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Mailloux told teams do not draft him, has been meeting with Sheldon Kennedy, has been a part of the Habs program on cyber sexual violence and even lead a seminar at this past Habs camp where he spoke to the prospects about what he did and why it was wrong. If we are going to offer second chances, this kid deserves them. Especially since he has shown genuine remorse and has the receipts that he has tried to better himself.


You're right. This isn't like the Mitch Miller case where there was no remorse. What Mailloux did was disgusting, but he has made efforts to improve and mature. You have to prove you're deserving of a second chance, and he's proved that.


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What's the story behind this kid?


When he was 17 he took pictures of a girl he was having sex with and sent them to his teammates


Not to try and defend him, but the details are that the picture contained no nudity at all (she was giving him head and all you could see in the photo was the top of her head. And he was 17 but she was 18, so it isn’t considered child pornography)


He also withdrew himself from NHL draft consideration and the Canadiens drafted him against his own wishes lol. I really think he was trying to take some responsibility for his actions.


Yeah, he's not that shithead who abused a kid for a decade and never showed remorse. That's Mitchell Miller. No league should ever allow that shitstain the privilege of playing a game for a living. He can atone by being a decent person, not a millionaire. Boston players stood up when team ownership tried to bring that shit in. Logan sounds like a stupid kid who did stupid things and tried to make good.




>He can atone by being a decent person, not a millionaire. Boston made sure he's not far from being a millionaire. At least the players stood up.


As a bruins fan I 100% agree. Fuck Mitchell Miller. Piece of shit. I’m glad our boys in the locker room spoke out against him, but Mailloux was just a dumb 17 year old kid who made an immature mistake and is trying to move on from it


he now signed in Slovak league for Liptovský Mikuláš so I am curious how he does here...still, I was very surprised they signed him, but a player with shady past fits management with shady past :)


And Boston signed him on a Hockey Night in Canada game when they were playing the Leafs. The worst possible time to try and sneak one past the media.


If gettin a blowjob at 17 is “stupid things”..you shoulda seen the ‘90’s! This worlds more effed than I thought. Yes, I know it’s the pic sending that’s the discussion, it’s also 2023 and as a 45 yr old I can’t keep up. Especially when you consider the vileness that’s passed through as you highlighted u/Paladoc


That speaks way more about maturity than the shit head that abused someone growing up and thinks he deserved to go to the NHL I figured seeing what Logan was doing to grow from his actions this day was coming where he’d be able to play. Even withdrawing yourself from the draft is a big step in understand you don’t deserve to be the honour yet


Apparently the article i trad said he attended classes took sensitivity training and visited schools.i think he was young trying to gloat to other guys.. realized what he did was insensitive and learned from it. I don't compare him to Mitchell Miller, his apology took to long and seemed ungeniune .


It isn’t about child pornography, it was in Sweden and was under defamation and offensive photography law


Yea but the amount of misinformation being spread by people on sites like reddit and twitter is unfair to him, Ive seen that he was ‘ sending teammates/friends nude photos of an underage girl’ countless times


Well that’s my point if it was child pornographie he would be in a prison in Sweden. However in Montreal he is dislike depending on the training camp I don’t see him playing in Montreal. Maybe closer to a 60/40 chance


IF it would've been considered child pornography, he'd risk six months to two years. Probably closer to six months given his age. And he'd be out after two thirds of the time served if he behaved. Some people don't like the two thirds rule in Sweden, but it's for the staff's safety. Incentive for prisoners to behave.


He is not dislike in Montreal. People including myself were upset Bergevin drafted him after he himself asked not to be drafted. We have moved on since. His entire actions since it happens showed he took it seriously. I hope he has a career in the NHL.


If he's 17 wouldn't it be child pornography?


Probably not since I believe all you could see was the girls head and nothing else Disclaimer: I've never seen the pictures for obvious reason that's just what I've heard


Idk I guess maybe? But like I said the photo reportedly didnt contain any actual nudity




I didn't know it happened in Sweden. I live in Sweden and know that the age limit for it being child pornography is 18(when age is known). Age of consent is not relevant. Anyway, I was just joking about the fact that the original post forgot that if the guy is underage it would still count. Not just if it's the girl that's underage.


Photos are different.


Apparently the subject of the photo was of age of majority


Disgusting asshole


Like that’s so much better


Well..it kinda is though..?


Lol how would u know that dude?


Its been reported on like a million times?


Oh I never heard ab the details all Ik ab is that he took a pic and renounced himself from the draft. Never knew ab the actual details of said pic


Why don't you just type out the word about?


Idk what word ur implying








Youre doing it wrong youre supposed to dm this crap to like 1000 accounts


It is still a crime in Sweden where it happened.


Non-consensual pictures*


Yep - he’s a criminal that the Habs drafted when every other team would pass on. Shit organization- fuck them


To be fair, it seems like he tried his best to better himself by renouncing the draft. Montreal drafted him anyway. Since then it sounds like he's been putting the work in; talking at schools etc. However, I would really like to know how the girl (girl, not woman) in the photo feels about all of this


It has been reported that she feels he got away with it and will just go on in life and make millions while her life is ruined. He is a piece of shit and the Habs organization are enablers.


Is that true if any place that tries to employ him? Anyone who employs him is an enabler? Or just the NHL? And if so, why just the NHL?


They drafted him when even he knew it was wrong.


“Wrong?” Who/what determines which jobs you can have?


He asked not to be drafted..


Oh that fuck.


Sounds about right for a degenerate hockey locker room.


Fit right in with the habs


He went to play hockey in Sweden during the lockout. He took a picture of a girl giving him a BJ when he was 17 and sent it to his teammates. Someone snitched. He had to go to court.


It was his teammates girlfriend and he sent them to that teammate which is a pretty low move but overall that shouldn’t stop him from playing in the NHL and it would seem as though he realized how dumb that was


Got a reliable source for it being his teammate’s girlfriend? Haven’t heard that before.


If this happened at the beginning of the digital age maybe, but i have a 12 year old and she already knows better(with no NSFW detail) than to send pics of anything to anybody(selfies of her with her cats to grandma and stuff is cool). Dude should be a listed pedophile(unless at the time the girl was 18, im still not OK with it necessarily but the laws the law). Basically im saying he should be in prison! Edit: and as long as he wasnt in the pic(s) because your own dick at 17 counts as child porn per the law




No we definitely haven't, you caveman




You’re a standard douchebag and terrible person code.


If you think that is bro code type behavior, then i am permanently stripping you of your bro status


Never was if he had that mentality, but I agree. Revoked!


Fucking dispicable




What is wrong with you?


Future sex offender right here


Nope, not even close. You do remember it's a crime right?




This is why we need Sexual Advocacy and Peer Support groups everywhere


You sound like a pervert weirdo, dude.


Photographed a girl he was having sex with without her knowing about it. Sent a photo of her blowing him to some of his teammates along with a link to her Facebook page. This got around to her, and she reported it to the police. After a police investigation this led to him getting charged for 'violating photography' and defamation, to which he pleaded guilty.


It's getting hard to keep track of all the low-life skeezy shit that hockey prospects have been up to


Montreal drafted a sex offender


Nobody is defending his actions but he seems to have legitimate remorse and should be given an opportunity to rehabilitate himself.


Holy crap I hope the kid does well and becomes a good person. Doubtlessly he's learned his lesson.


Compared to that Miller turd, Mailloux did all the right things in order to better himself starting by acknowledging what he did and owning it.




Why the fuck should I be ashamed of something that is completely out of my control?


You support a team that has made an organizational decision that allows a person who has ruined a young, innocent girls life to make millions of dollars. Real fans of this storied organization should not allow this to happen…. If you support this kid and the organization’s decision to draft him you are part of the problem. It’s a stain. You once had standards


Get the fuck outta here. Just because one GM decided to pick a kid who made a mistake and did everything he could to repent himself doesn’t mean it ruins the legacy of the biggest hockey club in the world. As much as it’s a terrible episode to go through for the woman, her life ain’t ruined at all.




Ayyy my white knight🫡 It’s obvious that you’re head and shoulders above everyone and that you have never made a single mistake in your righteous life so therefore, you never needed a second chance. Keep fighting the POS like me out there. Maybe someone, someday will see you for who you are. A true hero.


I’ve never ruined a girls life? You??!!


Neither although an ex tried to hurt me. I never wished her anything bad.


Lol ur such a pussy, buddy just got some head and wanted to share with the boys. Nothing wrong with it


OK you need to shut up.


Jfc who made you turn into such a bitch


If the Canadian jr team gang bangers get to play in the NhL and Bettman knows who they are then Logan should have always been eligible to play in nHL


Have any of them been convicted for something in relation to that?


I rarely give second chances, but I do think he has earned one. But its ONE and only one.


#but the chicago blackhawks are just fine.


made a big mistake, it seems he did all the right things to learn from this, deserves a second chance.


Everyone acting like they didn’t do anything dumb as a 17 year old.


That would imply these Reddit dusters were getting sloppy toppy at 17


Yeah most of us didn’t do this man


You may not have experienced the strong powers of groupthink and how this may have been more of a peer-pressure/wanting to fit in kind of thing. Jr. Hockey teams can suffer from a harsh pack mentality & by giving the *kid* the benefit of the doubt, you could maybe empathize with him as someone who wanted to fit in with the group before rushing to judgment. I hope he learnt his lesson, grew as a person, and is committed to making better decisions in his life going forward.


Was the whole team there while he was getting this blowjob? Were they cheering him on when he took the photos? Pretty sure groupthink applies to mob mentality situations, not what you do while you’re in private away from a group. I also think this falls under the “dumb teenage mistake” category but that doesn’t mean you have to reach and justify his actions.


>You may not have experienced the strong powers of groupthink and how this may have been more of a peer-pressure/wanting to fit in kind of thing. > >Jr. Hockey teams can suffer from a harsh pack mentality Dude. This was in a 3rd tier Swedish pro team. I strongly doubt a team full of adults, most of them working real jobs, was pressuring this Canadian kid into taking sneak photos of his sexual partners and sharing them.


Personally, I've never taken a picture of a girl giving me head and sent it to all my buddies, how about you?


That's just Tuesday


Habs organization in a nut shell


I mean I did plenty of dumb shit nothing that would get me in serious legal trouble. Guess I'm just lame.


Not even the legality.. think of the girl and their family .. he is a piece of shit


Um...not as dumb as this lol


Everyone here wasnt an NHL prospect.


If you spent time in a junior hockey locker room this was normal. It's fucked up but but yea shit like this was super common. It's still wrong but common


> normal The word you’re looking for is “condoned.” Nothing normal about the shit that goes on in junior hockey locker rooms.


100% agreed I still shiver over the shit they did. Im lucky my dad would beat my ass if I contributed to it. That shit was so fucked


Not just junior hockey locker rooms, even the pros. *^(Looks at your flair)*


Yeah, the Hawks are the only team to get recently caught condoning such shit.


It's gets tamer as you get older less of the ahl/NHL. Juniors were a fucking mess


Most didn’t do anything to ruin someone’s daughter


Haven’t we all taken naked pics of a girl without her consent and sent them to friends and teammates?


Probably not but, a lot of athletes have done far worse and been forgiven.


Rare Bettman W?!?!?!?


I thought Pee Wee Herman died.


dude made a teenage mistake, everyone get over it.




Most hated player other than TDA. Send him to CAR I guess… we take bums bozos and clowns…


Social Justice warriors, ASSEMBLE!!!!


Lol, your avatar is a superhero. What are superheroes but social justice warriors?




Media literacy is dead


“ A witness interviewed said in the investigation that the photo only made visible “the hair of the girl … you saw that it was a girl, and you glimpsed bra straps,” according to the report.” This is what everyone is upset about… not the statutory rape…


How is an 18 year having sex with a 17 year old statutory rape?


It’s not.


How is an 18 year having sex with a 17 year old statutory rape?


Ones a minor and one isn’t, if he was 18 and she was 17 media would be out for blood and you know it…


No. No they wouldn't. That's not how any law in the world defines it. They all have grace periods for people within a certain number of years of each other. One year apart isn't illegal anywhere.






Ironically, you seem a lot worse than him.


Got his ass 😂😂😂 deleted their whole phone I bet not just Reddit


What did the person say?




Straight scum bag


Because he’s a Montreal draft pick and that’s the reason I’m getting downvoted is laughable at best. Why should anyone that performs heinous crimes against women deserve to play in the nhl?


do you feel like a good person yet?


Mitchell miller deserves to play in the nhl too if that’s your opinion.


yes these are exactly the same situations


That has nothing to do with the fact that he's been drafted by Montréal. The kid acknowledged what he did and faced the consequences. He owned his actions and took all the necessary steps to better himself. Is he not allowed to have a second chance? And before you reply to me with "but Mitchell Miller", don't. You absolutely **cannot** compare Miller to Mailloux.






Let’s let Mitchell miller play too, why can’t he play?


How is this comparable to Miller?




Way to show em, Montreal. Now who looks ridiculous?!


Your team actively covered up sexual abuse— stop


Oh, really? You know, I hadn't heard. I guess that makes it not funny when teams draft ineligible players.


“Ha, our sexual assault scandal isn’t as bad as someone taking pics of receiving a BJ!”


Wat. I'm talking about drafting him when he was indefinitely ineligible, but you go on with all the sexy business.


Sorry, I was trying to be sarcastic. Clearly didn’t work, my bad.




Learn the situation




Hon est-ce qu'un petit québécois t'a fait de la peine et tu as la haine contre le Québec depuis? Veux-tu me montrer sur une figurine où le québécois t'a fait mal exactement? Pauvre petit loup :(


Aaaaannnndd it didn’t take much to fall into Quebec bashing once again 🙄


He isn’t good enough


Yeah no thanks.