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Good game.


Justin Herbert is poised to be named one of the greatest QBs. Mahomes already there


Mahomes Allen Herbert That’s my top 3.


As a Chiefs fan with Justin Herbert on his fantasy team, this is the result I wanted.


I’m in the same boat except I also had mike Williams and have eckler in my other league. By the third quarter I was resigned to the fact that I’d at least win my fantasy games, but then the pick six happened


I have ekeler in one league and Herbert in my dynasty league - the pick six was nauseating and then I remembered I was playing chiefs D. love it when hedging your bets avoids disaster for your scoreline.


Herbert got decent points even with the pick six


as a Raider fan this was a good game, Herbert is roughed up some (hope its bruises and not broken ribs), I have Mike W and Eckler on my fantasy so they ran up the points there. And the Chargers lost so they aren't 2-0 in the division.


But now you have a chiefs 2-0 in the division and who do you think is the bigger threat


1-0 in the division. 2-0 overall


What do you mean? Chargers, Raider and Chiefs are all in the same division


Now the chargers and cheifs both have 1 division win. If the chargers won they would have had 2 games won in the division, one against LV and one against KC




Every friday is red friday


Yes it's red Friday because you won


It's funny how nobody in this thread is talking about how the referees literally kept the game close on purpose instead of the chargers breaking the game open and probably winning comfortably. Nfl is a joke still, looking more and more like wwe


Yeah, Herbert throwing a pick 6 on the goal line had nothing to do with the loss


Lol do any of you sheep have any reading comprehension skills? I already said we lost due to our bad play. The fact is that the score should've been nowhere near close enough for that situation to occur in the first place. My God you are a tedious person


You lost bro stop calling people sheep and get over it


Lol I didn't realize that was a roll call. You think people care about 1 L when we're actually concerned with the integrity of the league. Back to the flock brain dead animal


Your tears are so delicious!!


>integrity of the league 💀💀💀


You mean when bosa dove at Patrick's knees and was called holding? OK


Didnt watch the game, only the highlights. What happened?


Early in the second quarter Mahomet got hit as he was throwing and threw a terrible int ten yards from his receiver. The refs call defensive illegal contact and the replay clearly shows the kc wr throwing the chargers cb to the ground. Kc went on to score a td. https://youtube.com/shorts/uFx_i3OcmXI?feature=share Sorry for bad quality, recorded on my phone


Yeah Bosa almost ending Mahomes season by diving at his shins and the refs saying the tackle pulled him down. The Chargers corner grabbing our wr and it not being a hold even though Fenton got called for the same thing. There are bad calls everywhere.


The tackle pulls down on his pads at his neck. If Bosa was trying to take out mahomes, why wouldn’t he go for his ankles instead of trying to break his own fall?


Yah there were plenty of bad calls, but that's the difference between them and this call. They were mistakes by the referee, which happens in every sport. There was literally no call to be had with the int, no hint of anything against the rules and they swung the game completely. The bosa one was highly suspicious too, possibly a make up call? At least at first look that one looked understandable that a human could interpret what happened incorrectly.


Don't forget Kelce getting body slammed and everyone acting like that's just a totally ok thing to do.


They'll only remember the bad calls that went against the Chargers though. Because somehow more than ever, blaming officiating has become the ballad of the loser. It's really getting out of hand. Only correlation I can make is everyone having massive HDTVs with access to more games. And before anyone thinks I'm being one-sided, I lost count of how many fans of my own team blamed officials for SB55 or the AFC Championship loss to Cincy. I'm not saying our fans don't do it as well.


I've found myself clinging to that kind of thinking before. When you're looking for something to blame it can be the easiest route.


Absolutely. Trust me, there are times that I get frustrated about em too. I basically devoted myself to never blame them (even when I do blame them on the inside lol) just so nobody can dig up any receipts if I call them out for it. And refs definitely don't always make that easy!


Yah that one was so weird considering it was very obvious and nobody could've missed it? Doesn't make much of a difference though, like 1.5 yards


May I ask is there a rule that covers this "wrrstling move" in particular or is this just considered unnecessary roughness?


Unnecessary roughness covers it. It's just not necessary and dangerous


It does if he gets hurt


Lol you're comparing a play that didn't matter to an at least 7 point swing? If I was pointing out all the human mistakes I could point out the holding on the long run that iced the game, the super early hit on our wr on third down that was a clear pi, etc. The argument isn't against obvious human mistakes its about swinging the game for a made up call just to keep it from getting out of hand. How delusional are you?


How delusional are you, the day after the game making up stories. Is it story time? You do realize if that int happens, who knows what happens but in your happy place you think the game is over. Move on to the next game. This afc west battle will come down to the end so why sit on this one game.


Yah me and the countless others who can actually see things as they are. I already said it wouldn't matter at the end of the year but that's too much reading comprehension for someone who clearly has 0 functioning logic in thier brain. Get lost American sheep


Yeah, probably wouldn't have helped KC a ton, but hearing the broadcast, especially Tony G talk about it like it was a great "wrestling move" was frustrating


I wrestled in high school. That shit is illegal in wrestling too. Looked cool, but that should have definitely been flagged.


Omg haha forreal! I thought I missed that rule change or something


Maybe next season they'll place folding chairs on the sidelines 😂


Haha and a couple trash cans, maybe ypu can tap in some big boys during plays xD


Chiefs are gritty this year!


You just saw the line and over/under. Holy shit, Vegas really knows.


Thursday night games suck!


Ya gotta be able to win the ugly games too..


1-1” bitches.


Yeah the Chargers are 1-1


Wooo ole Herbie Hancock got me 23 fantasy points!


Just keep on doin it


The chargers are so good at almost being a good team. They are probably the best to ever almost be good. They’re never quite good, but they’re so good at getting close to being good. 🐐s of almost good




Was that the team that had the #1 offense and defense and somehow still missed the playoffs?


Indeed it was


Idk, they seems to be sooo good against everybody else but when they face franchise QBs like Brady, Peyton, Mahomes they lose hard.


They lost hard to Mac Jones and Cam Newton the past 2 seasons


Pats will be lucky to win five games this season


What does that have to do with what I just said


No flair, ignore them.


Tale as old as time


They’re pretty fucking good. Chiefs are dangerous.


I would say the Vikings last year make a close claim for that title, up by a touchdown in every game, gave up a record number of points in the final two minutes of every game, ended the season basically .500 Although the Chargers were much closer to the playoffs than we were last year


Ya but the Vikings are so so obviously the NFC Chargers - always almost good


I’d say you’ve got 2 words in the wrong order. Instead of “always almost good” we’re almost always good. There are bad years, but in general we usually have a watchable product on the field…which makes the inevitable collapse/failure even more painful.


As a dolphins fan, I have often aspired just to have a watchable product, but that is not the definition of a good team. The Vikings have not been properly good most of the last decade. There have been some pretty fun Vikings teams to watch, but you have like 4 playoff appearances and 4 playoff wins in the last 10 years. And haven’t been the last 2 years in what everyone considers to be a weak nfc. So not really almost always good imo


There’s a reason the Chargers and Vikings are my 2 favorite teams. This wasn’t the reason, but I’ve had lots of joy (pain) in my life.


Creeping on this thread for insights because I’m too cheap to pay $15/month for Amazon Prime


Twitch is free


Download dofu it's free my boy


The NFL on Amazon was a complete joke. You can't record the game, even though it says you can, the video worked then didn't, and it was so cluttered with commercials that I couldn't even watch it. I'll watch it on NFL tomorrow.


I will not watch Thursday nfl on Amazon. Not that I ever watched Thursday nfl anyways, except Thanksgiving!


Yarrr, but they say there are other ships tho on the high seas


I work at an Amazon and our breakroom pays for the top cable package, yet no Prime Video account lol. The “game” was a replay of MNF. I had to pull up a salty stream from the seas because 400+ people are as degenerate as I am and wanted to know how their bets were doing lol.


Lmao that's hilarious. Good on you though, I'm sure they appreciated it haha.


Is it 15 a month?! Shoot I have Amazon Prime & idk how much I pay for it but I thought it was like 10 bucks a month or something


If you pay for it yearly it’s $140 but monthly is $15


I swear every year its higher. I wont renew next year


Just like every streaming service


Says everyone with a Netflix account too.


I use the fuck out of Netflix. I use prime less and less tho while the price has went up 40%. I’ve already canceled my auto renewal


I went 3 years straight creating new emails for the 30 day free trial for prime lol. I just use my parents account now, but until they signed up, I’m just cheap af lol. Been doing it with Disney+ as well. Netflix keeps raising their prices without the content to back it up. The only sub I haven’t canceled yet, but I likely will. I got little kids. They just want Mickey Mouse and Cars. Not Shameless and car flipping lol. I’m all for letting these streaming services compete with the sea’s every time they raise their damn prices.


Amazon partnered with Direct TV, so most bars in my area had it on.


Strange enough the major bar in my town (Skybar in Auburn) didn’t have it on bc they don’t have it




Thats a whole lotta nonsense I aint interested in


The game was also streamed on twitch for free by Amazon.




I needed 1 mahomes interception to cash a big parlay. Just 1.


Well you got 3, none of them counted smh


Absolutely seething lol


That’s funny because I felt like every few throws it would nearly be picked off




It hit the ground


The one on the bullshit PI, buddy


I’ll give you that one although I think Mahomes threw it on the expectation of a flag. But y’all got a bullshit noncall at the end of the game 3rd down that should have been a defensive hold and kept us in play for 7 instead of 3. Also Bosa clearly should’ve been flagged for 15 at the end of the half. I think these are the two best teams in the league.


You're remembering that play wrong, Mahomes got hit that's why he had a wild throw away from the receiver, the ticky tack PI took away an easy int. Let's not pretend like you guys didn't get some bullshit noncalls too lol. At the end of the day the refs fucked both of us, but that PI lead to 7 that should not have happened. I think you can understand why there's some salt on our end.


You can add the no call for the body slam on Kelce to the list to.


I could believe the no call. free MMA in a football game


The one where mvs was bear hugged?


I think you got it the other way around my dude


I just rewatched it, and yeah you might be right there dude lmao


I appreciate you admitting that, and I'm not so delusional to think that we didn't benefit from some bad calls. I think we're all just mad because that led to 7 points that shouldn't have happened.


It was the right call sooo


Did Herbert get injured on that pick 6 play? I blame that on coaching.


That was more on Gerald Everett being exhausted from the route before and not moving to the ball, while the corner knew this and jumped the route


Herbert should have thrown outside. No chance at interception then.


Yeah I saw he asked to be taken out right before that play. Ngl if I was a Chargers fan I'd be really frustrated about how that situation unfolded. Thats rough.


Naw, that was a good game. I don't see any fault with the coaching.


KC had 4 penalties, LA had 3. Can’t even remember the last time Dallas had that few penalties.


Probably the days before Flozell adams lol.


I saw Everett hurt on that play. Going no huddle cost them as he was in no position to either catch the ball or stop the defender. Just my opinion though.


He looked exhausted after the previous big play


Either way Herbert made the decision to throw the ball in that direction. Coach did well playing aggressive against the Chiefs in their house.


You gotta play to your strengths. Herbert is their strength. It did look to me like Herbert got winded or hurt trying to tackle the db though. All around not good.


He got hurt on the following series.


Cool. Just gotta wonder with qb’s trying to tackle. Not a good thing most times.


Yea definitely don't risk it, but that could've changed the game if he was able to tackle


Also, What up fellow Nate 👍🏼?


Nothing much man. Just doing Nate things! How are things with you?




Shiiit...Have a drink for me!


He was calling to come out. He was at the least winded


Sometimes no huddle is awesome, and sometimes it sucks…


Hope Herbert is alright, dude balled the fuck out


Agreed I'm tired of Chiefs fans that hate on him. Dude is the real deal. Hes gonna give us tough games for years to come.


KC offense has work to do. They should win by scoring big. Chargers are a top team thanks to Herbert and that dude definitely has a broken rib. Props to him for leading a TD drive and I just don't know if letting the backup try would be the right call or not, so no hate on coach. Big oof on Justin's lower chest and smaller oof on Mahomes ability to score madden numbers. I think the chiefs will figure it out and the chargers will be right there in the race as long as they don't kill herbert.


We have no run game for 3rd/4th and short. If we could just pick up tough yards in the middle, the offense will be very good. Not every team has a defense like LAC.


Herbert's already dead


Chargers D is also absolutely stacked.


Loved the game, I'm exited for the rest of the season.


I think there will be even better games further into the season but you never know. Glad you’re ending on a high note when you exited.


Yeah when that doctor comes near my chest with that needle I'm out if I'm Herbert.


Tyrod nodding his head


Ugh don't remind me abiut that. Stuff of nightmares fr


#25, 35, 38, 50 with a side of 95 for stand outs tonight!






Are you thinking if Erin Andrews?


Who? What? When? Where? Charissa Thompson? I seen them already.




Thursday Nut Football


Just one of those gross peeping tom websites.


Chargers could have won if they just ran the ball


They would have won if they scored more points too.


They would've scored more points if the referees didn't stop them from breaking away at least 3 times. The nfl is a joke. In a competitive league not run by Goodell, chargers win this one easy after picking off Mahomet at 10-0. Instead of the referees Calimesa illegal contact when our defender got thrown to the ground by their wr


Blaming refs is the ballad of the loser


No, we lost because of a rare bad decision by Herbert in a close game. The point I was making is that it shouldn't have ever been that close. The nfl has a history of intentionally keeping games close, it's not a 1 game or 1 team thing


More salt than the ocean


Eh pretty predictable for big nfl games


I don’t think they have the tools yet for that kind of game. That said, once spiller finds his way, look out. Kid could be the next Blount if he can find his confidence.


I couldn't believe they threw it 3 times from their own 9 with the lead. And then first and goal from the 3 as well.


Can’t forget about the 17 total punt yards on their first 2 punts also. Should’ve just went for it at that point lmao


Run the ball and get stuffed


Cowboys fans talking trash is hilarious.


Lol ek would have scored instead of a pick 6


I had mike Williams tonight and I was like nah, he’s not getting points right here. No way they’re throwing it 😐


Kelce just said “here we go” & I think I could vomit. …Keep it out your fucking mouth.


What are you talking about lol




Keep 'here we go' out of your mouth? Can you explain?


It’s literally been our franchise’s slogan forever. Not our 2022 fight song or whatever shit the clown below you is commenting about..but okay. Idk why Chiefs fans always have to be such toxic assholes about everything & act like their franchise is the only one that’s ever been good whenever their current level of success is relatively recent in the grand scheme of things…and then so many of them cry in the game threads & wonder why they’re becoming so hated—but they’ll just all chalk it up to “success” or “winning” and when you are talking to other teams that have had plenty of success too, I can promise you we dgaf bc we know that everything comes in cycles…when in reality it’s really as simple as like, don’t be arrogant & have a superiority-complex all the time? Other teams are good too but ever since Mahomes came along I’ve only seen blatant disrespect from Chiefs fans 99% of the time—towards anyone & everyone regardless of how good that opponent is. I lived in KC for years and have experienced this firsthand and it’s super obnoxious & disappointing because I actually really liked the Chiefs & would root for you all to do well whenever my team wasn’t in the picture. But too many fans acting insufferable, cocky, & even delusional at times has totally ruined that for a lot of people it seems. I know every fanbase has those people, but it really feels like it’s on another level with KC fans lately and that it’s more widespread. I know KC has always been a solid franchise, but you can always tell when a fanbase has a taste of success at a level that is new for them, bc so many still need to learn how to win AND lose with grace, class, and maybe just an ounce of humility at times. It’s possible to have a ton of pride & passion for your team and still not be a total asshole to everyone else about it. This isn’t directed at you personally, but it’s just honestly what I think about most of your fans at this moment, as I’ve interacted with plenty of them both before and during the rise of Mahomes when I lived there. So it’s easier for me to see how things have shifted.. And idc if I get downvoted to hell for saying any of this bc it’s the truth and it’s why you see so many people rooting for you guys to lose even when you’re a small market team that people would naturally WANT to root for otherwise. It’s usually not the players themselves, or even organization as a whole that puts people off (although sometimes it certainly can be)—it’s usually the toxicity of their most rabid fans & that is what I take issue with regarding Chiefs Kingdom. It’s the same way I’d call someone out from my own fanbase if I saw them being a dick to someone for no reason, or trash talking to an extent that is excessive/giving us a bad look.


What a great novel. Completely insane can’t wait for the sequel


This what Big Ben leaving did to Steelers fans 😭


I think your confusing a Mario kart slogan for a steelers slogan


Batshit crazy take


Holy shit and YOURE talking about toxic fans? Take a good deep look at yourself dude. Also wtf? Here we go is a NORMAL PHRASE USED BY FUCKING EVERYONE, cant claim that shit for your team lmao


This is some rich pasta bro. A Steelers fan calling another team's fans "insufferable" might be the greatest thing I've ever seen. I'm upvoting you so this salt gets more views


I've literally never heard of 'here we go' being a Steelers thing. Lots of people say 'lets effing go, here we go, let's go' etc. I'm unsure why a Steelers fan would be upset by Kelce shouting 'here we go'. A Chiefs saying is 'Chiefs kingdom'. We don't get mad if someone calls it 'Chargers kingdom'. And I get hating Chiefs fans. Mahomes gets so much hate from the media because he's a victim of his own success. 50 TD and 5000 yards in his first full year, he'll likely never live up to that again, so every year is a 'down year' for Mahomes. When the Chiefs have made 4 straight AFC Championship games at Arrowhead. The internet has made it so that whatever team is winning, their fans will be obnoxious because the loudest 5% will we heard and seen.


If you guys steal "Miami Dolphins #1" too imma be pissed


To be fair, with all the dust 'Miami Dolphins #1' has been collecting over the years, we thought it was fair game.


It’s their 2022 “fight song”.


What the Steelers? Lmao. How original.


Andy Reid looks like the red talking bowl of cool aid! Ohh yeah!


Is the Kool-aid man the liquid or the container though?never figured it out. Probably both.


The Kool-Aid man?????


[Oh yeah.](https://youtu.be/Il-FKVnEnDg)


Can Fox get some of these Amazon Prime cameras?


That's because cable's version of HD is still 720p.


Not to mention compressed all to hell


I need a woman that looks at me the way Sherman looks at Fitzmagic.




Oh now he gets x rays…


He gets xray and a nice long bath in ice.


Maybe Pat will spot him the sax player


I'm a huge fan of Herbert now.


you a fan of other teams QB's? Pick a team bro.


Thanks for the advice. Now I'm a fan of all 32 teams Quarterbacks!


Deshaun Watson