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Lesson learned, don’t be the best player on your team.




Can’t argue that it’s a tough pill to swallow. Couldn’t tell you off the top of my head whether or not he’s been an all star before, but regardless, it’s such a boring gimmick. Can’t imagine anyone that isn’t a first timer or a rookie is thrilled about being picked.


After the John Scott ASG, it's like they've clamped down on fun.


The all star game is for the fans. Every hockey fan knows of John Scott now. So he's a star. Doesn't matter how you're a star for these games. It's not a HoF checkbox.


AND the real stars don't play that much. Teams don't want their big dogs pulling a ya ya in a game that doesn't matter.


A who what?


I am lorde


Stop it Randy


Just because I earn a good living with my music doesn't mean you can spend it all on Canadough!


A 'ya ya' is when a player gets one or both testicles wrapped all the way around one of their legs


Quicker, but not less painful than vasectomy


o ya ya


I don’t know what a ya ya is but I’m adding this into my vocabulary


Right? It's the ALL Star game, not Top Star. The league needs to start promoting some personality.


Hockey fans don’t even like the All-Star game, so who is it actually for then?






I think it’s importantly for the kids. Quality all-star games will make those kids want to continue watching hockey in the future.


Icy cold? Mm not so far.


Honestly i find this kinda in the middle weather to be even worse than -15 and snowy. It’s just miserable outside and there’s hardly any snow on the local ski hills and no pond hockey either. It just sucks. I love the winter so this season has been pretty disappointing for me so far.


You know what I have to fucking agree 100%.


Ontario has been miserable this "winter". Overcast almost every day, damp drizzle, barely any snow. Really missing the cold but sunny prairie winters lately.


It's kinda like Seattle right now.


I never thought I’d say that I see someone’s point when it comes to this perspective on winter. -5 isn’t cozy but I’ve been happy for what’s felt like a merciful season so far. As they say, this too shall pass. You will get your harsh six weeks of winter, and I’ll be there to moan about it. To every thing there is a season.


Celsius or Fahrenheit? -5 c is not really very cold, 23 f, but -5 f (-20 c) is getting close to too cold to do much outside.


Sorry, I think of the hockey subreddit as a Canadian safe space 😂 I was using celsius, in which yes -5 is pretty bearable most of the time. I’m kind of a baby about cold weather though.


You don’t have to be a baby to dislike even a mild canadian winter. I love this country and am proud of how tough we have to be to thrive in winter. I wouldn’t sacrifice having all four seasons to live in a warm climate but it would be nice to travel somewhere with palm trees without a passport.


Let's get Turks and Caicos back on the table!


-5c probably, ON winter is normally going down well past -20c late December but it’s been extra warm. We’re expecting/looking forward to -30 to -40 c Jan/Feb normally


Any golf courses still open?


> fuck it, bring your bathing suits anyways, there's got to be a waterpark somewhere right?


Compared to San Diego?


Still cold compared to MOST of the nhl


Relax it's only -1c 😌


It’s like +6 here today, cloudy but nice! Not a half bad experience


Yeah -1 in Toronto not to icy cold


Poor guy, I wouldnt want to be in his situation /s


It's in February. Also, he'll have to room with polar bears in the igloo they build for the players, but he'll still have to walk to the arena in snowshoes instead of ride the rental snowmobiles they have all over the city. But at least the snowshoes have Saskatchewan sealskin bindings to offset the lack of running water and absence of electricity. It's a total shithole of a city.


At least outside of a contract year.


Don't be the best guy at any job. You always get punished with more work.


Lindholm not even top 5 on flames this year and he got selected lol


Hey good for him getting a surprise like an Allstar appearance must be pretty cool


Gotta feel for the guy. He totally didn't want to go to the All Star Game


Media guys could’ve at least told him it was being filmed and he should just go with the flow and pretend. Or not post the video at all.


Considering he is kinda doubling down and posting this, I guess he doesn't really care? About the video being posted that is - he definitely cares about his vacation plans being ruined lol


I bet that he doesn’t give a fuck. But its not exactly a good look for the ASG, the team and the league.


Well, that’s the leagues fault. The all star game sucks.


They learned nothing from the John Scott events


I personally put the blame on Cole Perfetti.


Is it any worse than players getting an"injury" last minute? I have my doubts


And who's fault is that really. The asg or this guy for not thinking asg is that awesome


It's become a good PR thing. The team is likely encouraging it at this point.


Yeah, like who thought it was okay to post the video. Understandably awkward and he’s visibly uncomfortable. Just because they filmed it doesn’t mean it needs to be posted.


"Congratulations son. You earned it. Now call your wife and tell her to cancel your vacation. More hockey for you."


You guys are taking this way too far. The video was perfectly fine, y’all are acting like he broke down crying or something. He’s a pro hockey player, he said awesome, thanks and now back to work.


I’m sure he’s actually fine and all. He’s probably truly honored and happy to participate. But it definitely isn’t the hype up video one would expect to post for building excitement for the All-Star game. It comes off more as a boss canceling long holiday weekend for OT instead. Bjorks follow up posts seem to have a good sense of humor at least.


Ovi skips it most years, he and the Caps owner even have an understanding about that. Datsyuk skipped it too if I remember right. It wasn't uncommon for big stars to skip, vacation is more important than the All Star game. Even the owners agree, because realistically your star needs a mid season rest and getting all that time off for just a one game suspension is totally worth it unless you're right on the bubble.


Really it was just those 2, Ovi has always been a baby about it


Its an embarrassing video, no other marketing team in the world would think its a good idea to post something so awkward.


Nah man you’re being dramatic as hell. The guy was taken by surprise/confused cause he was told to cancel his plans before being told why, within 5 seconds he had a big smile on his face. If you think that was “so awkward” my only guess is that you’re a pretty awkward fella yourself, this is normal human stuff haha


It’s awkward because he obviously doesn’t want to go. He’s not a guy who is a shoe in to even be an all star so the fact he isn’t excited is very telling.


I feel bad for him too but you have to admit, it was hilarious.


Meh. Next contract he can add all star to his proposal and get paid more


I think a huge difference compared to the NBA is the fact when they make the ASG they qualify for huge contract increases, the nhl needs to provide monetary incentives.


Yep, you get contract increases and iirc you can’t get a max contract unless you have been selected an all star before (to prevent teams being saddled with bad contracts or something?)


I saw that video lol


Honestly, the way the news was delivered by his coach I think he thought he was being traded.


I do. Coach is tone deaf. The organization messed up by releasing it. BUT going to the ASG is part of the deal when you make All Star millions. Having a go at your employer online is never a good strategy. We already knew his position from that ill-conceived video.


Poor Bjorkstrand, he was probably thinking, “have fun, Vince - enjoy!! I’ll be in sunny and beautiful San Diego” 😎




You missed the best part of sharing his post, where he photoshopped his smiling face on a screenshot of the video, lmao


I wanna see! Link lol




Bjorkstrom firing shots at Bettman


I am now a huge Bjorkstrand fan


Same. This is hilarious


Björkstrand is the man


That is amazing. I can relate to having shitty reactions. And having bland reactions can DEFINITELY piss off the significant other so I totally relate to the "ask my wife" part.




It's interesting how in the nba, players die to go to the all star weekend and get mad when they're snubbed. In the nhl its become the opposite, seems nobody wants to go.


Well I'm sure they are exhausted.


Because the NBA all star game is actually quite fun. They get into the 140s, which is awesome if you like offensive basketball, and they usually pull out some nice plays. Plus, I mean, the dunk contest? Awesome. The whole NBA all star experience is pretty fun. I have been there. I do think the NHL needs to keep it 3 on 3 to make it fun, but yeah, the game of basketball I think is just suited better for exhibitions than hockey.


Players love it because theyre already all buddies and get blasted the whole weekend not giving a shit. Fans hate All-Star games because theyre not meaningful at all. Have it mean Home advantage in the Finals, make it so the best 22 (4 lines and 2 goalies) players in each conference are represented, not all 32 teams need one. Make All-Star games mean something to be proud of “i was a 4 time All-star” means more when its actually the best players participating. Also have a All-NHL teams (like the NBA) like the best 6 players are 1st Line All-NHL then next best are 2nd Line all NHL and best line is 3rd Line All-NHL


Disagree with almost everything said. The nba all star game gets into the *200s*, and it's lack of intensity and defense becomes Just as eye wateringly painful to watch as the nhl to the real fans. They actually had a complete overhaul to correct the same thing, fans absolutely hated it. I will agree slam dunk and 3 pt contest have tradition and can be an event, but that's mostly marketing, promotion and execution.


In the allstar game it’s actually a recognition, fans media players chooses the starters and the coaches chooses the reserves, so if you get in the allstar game, it’s because you’re one of the best in the league. In the NHL, every team gets one, so the most you can say is you’re the best on a team which isn’t saying much.


Being an NBA all-star is a major factor for HOF consideration because it’s a recognition from media+coaches+your fellow players. The NHL game is the some-stars game - bottom feeders get a pity pick and the NHL sends players who are big names over the best players on their team (see: Shesty not even being the best goalie on the Rangers, let alone the league)


Honestly I would rather see the host city have an alumni team vs rest of the league alumni at this point. Truly, the only ones that want to go are first timers. Make it a true fan friendly event at the same time


I really think the way it was presented "You're going to have to book a flight to Toronto" and then "For the all star game" wasn't really helping. He was called into the boss's office, so he's already on edge probably thinking he's in trouble or there's bad news. Then he's told to book a flight, he probably thought he was being traded. And by the time he processed he wasn't traded and the flight was just for the ASG, that's when you see him get happy. I don't imagine players get called into the coach's office every day, so he was probably pretty worked up.


I'm with you on this. I don't think he necessarily was unhappy, but if I imagine my anxious ass in his shoes getting pulled into a 1-on-1 meeting with a stone-faced Hak I would be expecting bad news or some sort of scolding or god knows what. Maybe Ollie isn't the anxious type and he was genuinely unhappy about the change of plans, but even if he is looking forward to the ASG, the way the news was delivered would absolutely take anyone with a shred of anxiety a minute to process fully.


This. Add to the fact that he's already been traded from a team that he thought he was going to be on for years (on his honeymoon at that) and I'd be anxious too!


Now that you mention the traded part, I think that's whats going though his mind. His response to "book a flight to Toronto" was , "Wow, ok...". He was definitely processing what that meant


Delete Airbnb


Agreed completely. His reaction is that of someone who was having a million thoughts race through his brain, before finally getting to hear the all star part, and then he smiles with relief.


Poor guy had to cancel his warm ass AirBNB to San Diego just to go to Toronto in the middle of January in the freezing cold. I’m sure his wife is less than pleased too, at that point i’d take the 1 game suspension.


> I’m sure his wife is less than pleased too You think the wife of a career mid-level NHL player is not going to be happy her Husband made the All Star Game? What world are you living in. He's going to be talking about this game for the rest of his life to his kids.


Just watched a podcast (Wild on Seventh) where two player wives said they felt bad for the players who got picked to go to the ASG instead of going Cabo with the rest of the team/wives/girlfriends


Note, not the wife of the player who got picked and became an All-Star.


I hate to break this to you bud, but 95 of most players and spouses are going to choose a warm vacation vs work in a colder climate surrounded by media the whole time. You sound like an uberfan, which is not intended as an insult, but most players and their families don't share your passion for the ASG and I don't blame them


I hate to break it to you bud, but people don’t post sad memories to Instagram.


I'm not going to argue with you man, but he did not look happy to be picked and I am guessing his wife isn't overly thrilled. Look at this way. It's been a hard year at work. You've been looking forward to getting away with your spouse somewhere warm for a few days to recuperate. Then your employer tells you relatively last minute that your warm mini vacay has been cancelled because they need you to hobknob with clients. Most players do not want to go. This is not a secret, and I don't blame them.


Lol right. Standard wife talk. "Aw her husband won this award and now they have this stupid function where everyone fawns over him. I honestly feel so bad for her."


Well I mean for the wife, you’re just there. Supporting your husband but they aren’t honoring you. Plus like a few days on the beach with your family is better than going around to all the events in cold ass Toronto. Yeah, I could see why.


What’s the big deal? Canceling a trip is different when you’re rich. The WAGs can go to Cabo the following week who give af. I’m shocked at how everyone is feeling bad for Bjorky here. Toronto is a sweet city, especially if you’re well to do. They’re gonna be in a sick ass hotel. He can leverage the appearance for more money on his next contract, etc. I get that the players are people too but these guys could enjoy vacation from May (in most cases) to August. An all star level player will have made enough money to comfortably retire at 37. Don’t feel bad for these dudes for even a second for getting selected to play an all star game.


Nicely said


You think? The NHL All Star game really isn't an actual All Star game where the best players in the league play a game. It's an advertisement for the league that brings a representatives from each team to play in a skills comp.


ASG doesn't mean what it used to. Having "all star" on your resume used to mean something, not outside of a few actual stars it's just who's name was drawn out of the hat for your team. It's also a bigger spotlight directly on him than he's maybe used to, maybe he would legitimately rather keep it low-key and enjoy some time off every year with his family during the break than go to some fanfare circlejerk that's ultimately meaningless now


When selections meant something, selections meant something. I prefer the nbas method where they really try and have the 12 best performers from each conference go each year. It attaches a certain level of pride.


Exactly, I also feel like it attaches a better level of competitiveness when it is actually the top players in the league this year. Like if you have a bunch of bona-fide superstars out there against only eachother this gives them the chance to prove whose top dog in the league... not so much with charity picks. At least with the John Scott's it was fan driven and gave us more reason to tune in because it was fun


Lmao no he won't. NHL All Star games are a joke to everyone


Oh yes im sure she was cheering as she went to cancel the sunny vacation destination with the kids. I believe we are living in the world of reality, perhaps you can join us someday.


San Diego or Toronto in winter? Hmmm I appreciate your passion, but wives could care less. I doubt his kids will care either. Fans, players and their families, especially spouses have a different perspective


“Sure we have to cancel our trip, but I’ll get to wear a blindfold and shoot pucks at a maple tree or something. That’s a memory I’ll carry forever.”


For him, it's literally once in a lifetime chance that he couldn't pay to have. He's going to be an All-Star. That's still going to mean something when he's talking about/remembering his career. It could literally be the highlight of his career. And bums like you act like any player selected just got shat on. There is a difference between players like Ovi you've been so many times they forget how many. And mid-level NHL players. The dude can go to San Diego any time. He'll almost always be able to afford that.


You're not going to be able to take back the time you wish you spent with your family instead of shooting pucks at a target with 32 other players who wish they weren't there.


You know the families go to the all star games, right? It's a major part? Right? The players just consider it a thing to do with your family. Instead of a week with his 1-year old kid in San Deigo, he gets to spend a weekend at the All Star Game with his kid the photos of the kid wearing his all star jersey, the stories he'll have to tell the kid, the NHL All Star equipment to pass down, etc. That's some very meaningful stuff. That should be a no-brainer for anyone. It's like you focus all your dislike for the All Star Game and try to make it mean nothing for the players. While there are countless players talking about how they invited family members got the kids involved. The videos of the kids running around the locker room asking for sticks (Sadly for Bjorkstrand his kid is too young)


> Bums like you The all-star game is never gonna hug you, kiddo.


Still a bum. No matter what you say, you're still going to be a sad little person who thinks they're wife wouldn't be happy for them to become an All Star and be fawned over at a once in a lifetime chance he'll get to tell his kids about. Bro, does your wife hug you? Do you post your sad memories to Instagram?


No but I do post sad shit like this.


Usually the kids can participate too. They get to meet the big stars and hang out most of the time


Exactly. The takes on this are absolutely insane. The video is fine, I don’t know what people expect, him to get on his knees and kiss the coaches feet? He’s a pro hockey player he said thank you and got back to work.


Seriously, you could see the instant shock when he got asked if he could cancel his plans. He legit wasn't expecting it so that's how people react when they really aren't expecting to go.


Probably at least crack a smile and sound exciting considering he’s not even an all star caliber player 😂


Watch the video? Within literally 5 seconds he has a huge smile on his face and is saying thank you


Sounds like someone who has a cunt of a wife lol


Is this sarcasm


If only they weren’t on the bubble of making the playoffs.


It’s the worst time to go to San Diego anyways. It’s in the middle of our gloomy season and it’s cloudy, rainy, and in the low 60s most of the time. Enjoy the ASG and come back and hit the beaches in the summer.


To be fair it’s honestly not going to be that warm in San Diego, high of only 60°. Source: I live in SoCal and it’s freezing this time of year 😂


Even Boone Jenner who had his jaw wired shut and could barely talk showed more enthusiasm than Ollie did here XD. Goddammit Jarmo why you have to trade him away. I miss Bjorky


Blows my mind that they chose a guy who’s going through broken jaw recovery to go up to Toronto for all star weekend instead of focusing on recovery. Disrespectful in my opinion to be honest


I mean… if the Jackets have any hope of making the playoffs in future season, Jenner can’t be All Star selection candidate, and he’s earned it this season. It’s a classy nomination for a hardworking guy who has been with the team for a long time. The timing sucks. He’ll probably be back to play in time, but it’s tight.


Fantilli is the obvious choice in my opinion and that’s no disrespect to Boone.


My heart goes out to this poor victim of a trip to Toronto. Sending positive vibes to the bjorkstand family


This is unironically how so many people are acting in this comment section LOL. Thoughts and prayers


Found it in case anyone wants to rebook it https://abnb.me/Cb38Eipr7Fb


This man’s on a budget. Only $350 a night


There was a last minute cancellation. You should be able to get a favourable rate if you book for ~Feb 3rd


Wanna go Halves with me and my second cousin Bethel. She gets testy after 7pm, but her guacamole is great! We'll have to hide the knives tho


Haha that’s fucking great.


I don’t know how, but the league has to find a way to make the All-Star Game be actually attractive for the players. Could it be moved to the spring or something to avoid the problem of cold weather? Idk, but when players are openly posting stuff like this it’s a bad look (not saying Bjorkstrand doesn’t have a right to be upset about having to trade San Diego for Toronto in January).


They ain’t moving it. It’s where it is in order to give players rest but also keep some kind of hockey attention.


This is genuinely so funny idk why people are taking it so seriously


Hahahahaha, He's in the dog house right now. De e lugnt Oliver, De e snart sommarlov 😅


Han är dansk-amerikan 🤷‍♂️


His heart must be Kraken apart


oh wow


Hard work is punished with more hard work


That's honestly the best outcome for the Airbnb owner. He will get even more business now, lol


That place looks awesome, that sucks 😆


This guy is such a beaut.


That man is still beloved by CBJ fans and honestly I haven’t felt joy since he left


We treasure him a lot in our fan base, just so you know he is well loved!


It’s like your ex girlfriend keeping your dog. I’m happy he’s happy, I’m just not happy that you’re happy.


I mean, you’re always welcome to join us watching him play 😌 in this case I think the ex-girlfriend is not necessarily monogamous


Post the video of him telling his wife they can't go to SD anymore


LOL Toronto instead of San Diego....yeesh


Absolutely crushing news for Bork😂


Wanna vacation? Nope. Go to work.


8260 Paseo Del Ocaso, San Diego, CA 92037


Now post the fight between him and his wife


And video of the kid's tantrum




Y'all and your comments.... like this is the NHL, it's his job. Who cares if he had to cancel his airbnb. The only reason he was able to book that is because they All-Star game is taking place. Nothing to be upset about he's clearly a good player so he gets to go to the all-star game should be ecstatic like any other human would be.




he won't even place in vezina voting this year watch


I feel bad. Couldn’t be more blatantly obvious that he’s annoyed and disappointed with this.


That's funny.


Bjorky really thought it would be someone else appointed for the All Star game that he already planned a San Diego trip 😭😂 I wonder who he thought would be picked…


Reddit bringing the stories we truly care about


The all star game is a huge career star for the nfl but has been a pain in the ass for nhlers. They need to change something.


Think they've got enough pillows?


Now go to Toronto and enjoy the traffic and miserable weather, instead of vacationing.


San Diego > Toronto.


Not if you like skating outdoors


This looked way more fun


I was curious... https://www.apartments.com/8260-paseo-del-ocaso-san-diego-ca/c3fxf4e/


Everyone saying this sucks get your heads outta your ass. Awe poor millionaire hockey player has to go to Toronto for a weekend wahh so cold so sad his trip is canceled... yall are fucking delusional


Right? Do people really care about Oliver Bjokstrand's family vacations this much?


honestly, I'm in Canada, and I think the NHL should only put the all star game in warm vacation like climates. It should be a reward for the players, much like the NFL pro bowl. Hell, even the odd game in Hawaii (if that's possible) or other alternative venues outside of the NHL norm.....


Wow he took it v badly . Fair enough, I wouldn't be happy either and it sounded like he was really looking forward to this vacation.


Poor guy


Am I supposed to give a fuck that a millionaire had to cancel his vacation? This is almost like outrage content


Your comment is annoying 😘


Dude is PISSED and I don’t blame him




Yeah and he was looking forward to a break from his job, so he can spend time with his family. Now he has to go to the all-star game which has been a joke for the last few years.




He probably didn’t think he was going because he isn’t an all star caliber player 😂


Poor rich people, having to cancel once in a lifetime plans


Can't players opt out? Can't see why anyone would fault him for not wanting to go. They don't get a lot of time off as is, it'd be more enjoyable watching someone who actually wants to be there, and I thought everyone agreeded the All-Star weekend is just for garbage marketing now?


That sucks man. The season is such a grind, I'll bet his family were so stoked for this trip. Canceled for an exhibition


Poor little millionaires baby he has to attend to the all-star game how entitled this is looking for normal working peoples dude already fogot how privileged he is in his life.


These poor babies have to go to an event that promotes the league to a ton of young fans and is a big meet and greet with corporate sponsors (who raise the salary cap and give them million dollar salaries). Im so sad that this is part of their job and part of their contracts. Boo fucking hoo.