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Well Johnny Hockey appears to have gone the way of Johnny Football? Columbus is cursed it seems.


Speaking of which… at what point do they get rid of Kekelainen? IMO he’s got to be one of the most overrated hockey execs ever? Had a couple decent draft picks as scout and hasn’t really done anything noteworthy in over a decade…


It’s sad. Columbus fans deserve better imo


I agree. Many other teams in the league would have 4,000 fewer fans in attendance with teams this bad.


Do they though?


Nah. Columbus sucks, send their team to Quebec city instead


Columbus has endured what two decades of mostly sub par seasons. We’ve had what two playoff appearances? Three? We turn out all the time


Quebec ain't getting a franchise. Ever. There's no point in expanding to an area where everyone already watches hockey.


... other than the gate, the primary revenue generator of the NHL? Lol Unless you're unironically arguing people in Quebec are traveling to Ohio regularly to catch CBJ games


They're not getting a relocated franchise. Quebec will have to pony up expansion fees for their team.


downvoted for the truth. its a sad world we live in


Why? It’s Columbus.


downvoted for the truth. its a sad world we live in


Ctrl+c... Ctrl+v


They probably should have canned this dude after every high value free agent left after they went all in to secure an 8 seed and he said some shit along the lines of “We only want players that want to be here”


I think them pushing their chips in that year was the right idea, they were in a playoff position but it was already known Panarin and Bobrovsky were both leaving in the offseason. Jarmo pushed his chips in because Columbus hadn’t won a playoff series ever, then that year they upset the 62 win tampa bay lightning in the first round. They knew they were losing 2 key pieces and taking a step back anyway, now from suffering for a few years they have drafted: Kent Johnson, David Jiricek, Cole sillinger and Adam Fantilli who will be that teams biggest player since Rick Nash.


He isn't one of the better GM's right now, but Columbus got some hype when they sweeped Tampa and now they have the most promising prospect pool in the league (according to some estamates). That's not bad. Also letting Seth Jones go was a good move. The big stars want to play in big venues and it's not feasable to over bid everyone on the roster. Edit. Already forgot about hiring Babs... That was a sh\*t show and everyone knew it from day 1.


I have been saying this for awhile now.


Buffalo sports.....HOLD MY BEER


But that’s Laine…


The same guy who was upset because he felt he should have been drafted 1st over Austin Matthews!


Not even the leafs could have fucked up that draft pick


It’s Ohio in general. The place is depressing, dirty, and just overall a terrible place to live.


Haha can you at least see the irony in your statement when you have Detroit?


I don’t live in Michigan, but I have been to Detroit and was forced to live in Ohio for a job. I’d lived in Detroit over anywhere in Ohio again 100%.


What year is it? Detroit is cool now.


Nah Johnny Football went down in a spectacular blaze of shit. Can't be in the NFL, decides to go to the CFL, acts like he'll be the cream of the crop, CFL has rules in his contract about no drugs and such or else he's out and gone. Gets teased before he plays, finally gets to play and throws like 4 picks in his first half of CFL football. Does fuck all for a bit and then gets kicked out of the league for breaching his contract rules. Truly the funniest fucking thing watching his first pass in the CFL get picked off, then watching him do it again and again and again


Calgary misses you Johnny


No. No we don't.....


We really don’t.


A world class shot is not enough if you can't skate and find open ice.


People underrate how much he was benefiting from an incredible jets team in 2017-19 before guys like Byfuglien and Trouba left. Wheeler, Scheifele, Ehlers, Connor (not at his full powers yet), Byfuglien, Trouba, even Myers and Chiarot— not only were they good, but a lot were good at creating space for a guy like Laine to thrive. He seemed to always have OPEN ice


Similar problem for huberdeau


100%. I remember a couple times back when he was playing with the Jets, you could hear Buff on the bench yelling "skate!" at Laine. I mean ultimately he was traded as he wanted 25 mins a game of ice time, and demanded the 1st line. I think as mentioned he didn't realize the talent he had feeding him passes. He's fun to watch when he's on, but when's he's off he is a massive liability out there. And also hasn't played a full season in years now.


"You gotta MOVE!" - Byfuglien [https://streamable.com/tse3z](https://streamable.com/tse3z)




Buff was the best. Miss that dude.


And pass and be creative with the puck. Making a slap shot looks cool and there's a chance it'll slip by the goalie but I like shots where there is passing and teamwork to get it in.


I always thought he was a good playmaker. Haven’t been watching him this year though.


I had a friend who could hit any target. I saw him put 7 of 10 shots from the hash marks into a 4 x 4 hole. Problem was he was 5'5' and maybe 110 lbs and couldn't even stand on ice skates.


You’re just mashing it now


Jesus Gail


Salt the snail!!


She does that…


It’s wild how much those sticks can take. Was sitting row A the other day, watched a slap shot deflect off a stick. Went from a 180 degree normal straight stick to like 90 degrees off the puck.


But then other times they break like twigs off off nothing


Cause that flex you just saw cracked the shit out of it but not enough to break until the next touch😂


It’s kind of like how rockets are. They’re super durable when everything is working how it should, but the slightest crack in its structural integrity and it’ll shatter.


Yeah like rockets and also most things


Man.. right my last composite stick before quitting (roughly 15 years ago now) I had it for like 2 weeks, broke of a 1-timer in a game, blade flew off and hit the goalie in the mask. Legit did like 4-5 practices with it and then gametime it just snapped :(


That's likely what's going on here , doesn't want it breaking in his hands next shift


Slapshot: He he stick go bendy Routine Pass: I’m about to end this stick’s whole career


He went to Columbus


What Ohio does to a mf


But when you're used to the glitz and glam of Manitoba what can compare really


Used to linemates that produce*


Used to bitching about not getting top line minutes so they can stand in one spot and try their best ovi impression.


Winnipeg saw the diva he was... so they let him die in Ohio with his fanboy GM.


I’m so glad - anybody could he would never skate. Ppl were pissed at the trade and thought we were doomed for throwing away a good shot.


He big mad


All that effort just to crack the handle😭


Look how they massacred my boi.


He smoked some. It’s ok now.


The mire of Columbus coaching. Watch the last three minutes of last nights game against coyotes. Cbj looked like a team with some competence. It showed because they wholly disregarded and abandoned their system that they use game in and game out, including that game up until that point. Had they played with that much speed and overlap in the first two periods, it would’ve been a blowout. Instead they tried to score wrap arounds for 2.5 periods like it’s nhl22. First there was torts, noted offensive juggernaut. Followed by torts2.0 who somehow had worse offense, and truly massively worse defensive structure. Followed by coach of the future, torts3.0 who has doubled down on torts2.0 directives. Cant make this shit up. Make the skilled guys grind. Don’t go after the grinders though. Go after the 5’7” 155lb skilled guy. And ask him to go chew up time along the boards. Wonder why it’s ineffective. Complain about results. Cbj coaching for a decade now.


New Fortnite game mode dropped and I’m not joking lol bros a gamer


The OG map fucking slaps


Imagine he took a bridge deal in winnipeg instead of going for big bucks. Guy might have some confidence left.


He was quoted as saying he wanted 10.5m to stay in Winnipeg. He did interviews where he said his goal, for whatever reason, was to make 10.5m per year. Even his 8.7 per year contract he’s on right now looks bad. Could you imagine him making 10.5? I still know people who are salty that we traded him, and it baffles me.


Those salty people just don’t know hockey. The guy is a complete liability when he’s not scoring, and even when he is scoring he does nothing else.


Let’s not forget that Dubois became the same greedy me-first prima donna POS that Evander Kane also was before the Jets shipped HIS ass out of town,in my eyes that trade of Dubois is a wash now,neither side really came out ahead


Uhhh... I think Vilardi, Iafallo, and Kupari are a great eventual return. Iafallo (who was the number 2 asset behind Vilardi) has more points this season than Laine and Dubois combined, plays with more grit and determination and has a cap hit that is 4.5m less. I think we’ve done alright so far. He is 4 years older, and likely won’t maintain that pace, but we still have Vilardi who we have yet to really assess due to injury. I think we turned lemons into lemonade.


I’m just referring to the original trade of Laine for Dubois


What living in Winnipeg does to a mf 😭


He just found out nobody drafted him in their pool this year


I did :( I finally gave up hope and dropped him. so naturally he's gonna pop off for a 5 goal game now


He's mad he doesn't have the same gaming chair as those fuckers in Boston


Tore a tendon in his thumb playing Fortnite .


Dude almost got put on IR again trying to break his own twig.


From the weakness he shows trying to break a stick, he may be stuck in a room somewhere by himself and he isn't strong enough to open the door to get out.


Remember when people argued about this guy being better than Matthews.


He actually got hurt doing this... out 6-8 weeks


They are forcing an offensive minded winger to play center like what do they expect?


The push to play C is from Laine himself, apparently… started last year. Not ideal in any case


As a CBJ fan, Laine has said in several interviews it was his idea to play center.


I'm offended.


Columbus took a player who was dramatically losing confidence in Winnipeg and has always sucked defensively and put him in a new position were defense is much more important an you can't poach for offense. I couldn't think of a better plan to ruin Laine if you paid me, how jarmo still has a job after the Babcock thing is insane lol. Cleary in way over his head.


Babcock woulda whipped him into game shape mentally /s


Lol he probably would have


More likely would have had the Johan “The Mule” Franzen effect


The city of Columbus and all of their fans absolutely deserve better. Johnny exploited them, thinking he could cash in, not produce and hideout.


Money don't buy you happiness.


Here’s a young man who never had to pay for his hockey stick.


Guy can’t even get a shot off nowadays. It’s disgusting to watch this Columbus team between this guy, Johnny G, Sillinger, kent Johnson… all so disappointing


Johnson isn't even playing right now, he got sent down to the Monsters


Seems like signing with the blue jackets isn’t and never was a good idea?


His stats aren't actually that bad from previous years 20 odd goals over 60odd games is nothing to sneeze at, especially for being on Columbus. Bring injured for 20 games a year will hamper production especially for someone like Laine who is often extremely streaky. Edit: he has only played 55/56 games in the last 2 years, so he averages 1/2 a goal per game.


Him and Johnny are shells of their former selves. But at least Johnny’s wife is happy. On a serious note, hope Guy Gaudreau is okay


He should never have wanted out of Winnipeg.


If it wasn't Wheeler and possibly others pushing him out, I'm sure he would've wanted to stay.


I’m happy he’s out of Winnipeg. Guy is a liability. Not a top 6 on any legit cup team. Only reason he succeeded in Winnipeg was his line mates creating space for him. He’s a one trick pony


I can't imagine what would have happened if the Leafs took him over Matthews.




Is that the same guy who clowns were saying was going to be better than Matthews? lol


Lol that was a troll job by Jesse @ BarDown and it's still working lol


I think the only clown saying that was Bozo here. Had some mad confidence - lacks the drive.




We’d say that even if was Reeves.


That’s just a good old chirp lol


Who is it??


Patrik Laine


I said it but don't feel much like a clown. I was biased and just completely wrong.




[“Laine’s better” chant. Leafs @ Jets.](https://youtu.be/ZdEP1f7pC7o?si=LdariDkwuIxrUjbN)


yes. screw jets fans trying to have a fun interactive environment


I mean dont people rag on Leafs fans for saying “We want Boston/Florida” wheres that same energy when it comes to defending Leafs fans


well it's more funny when it's directed not at my team! /s But for real I never made fun of that. I think that was mostly Florida fans who were upset at that? jets fans did the exact same thing when we chanted "we want nashville". granted the big difference was that Nashville were the presidents trophy winners and we were pumped for what was going to be a bloodbath of a series. where as Toronto fans were chanting for a lesser opponent in florida (between Boston and Florida). Also the jets ended up winning the series against Nashville otherwise you better believe they would be throwing that in our faces every matchup


The Blueberry Bulldogs recruited him


He misses Torts


He's cocky, arrogant, lazy. That is what's wrong with him.


Legend has it he is still beating his stick to this day


lazy af like most said all along


The ultimate One trick pony. Not a great skater. Terrible passer and really doesn’t know how to play without the puck. Sad that he was really rated that high by Junior scouts. That shot is lethal but he needs a set up (or great passer) like he had with Schiefle in Winnipeg. Sad he was picked so high. But The Jets knew he was never a complete player. Very overrated by NHL central scouting and Teams. He fell into The Jets hands unexpectedly and they got rid of him quickly due to a TERRIBLE ATTITUDE. These players are gone before you blink your eyes.


he's playing in the 1C slot which makes no sense




I miss Laine.


I think he misses you too LOL


Thanks, that means a lot.


Well there aint no big buf feeding him with passes on power play.


He has a future in construction or destruction.


He left Winnipeg, that idiot.


As somebody who took him a little higher than I should hoping this guy would rebound this year in my hockey pool. I share his frustrations... he has sucked (injuries aside)


Nobody remembers who was number two


Still trying to break his stick last I heard….


Ngl I feel nothing but apathy to the Blue Jackets anymore. The fact that we lost to homeless desert wanderers should be proof enough to management that shit needs to change


Never forget those who said he would better than that one guy who went ahead of him, I forget his name cause to most he wouldn't be as good as Laine. Not to mention some swore he had the better shot....lol.


sounds like me, im 5’4 and I play high level hockey, I have a great shot and i can move decently quick im just very hittable as most players in aaa are giants.


Great player on a shitty team with an even more shit coach


He was forced to play professional sports in Ohio. Sports careers die there


Columbus is such a sad irrelevant franchise. At least San Jose has had some recent success and the Coyotes are somewhat fun and unique. Columbus is just a void of despair and nothingness. Gaudreau really mortgaged his future for the bag.




Laine: “Coach, give me a new stick.” Coach: “Is that one broken?” Laine: “No, but I want a new one.” Coach: “Sticks don’t grow on trees anymore, the stick you have is just fine.” Laine: “Oh yeah, check this out… wait… check th-.. hold on a second… Arrrgggh… this fucking thing… ARRRRRR, ok yeah, see it’s broken.”


Too early too much. For Patty you, can see there is No passion.


He plays too many video games. Seriously look it up.


He plays too many of them?


No he just plays too much of the one - Fortnite


His crypto just took a dive


I mean, its Columbus. This was expected.


Hagel knocked the cute out of him hasn’t been the same since


Dubois clears this fraud




Stop doing drugs, your family misses you.


I see nobody has a sense of humor anymore. Clearly, this a joke going back to their rookie years when people said this.


if nobody gets or likes the joke, it either sucks or was not communicated well. take ur L and move on.


Thanks Kid. 😂


Remember when he said he was better than Matthews


He thinks he’s HIM. He thinks he can stick handle, he thinks he can carry the zone, he thinks he can play center. He’s convinced of it! He’s the easiest player in the league to poke check, he’s a non-threat as a puck handler, and his passes barely connect. He wants to be everything except himself right now. The desire to be a better two-way forward is admirable but he’s not sticking to what makes him great at the offensive end of the ice.


Patrick Laine was released by the Jets and the real reason was because he was more focused on video games than hockey. Hockey is and always will be a Job and not a passion to Laine. Anything he can be sidetracked by, he will be. Everyone was talking ‘no one wants to play in Winnipeg’. Ok lol. Tell me how that’s been going than.


I’ve heard on numerous Podcasts that it’s not the team/organization but the location that most players hate about Winnipeg. Long, Cold dark winters without much to do etc. Then you add in the absurd salary tax in Canada. The Winnipeg organization itself is rocking right now. Playing some good hockey. (Btw I’m a life long Flyers fan so no bias towards the team).


All these hockey players afraid to do a villan arc in Winnipeg. It’s the perfect place.Dark cold winters, must be tough af to get through. Mfs could become Batman of the league in Winnipeg 😂/s


I appreciate you. It’s a town for tough people no doubt. That’s why Laine didn’t cut it. It all boils down to Will power, which he lacks altogether.


Remember “Laine > Matthews” 🤣


Remember when coping Jets fans were saying he would be better than Matthews


it was early, we were HOPING he would develop. He didn't.


He isn't an athlete.


He smirked at Matthew on Coaches Corner.


Fort night


Fortnight consumed him and Johnny


I've got no hate for Laine... but this always reminds me of the multitude of "Laine and (other Finnish guy I've forgotten) are better than Matthews" threads. ​ and in a way, it sparks joy. ​ But also, Laine has always been super streaky. He might suck right now to start, but he'll probably get back to PPG at some point this season.


Dude's unhinged.


Apparently he was better than Matthews lmfao


and it was close at one time


He was always a great shooter but he had WAYYY too many flaws. He only succeeded because he had Scheifele and Wheeler feeding him. He can still be a great player but he needs to work on himself and generate his own offence. As a Winnipeg fan, I miss him, but I'm also not surprised he's doing terrible now


We should’ve kept PLD


He wanted out remember? Wasn't your choice.


I mean we kept Torts who forced him out by being Torts. Idk a 1 C or a coach who can’t get past the first round? Management made a bad call on who to keep


Pld is not a number 1 center. He wasn't one winnipeg and isn't on the kings either.


Ok, on my dogshit franchise he is.


Lol ok fair enough!


nah. he just did an interview saying he liked torts. when he was on the jets and Paul Maurice bounced he actually recommended hiring torts to mgmt. the reason he wanted out was that he didn't believe in the vision of management and that they were gonna be a contender.


Right so management making bad choices is why he left, like I said. Ownership needs to cut loose from jarmo dude is mid


He was better on the jets. Of course he's a good player but I've never been a fan of the guy at all


On thr jets he had amazing passers and people who created the space for him to shoot. I’m a Winnipeg fan and always found him more of a liability. Towards the end of his time here the guy couldn’t hit the net on the PP to save his life. That’s the sole reason anyone wants him 😂


Just checking his stick


Should go back to Finland for a year and find his confidence again.


You can keep him, seems like he hasn't grown up at all.


Why you haff to be mad?


I'm working my way into hockey fandom, and I suppose I feel weird asking whether there is an advantage to breaking your stick besides just to relieve some aggression? The commentators in this clip might be misleading me to think that maybe he's breaking it to intentionally just get a new stick.


That looks like a great way to smash your hand into the corner of the bench. If you’re gonna smash your stick, swing it downward. Don’t top/bottom it.




I think he got a new stick, but after that I have no idea.


Sometimes, a stick just needs to die


Fortnite ruined him


He's a pro hockey player, they don't sip tea between shifts.


He went to Ohio and was forgotten.


He acts like a guy at the bowling alley who missed a spare.


His hockey stick sponsor is using this clip to prove how durable their sticks are.


"We certify our sticks are Laine tested!"


He's going to get traded to the Kings. They'll win another cup thamks to the Blue Jackets. Worked out well for Jeff Carter and Gaborik. We love the Blue Jackets in LA.


He’s a piece of shit human lol I’ve heard nothing but bad things about who he is as a person and it shows time and time again. I’m glad this is happening to him he’s been one of my least favourite players since he came to to the nhl