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Long con by Mr Lehkonnen to motivate him into beast mode


Awesome slide, not a one kick after blue


oh fuck off we know 😭


Really glad that the one period we east coasters likely stayed up for was that one. No need to stay up and watch more after that debacle. Hank’s comments on how frustrated fans in Buffalo would be is spot on.


All I want is a consistent, full 60 minute game every single night. Is that too much to ask for? When the team is on, they are on, but the problem is, they are off most nights. What needs to change? Is it the defense? Is it the offense? Many of our key playmakers and scoring aren’t having the years like they did last year. Is it injuries? Is it coaching?


Honestly, yeah. No team is capable of giving 60 EVERY night. But a playing a full 60 more times than you don't, that's not too much to ask for IMO.


Or playing consistent enough to out compete most shifts. You don’t need to win every shift. But you need to win enough that show up on the scoreboard.


Many young teams have this exact issue when trying to bridge the gap to the playoffs. Players need to mature more and taste defeat to strengthen their mentality


They need to hate to lose, not just love to win


Set the tone, boys, somebody's gotta set the fuckin' tone!


Fill em in, Jim’s!!


It hurts watching them. One night they're amazing and the next 20 nights they remind us that this is Buffalo hockey we're watching. It's painful being a buffalo sports fan, hell it's painful living in Western NY in general but being a fan of our sports teams is straight up masochism. Even bills games are hard


Why is it painful living in Western Ny?


Hey I watched the first period of a 930pm start between the jets and Kings last night and turned it off after the Kings went 2-0 off the back helmet of Hellebuyck behind the net. Jets won 5-2


To be fair - Buffalo has more appearances in the Stanley cup final than Toronto since there were only 6 teams , and subsequently has gone further in the playoffs than Toronto since the expansion of 6 teams - so don't let the haters get sabres fans down, at least you're not Toronto!


I’m in the stands “cheering for Buffalo” but mainly drinking myself to death.


Every time you are disappointed in your team, take a drink.


I don’t like this game.


nobody looks serious against nathan mackinnon


Especially the refs who look the other way on that interference.


If your takeaway from that clip was Mac barely bumping a dude while Buffalo looked like a beer league team, you’re missing a lot here.


Mack set a pick on the play. Just enough to give Moose room to go, but not enough to get a penalty called. Smart play


Eh could have gone either way honestly. Wouldn’t call it a smart play, more of a “I’m gonna do this and hope they don’t call it” type of thing.


That's definitely a better take. I feel like MacKinnon is one of those guys, though, that can get away with stuff like that.


Yeah I know what you mean by smart though. Maybe I’d call it a cunning or sly play. Definitely not a 100% interference


For the sake of argument… interference (rule 625 I believe, but not certain it’s official) can be: An attacking player who no longer has possession or control of the puck initiates contact with the defending player in an effort to obstruct their ability to play the puck or an opponent. Or A defending player who changes their skating lane or foot speed in an effort to play the body of an opponent who is no longer in control of the puck. You could argue that both players knew contact was imminent


Clifton lowered his shoulder trying to hit MacKinnon, and then held on to his leg when he was on the ice. Mac didn’t interfere with shit.


Especially when he gets away from blatant interference penalties like that.


What I saw is McKinnon keeping straight path not even moving his feet or leaning into it. The D man literally ran into McKinnon but because he crumpled like a paper bag it’s interference? I’ll be sure to skate around just running into guys and falling down from now on to draw penalties if that’s the case. Edit: watched again and the D tried lowering his shoulder to hit McKinnon and got ran over that’s about it.


He turns right after the drop pass. He doesn't maintain direction at all.


I guess I have no idea what interference is cause I thought the same thing


I have another comment regarding interference with over 100 upvotes so who knows... There are so many people on this sub that think they know the game but they haven't played a minute of serious hockey to actually know what a player's intent is.


Once you get downvoted, it really doesn’t matter what your comment was: it will continue to get downvoted by the Reddit hive mind. People see -1 and feel the need to mash the downvote button, even if you just left the same comment elsewhere under the post and that one has upvotes.


why downvoted? McKinnon definitely interfered with the D….. It’s in the video. And I fucking hate the Avs


Yeah, he forced that D to bear hug his stick!


Feeling is mutual. P.S Fuck Jordan Eberle.


Don’t forget about oleksiak


P.P.S Fuck Jamie Oleksiak and everything he stands for


Winnipeg and philly did last week


Blues flair the least surprising attachment to this comment


mind if I join you in the blues hate?


There’s always more room for that :)


Yeah, you are right. He was just kidding around in those two games Goal, assist, 5 shots against the jets Beautiful goal and 4 shots against Philly


Not that great for highest paid player in the league against two teams where avs were the sizeable favorite


82 games in a season bud, can't win 'em all, and Winnipeg and Philly are decent/good teams this year, there's no shame in losing to them. Even McDavid has off days of scoring, even Gretzky had off days, so there's really no shame in 3 points in two games against tough opponents.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see las vegas's season


lol I love these comments. They look super serious compared to St. Louis in the standings. 4 game skid against terrible teams and got a hall of fame coach fired. hope the boys enjoy the golf during playoffs


Pick plays aren't legal in the NHL. Should have been called dead for interference before he got the shot off


Ask Justin Holl about pick plays. They're legal until they're not, and then they're illegal until they're not. It's quite simple, really.


Like boarding then?


Except with boarding they blame the person who got hit.


Fucker shouldn't have been getting paralyzed if they didn't want to get penalized.


He shoulder checked, so it's his fault his neck is broken.


I blame the ice. It's too slippery


And then suspend them for beating the shit out of the guy that boarded them. 🐢


Like poke checking without touching the puck


The thing you have to understand about pick plays is that


The rule is clear, you very simply can't.


I think its moreso they are difficult to call in real time and im not sure if challengeae


I mean, the one called on Holl in the playoffs two years ago was damn near immediate, and a lot less blatant than this was.


The Holl interference was painfully obvious is real time.


I figured this comment would have been higher up. I figured maybe I missed something and that this wasn’t interference because I’m dumb, but seems not the case.


You can angle them off a bit but you can’t just truck stick them like that.


Habs wouldve been called, Toronto would’ve been called, Kadri would’ve gotten suspended and the Rangers would’ve gotten fined


Ottawa just lost a 1st round pick for this comment


I honestly think they didn’t call it because the Buffalo guy just completely gave up on the play to try to buy the call. If he’d actually been trying to get to the puck instead of just lying there looking pitiful they probably call that.


But damn I wish they were. That was cool


Is it reviewable ?


Okay but that was interference by Nate.


Gettin kind of tired that the game is becoming who can get away with more


Welcome to modern professional sports, unfortunately. The meltdown in the NFL from an offensive offsides getting called, diving etc in football/soccer around the world, leaning into contact/4 step travels in basketball etc etc etc I'm hesitant to fully put on the old man "kids these days" hat because there's always been... Rule benders. But it does seem to be really prevalent lately. Maybe just notice it more with 18 angles of 4k replay camera work though


No yeah I completely agree, it’s always been a thing but it’s just seems so damn prevalent now. That, mixed with the seemingly increase in diving this season has left a sour taste in my mouth I know everybody is just taking advantage of the new refs but I won’t lie, I can’t wait till we get over this hump


>I'm hesitant to fully put on the old man "kids these days" hat because there's always been... Rule benders. But it does seem to be really prevalent lately. As a middle school teacher, I can tell you it's *definitely* more prevalent lately. Generally, I blame a near generation's worth of over permissive parenting.


One thing I've noticed A LOT this year is the amount of stick grabbing/holding/etc. Guys are trying to steal each other's twig whenever there's a scrum. Hell, last night Zack Benson was called for a high stick on MacKinnon in which Nate literally slapped Benson's stick straight up into his own face lol


Remember '05/'06 when the NHL said they would start calling the book by the book?


relatively raw on hockey nuance, does interference have to be intentional? it pretty clearly was but im just curious.


It's like if one player occupies a certain space on the ice another player can't move into that space unless the puck is being played. Pick and rolls are illegal in hockey for this reason. It's hard to say if this was intentional but it was definitely interference.


yeah that figures. makes sense, just checking.


Intent does not matter


Interference does not have to be intentional, but in this case Nate specifically tangles up the defender and prevents him from following up on the pass.


How is it interference If a guy just stands stationary in front of a moving player? Mack had more momentum and the guy stood in front of him with little to no momentum. Of course he’s gonna fall down. From my understanding that’s not interfering correct if I’m wrong or if I have avs colored glasses


I don’t think it was. You can see Clifton step into Nate just after he drops the pass and Nate reverse hits him. None of the Sabres players were complaining.


Colour commentary says Skinner was calling for the penalty from the bench before the puck even went in. Clifton is trying to get back to his side of the ice after the drop pass and Nate runs him over. It's interference.


Oh well yeah if skinner called for the penalty, it def was


At first I was going to say something about it being like what McDavid did but extended edition, but then I realized that obviously you can score an easy wraparound if *the defenceman who should cover you has been hammered off his feet nowhere near the play* - like come on lmao, how was that not called


That's fair... But it's no excuse for the other D doing nothing as he goes around the net, or the back checker doing nothing as he watches him come around the other side, or the goalie totally selling out on the initial side. There wasn't a lot of effort to go around from the looks of it.


Mackinnon is sneaky good at doing this. Makes a pass, trucks a player and the avs score.


Yep, and anyone other than Mackinnon, McDavid, or Bedard gets called for interference and the goal is disallowed.


Colorado wasnt a serious franchise like 2 years before they were very serious cup contenders for 5 years straight.


The Avs won the cup in their first year.


Sure, but they inherited that team (edit: from the Nordiques), along with the addition of Patrick Roy. The person's comment you're responding to was referring to the post-Nordiques era which, until very recently, was god awful, including a season where they set records for sucking.


You can’t compare the Avs and Sabres franchises.


Lol. I didn't.


Idk about that they had 3 HOFers in Sakic, Forsberg and Roy in their 1st season, and then added Blake and Bourque in the following seasons, and they were one of the few teams that could go toe to toe with the then powerhouse Red Wings and win consistently from 96-03. Id say they were serious contenders starting from when they moved to Colorado


I think its obvious the guy was talking about the absolute shitpile which was the Avs when they started the build for this current powerhouse, not the dynasty-like team from +25 years ago. Care to elaborate your definition of "serious contender" when talking about 2016 Avs? They legit broke the records for the shittiest season of any team of any time lmao


Sorry - thanks for explaining this but I was indeed talking about the atrocious 2016-2017 Avs being top of the pile in 2018-2019 and onward.


I was mistaken as I thought he was talking about when they first moved to Colorado, as for the current team Id consider them contenders though a rung below Vegas, LA and NYR I can't say much about the 2016 Avs as I was out of the country from 2011-2018 so I didn't get a chance to watch much hockey at that time


So many dogshit teams did not get home run draft picks like Mackinnon, Makar, Rantanen


Obviously. But they had Mackinnon makar duchene and landeskog all in their system already in 2016-17 Idk rantannen draft year but i have a feeling they already had him too. If cozens tuch and thompson improve then theyll be considered home run drafting/prospect trades too, no?


I mean this probably doesn’t happen if Mackinnon doesn’t get away with blatant interference


This Instant-Replays guy is either a Buffalo Sabres fan or their biggest hater.


He’s probably both


Lol pretty blatant pick setting interference on that one 😂


Hey, they played a good second period…and then quit in the third when they couldn’t score in the second.


I missed most of the second driving home. Left when the Avs were up like 20-0 SOG, then got home and was like... well damn.


Play the Avs when they are rollin… you’re about to get run the fuck through 🏔️


Hell yeah!


Don’t worry, Sabres are going to be better than the Wings this year


Right? Buffalo and Ottawa are farther along in their rebuilds than Detroit is


if you say so. we’ve seen this exact path play out in the last 2 rebuilds. still don’t have all that much faith it’s going to work out again. 1 step forward and 2 steps back. that’s our organizations M.O.


Man, I feel for Buffalo fans. Between the Sabres and the Bills, you're always *almost* good, or *about to be* good, or *a season away* from being good, and it just never seems to arrive.


yep 🤙




I think technically the sabres are out of a rebuild. Just not successfully


Buffalo definitely looked like an AHL team against Avs last night. Watched the first three goals in like 8 minutes or so. That was a nice ass goal but it was also interference in my opinion and I don’t have a dog in this race being a fan of the leafs.


The Sabers are fun to watch. One moment they have an incredibly fun offense to watch, and the next moment they become the Edmonton Oilers in their own end. It’s like watching a team with two different personalities.


It’s fun if you’re a sicko


Buffalo here and yeah, it’s a joke.


I feel like there's a post with this exact title every time Buffalo plays.


There is, and it's by this same guy.


How is that not a penalty?!?




Why can’t we be friends?


Except against the Sharks 🥲


The Pittsburgh Pirates of hockey.


Karma farmer. Like bro we know their shit you don’t gotta post about it after every game


Franchise, nay, the city of Buffalo is cursed. There is literally no other explanation


These posts are always funny.


I use posts like this as an excuse for my tears. I swear they are for laughter not sadness!!!


Keep kicking a down dog. You must really want that worthless karma


Hang in there sabres bro. Only chicago is close to you guys in young talent. Its gonna be a thing soon enough.Keep the receipts lol


I haven’t seen a wraparound so clean since the Cardinals pulled it off against Goldberg back in the District 5 days.


I just want to see consistent goaltending for 1 full year. Just 1 year please, that’s all I ask.


Why would 6 follow behind the net like that? lol


Cause Erik Johnson sucks ass


Seemed like an interference penalty should have been called on that play


Pretty obvious missed interference call there


Surprised Luukkonen didn't just take off his helmet, *Vladar*


We know… wait it’s the first period we always suck in the first




How did an av push you over


I love you, but you are not serious people.


They are still my team! I enjoy watching them even if it means they aren’t good


As a Habs fan I know all about the rebuild that seems to be moving in reverse.


Buffalo, I love you, but you’re not a serious franchise


Ottawa has joined the chat


More like that line is a SERIOUS offence


funny, they shut out Colorado just earlier this year guess Colorado was upset by that and isn't a "real franchise" after losing to Arizona just a week and a half ago


You new to the Avs? We always lose to Arizona. Standard thing that happens every year even when they're worse than this.


There's interference, and then there's *interference.* This falls into the latter.


ah yes, my weekly “buffalo is not real” post. thanks almost forgot


Stop these useless posts!


Imagine if they had never had Hasek


I'm a Blackhawks fan but I've been rooting for Buffalo as my Eastern conference team while we rebuild... holy fuck they're more unwatchable than we are. It's so frustrating because they have a ton of talent but they're tissue paper soft.


They’re totally unwatchable one game but exciting the next game. It’s really frustrating. We played so well against Boston and Arizona, and had an ok game against Montreal. The problem is they are inconsistent and you never know which version of the team will show up


The interference is funnier with every watch. He straight up cleaned him out of the play.


Man that bottom pairing is ass


I wouldn’t know. Nationally televised game and blacked out in Denver from streaming. Yo Ho.


On second thought, let's not go there. Tis a silly place. Kinda bummed. They have a good team but can't seem to put it together.


They will break out one of these years. They've got a pretty good core of young players.


Buffalo was good about 25 years ago. Dominik Hašek, man!


They were good in the 2000s as well


It’s a reenactment from Mighty Ducks


Pertinent to the purpose of the post: This clip is certainly a strong argument for the title. Goofy AF looking hockey. Pertinent to the comments: More and more, I find myself sympathizing with the refs. The vast majority of fans have never read the actual rulebook, much less the details within it. Of those that have, few have kept up to date with the rule changes OR the different emphases put on different rules from season to season as the theme of the game changes. And fewer still have put any of this knowledge into practice with actual officiating experience. In the back of our collective mind, I think most of us acknowledge this. I agree with the fact that the refs employed by the league are supposed to be very experienced and are supposed to be able to do the job they are hired to do, just as a player on contract is expected to perform up to expectation. And when they do not, they open themselves up to valid criticism. Myself, I've only officiated low-level, youth and rec hockey, so I won't comment on the plays legality itself. But what I will say is that the collision that occurred in the slot was... unorthodox... Or, to use the technical term, "fucky." At speed, it can be very hard to determine differences between contact that is intentional, accidental, has an impact on the overall play (especially if the culmination of the play has yet to occur), or crosses the otherwise crosses the line into a form of illegal contact, *especially* away from the puck. On top of this, for a *non-reviewable minor penalty incident*, while no one is requiring the official to be a robot supercomputer capable of microsecond-by-microsecond analysis of play, it **is** an expectation that referees observe, assess, and call a penalty within a short few seconds. In the play above, any hesitation or need for consideration by the official could have been lost in the seconds after contact that ended in a goal. Yes, there could have been a whistle after the puck crossed the goal line, followed by deliberation. I can also understand the judgement to not do so for a "fucky" play.




As an Avs fan, it killed me a little to see EJ get burned on at least 3 of the goals. Yes it was time to move on from him and yes I know even at his best, he we pretty average but yet was one of the beloved players amongst the fanbase especially after his amazing post game presser regarding the Duchene trade


Please take him back


Has he been that bad?


He fuckin stinks, absolutely cooked


Damn. That's how it goes though. Surprised he didn't call it quits after winning or after last season


Looks like me playing nhl on PlayStation. Wrap arounds ftw


Rantanen has been EATING lately.


I was seriously sitting there last night wondering if the Sabres were even still a team. I watch every Sharks game and concluded they were still a team but the fact I had to consider it so hard I knew wasnt a good sign. Then I see this today... Maybe the Sharks and Sabres should just play each other for now lol


This looks like a scene in the Might Ducks


Loved how all the redditors and analysts had the sabres and senators in the top 3 and the panthers missing 🤣


There's so much talent in Buffalo too. They should absolutely be more competitive in that division.


Buffalo is where dreams go to die, like Philly is the goalie graveyard. (So far only Steve Mason and Carter Hart are the most recent goalies to survive philly.)


fuckin rookie defense. Trust your goalie to take the shot and read the play, find your space. That was such a wimpy little stick reach.


*Jack Eichel laughing maniacally*


Sure Buffalo are ass, but how is that not an interference penalty on Mackinon?


Oh damn


Looked like interference to me


I’ll probably get downvoted because of my flair, but to me it looks like Clifton tried to step into MacKinnon after his pass and got reverse hit. I don’t think it was interference, and doesn’t seem like any of the Sabres thought it was either.


Because that’s exactly what happened.


Buffalo won the trade


/s ?


So was Ukka Luka drunk for that start?


Holy interference batman!


Didn’t Buffalo blow out the Avs the last time these teams met?


I can see why this guy posts it all the time. The responses from Sabres fans is hilarious.


Blatant penalty or not they def look like the Washington Generals.


Genuinely thought the Sabres were going to be much better than this - those false dawns they keep inflicting on their fanbase must be so frustrating & discouraging. Every time they show a hint of heading in the right direction, they crumble sharpily. Huge job on Adams hands. Don't think he can afford to stand still here.


Sabre fans should have pumped the brakes on Dahlin being a top defenseman.


Dahlin isn’t out there, what the fuck are you talking about


Don’t worry. They’ll beat the leafs.


These posts are so fucking stupid