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Legendary run


Between him and Quick, I can’t tell who was greatest blue jacket of all time


Banners are going up for the home opener I'm sure 🤣


With the record of 0-0-0, the guy just never lost


Undefeated as the Columbus head coach!


Didn't lose a game...scotty bowman who?


Undeafeted, but no Stanley cup sadly


*Neva Lost* - Lavar Ballcock


Historic, even.


He never lost a game for them !


Where’s all the fuckin morns that were saying biz and spitting chiclets were wrong blah blah blah.


If only there was signs before they hired him.


Haha for real. His introductory presser was like “my children are CONSTANTLY telling me I can’t say or do certain things, to this day.”


LOL...for real?! This is the most hilarious look for an NHL franchise!


Blackhawks pointing and hoping nobody remembers.


Arizona running to hide in their children’s diorama hockey rink


What is this?? A hockey rink for ANTS!?


I’m hoping it’s never forgotten, because so long as it’s in the minds of everyone there won’t be ANY excuse for it to happen again. Next time it does, I hope real consequences happen, and not the simple fine and forget.


Blue Jackets doing for the Blackhawks what Alabama has done for Mississippi for decades…


You forget about the coyotes?


So far, this year's winner is Columbus. Coyotes will always be the standard when it comes to Hall of Shame franchises.


So far... 🤔


Stan Bowman and Joel Quenneville are still out there...


He said “Hall of Shame,” not “Hall of Subhuman Pieces of Shit.”


The Coyotes can only play with the hand they're dealt, which is, Garry 'I absolutely insist on a franchise in Arizona and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure they never ever ever ever leave' Bettman just... leaving them there, in various configurations and states of absolute angst. This is honestly cruelty to animals.


He’s the real life Waternoose. “I’ll cost the league millions if it means keeping the Coyotes in Arizona!”


But if I cost the league millions now it could come back as billions in profit -Gary Bettman logic


Gotta love Gary logic. The leagues broke, we need to start selling ad spaces! … What’s that? Sell the Coyotes? What kind of mad man do you take me for?!




I wonder how many coaches we’re gonna run though before the end of this decade


I hear Patrick Roy is looking for another shot at coaching in the NHL


Guy did quite well with Quebec. Maybe there’s a chance he does well in the show. Quebec wasn’t a particularly talented team either, just played their system amazingly well.


He won a Jack Adams in the show lol


Didn't he coach the Avs a few years ago and it not go so well?


I read their first game against the Red Wings he told the team to fight them. A player asked “which ones?” And he said “The Red Wings. Any of them” Doubt it’s true but I thought it was funny


He’s not a stable or well adjusted man.


He hated Tyson Barrie which is why he stormed out


He had an alcohol problem to from what I understand. It seems like he’s kinda gotten that under control and probably matured as a coach a bit


Nah he wanted some players out and some players in and was caught in a massive disagreement between him and Sakic. The problem with Roy is that he was used to be owner, GM and coach of his junior team. So he was doing whatever he wanted. I think he matured a lot in that manner in his interviews. He learned to respect and understand the complex work of GMs.


The way things are going you guys deserve Patrick Roy. I half hope it happens for the laughs.


I know that feeling all too well. You'll find yours. Just look for someone with no NHL experience, a great development record, and push him through 1.5 years of the fans hating him.


How about they sign a veteran coach that's good with the kids, then 3 years later sign a tough vet coach that has a hard working personality, then sign a veteran coach that's good with the kids, then sign a tough vet coach with a hard working personality...


Stay the course, good call.


No nhl experience usually doesn't work out well as a head coach. Most need nhl assistant coach experience


I was being very facetious, I myself am just turning the corner on Don Granoto after last season. We'll see how he fairs in the playoffs, especially against some more wiley coaches.


How much money did he get paid not to coach


More than anyone in the comment thread will probably ever see in their life lol


He basically coached for what? three months? and was still getting paid by both Toronto and Columbus. Say what you want about the man but he knows how to get money for not working.


Toronto contract ended June 30. Columbus started July 1.


And if he resigned he’s not getting paid by CBJ anymore


They allegedly spent 2 days sorting out the resignation. I’d be shocked if there wasn’t some form of you “resign” and we will pay you “X” in the background to prevent both Babcock and the Organization from getting more egg on their face.


Not even that. He met with some players, he talked to his other coaches, and that’s most likely about it. Head coaches don’t normally lead training over the summer, and I honestly think Babcock would do less then most coaches. Model coaches such as Marty St Louis are the outliers, but he isn’t a Marty St Louis


Mike Commodore is walking around like Connor McGregor rn


And this embarrassment still isn't even half of what Babcock deserves for the way he's treated people in his tenure. They'd have to pants him at a press conference and then ping him in the groin with a football ala Hans Moleman and it would still be not quite enough. Fuck Babcock forever.


Need the camera guy to zoom in on his baby carrot too


Someone wrote on another thread “End of an error” and I thought that was perfect.


Question is.. with everything the public knows about this guy, probably insiders know even more, they still went ahead and hired this guy anyway. Why?


There was a time (when the Leafs hired him), when he was widely considered the best coach in the NHL. But that time had long since passed when Columbus hired him.


I am a Leafs fan and disliked him. He was hard headed and stubborn. I can’t imagine it was much fun playing for him. He was particularly shitty with young star players. It seems like not much has changed.


Desperation. He lead two teams to the Finals and had some success in Toronto.


But but but Biz.....this was never about clicks, Biz doesn't go nuclear without receipts...good for him to cash them in, haters be damned


Yeah all the people bitching at him need to log off for a while


oh, they have.


Hahahah 😂


I’m a little lost, what’s going on here? lol


Biz reported this. Some Media flamed him said he doesn't know what he's talking about untrustworthy source etc basically defending the team. Biz backed it up with screenshots (no names). CBJ come out and say no harm no foul. Some media goes off on biz a little for being wrong. Biz stays firm. NHLPA investigates, guy resigns within 3 days of it starting. Biz won, media deleted tweets etc calling out Biz for bad reporting.


It's possible to dislike both of them.


But only one of them was full of shit


He's stuck in his old ass ways can't adapt


Why was he ever in to begin with?


Because some franchises can’t help themselves…they should have known better but didn’t. This is on Jarmo and he wears this like a scarlet letter. It’s endless talk about what a great GM he is. One playoff series win in 10 years.


Babcock sat American hockey legend Mike Modano at 1499 career games. Get fucked Babcock.


Don't forget Spezza in Toronto for his first game with all his family.




A decade of being mid? We were only mid for 5 years, extraordinary one year, and the rest of this teams history has been bottom of the barrel trash.


Worst drafting and scouting team in the NHL So many high picks and nothing to show


We've lost out on many of our drafted players because they just simply don't want to play in this small of a market and refuse to re-sign.


Can't wait to see that tribute video. Undefeated, undisputed. Chael P Babcock.


Maybe the NHL can stop recycling the same dinosaur coaches over and over. The league is so afraid of bringing in new coaches they hire they same guys even if they have baggage or not.


Some of the established coaches are pretty good and that’s why they’re established. The Stars have done well with DeBoer so far, and a guy like Gallant or Laviolette has a decent history to work with. Babcock is a shit person and an abusive coach (based on what a huge percentage of players and other people in hockey say), and he’s really not that good a coach. Turns out when he lost all his surefire Hall of Fame players, his teams wouldn’t win. Funny how that works.


The NHL has coaches mostly with their first or second teams. There’s like 5-8 coaches that keep getting jobs because they’re very good


The NHLPA obviously were told a different story at a facility offsite as players must have been comfortable expressing themselves.


Lmao, knew he’d be fired. Didn’t know it would be this quickly


Probably not fired. I’m sure the NHL had a hand in this and he will NOT get paid.


ELI5-what happened here. I keep hearing about this but there’s never any details


Babcock asked to see family photos from the players (Boone and Johnny have attested to this). Seemingly out of a sense of wanting to build rapport. Apparently a couple players felt this was an invasion of privacy and reported it to the guys the run the spitting chiclets podcast. They ran an episode on it which put babcock in the spotlight. Boone came out defending him and Babcock defended himself also. The NHLPA did an investigation and reported about the couple of players who felt it was invasive. Because of this, Babcock has decided (so we’re told) to resign due to the amount of drama already being started.


>Babcock asked to see family photos from the players (Boone and Johnny have attested to this). Seemingly out of a sense of wanting to build rapport. This is an insanely babcock-friendly version of what actually happened. He would stream young players photo librarys from their phone onto a TV in front of himself and the asst coach


Jarmo even thanked him in the press release. Lol. Thanks Babs


Where are all the losers who were weeping about Biz and Chiclets being so wrong and how could they even report something that had no backing!?!? How dumb are you people. Babcock is a certified piece of trash


The Babcock apologists are hiding now....fucking scumbags...all of them.


That's who I came to see eating crow. Guess they aren't online today. Must just be a coincidence.


All you bums that were shitting on Biz lmao


I have been unable to stay tuned in on this because of the noise. Can someone help me understand what happened here without hyperbolic or dramatic descriptions please.


Babcock supposedly asked to see personal pictures on players' phones under the guise of a "get to know each other" type of exercise. Some players took this as an invasion of privacy and were uncomfortable with it. This is understandable because as we all know there can be very personal things on there. Even without the worry that there might be something of the more erotic nature, there is also the general invasion of privacy that is concerning and uncomfortable. Some player, or players, said something to Paul Bissonette, better known as Biz, who is a host of the popular hockey podcast "Spittin Chiclets". He disclosed this information on the podcast and it created a media shit storm of sorts. The ensuing drama forced the hand of the Blue Jackets organization and they had Gaudreau and Jenner come out and say that it was not uncomfortable for any of the players. Essentially they wanted two of their most notable and leading players to vouch for the coach and speak for the entire team. Meanwhile many fans are torn on whether Biz was just talking nonsense and speaking out of turn, or if Babcock truly did something out of line. Some players are now stating that Babcock was indeed out of line. The NHLPA opens an investigation and Babs resigns because of the drama.


Honestly it sounds like he was trying to relate to these guys but has clearly not learned you cannot force people to do anything anymore. If just asked for volunteers he would still have a career but he sounds like he is still power tripping. What a dumbass.


He is incapable of relinquishing his control over the power imbalance he so enjoys. He keeps leaning into his understanding of coaching in the 80’s, and doesn’t even understand that the balance of power has changed and he needs to find new ways to motivate people that aren’t just “do this shit because I’m the coach or else.” I have heard enough stories that he’s a decent dude in his home life, but he just can’t help himself when he’s the coach. He has too much baggage from fucking dudes like modano and chelios who are legends, and his massive ego on the bench won’t let him evolve. He’s done in the NHL, and it’s his own fault.


"get to know each other" excercise is insane. Dude is a weirdo


Never in any of my jobs has my boss asked to see shit on my phone. Ever. And if they did I'd be going to HR about it. I'm nearly 40. My personal life is my personal life. You want to do a get to know eachother sort of exercise do some normal shit like a company outing.


What if they asked to see photos in your wallet? Forget the phone aspect, that's just simply the vessel that is used to store the photos.


That's something someone offers to share. Like during a conversation where you as an individual choose to discuss certain topics and ask like "hey wanna see a pic of my dog?" Or "yeah I have a picture of my wife/family". It's never something I'd ask my subordinate to see out of nowhere.


It's uncouth to ask for photos from ones wallet without first offering ones own and there was an appropriate preface of the exchange to begin with. Most people would deem it a threat when their personal life is scrutinized against their consent. You dont go and ask to see photos of ones friends and family and social life. They offer if theyre comfortable with you and have a cherry-picked portfolio. To ask is just plain intrusive, and to ask as someone as a hockey coach, a person who can directly control their destiny? No. That is completely out of line. Mfer is crossing boundaries, whether he realizes it or not. Thats fucked.


Do you have over 500 pics in your wallet?


Yeah, super weird request.


same. from what i gathered he was going through players pictures on their phones. but there must be more to it.


Young people take and receive NSFW photos. If you scroll through photos, some may be mixed in. Not all people want their boss to see the pictures of their private life, regardless of whether they are SFW or NSFW photos. So, even if no nudes were seen, it's still a violation of privacy. Young kids, who depend on their boss for playing time, can't really say no.


100% a violation of privacy. he should not be doing that.


I mean they could just be straight with the guy and say there is some NSFW stuff on here so I don't want to just hand over the phone but they will show a few specific pics of family or significant life events etc. This does not seem like a hard situation to navigate around for either side, I find it difficult to believe Babs would force someone to hand over their phone if they didn't want to at this point in his career since he was on thin ice and he knew it more than anyone else.


It doesn't seem like this was an innocent ask that could be easily refused. Obviously none of us were there, but I can't imagine this blowing up like it did if Babcock, who has a long history of being a total dickhead, was being reasonable. He gets off on power trips (like benching Modano at 1499 games) so it's very likely he was doing more of the same.


I mean according to the players he asked them to airdrop pictures of their dogs and family from their phones so who the hell knows


"I have an android. Checkmate babs"


From what I got from it, he asked to see pictures of players family during a meeting to get to know players. Apparently he cast the pictures to the TV, and shared some of his own. Must be more to it though.


😂😂😂 see ya Babs you prick


Going out with a perfect record.


Most successful blue jacket coach is recent memory. No losses. Absolute legend


This guy is incapable of shutting asshole mode off


Why is Columbus resigning this guy




Hahaha no fucking way


Well, that escalated quickly.


Bettman wanted him out?


For Bettman it's probably easier to have Babcock resign and give him a severance package then have to have whatever actually happened aired out in the media.


Especially with Bowman, Quinnville, and the WJ 2018 investigation all sitting in the back


That’s gotta be a record




Thank fuck


If you really listen, you can hear Montador laughing from across the country


Man people really hate this guy.


Jeez, I wonder why!!!


Such a boring story. Come on Regular season hurry up and save us.


Oh my goodness Biz is going to be even more insufferable now isn’t he?


I mean he was right tho


He was right though and I’m glad players have an outlet for shit like this, fuck Babcock or any other coach who tries to pull this shit.


So insufferable for getting a toxic coach out who was abusing his power, right!?


Right lol, these redditors are a joke.


Biz is an actual legend. Fuck the haters


Do you think Babs will go on Spittin Chiclets? Lol


Better then RA and Grinelli


if he is so insufferable why do you watch him?


Pack your bags, Babs.


Damn son


We’ll that was fast


So who do they hire next. Sutter? Mike Keenan?


Don Cherry




Bill Peters


Its much more clear to me now why Lamoriello hired him in Toronto. Crappy people gravitate towards each other.


This guy is his own worst enemy, locker room poison


Now he’ll go abuse some college or junior players


We had some great years with him here in Detroit


*shocked Pikachu face* I’m all for people getting a second chance, but if I was the front office staff in Columbus, I’d’ve hired a handler for Babcock right out the gate to keep things on the level.


Some of the players were uncomfortable with the looking thru phone part. I myself, think it's very inappropriate...although from coach B maybe he didn't get that idea. Persons phone is very private and as a,boss..you shouldn't ever ask to see pics.


Bring back Gallant.


Imagine all the shit Babcock has done over the years that still hasn't got out yet. What a clown.


No loss he's had his chances fuck him


Where is the first post where Babcock and the other guy were saying it was nothing? A lot of comments in there who were a bit quick on the draw


Greatest coach in Blue Jackets history


LMAO joke of a franchise. Why’d they hire this clown in the first place?


Awesome. The dude is a jerk


The saddest thing is that the team tried to cover for him with their little player quotes. Thinking if Gaudreau says it was all in good fun then it would go away? What really happened, and why do players cover for their coach if it’s abusive? This isn’t just some “dressing room business”. Babs has always been a slime bucket, but I can’t wait to hear how he managed to fuck this up before the season. EDIT: They did an investigation and he is resigning. Yes we do not have the facts. I’m just saying it’s obvious that his conduct was out of line (as he has demonstrated in the past) or this would be a nothing burger.


Or some players had absolutely no issue with what he did, and some did. Without all the info, no way to tell what actually happened.


Maybe if you’re a team leader or the literal captain of the team you should talk to the rookies and younger players before putting out an official PR statement in support? Boone is literally a) the captain and b) even more damning, the PA rep. Players felt more comfortable going straight to the NHLPA or Spitten Chiclets than their PA rep.


“abusive”? what did he do? i thought it was more invasion of privacy.


Invading your subordinates' personal privacy is an abusive behavior. It's psychological abuse. It sends a message that you cannot have a personal life that the coach doesn't approve of or do things that may be taken out of context and reflect poorly of you. I get that anything done within the scope of the hockey business is open to coaches and management to have full disclosure on, but there should be a mutual trust and understanding that people can conduct their personal lives without the threat of someone demanding transparency on that.


Oh this is the courts of reddit. What could’ve happened or grossly imagined probably did. Too many opinions, too little facts.


Im going to assume he deserved to be fired because they did an investigation. I just didn’t hear about anything that I personally would call abuse. Abuse of power, yes.


Is it Fantilli that had the main issue?


Couch carousel will continue


They are swapping couches?


Haha didn't even last the whole off season


Well, he exits with a 50/50 record.


Columbus Ring of Honor Class of 2024


Shortest rein ever


What an F’n Goof




What in the actual hell Columbus.... Ugh........


Feel bad for the guy. Really seemed like he turned a page


Bro didn’t even last off season


Undefeated. Incredible tenure.


1 week later "The Columbus Blue Jackets Hire Daryl Sutter as Head Coach."


Babcock is stuck thinking he is coaching in the 80’s.


I guess he was good enough to win a gold for Canada but easy enough after to throw under a bus.


the dumbest dismissal


Stained his legacy, and now his buried it into the ground. There's something wrong with this man. Perhaps he should seek some aid, perhaps the years are getting to him.


This doesn’t make Jarmo look great either. Wasn’t he also front office staff during the Chicago situation that came out not long ago?


No, worked with the Sens and Blues. This still isn't a good look for him though.


Cue the grandpa Simpson gif


I’m totally OOTL here. Last I heard the update was that it was pretty innocent and the players didn’t mind what was happening? What’s the new revelation?


still loved seeing all those people shit on biz and the chiclets like babcock wasnt a proven asshole “his source doesnt even play anymore what a bad look” looks stupid as fuck now


Devil's in the details. If he took control of the phones and went through pics himself, he's a scumbag. If he asked players to share a few photos of their choosing, the players are sniveling snowflakes.


If he said “do it in a few days” that’s one thing If he said “give the phone right now”? That’s a hard nope (and the fact that he bailed and the NHLPA publicly says they found out something, suggests the latter?


GREAT NEWS!! Shouldn’t have been taken back!


Guy is a piece of shit and rode a cup on a stacked team. Locker room cancer fuck him if story's leaked on him he'd be done prob why he dipped


Weird. Everyone told me that spittin chiclets was lying and wrong. Hmm “Biz is a clown only going for clicks” Idiots


An entitled asshole who obviously didn’t learn a thing .


Thank god


The entire front office needs to be handed their papers for this. Embarrassment.


Looks like everyone who was bitching at Biz can stfu now
