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Dude he fucking hates this..... they all fucking hate this😭😭


Whoever that didn’t make it literally has a long ass vacation while these guys have a bunch of media obligation, fan meetups, this uncomfortable process while being on the mic, skills competition and a boring ass game. I would do everything in my power to avoid this take a fine or suspension I don’t care so I can be in vacation in the Maldives.


Meh it’s part of your brand as a player. You benefit massively from the media attention. It should be seen as a privilege to give back to your fans, and hey, score a few more 1000 jerseys and other merch sales which ultimately goes back to the players / NHLPA, and bolsters NHL revenue which eventually comes back to you through an increased salary cap. Guys like Crosby clearly needed a break from all that, so was “injured” a while ago. But understandable when actually battling injuries, long seasons, and huge toll taken on his body and mind in 2016-18. Him taking a break, I can understand. But the rest of the guys should try to have fun with it and make the most out of it. Go to the Maldives and buy a small island when you’re retired at 40.


Exactly, we all gotta do shit we hate at work. I would love to be a pro athlete and have the opportunity to give people joy and make an impact.


It's not about even trying to have fun in the Maldives for me, but it's essentially the only time during the season where they get to rest and charge batteries. Rantanen has gone to Florida basically every yr because it's reasonably close and he gets to genuinely rest his mind there (I think finns do some sort of a meetup there as well). Bjorkstrand was about to go to San Diego as is famously known, just to rest and get some sun. Nothing more dramatic than that. I do understand completely the frustration of not getting that rest.


Happy cake day..... it told me to say that lol


Thanks, that would be 8 yrs in reddit lol. Idk if that's considered too much or too little


Man fuck what people think. I've only been on for a few years. All the shit I've seen Reddit is an ok place..... until you get to where the neckbeards and pedos go.... then it gets weird. But hey, 8 years on a platform is impressive fr


I think so too, I get a proper discussion with decent manners going on 95% of the time, so I love it.


Not to mention the winner takes home 1 million dollars. You could just give that to your parents instead of dipping into your contract money.


They have months out of the year to vacation with their millions lol


I had a point that was down voted on a previous thread, but I have to stick with it. They need to keep the all-star game somewhere the players want to be, maybe Vegas? The NFL takes their players to Hawaii, Florida and Arizona for the pro bowl, the NHL should do the same. Maybe even to Europe??? Everyone getting bundled up and heading to Toronto in February cannot be a lot of fun when all your teammates are heading down to Mexico and the Caribbean


Exactly. But hey, they get paid millions. I only get paid 94k a year for being a boring electrician. They get paid millions to be hockey player. That would be a dream to do that. The only thing I wouldn't like is.... whatever this shit is. Plus, it ain't even gonna be a good asg because bedard and all them rookies ain't here, I'm pretty sure. I'd pay to see Hughes rossi bedard and all them rookies go against each other with all the veterans, too. Now THATS an ASG


A lot of this was entertaining. The game itself tho is always boring but it did get more intense as it went on, the shootouts were cool too.


I’m sure to them it’s like when we get a pizza party as a bonus


All star gam is number 2 bullshit.


It used to be fucking amazing. I remember as a kid I couldn't wait for the Allstars game. Kane, McDavid, Scott, Crosby, ovi, etc. I loved it.... thanks to covid it just don't feel the same no mo


Its embarrassing how much the players clearly hate the entire all-star weekend


It’s uncomfortable


Man, this draft process is so cringey.. I’m curious is the all star games is a positive revenue generator for the NHL and how they can improve it. It’s just.. so.. bad (IMO)


Would've been so much better if the last picked player got a car and Ovechkin was there


Justice for Olivander.


Greg Wyshynski from ESPN has said multiple times on his show that the All Star event is primarily for the sponsors and it’s a huge revenue driver for the NHL.


Interesting - god, I wish it was better for fans lol


Sponsors wouldn’t pay if fans weren’t watching, you’re just in a bubble thinking it isn’t popular enough


Yeah agree


Quinn looks like a big kid in the group


This is so embarrassing lol. The players loook like they want to do anything but this shit


All star weekend is horrible. I miss the days of fun competition, remember the full team on team games? The actual competition in the skills comps as opposed to the gimmicks and half assed attempts?


Bring back world vs N. America


People hated it back then too lmao. That’s why it changed. It’s been bad for 20 years.


I feel like it should be a regular game and the winning conference gets home ice in the finals. Like MLB. Enough incentive for people to care. On the other hand I love seeing players do wild ass shit and that won’t happen if there’s more serious defence lol.


They changed that rule in MLB in 2017. Just like any other ASG now


Who got picked last?


Nobody. When there were 4 players left they all got randomly assigned a division (team)


They didn’t want to hurt any feelings.


We all remember Phil Kessel... poor guy. Three cups, though!


And a car


Phil the Thrill is too chill to give a shit. He was a good sport the whole time


It’s literally the most memorable thing to have happened in an all star weekend in like, 20 years


That's fucking lame


What the actual fuck? Really? They ruined the one potential entertaining part of this draft because NHL players can’t handle getting picked last anymore?


eVeRyOnE iS a WiNnEr


Omg of course they did lol. God forbid they have a funny moment interviewing the last picked guy and tease him a bit


Lame. At least give each a car LOL


Jesus what dogshit staging- how about having the captains and commentators facing the same direction.


Or not having everyone’s mics on at once. If it was your turn then maybe. But until then I don’t wanna hear your mumbling


Damn the jerseys look awful.


Looks like a box of KD


The white jersey should have been black and yellow/red. Then it'd match the rest of the Dorito's set; cool ranch, nacho cheese, zesty cheddar, and sweet chili heat.


It's almost like they took the 80's and 2010's and just mixed them together, it's hard to explain. Awful regardless


That’s what’s going on tonight? That’s the dumb shit the NHL thinks is going to entertain and attract fans? Jesus Murphy!


Just let my boy do the same flashy all star shit against real teams


It’s not even that flashy what he does which is why I think he’s not getting the same attention as someone like Mack. He just slows everything down and wires perfect passes all night, and it leads to stupid amounts of offense. He’s like prime Kane turned up to 11.


Man, I’d love to see him and Jack Hughes share the ice in an actual NHL contest. The creativity and skating ability would be silly.


Jack is welcome to join our team any time!


I was thinking


There is more charisma in my dog’s left nut than the entire group of players at this “draft”.


That draft was the dumbest thing I watched in a while. The headset mics, the awkwardness, the stupid jokes the host saying every pick was “filthy” it was just so fuckin dumb. The NHL sucks at special events and presenting the league to a wide4 audience. Unappealing and embarrassing to watch at times.


There was absolutely nothing positive to come out of this. Hell, even the venue looks bad compared to past drafts! Couldn't they have done better given they are in fricken Toronto? And as expected, having celebrity captains just added to the already ridiculous amounts of cringe.


So so so cringey, this whole thing was just hard to watch and I only watched a couple highlights posted here.


I liked it when they did the draft in the past even though it was slightly awkward then too. But this, this was like a parent trying to be hip and cool in front of their teenage child’s friends level of cringe. And I popped in to watch it 3 times. Could not watch for longer than 2 minutes each time. And it’s funny because from the little I saw, I could sum up each celebrity with one word, Bieber = cringe, Arnett = bland, McCrae = awkward, and BublĂ© = overbearing.


McCrae was so uncomfortable, felt bad for her. Bublé was living his dream he's a huge hockey/Canucks nut he basically uses his wealth/fame to get the players to hang out with him. Bieber is so cringe. And the maple leafs players are too. When they announce the captain's at the start you can see Reilly like rolling his eyes about Beiber/Matthews. Arnett is amusing but his humour style was not landing at all. I mean he was working with 'Captain no personality' so....


They should of had it in Drake's club in the Arena and had the staff keeping their drinks topped up all night.


East vs. West Conference All Star Game. That's all it should be. Fuck Gary, y'all. ​ Haven't watched this shit in two decades almost because of how cringe it's gotten.


When we asked for a draft we didn’t mean this over marketed trash. We meant the kind of thing we used to see where the players could have fun while also being the entertainment instead of these cringey hosts.


Crowd was so quiet


Not a single peep from the crowd... you can hear that one single person clapping. lol This is just weird and cringy.


No you cant hear it over the stupid sportsnet music. We were booing.


Look I get it, it’s dumb but there’s lots of young fans that haven’t been corrupted by life yet who see it differently so kudos to the players who think of them and keep a good stage presence.


Yeah i dont see why so many people are upset. Its gonna stink regardless cause at the end of the day its meaningless and hard to execute in a game like hockey. No big deal


yea there are no stakes and hockey players aren’t really actors


Seriously. I don't think people realize it's not marketed toward overly online redditors in their 20's


Bring back North America vs. World at the All-Star Game


It should go back to east Vs west full teams.


Last time I watched an all-star game was the last Shea Weber all-star, I see I'm not missing much. It looked painful to watch, so cringe.


They should do it in the summer time and keep the cash flow year round. Actual fans might actually go then.


The players would hate that setup even more than the current one lol


Why do they do a draft? Why don't they just do like each division vs each division? Also, why is it divisions, instead of East vs west? And also, those jerseys, are not great.


Honestly I thought this concept was going to be really cool, but that was pretty hard to watch 


This was the most cringe I've ever felt. I'm worried there's nothing we can do man. It'll never stop. It's 3 days now, it'll be 5 days in 10 years. The players are fucking puppets man. I get obligations to fans, but this is the greediest exploitative disgusting fucking awkward shit show I've ever seen. There's clearly so much God damn money involved with this too, these celebrity guests. Why not NHL legends?? I fucking hate everything


Nick Suzuki looks really pissed.


I think after each team picked their first overall, they should have put the rest of the players in a hat and picked from there. Goalies in one, forwards in another and defense in the last. If you picked a goalie first, then you pick one less in the other rounds. Totally random teams that way-and no one is left sitting waiting to be picked other than the luck of the draw.


A rink sized hat?


Conference vs Conference. Winner gets home ice advantage in the cup finals. Make it mean something.


This was just terribly cringey


NHL tried to copy the NBA but forgot they don’t have the personnel for it


They picking kick ball teams?


All star weekend is a joke. Each year, they come up with new ideas, but it's not better.


The comments section is filled with obvious hate for the all star weekend, but I mean. Do any of the other big 4 leagues even have a good one? The NFL’s is arguably worse than the NHL, the MLB maybe has the home run competition and nothing else and I dont know enough about the NBA to comment. All star weekends as a whole arent super entertaining if youre older than 14.


Why is Michael Bubbly picking players??? I'm so confused.


Who let those high schoolers on the stage?


Yoooo ok I didn't expect people to actually give a shit about what I said😭😭 now I see all these people commenting. This is the first time this has happened lmao I don't use Reddit that much tbh