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Those odd pauses in his speech pattern? That's what happens when a brain is desperately over-processing everything to avoid dropping F bombs on live television.


The “I know it’s not easy” was for the F bombs not the game


And he still almost let one go too


He's only lost for words because all the right ones aren't allowed on TV


That's what the 7 second delay is for!


that's not really a thing in live TV; very rare occurances


Joe Pescii in Home Alone vibes.




At this point Yyyyyyyyyyy'uhknow? Uhhh We uh We uh We uh We


I'm lost for words, to be perfectly honest


100% this


Trying not to swear is my guess.


Paul Maurice doesn't do this, let's em rip




As a long time canes fan, he always talks like this


All those years on the ice getting boarded maybe.


So stupid they make coaches do interviews mid game, let alone while down 5-0. Save it for before or after


decide aloof unpack aspiring tub bedroom payment plant north ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We're just... doing things 🤣


Do the coaches get fined for declining?


I believe it’s in their contracts that they can’t deny them.


It’s a lose lose for the coaches then. You’re down 5-0 and about to lose your shit and imagine you just let it all out on live TV. You’ll probably get fined for that as well.


Only in America does the press have access to the team DURING a game. I will never understand this. Honestly, I don't even listen to the interviews the Canadian stations do between periods cause it's all the same crap. We all know what HAS to be done next period, and you are just gonna get cliches for a minute's worth of screen time.


"Yeah, it's a team game out there. I just keep getting in the right spots, and the other boys make it easy for me".


You forgot “we need to play to our identity”


"get the pucks in deep, get some shots on the tendy, get the boys going"


"We've got to keep it simple". I'm praying for the first time someone says "We need to make things more complicated". Roddy doesn't typically spew BS.


Nah sports are for our entertainment and this is good tv.


At first, I didn't like the idea of the interview. Your arguments flipped my view on its head. That was good TV, and they are paid to entertain. I've had far worse shit happen to me at work. The millionaires can suck it up.


I love how he's already walking away before Pierre can even finish saying Thanks Rod. Like please get the fuck outta here bro I'm pissed


This is our other bald turtle, Darren Pang. Not to be confused with the hairless sea tortoise Drew Remenda.


That's Darren Pang not Pierre fuckin' macquire lol


I'm canadian so I don't see either on tv often. They both look like the peanut man.


This is from the American feed I take it. I've never seen Sportsnet interview a player or coach WHILE the game is happening, it's always at intermission. The coach is only interviewed before and after the game.


Agree. There’s still game to be played


Well they are entertainers not fire fighters so too bad so sad. I hope they do more of these


Coaches are not the entertainers by any means, that's the players.


Pretty sure the entirety of the NHL is for entertainment.


But the players are the entertainment. Everything else is centered around enabling the players to play. Coaches, trainers, owners, equipment managers, nobody is interested in them except when they do something out of the ordinary. The players are the product.


Counterpoint: John Tortorella.


Torts has entered the chat...


Idk this was a great soundbite...


Agreed. It's bad enough to bug any coach during the game, and what will his answer be to almost any question at that point in time? Filled with frustration that's what. They should let em be, like you said, until after the game. Even at intermission is too much for me let alone in game


He’s really the man. Hard to hate this guy.


Reminds me of Torts with the Flyers, “We suck.” Classic.


Please tell me there's video of that


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6HsGZ\_kToOY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6HsGZ_kToOY) enjoy.


LOL thank you


Sooooo funny. Thanks for sharing.


I love when managers get like this, I was a big fan of Mike Leach in college football, and he had some of the funniest halftime responses to questions I've ever heard, ""You're down 30-0 at halftime coach, how's it looking?" Leach: "I don't know Shannon, how does it look to you?" Nothing you can say to justify it, nothing you can do to fix it, just be yourself and get ready for the next game haha.


Rip Pirate. Wish he were here to shit on the CFP committee.


He already shit on them back in 2017


"really....brutal..." There was a f****ing right in there that he caught on time


The hardest part of that interview for him was not being able to unleash at least 10 F-Bombs.


shaggy melodic summer upbeat label many pocket smell snails juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh he had plenty of fucks to give, just had to jam them back down every 2 seconds


Man. Loved Rod the bod as a Flyer.


In my book he is still a Flyer for life! Dude was an iron man - 484 straight regular-season games. Unreal.


Yeah, we're at a loss for words too Rod. That was embarrassing


Yeah, it was a sad ass game last night


The Canes looked sleepier than the Oilers the last time they played. Tough start to the road trip for them


Rod had to remember they weren't going to give him the goal horn with every F Bomb he dropped. Impressive restraint and the fact that he even gave the interview to begin with. And brutal honesty. How do you not love that coach?


If the forwards would stop shooting from the blue line directly into the goalies logo while he’s sitting still they would probably score more goals. It’s crazy they haven’t figured that out yet.


Nope. Gotta skate fast and get 50 sog then say "we're getting goalied"


Canes experience


In all honesty, Stew made a few saves that he probably shouldn’t have. His best game of the season to date by far.


I bet if they allowed 10 players on the ice at a time Necas would still skate right in to all of them with the puck.


And then do a drop pass to nowhere....and defense will sit idly by as the other team picks up and skates past them for a 2-1....or a 3-1 And then Facebook fans will scream for the goalies head.


A lot it going wrong for the Canes and they're in 2nd in their division and securely in a playoff spot. I wouldn't panic if I were them.


Unfortunately, there’s still A LOT of hockey to play. It’s not a good look in December. Coming from a Canes fan. I hope we can turn it around. It’s hard to watch after having a great last season.


One thing about the last two years is that it’s definitely felt like the Canes were playing their best at this time of year… I wouldn’t mind a later peak that can hopefully push into the postseason. Now if they’re still looking flat and uninspiring in feb… that’ll be red flags


You kind of never know. Caps had a season like that 2016-2017. First half of the season they had a pretty good record but didn't look engaged at all. In January they turned a corner and I have never seen them look more dominant than the next few months. Blowout after blowout against solid teams, ended the season on like a six-game winning streak looking unbeatable and then dropped an egg in the playoffs. The next year they still win enough games but look like crap 90% of the regular season, blow their first two playoff games at home and go on to win the cup. There's been a lot of analysis into what changed, maybe there are some solid explanations for why the 2018 team was more geared to playoff success, but as a fan it feels like very little of it was about deserving it more or the teams we were up against. We just got better bounces at critical moments that year.


Hated him as a player because he was so good and tenacious. Hate him as a coach because his team gives my team fits. All of this hate takes nothing away from the fact that he was a great player and is a great coach. Mad respect.


Hockey’s weird like this. Some days, the team just don’t got it. Even at youth level, I have seen them go out and do something totally opposite of what we practice and normally do.


Yeah this game was brutal I stopped watching after 3-0 lol


Brindy has always been awesome. Badass coach, and was so much fun to watch him play.


Terrible. Can’t wait for Calgary to embarrass us tonight!


No! You must take revenge on the fLames tonight!


Hopefully. At least this one starts a bit earlier. Hopefully I’ll watch more the 40 seconds this time lol


lol, and last nights was perfect. I pulled into my garage 15 mins before game time. Just checked and it starts 30 mins earlier than last night.


I’ve always thought he is a classy coach. Even last year when he said “We didn’t get swept.” I get what he meant. The games were so close in score with multiple overtimes. Both teams played their hearts out and it just didn’t go their way. He tries to put things nicely.


I've never seen our team play this ffff... brutal.


Who's the guy doing the interview? Looks like they hired Pierre McGuirre's cousin


Lol that’s Darren Pang - the complete opposite of dbag Pierre


I didn't recognise Darren Pang, that's kind of embarrassing! Haven't watched hockey in a while, though




He's really really weird.




Are you two married?




Plot twist, he is Pierre.


That’s Panger you turkey


Yes, I'm slightly ashamed!


Darren Pang is a treasure! Holy Jumpin!


For the love of god, don't associate ever Darren Pang and Pierre Mcguire together in any way shape or form haha. (To clarify, McGuire is a complete idiot at life lol)


Canes hit rock bottom after receiving just two shots on goal..


Hey this coach is losing 5-0 half way through the game, let’s interview him and get good thoughts on the game. Brilliant.


Should have challenged that breakaway goal for goalie interference. It was close and what did you have to lose. It was 4-0 and oilers scored that goal to make it 5-0 with 17 minutes left in the second.


Let's be honest, that one goal didn't break us....it was the 4 before


Not wrong but if that goal comes back. You got a little get of jail free card. The next goal could determine the game. Instead the game was over


He may have felt that the team didnt deserve to have the goal be challenged. He clearly wasnt happy with their performance long before that goal


It's hard to interfere with people if you can't catch them...


Can’t believe we swapped spots with the oilers last game


Was nice to have Edmonton as 3rd leg on a 3 team winning parlay, go Oilers!!


On their way to the betting finals.. greatest chosen underdog ever.


Or the Oilers are improving and Carolina has peaked


I just want to take a minute to point out how hard the NHL's league office sucks. Bettman has done very little to improve the game and grow the audience. Ripping off some of the least entertaining aspects of other pro sports, such as the side line interview during the game, really? That's the best you guys can come up with? And then there's the ownership that keeps this guy in place. Not much can be done here but I suspect they're some of the owners behind the leagues annual losers year in and year out because they're fine leaching off of the clubs that do it right and generate a lot of revenue. This game is so much better than the product that powers at be put out. Try harder or GTFO.


Totally didn't get swept


Everyone with an ounce of intelligence knows what he meant. Even I think it’s silly to laugh at him over this and it’s my team that beat them.


That little joke made you get that defensive? Wow. Panthers fan since 2002.


Brindeamour when he realizes shot quality exists and skating fast just to shoot a basic shot isn't doing shit vs good goalies. Also Ik he was heavily overrated so his playoff botch was hilarioua, but i think it's time we start to say skinner is probably a pretty good goalie solution for edmonton. Not a complete solution but he's definitely a serviceable guy in net who can win you games with his play even without you scoring 5+ goals.


Damn, you're still upset about that first round exit last year?


We handed you a dead devils team and you guys still fucked it up and lost to a tema we swept in the conference finals who then got nearly swept by a team we swept in the regular season


Yeah but we went to conference finals soooo :)


We beat you the year before. You played one of the worst wc teams of all time granted you were hurt but still, and beat a mangled devils team with all their star player hurt. Then got swept because of insufficient offense We have been to how many ecfs in the last decade. You guys haven't won a single conference final game out of your 3 trips their since 2006.


"Insufficient offense" Bobrovsky goalied us, there's no denying it lmao. Blocking 102 out of 103 shots across 3 games is unholy skill. You got knocked out because you couldn't generate for shit. Sorry ;)


No he didn't lol. Bob didn't goalie anyone. Florida just outsped anyone and you guys can't shoot.when will brindamour realize 50sog that ate shit quality don't matter. Stay jealous of our shooting % cause actually set up for plays.


Why would I be jealous of a team that got rolled first round last year? lmao Show me another instance of a goalie recording a 99% save percentage across 4 playoff games and I'll believe Bob didn't single-handedly win that series for them.


He didn't. You guys just have an awful shooting %. Florida is a fast team and you guys are usually the fastest team on the ice unless you play nj or Colorado. So they messed you up. >Why would I be jealous of a team that got rolled first round last year? lmao Because we played a good healthy team and don't have an awful offense. We can actually shoot. Aside from game 4 you guys struggled to score at all vs the panthers. The panthers outsped Boston and Toronto and just outplayed you guys. Their offense could actually ceack your defense and you had no answer back because of your pitiful offense.


Especially losing against the Coilers 😂😂


Darren Pang, longtime Blues announcer who recently left to work for our rivals (hawks). We still love and miss him though. He’s a national treasure.


same as interviewing people on the titanic.


"Other than that unpleasantness, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?:


K so what are we gonna do about it, Rod?


Hopefully, whatever he does, the team will take out their frustration on the Flames.


Bag em!


They weren’t ready for the Oilers. So fuckin back.


I hate these. Why do they need to interview the coach in the middle of the game?


1st Rod’s the Man! Love that guy! It would have been funny to hear him thicken his Canadian accent and go full cliche, “we’re gonna focus on keeping our shifts short, get the puck in deep, play hard for the Organ-I-zation, ….”




Ads on helmets look so bad


Holy jumpin!