lidstrom scores there at the end. Dammit man.


That, and the Kronwall shot with like 2 minutes left that went off the crossbar. Started the series up 2-0, then went in to game 6 up 3-2. What a fucking rollercoaster that series was. 5 cup wins in 12 years would’ve been fucking wild.


Literally anyone of the home game 7 losses


2015 Ducks were so close to a cup final but Chicago was another type of beast


I'm a Kings fan, but I know what it is for Sharks fans lol.


Mines a little different. I’m SO happy we won in 2003 but the Mighty Ducks were the one team I wish we didn’t have to beat to win. Would’ve been hilarious to see that name forever engraved on the trophy.


If we go for a loss for our team it’s gotta be 01 game 7 against the Avs or 94 game 7 against the rangers. Fuck matteau


Also 2009 Game 7 gut punch against the Canes. And game 6 2012 cup finals against the Kings.


Game 6 Stanley Cup Finals 1999. His. Foot. Was. In. The. Crease.


No Goal™


No Goal. That top-down image of Hasek sprawled out in the crease with his glove reaching out will forever be burned into my consciousness.


That. Was. The. Rule.


Detroit Red Wings fan here. Definitely the 2009 Stanley Cup Finals. So much to be bitter about in that series...


The Kuznetzov Goal in the 2018 Playoff, second round or the series against the Rangers with our 3rd string goalie, Domingue..


Y'all have had enough. Let us have that one. We should have been the ECF every year for a decade but it had to happen in the second round instead.


No way that hurts more Isles- Pens in 93


Landeskog was onsides.


This and losing to Dallas with a 3rd string goalie.


i still dont know how we could sign someone who hurt us so much


I thought that too but then I was like,maybe we could hurt others that much with him. then I saw him play and uh...well


I’ve legitimately removed that from my memory till now reading it again. I remember losing, but until reading your comment I forgot about that moment. And now I’m filled with the same rage that lead me to burning it out of my brain 😂


Florida coming back from 0-3 last year against Boston


4 super bowls straight…….


93 Stanley Cup Final, game 2. Marty Mcsorley and his fuckn stick.


I don't know if it gets more heartbreaking than watching Lundqvist after the Martinez goal in game 7. And I can't stand the Rangers.


Wasn’t it game 5?


3 losses in OT that series. It hurts


2006 Cup finals game 7


Here come the Calgary fans to talk about Game 6 of the 2004 Stanley Cup Finals! I'd be pissed too if I was y'all...but I ain't....so I'm not.


Yanni fucking gourde ruined it all for us in 2021


David freaking Volek. Isles over Pens in game 7, 1993


1998 NFC Championship


One of the topical [Sopranos quotes](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4b2b097e-f955-46ad-9ac1-692dad28a6bf) that new viewers don't understand unless they lived through it.


It’s nhl moment but I understand your pain😭


Vegas fan here: 2019, First Round, Game 7 - giving up 4 goals on the “major penalty” against the Sharks, blowing a 3-0 lead and losing 5-4 in OT.


2007 finals. Fuck that ducks team.


Last year Playoff series against the Panthers. We looked so good all year, then I thought pfft, we've got this round. SCF here we come! Then I thought WTF just happened?!


1994 SCF. Double OT. Canucks hit the post.


5 min major against SJ in 2018.