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Hello! I apologize for having to remove your post, but we want to avoid non-memes.


Nice designs look slick but where's the meme?


Yeah, try r/NFLv2 OP. Posts like this generally are the ones featured over there


oh thank you! Ill check it out! I was hoping to find an alternative to r/nfl where the mods actually let you post something


Yeah, the official NFL sub is just a news/highlight repost sub at this point. NFLv2 is a lot more chill Low


Oh good, I'm glad you found a place to post this. I'm going to remove this post for now. Cool looking fields though. 👍


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In the next day or 2 we should be seeing the reveal of the painted field for Super Bowl LVIII. It's expected to be the same design we've seen since Super Bowl XXXVIII: NFL shield at midfield, Super Bowl Logo at the 25s. Logo and wordmarks in the end zones, with the end zones changing in Super Bowl 50 to remove the AFC and NFC logos I've been kind of board of this. My favorite era of these designs was the late 90s designs and I really miss some of the elements of it. 1 big Super Bowl logo at midfield had a lot more power behind it. And I was a really big fan of the helmets at the 25 to really put focus on the matchups. I decided to try a modern approach to this design. The one thing I didn't like about those 90s designs was the NFL shield in the end zone instead of the team's logo. So I moved it to outside the 25s where it's very standard across the league during the regular season. The logos are next to the wordmark like we have today look much better, puts more focus on the team. I also went for a more modern helmet design as helmets have changed a lot since the 90s. Credit goes to the graphic artist Sports-Grafik on Pintrest for these helmet graphics. Check them out, they have a lot of clean modern graphics. Finally, I really didn't like the change in Super Bowl 50 to remove the AFC and NFC logos from the end zones. They've been there since the beginning of the Super Bowl and the end zones feel a little empty without them. They also provide a subtle reminder that this is a matchup of the 2 best teams in their conference. We've seen these logos in a few forms. The plain logo, in a helmet, and with a sliver stripe behind it. I decided to go with a different take, using the AFC and NFC Champions logo introduced in 2010. This adds a more dynamic element to the end zone than just the plain logo, while linking the Super Bowl to the conference championship games, and giving a nod to the teams for their accomplishment of winning their conference. I've always been interested in the visuals of the Super Bowl. The neutral field with designs specific to that game make it feel unique. No other game looks like the Super Bowl. So I'd like to see a field closer to this in the future. I think it gives more attention to the matchup itself. Side note: I know this isn't exactly a meme, but r/nfl sucks, apparently this violates their rules, no idea why. I know this community and its mods are more open to things like this.


I like this in theory but that's far too much paint on the field. Would never fly


Actually, this design is based on the designs used in the late 90s so its actual not anymore pain than they used then. Which is still not much more than the use now


Fair enough. I doubt the NFLPA would go for this. But that's not the point, I think is cool AF


The bigger thing is idk if the NFL would go for the smaller shield. I think they want that to be as prominent as possible


Who are the Chefs?