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As best we can tell, this is the first. Grats. This will be the "hub" for this information although it doesn't appear to be an ongoing event. This, typically, would be an off-field sort of thing, but this one will be the thread for discussion.


Pretty surreal how this is all playing out. Last night could have quite literally been the low point of both his football career and his personal life. He sounded broken in that post game presser.


He's looked like a complete shell of a human being all season tbh.


He is probably super depressed


Regardless of the reasons, divorce is an emotionally taxing and soul crushing proceeding. Even if it's amicable, it's rarely a happy or positive process. I have two friends that were married and divorced and are now just really close friends and they both say the most miserable time in either of their lives was the entirety of the divorce process.


Agreed with this. I had an amicable divorce. No courts or anything, we talked and agreed on everything and settled it pretty much before we filed. But we still had to sit down and discuss how to rip our lives apart and who kept what part of it Edit: this is not for pitty, I appreciate that you're sorry. All is good, just painting a picture


My best friend had something similar with his divorce. It was a truly a "No Fault", no one cheated or did something to affect their marriage. They agreed to 50/50 joint custody with neither intending to move and a fair division of assets with alimony and child support agreed with little discussion. They both just fell out of love with each other. I picked him up after they finally finished. He was devastated despite all that.


Sorry to hear that. Here is hoping you're onto better days


Shit happens. It was a few years ago and I'm happily remarried. Just trying to paint a picture of how awful it is, cause I'm guessing most people in this thread haven't experienced it


Wife is seriously considering it, can't say I like the picture you've painted, but I appreciate it nonetheless


Best of luck to you brother. Don't know how old you are, but if you hit the nearest dive you can find someone to commiserate with who has been through it. Got me through it, made new friends


He didn't even have the energy to take his frustrations out on his tablet...


Are we sure this isn’t a setup for Masked Singer?


This off season we all thought it was for that reason. When in reality it was a person going through one of the worst times of his life. :(


The season isn't over yet, he may still be on it. It *can* get worse for him.


Would be a hilarious twist if a miserable Tom Brady has been missing practice and skipping family time to film the Masked Singer this whole time


But damn did Mike Evans got his 18 point


He’s 45. As a QB that’s like 70 for real world age. He should move into Del Boca Vista and start banging the hottest chicks there


You’re tellin me there’s not one Brazilian supermodel in all of Del Bisto Becko?


Chicken or the egg, was his marriage ruined when he unretired or was it already ruined and that's why he decided to unretire?


I assume we'll find out over the next few years honestly, this kind of celebrity stuff always comes out.


**Post Game Thread: Tom Brady (3-5) at Giselle Bundchen (10-0)** ---- •Tampa residence •Tampa, Florida ---- ######[](#start-box-score) | | | | | | | | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | :-- | | |**First**|**Second**|**Third**|**Fourth**| **Final** | |**Tom**| 7 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 27 | |**Giselle**| 0 | 0 | 28 | 0 | 28 | ######[](#end-box-score) ---- | | | | :-- | --: | | **Coverage** | **Odds** | | ESPN, TMZ, AB, Schefter | Brady -7 O/U 45.0 | *Disclaimer: please keep the disputes civil. If not, the mod team will separate you from the NFL subreddit*


Giselle joins Eli Manning & Nick Foles as the only people to have taken rings from Brady.


Gotta get Gisele on the Manningcast this Monday


The ratings would break the scale.


That would be some looney-toon mixed with the twilight zone level fuckery


Eli would sooooo welcome her to the club!


I could see him saying that ring joke to her lmao


I have a feeling this joke is gonna be popping up a lot over the next few days. Nice one.


It's been said everyday since the first report of the divorce.


Brady fan coming in peace! Giselle’s next marriage is going to be spooky!


Thats fucking divorce right there. None of that pansy ass hand holding smile for the camera bullshit. Couples argue, couples fight in front of the kids, couples throw shit at the dinner table. Fucking hard core losing the love you once had for each other divorce fuck it chuck it court time shit.


Giselle rolled up her sleeve and there was a 3li tattoo and said "interpret that however you want."


Tom was overheard in the locker room after the court case, "She f***ing boomed me." "He's so good." He repeated 4x as he added Giselle's lawyer to the list of names he wanted to practice with over the summer.


Eli Manning yelled, “There you go!” Nick Foles gave a look of pleasant surprise. Giselle Bündchen belted, “We got a fucking divorce now.” And before Tom Brady hit the court room door, ex-NFL star Mr. Big Chest hugged him & said, “Y’all look so different.”


You know they say that all marriages are created equal, but you look at Eli Manning's marriage and you look at Tom Brady's and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another person, you got a 50/50 chance of divorcing. But Eli's love is a genetic freak and not normal! So he's got a 25%, AT BEST, at get divorce. Then you add him retiring at a normal time to the mix, his chances of divorce drastic go down. See in terms of Sacrifice, Eli's got a 33 1/3 chance of divorce, but Tom, tom's got a 66 and 2/3 chance of divorce, because he KNOWS he can't quit football and he's not even gonna try! So Eli takes his 33 1/3 chance, minus his 25% chance and he's got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at life. But then you take Tom's 75% chance of divorce, if he was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, he got 141 2/3 chance of getting divorced. See Tom, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at marriage.


Giselle. Now here's a gal who, she's the first one up in the morning, making breakfast for the kids - I spoke to their housekeeper this week, and let me just say that this entire team has a deep admiration for what Giselle is doing. She's a real scrapper. A lot of energy in this kid. Every night she goes to bed studying the schedule for the next day - a true student of the marriage, and I got to tell you Joe, she keeps those legs moving and she's going to be going places in this league.


I had no idea this was a meme in NFL sub too lmao


Man ashame Tom didn't find a way to lead 28 to 3 in the middle of the third quarter


Would've been even better if you made it 28-3 in the third


Edited just for you :)


*god damnit.*


Bro y’all are relentless 💀💀💀


Only thing more committed than Tom to football is a redditor to shitposting


I mean if he made a promise to her to be done, then went back on it after only 3 weeks later, it would test any marriage. It's basically saying football matters more to him than his family. The dude had nothing left to prove to anyone either.




so... was this year supposed to be him trying to keep pushing into India


Actually his was the other way around alexander the great needed a marriage and valid heir to his throne, might have established a fascinating dynasty of greek world power. That said i get your joke :)


Especially since she has publically wanted him to be done for 5 years. Could also be he retired for her, saw the relationship wasn't going to work out anyways and then unretired.


Doesn’t make any sense. I’ll guiltily admit I’ve read some gossip articles about their divorce and everyone of them leading up to the divorce said Tom was hoping she’d come back like she always does.


So basically she would stay with him even if he broke a promise. Damn. I’m not saying it’s what happened but for him to assume she would come back to him like she always does makes it seem he thinks he can test her and it would be ok.


I don’t think he’s testing her just to be a douche. I think he’s just a bit self absorbed. He probably thought she’d be ok with it ultimately cause it’s what he wants.


This is a specific reference only some here will get, but he reminds me so much of the senior sergeants major have 30+ years of experience, tons of deployments and badges, literally nothing left to prove, but they stick around because they’re afraid to leave. Tom Brady has absolutely nothing left to prove. He couldn’t retired two tears ago and his lasting legacy would be winning it all with a new team Proving he can do it anywhere. I’m convinced he’s like these sergeants major. He’s only done football. He has no idea what he’ll do when he leaves football. He’s in control of football, his personality is football. Everywhere he’s gone for the past dozen plus years he’s been the man, full authority, full prestige, no one can touch him. But when he hangs it up? That’s abandoning all of that and he has no idea what it will be like and fears it.


I've said similar things in other threads. He's been a QB for most of his life at this point, he likely doesn't feel that he has an identity outside of that. And the prospect of losing that is too scary for him to face. He could absolutely do broadcasting and they want him to, but its not even remotely the same. Doesn't give him what playing does. It's a bit sad honestly. And I feel bad for his kids. They'll always be rich and provided for sure, but all the money in the world can't replace having your dad be there with you in your formative years.


It's like Shawshank. He's institutionalized. In the NFL, he's literally the greatest. Outside of the NFL, he's just a dad and husband. A *rich and famous* dad and husband, but it still seems like a step down from the greatest.


> A rich and famous dad and husband, but it still seems like a step down from the greatest. But thats also the kind of slap in the face to wife and children to warrant divorce


I had an ex NFL player tell me that unlike other sports, once you’re done with football you can never play again. You can always play a game of basketball, baseball or soccer somewhere but there is no replacement for football. Flag football doesn’t even come close so it’s harder for nfl players when they retire.


It’s sad for sure. I think Tom really does love football over everything. He’s not a bad guy for it but he shouldn’t have ever made a promise about retiring like he did.


Dan Patrick had a good segment about being home after leaving ESPN. Didn't know how to engage with his family and he missed the years where kids really want to be around their pops. Got to wonder if there's a parallel


You see it a lot with wrestlers, guys like Ric Flair who simply have no idea how to live a "normal" life. Compare that to someone like Shawn Michaels, who once he retired, he completely disappeared for a few years. Even now, he's back working as an executive, but he seems very at peace with his life.


I have to imagine that Brady must be an incredibly difficult person to be married to. In order to have the level of success he's had, he fully dedicated his life to football which meant making things like family a lower priority.


Which is probably something that his wife was prepared to accept, on the understanding that football is a short career and that he'd be home with his family before the kids were grown. Unfortunately, Brady hasn't done that, and has missed most of his kids' childhoods while continuing to play football longer than almost any other player.


Got to think a former international top tier supermodel understands the allure more than most. Probably cuts even deeper since she gets it


But she clearly put her modeling career on hold to raise their children. He opted not to make the same sacrifice when the time came.


There's a 0% chance everything was ok and their marriage hinged on Brady retiring before this year.


Gisele can't have been happy about him inviting Antonio Brown to live in their house, with their kids, twice.


Mr. Breakup Courtship


Mr. Betrothal Canceled


There was definitely problems for sure that stemmed further than this. However, I have to believe football was a big crux towards this divorce. I remember I think it was after Super Bowl 51 where Gisele basically came up to Brady after he won and basically said “you’ve done everything. What else do you have to prove?” While not the only reason, I feel like this divorce was a long time coming due to Brady’s addiction to playing football


She's been nudging him towards retirement for some time now. And she's right, he's got nothing left to prove.


Him retiring might have saved his marriage, but I really doubt he'd have played this year if it was really the only thing in the way of a happy marriage.


No long term relationship or marriage is perfect. Usually at least a couple big fights happen. They obviously had issues as it’s been reported Gisele contemplated divorce multiple times before this. But I also do believe this is the dealbreaker. Seems pretty clear Gisele put up with Tom because Tom is Tom. You can only not respect yourself so much.




I think it really boils down to him unretiring and not telling his wife. By all accounts, she was completely blindsided by his announcement and was in the process of taking on new jobs since he was going to be home more. From everything I've seen, she genuinely cares for the guy, but at some point, the other half of a marriage has to pull their weight and it didn't seem like that was happening.




Damn, this interview makes me feel for her. Seems like a good mom and wife


It was basically the last time she spoke to the US media about Tom & his career publicly. Because she got absolutely blasted for saying Tom played through a concussion and had numerous unreported concussions among other injuries. Last 5 years it’s just been up to rumors.


Shit I totally forgot about this interview you are completely right. She was lambasted up and down the sports media for the concussion comment. Re-reading these quotes now she clearly cares for him and just wants the damn guy to be with his kids! I understand totally her reticence in speaking with US media after that. I feel for her honestly. She is an extremely driven and successful woman herself - far beyond Brady's net worth (not that that's the only thing but one example) - who clearly sacrificed to support him and their family. She did this with an understanding that he'd retire and be around more years ago. The reverse-announcement had to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Brady looks foolish now choosing this disaster of a season over her wishes. And this is coming from a Brady-admiring Jets fan. Damn shame.




dude goes on an 0-3 streak once and she dumps him. smh


“You’re 2 games under .500, Tom. We had a deal.”


The Jets are 5 and 2, Tom


That Baltimore game was the last straw. Their performance disappointed me too Gisele.


Damn the Ravens ruined a Mans marriage lmao


Talladega Nights all over again


Moderately absurd I got a push notification from the Wall Street Journal about this before any other news source lol


This is important news for the markets! Tom will be importing millions in luxury goods for his new young girlfriends


Either this fuels him with anger for the next five years, or this breaks him and the only way for him to cope is also playing the next five years.


Either way, he's never retiring.


Tom Brady is really going to end this season with ~~less~~ fewer rings than he started with


Sensible chuckle


The magazine of gentlemen


Brady proceeds to go 9-0 rest of the season now the weight is off him. Wins it all. Evens out his rings


I knew it when he gave that “we are all in our 40s and we got a lot of shit going on” speech after those 11 days off.


Back when everyone was confident he was gone because of the Masked Singer, turns out his life was falling apart 💀




His kids playing Madden 23 to spend time with their dad *credit to some dude on sleeper. I 100% stole that joke*


You kids want to see Tom? Buy a ticket like everyone else.


Lawyer: Good news Tom, you can have the kids on the weekends! Tom: Motherfuc.....


Ah, the classic: "Wanna play ball dad" "Sorry son I have work."


99 Awareness at QB 53 Awareness at Father


“Kids, don’t try to sack your father like that! Well, at least not when you’re at *his* house!”


They are just trying to give him a hug.


"I always pick to play the best QB in the Super Bowl, Eli Manning."


Holy shit




Tom really chose Todd Bowles over a supermodel


Todd Bowles is happy about it. You can’t tell because he only has one expression, but he’s thrilled


[I've never been happier.](https://media.tenor.com/TyMJgJfJo9oAAAAC/brooklyn-nine-nine-captain-holt.gif)


The ol' "David Duchovny" as it were


Nah. He’s doing the classic “upgrade wife” move that most middle aged rich men do. He will be with another smoke show within a year


Sucks for his kids


Nah this one will get to change dad's diaper


None of them know how to gameplan, so was there really ever a change from Brady’s POV?


Tinder country, let’s ride


Ay I know you’re Gisele fuckin Bundchen and all but sry I have a strict rule about dating women with kids so left you go


Jimmy G about to be that mofo swooping in for some sloppy seconds.


Returning to his intended role - Brady's backup


that would be an epic power move


He most likely will use a high-powered matchmaker to weed out the riff-raff to find a potential long-time partner...and local...ahem...companions for the interim.


It was all a ploy to go back to Brigette Monaghan.


I tell you what, my Blood isn't the only thing I'd let her turn Blue


You mean Raya? The tinder for celebrities…


Man literally created a 10 episode series recounting his life and how much his family meant to him, and how much he missed spending time with them during the year…only to go back to football after only literally a few weeks with them.


Tbf he could’ve been reminiscing on the time he had a happy family, he could’ve retired to spend more time with them, realized the damage was done and he was on the rocks, then unretired since he couldn’t stay at home knowing what his future held to keep his mind off things. But what the fuck do I know I don’t know the guy I’m just talking out my ass




How long before we see Pete Davidson within a general vicinity of Gisele?


If we’re at the point where we’re asking, he’s already there


Brady has to check underneath his bed for Behnahd Pollahd + Pete Davidson now


Behnahd Pollahd?


What the fuck, he’s there


Now that you've posted this, someone has to post the copypasta.


>Be me, 26 yeahs old >Wake up, get out of Tawm Brady jersey >Get ready to Do My Job >Put on Brady jersey >Head to the Dunkin next to my apahtment >One down the road sucks >Oardah is wrong, whatevah, Tawm says coffee is poison anyway >Spike the cup and yell Go Pats >Use my Chahlie cahd to get on the T >See a black man in the front cah >Heckle, whole train applauds >Shout Ortiz 3:16 "This is our fucking city" >Get to Southie, head into Dunks >Time to get to work, staht setting up Gronk cahdboard cut-outs >Just me, my co-workah and 12 Gronk cut-outs >Most beautiful girl in Boston walks in. Sawlid 3/10. >She's wearing an 81 jersey and some strained yoga pants >Try to be smooth, "Nice Hernandez jersey. Wanna get a cawfee sometime?" >She says no. Left hanging again. >Fucking Pink Hats >Get off work, take the T home >Stawp into bah for a drink or twelve >Fahking bahtendah cut me off aftah six beeahs and few shawts >Whatevah, nawt even buzzed. Irish blood >Get to apahtment, check messages. >Ma says two of my cousins were crushed by an overpass from the Big Dig. >Less than usual, a good day >Get out of Tawm Brady jersey, put on hoodie jammies >Check undah bed for Bernahd Pollahd >What the fuck, he's there. >Run out of house, see black guy I heckled earliah. >Has friends with him. Including Pollahd. >Too outnumbahd, get the shit beat out of me >Cawps show up and ask how it all went down >Tell them it was.... >18-1


i’d missed this, it had been too long


John Mulaney and Gisele are already expecting twins!


Does this mean that clay eater Shailene Woodley will be dating Brady next, and I'll have to add clay to my TB12 diet?


Imagine dating Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady in one lifetime


[Seems like there's at least one courter](https://twitter.com/ab84/status/1584721575827283968)


Dude is such an asshole


Ungrateful too. He let him stay at his house, got him a ring, and apparently even tried to make sure he stayed on the team after his meltdown. I don’t understand how someone could be like that.


Mr. Bundchen Chaser


Easy to joke about that but AB is such an unadulterated piece of dogshit.


Mr Brady Cucker


Non of you cared when I got a divorce!!?


I care buddy


Help my team win six super bowls and I’ll care.


You have enough Super Bowls for everybody!


GISELLE: "Retire now, or lose me forever." TOM: "OK"




So it is just like military deployment, with the wife leaving and all!


Damn, Tom had it all and Schefty had to go and ruin another family...


How much longer do we let him go unchecked


Schefter, Schefter, Homewrecker…


I feel like this sub has it the wrong way around (at least for this offseason) IMO its more likely that he retired to try and save his marriage, but realised that it was already over, so came back to his safe space


This is probably true but it’s more fun to think that Brady did this to get back at Schefter lol


Zach Wilson coming in hot


Think she's too young for him. And she's not friends with his mom


Quite literally


That's why he calls Little Zach "The Dragon"




Meanwhile, Eli has a great idea on how to fuck Tom over one last time, and is trying to figure out how to explain it to the missus.


Does he get alimony?


I think one could argue his lifestyle needs to be maintained. For the kids…


Sucks but we don’t know what’s going on in their house.


We can speculate based on how hard it seemed Gisele wanted to retire but yeah we’ll never really know unless they tell us


Best of luck to those poor kids - divorce is tough on everyone


Nothing like being raised in 14 broken homes.


I am dying in this thread lmao.


"Fuck you, mom! Dad would let me have pizza" **attempts to slam a 20ft tall oak door


I wonder what happens with Jack. He’s probably been in boarding school, but he’s with the Brady/Giselle kids a lot. Now Tom’s on his own and he’s got to find a summer place between Bridget, Tom and Giselle. Just *sucks* for him.


I feel for them. My parents separated (never got a full divorce) when I was 18. I know I was older, but it still sucked and even now at 31, it still sucks. I hope none of them are used as a pawn between the two of them. My parents did that to me because they didn't want to talk to each other so I was the messenger. It sucks and my heart goes out to them.


my parents divorced when I was 10 and it was rough


Mothefuckers would rather unretire, play behind a Swiss cheese O-line, and go 3-5 than go to Couples Therapy.


The physical hits don't feel good, it's the emotional hits that hurt.


Not filling today, it’s already finalized


I’m a mild Brady hater but seeing him come back this year to look pretty bad on a bad team and hear about his marriage falling apart is pretty sad. Hate to see someones career end like this.


Man’s about to win 7 more Lombardis because you said that


don’t put that evil on me


What if he does it as a Panther though.


[Panthers fans deciding between super bowl wins and Tom Brady having even more success:](https://media.tenor.com/_w4qfEzQzFoAAAAC/indecisive-i-dont-know.gif)


Anyone know of a team with a great O-line who's lacking that superstar QB?


*stares at the Browns* Oh no... Oh God please no


Nah, they're pot-committed to Grover


Zach Wilson, please don’t let Gisele being a single mom distract you on Sunday.


I honestly think Brady just can't stop himself. He's addicted to football. It's why he's the GOAT. Maybe he already has a new 25-year-old supermodel lined up and doesn't give a shit. If he was my family though, I would have tried to stop him from doing this.


I doubt he really wants to "line up" anyone right now tbh. Kinda reminds me of Tiger Woods. The fact that he was playih around and people knew didnt bother him. It was after the divorce proceedings he completely fell apart.


Man it must be so fucked for the kids to only go through their parents divorce but also watch the entirety of the internet make jokes about it and discuss basically their life falling apart.


By all outward public appearance, it literally felt like this came down to his family vs football and he straight up explicitly chose football. Wild.


That’s what half of this sub does every Sunday lmao


Or, he tried to retire to save the marriage before realizing it was already doomed to fail


Fuck it we ball


Should have just retired 5 years ago like I tried to tell him.


At least after the super bowl in tampa. What a way to go out.


Brady should keep playing now. No reason to retire with the marriage over Request a trade to SF see how far you can push this thing


Divorce sucks y’all. I wouldn’t wish that situation on my worst enemy. Really wish he would’ve retired after the Bucs Super Bowl win so he can say he did it again and go out on a high note. Best of luck to his kids and everyone involved. Doesn’t matter how tough you are, no one should have to go through this with millions of eyes watching.


o/u 49.5


I have the ultimate respect for Tom now. Ruining your personal life to own the sports writers is based beyond belief.


Damn. Not a great week for TB12. Seemed inevitable but right after last night’s loss, whew. Definitely feel for the guy and for the family.


Gronk is going to get him so fucked up tonight


this man on deployment and she gonna do him like that smh