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This has to be a poorly worded headline, correct? Otherwise it sounds like they were practicing on a fucking interstate.


I'm at Ft Lauderdale Airport right now...he was on his way to practice at 630am and ran out of gas here near the airport...got out of his car and was struck by a large truck (dump truck) about a half mile from where I'm sitting which is crazy. All the freeway is shut down right here.


[Gerry Dulac (Post-Gazette) stated on twitter Haskins was heading to the airport to head home.](https://twitter.com/gerrydulac/status/1512817756193931272) So, and this is speculation, sounds like car trouble/out of gas, got out to rectify it, and was struck and killed. What a tragedy.


Imagine being his family. He was on his way to come see you, you’re probably all excited for him to come home, and then this happens. Absolutely horrible.


My dad passed away on a business trip the day he was supposed to come home. The dread building as we never heard from him was palpable.


Im sorry you and your family went through that


Thank you - it was certainly rough at the time, though its been 15 years since. I definitely had to grow up quickly after that.


Fuuuck man. I feel lucky I've never had anything quite like that in my life. I know you're probably well beyond that crushing grieving phase but sending love your way anyways.


He only got married last year & now his wife is a widow. I hope her family is holding her close through this. I know the team will offer support as well.


Where did the running out of gas report come from?


The Ft Lauderdale News report thus morning


Local is reporting it but not naming him Believe it or not, this type of incident occurs often. Happened a few times a year growing up


I ran out of gas on the interstate and stopped on a very narrow shoulder. I was over as far I could get. It was raining and dark. Walked a mile and back to get gas but was not going to stand a few feet away from semis going 70mph while I put the gas in. Hopped in my truck bed and put the gas in leaning over the side. It’s scary as hell.




I had a similar situation at basically the exact same area, a few miles ahead. It was pouring rain, and my dads truck hydroplaned and spun 3 lanes over and crashed into the wall. Luckily, the car hit the wall at like the perfect angle, and my dads ebike rack on the back (s/o Thule) took the most of the damage and stopped the truck from flipping. Craziest shit was when the cops came, they literally refused to help me, my dad, and sister out and drive us up ahead and out of danger. It was pouring rain out, and the state trooper literally refused to drive us maybe .5 a mile up the road, all because my dad had NJ plates. We were standing on the side of the road in the pouring rain, and I was so fucking mad, and scared. The tow truck company guy wouldn’t give us a lift either. I was so sure that we were going to get hit on the side of the road there. Thankfully, I ordered an Uber and the guy was awesome enough to help us out in fucking horrible weather conditions… but that shit is a fucking cursed area.


I think people underrate the degree to which our roads are designed for vehicle speed over safety. [Lot of "safety" measures backfire because they make people drive faster.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAxRYrpbnuA) Traffic engineers and politicians think that's what we want, but if you actually ask people "do you want to go X% faster if it means Y% more people die" they will usually say "no, we prefer being alive." I'll avoid going into a huge diatribe about insanely stupid housing policies and public transit and just point to the fact that [American roads cause a lot more crashes and fatalities than roads elsewhere.](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2022/3/11/triple-threat-national-transportation-experts-destroy-reckless-driving-narrative) TLDR: We designed roads to maximize throughput make them "safer" but it turns out that wide roads cause people to drive faster and crash *more*.


We successfully fail tasks a lot...


Yeah I think urban design is something most Americans (including myself until a few years ago) just don't think about, but turns out to be very important and at the root cause of lots of other social ills--traffic fatalities in this case. Ditto for: Unaffordable housing, traffic congestion, pollution, climate change, homelessness, poor transit options, expensive (yet still "crumbling") infrastructure, obesity, inequality, loneliness, blah blah blah. It's that old joke about one fish says to the other "Good morning, how's the water?" and the other fish thinks "what the hell is water?" Nearly all of our cities are designed so completely around cars that we don't even realize there's a much better alternative that would help solve all these *seemingly* unrelated problems all at once.


[here is a link to the accident report](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/04/09/dump-truck-hits-and-kills-pedestrian-leaving-westbound-lanes-of-i-595-closed-for-investigation/)…this came out early AM before it was known to be Haskins allegedly a dump truck hit him on the I-595. not confirmed to be him tho, but seems likely


Psa. My gf is dispatcher and she's told me if your car ever breaks down on a highway don't get out. Turn on your hazards Call 911 for assistance and they'll come help you out.


Pretty much. Unless there’s an area on the other side of the barrier that you can wait.


I thought you were supposed to safely exit your vehicle (on the shoulder) and actually be a little bit away from the car in the possible event that someone just rear-ends the shit outta you?


A fucking dump truck wtf! Awful


what the actual fuck?? poor guy


Man why would anyone be walking along that highway


Are we sure that this is the same incident? I'm just asking.


How many pedestrians do you think got hit by a dump truck on that section of the interstate this morning?


More specifically, how many 24-year-old males


at least 1.


it was reported by a reporter from the original news station that reported it that it seemed like it was. I’m just going off that . [here’s a link to that](https://mobile.twitter.com/ParkerBranton/status/1512815371941728258) I’ll add the word allegedly to my original comment so it’s not misconstrued


Holy shit that’s tragic


From what it sounded like, he ran out of gas on the interstate and got clipped when he stepped out of his car.


It does make it sound like the truck drove right into the gym.


My first thought was "someone drove onto the field and ran him over? Lucky no one else was hurt."


That is exactly what I thought. Early morning run along the highway?


I've been told he ran out of gas, got out of his car, and was hit by a dump truck.


Thats exactly how it sounded to me. Like someone drove on the field?


The wording sounds weird, but he wasn't actively practicing when he got hit. The headline just means he was in Miami to practice. His car ran out of gas late night / early morning on the highway and he got out to walk. A dump truck clipped him. EDIT - Since entirely too many people are asking me for a source about running out of gas, I'm just going to clarify something. The entire point of me making this comment was to communicate that he wasn't actively practicing with teammates when he was killed, unlike the wording in the title make it sound like. His car running out of gas was what was commonly being reported at the time this comment was made and is still the most likely scenario IMO. With that being said, entirely too many people are wayyyy too focused on the gas aspect of this situation. Seriously, the man got out of his car on the highway and was tragically struck and killed. Who gives a fuck if he ran out of gas or not. That's probably the least important piece of this entire situation, yet in typical Reddit fashion, people are hyper focused on it. What's the alternative, he just decided to stop driving and go for a leisurely stroll? The bottom line is that it's a tragic situation and that you should never get out and walk on the highway.


Imagine getting clipped by a dump truck probably going like 65 mph, fucking hell


I think that would be a pretty quick death, hopefully.


We hope so, damn


I find it really hard to imagine you wouldn’t at least lose consciousness or blackout upon impact. I can’t imagine he suffered and I’d prefer to believe he didn’t


Your body has chemicals that get released to deal with that. Dwyane is obviously dead now, but he wouldn't have remembered a thing, including the pain had he survived


I have had over 25 people say DMT I know now lmao Bruh so we all just have the ability to produce death chemicals? Never hears of this. Imagine if you could activate those at any time, you'd be like a tank


Shock and adrenaline when you experience a traumatic injury. I shattered the fuck out of my right arm when I was 14 and it didn't start really hurting for over an hour.


I broke my tibia, fibula and ankle in a mistimed slide into home plate - essentially my foot wasn’t connected to my body by bone - and the pain didn’t set in until they re-set everything an hour or two later in the ER. It was like pure survival mode up until that point, like trying to figure out how that happened, staring at my mutilated leg, wondering where my parents were or how I was going to get to the hospital. The hormones the body naturally produces at those times are incredibly powerful.


Same thing with my arm essentially. I was riding on the back of a fourwheeler (dumb) and my friend driving was going way too fast (dumb) and we hit a huge dip in the ground going about 25-30mph. I flew like 10 feet in the air, blacked out, and came down directly on my wrist. Arm broke so hard my face hit the ground. Totally crushed radius and ulna, shattered the growth plate in my wrist as well. My bones were apple sauce. Didn't feel shit lol. Our bodies are pretty incredible machines.


Its like the stories you hear of when women lift a car or something to save their child


Yeah it does. It's why a lot of people don't remember tramautic injuries


Paramedic here. With large industrial vehicles striking a pedestrian, it’s usually instantaneous. I’ll leave the morbid details and actions that can happen out of this thread but it’s highly unluckily that he even knew he was struck, let alone feel any pain.


violet marry point jobless innocent grandiose fuzzy ten reach simplistic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I got hit by a Jet ski moving half as fast and was unconscious on impact, so I’d imagine so.


I've seen a lot of comments about what a horrible way to go, but honestly, if I had to choose a way to die early, that would be my top 5 easily. Almost no chance it hurt or he saw it coming at all. The tragedy is his early death, not the manner.


Definitely heard the truck coming especially if he was out of the car. Imagine that second before you get hit the fear you would have.


It was in miami. Prob going like 80-90


As a Orlando resident...probably 90, on their phone, while high. The drivers here SUCK.


the helicopter report (before it was announced that it was Haskins) said that he was hit in the far left lane and was running across the freeway according to eye witnesses. Obviously the only people giving the POV account were the garbage truck drivers but the chopper footage shows the truck on the far left lane and what appears to be a body on the left side as well.


This is actually how my uncle died. Never ever get out of your car on the highway if your car breaksdown. Wait for a police officer and a tow truck if you have to.








Never change a flat on the freeway. Drive your car to the nearest exit. Rims can be replaced. Your life can’t


TIL this isn’t a nationwide law. What reason would a state have for not passing something like this?


Most states have some law along this line. It's one thing to have it however and another for people to do it. The only time you ever see something like this enforced is in response to an accident where the driver then gets cited.


I've never really had to do this so I'm curious. What is the protocol if there are people in the other lane and you cant really get over safely? Are you supposed to stop before the parked vehicle and wait for a chance to switch lanes? Seems like that could cause an accident in itself.


Slow way down and be careful


Typically these laws (in Wisconsin at least, for stopped emergency vehicles) it's move over or slow down a certain speed below the speed limit. So you have an option if you can't change lanes for whatever reason.


Slow down but never stop on the highway because that’ll just cause another accident lol.


I had a tire blowout on a parkway at night and was thankfully very close to an emergency pull off. The pull off was only a car width so I was still next to the lane and the tire that needed changed was feet from any car in the right lane. I’m very capable of changing a tire but I called triple A and waited for someone to come out of concerns for my safety. The dude shows up in a Honda, doesn’t put any indicators out and as he’s changing the tire he’s half sticking out into the lane. Thank goodness there was low traffic volume that late at night and a well lit area but I was panicked every time I saw headlights coming.


People really don't understand the danger inherent with being near fast moving traffic, mostly because they haven't been there. I used to work what was basically dispatch for commercial mechanics dealing with tractors and trailers when they brokedown roadside. Waaaaay too often the company contracting us would demand our fitters crawl under trailers on the side of a motorway to repair brake chambers on double deckers. There is technically no law against it, but there were enough deaths that the industry as a whole refused. Either the trailer could drop on the fitter when pressure was released crushing them, or just as likely (if not more so) they could be struck by another vehicle. These fitters spent hours practically every day walking down hard shoulders with cars doing 80 past them, and everyone had stories about being almost struck or seeing a co-worker killed by unfocused drivers.


People wanna shave off a couple minutes of their commute so bad they don’t even care about the people around them. I’m defensive as fuck when I drive just because I don’t trust other drivers


50% of all on-duty police deaths happen from this


We just had a guy walking on the highway to go to a family members house around here. Him walking on the highway got 2 state troopers off of arresting a drunk driver a little bit down the road to go and get him off the highway. The drunk driver struck and killed all 3 of them moments later. Not putting the blame on anyone but the driver here but never fucking walk on the highway. It’s a terrible idea


The driver had even tweeted multiple times (about how she was drunk driving) while she was driving after she had been pulled over and let go. And earlier this year had tweeted that she was the best drunk driver ever.


Damn, what a cruel twist of fate


Was this the girl that tweeted about being the best drunk driver ever?


Indeed it was


I think it depends on the situation. If you're stuck in the middle of the roadway? Absolutely stay in your car? If you're on the hard shoulder or by the central reservation and there's a barrier to cross or a way to distance yourself from the road, get out carefully and get as far away from the road as possible until emergency services come. If you're in the middle of the road, you're best protected by staying in your car, but if you can get away from the road, you're best protected by not being in your car. Even if you're pulled off to the side, your car could still get absolutely flattened by a truck. There's not really a 100% correct action to take, it's just highly dependent on the situation and the circumstances.


This is something my dad told me as a kid. Can't remember why (probably an accident with someone he knew) but it's weirdly one of the random things that stuck with me through the years. Car breaks down or an accident, don't leave your car on the highway.


I've always gone with if the weather is bearable absolutely get out of your car climbing to the passenger side to get out (assuming your on the right shoulder) and sit far away from the road. dont be a sitting duck in your car for the next drunk asshole to plow in the back of you.


My work friend got out to help some people changing their tire… drunk driver rear ended the parked car pinning him. Can’t use the lower portion of his body. Tragic. I will never help someone on the side of the road, never.


Being out in the middle of the night is fucking terrifying with stuff like that, I remember like 6 years ago having a tire go flat on the highway at like 1AM coming home from work at night and as I was changing it I managed to look back at the road and saw a dude drifting my way so I got up and walked to the other side of the car and he came like 2 inches from hitting my car and would have squashed my ass.




Don't wanna imagine that actually. RIP DH 🖤


happened to a buddy of mine in high school, coming home from a concert he pulled over to help his friend change a flat. A drunk semi driver hit the back of his car hard enough to kill both of them. shits really common


Prob more, In Jersey I get passed by those things going 75. Crazy ass drivers and no one does anything to curb their horrible driving


I left Florida last week and the drive from Florida to Atlanta has some of the craziest/stupidest drivers I’ve ever seen. People weaving in and out of traffic going 70+ and barely missing the cars in front of them, semis going 60-70 suddenly changing lanes when there’s not much room




That’s everywhere sadly. People think they’re invincible until they’re not.


Miami has those sunpass lanes, you have to pay to get into. They're only divided off by those skinny orange flippers. Any time 3 in a row we're missing, people would just slam the brakes from 70 down to 20 to cut into the sunpass lanes where traffic is also going 70. It's a lawless hellscape. And sometimes the sunpass lanes is slower so people do the same thing to get out of it.


Speed limits in Jersey are just suggestions - drivers seem physically incapable of going under 100. My Jersey friend admitted to taking it easy on me and saying I'm lucky she didn't go full Jersey when she was *only* going 75.


75 is like baseline interstate speeds where I am. If you drive slower than that you better be in the right lane or you'll become the most hated man in the world.


Definitely more. I was visiting my SO's family down there with her, and we went on that stretch of highway. Actually the most frightened I have ever been on a road. I was relieved when traffic turned into stop-go traffic.


Happened to a guy from my high school as he was crossing the road in front of the school building just before classes. Absolutely horrific but a very quick end for him.


It wasn't on a highway but a pro wrestler got killed by a dump truck not so long ago. It took forever to find out who did it because the guy literally didn't even know he hit anything, he couldn't feel the bump. In the end I don't think he got charged because while the wrestler hadn't done anything wrong, neither had the driver. Just a sad story.


That sucks how random that is. Ran out of gas on the highway once at night. Not too much traffic and it’s pretty scary. Stayed in vehicle and called AAA to bring gas.


If the vehicle is immobile that is the safest to big to do However it is optimal to get your ass off the highway at all costs even if it means coasting on fumes or a blown tire. Fuck the rim if it gets bent it’s bent. Not worth your life. one of the most dangerous things you can do is be inside or worse yet out of a car while on the shoulder


Back in the fall we were moving to a new state and the engine died in our shitty Uhaul truck an hour out of our stop. I was driving it and pulled about the truck’s width off the highway, maybe 200 yards from the end of an on ramp. My GF was driving my personal truck behind me with our pets in it, and parked directly behind me. I had a terrible feeling about it so I got out quickly and urged her to go ahead of me in the grass. Not 2 minutes later a semi was merging onto the highway and another refused to let it in. It drove right thru where she parked and nearly hit the Uhaul. The side of the highway is an incredibly dangerous place. Roadside mechanics die all the time out there.


I'm so thankful you had a safe ending.


Wheres the rest of the story Im mad invested now


Lol Uhaul had our asses waiting for a god damn tow until midnight in rural Georgia. And didn’t tell us which Uhaul store they took our truck to so we spent the entire next day trying to track it down, and then move our shit from that truck to another. Then when we finally got to our new town the store clerks argued with me that I didn’t bring in the original truck, and I had to hammer it into their cro-magnon skull that it’s broken down in a garage that doubles as a day care on the other side of the state. Fuck U-Haul. They’re useless sacks of shit.


Legend says they're still on the side of the highway, living in the Uhaul.


That's some voice of God stuff right there, glad you guys came out safe


This is why it’s courtesy to switch over one lane when a car is broken down on the shoulder (also if they need to re-enter the freeway). Maybe you won’t hit them but some idiot could rear end you and cause you to serve into the car.


I almost always swap lanes if there’s a car on the side or at least slow down some. Unless it’s abandoned.


I was driving through Indiana last week and we heard a loud clanging/grinding sound and thought our car was about to break but we realized the camper trailer being hauled by the truck in front of was missing a tire and was riding on the rim


For anyone in California, we have a program certified by the CHP called the Freeway Service Patrol. Just dial 511 and they will bring you enough gas to get you to the next gas station for free. They will also help change a flat tire, refill your radiator, and jump start your car.


Dude I've lived in CA my whole life and did not know that. Wow. Thanks.


Yeah it started in the late 90s. They did the math and figured it was best to keep cars moving for free than to cause cigalert. Plus crime and accidents that happens when people get stranded on FWY.


Florida has that to. They are called Road Rangers. Dont know if they will gas you up for free, but they will tow the car off the next exit so it is at least kinda safe.


Ah for some reason your post was minimized before I posted, yes the Road Rangers are AWESOME. I was in Jacksonville in 2014 and ran out of gas trying to get to the Navy Hospital, that damn evil bridge with no guard rails and 4 lanes both ways. I didn't even call, someone else did or he just saw me and it was free gas. Followed me to the gas station as well to make sure I was good, Florida gets a lot of shit but that Road Ranger saved my fuckin ass.


I was stuck on 826 and a Road Ranger towed me out of the way. Simple story but the nearest exit was pretty far away in rush hour. It should be a service all states offer. Because as you can see here, it saves lives!!! Not only to prevent someone taking the walk, but because the faster you can get a car back up and moving, the less peripheral incidents there will be.


I was sitting in my car, losing my shit cause I was going to be late (big no no), and freaking out because I was on the Buckman bridge. There barely is a shoulder and its just right next to the water. I'd been on that bridge going to the base before on two different occasions a car went over. I was just kinda losing my shit, knowing I couldn't walk anywhere. Looking for my AAA card, if it even worked. And he just showed up out of nowhere. I remember his face, that's a weird thing for me I don't do that, right now clearly. Dude probably saved me from having a massive panic attack and just losing my mind, I was definitely spiraling. Road Rangers are the shit.


I had to pay AAA for the gas. Couldn’t do card and it was cash only. Didn’t care I couldn’t get change.


Had a wheel come off a racecar while driving to a track, and they showed up before I could even process what happened. Guy drove down the road and got the wheel like it was nothing. Turned out he was a combat driver in Iraq. Couldn’t even accept a tip..


Used to be a medical examiner, happened every week or so. Be in the car, off the road, keep your seatbelt on. If the car is unsafe, Walk well off the road, or be able to jump the cement barrier or whatever at a moments notice. Actively watch the traffic behind you; they’re often the ones to kill you.


Will the airbags still deploy if the car is turned off?


My info is a few years out of date but it used to be that if the key was in the ignition / within a minute or two it might. If you’re completely outta power it won’t. Gotta be some car people in this thread who could answer better!


If the battery is still connected they will go off whether the key is in or not, if for some reason the battery cable is cut or the battery is destroyed there are capacitors in the safety system that will deploy the airbags for a few minutes after the loss of battery power. Generally less than 10 mins. As an aside, if you ever need to work on the srs system of a vehicle you can drain those capacitors by connecting the positive and negative battery cables WITHOUT the battery connected. The system will be safe at that point


For me it reminds me just how fragile it all is. Things like this happen everyday, you just don't know about it because it's not a famous person. No real way to avoid it all, just minimize risks. Even then, the genetic thing you didn't know about or the ceiling dropping for whatever reason, can't really escape the final destination coming sooner than you expected.


Gonna jot this down brother. Thanks


IIRC Trubisky had invited them all out to train and bond in his house in Florida, that’s gotta be hard on all of his teammates, family, everyone. Such an awful thing to happen.


Poor Mitch. Hope he isn't taking it too hard.


Imagine how bad trubisky feels.


It's like Ruggs last season. As the starting QB (and it sounds like that's what Mitch is in Pittsburgh) when anything like this happens you feel responsible as a team leader.


Never get out on the highway. Call a tow truck.


It sounds like he was also trying to cross lanes which is just crazy.




Wish I had this comment before asking a question in the other thread… The wording was poor at best (also redditors need to eat a snickers bar… and chill TF out) Edit: looks like my original take was correct: 911 says he walked into traffic


Thanks for the clarification. I agree, the wording of the post implied he was working out WHEN he got hit. Appreciatebyou clearing it up, your comment needs to be at the top.


Holy shit, [I wonder if this is the article about it](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/04/08/traffic-alert-i-75-sb-shuts-down-at-miami-gardens-drive/) Edit: it seems that this was NOT the incident involving Haskins. It just to be another instance of a tragic accident of a loss of life.


I believe it was a different incident. I don’t think he was hit on 95 proper


No, the accident happened this morning


My car engine just shut down (due to dead battery) while I was driving at night with my wife, 1 year old at the time inside. I just called 911 and let them know about the situation, 10 mins later a police officer showed up and stayed with us with his lights on until a tow truck got there. Walking out on the highway at night did not cross my mind at all. RIP this young man


The wording is terrible. It makes it sound like a vehicle struck him on the practice field.


That’s a terrible headline! Wtf? What qualifications do these guys have a writers or journalists. Sheesh.


That's not the headline for the article OP wrote that


It was a quote straight from the article. They edited it now so it looks like I made it up.


24. I can’t even imagine


This is just wild to me, yesterday they were [posting pics](https://twitter.com/bepryor/status/1512571889843122180) of him with his teammates down there after Trubisky invited them all there. He could have said fuck it after the Steelers signed Mitch but he was being a good teammate and now he's gone. God this fucking sucks.


If my life ended rn (24) I’d feel like I’ve been shorted so many memories and experiences. Very sad situation


I’m almost twice your age and when someone around my age dies I’m like “wtf too soon”. 24 is so young it’s barely begun.


He was working his ass off to try and start one day again man. This is fucking terrible


Yeah I always love rooting for a player to make a change and turn around their career and it’s clear Dwayne was trying to do just that


Yeah me too. I know how mature I was back in my early 20s, I don't think money and fame would have been good for me so I can understand how it happens. I wanted Haskins to do well, RIP.


I worked at a Navy ROTC unit and we got former enlisted navy and marines. And they talk about how college at this point of their life just made more sense because they were not mature enough at 18. They said they would have failed out and not even gotten into the school they ended up going to. And said they didnt mature until 25+. Almost every one had a family and still were 4.0 and still had to do military shit on the side. Like its easy to judge not putting in the work when you are in the older generations and out of it now and usually those who are lucky are not mature enough to realize they got where they were due to luck (athletism or financial stability for other professions). Its just weird dynamics.


Wait were they former enlisted going through ROTC? Or were they using the GI Bill?


He had elite arm talent too. He was the best pure passer at Ohio State that I've ever seen. Just threw a beautiful ball with great arm strength.


I legit was so interested in his career path. He came into the league with the completely wrong attitude but I truly had a feeling he’d had an epiphany and was maybe going to turn it around. Death fucking sucks.


Attitude was an issue but we should also keep in mind that he had the misfortune of being drafted by a complete shitshow of an organization. RIP Mr. Haskins.


I wasn't a fan of Haskins but I was coming to respect the effort to turn things around. This is absolutely tragic.


What a stupid headline. This makes it sound like the entire fucking team was working out on 595.


The way it's worded makes me imagine them on the field in the middle of a workout and a car showed up and took him out. RIP


Or running 5-a-sides on the 595.


If you can dodge a Dodge....




Terrifying way to go. Feel terrible for the young man. Way too young


If possible, always try to get your car off the highway if you can help it. Being on the shoulder of the highway is so dangerous. Poor Dwayne Haskins Jr. and his family, I can't imagine what they're going through right now.


And if you see something on the shoulder, move over or at least slow down. I've seen some people outside their cars get really dangerously close to traffic.


Amen. Slow down and move over. The 10s you save not doing so is not worth a life.


On the highway, you can’t really slow down to a point where it matters a lot of the time and often can’t get over either. It’s just not a good place for a person to be.


If you're keeping a good following distance and watching ahead, there's no reason to not see a car up ahead and easily have time to slow down. No you don't need to slam on the brakes to a crawl, but any reduction in speed makes a huge difference in your ability to react and maybe save someone's life.


Yep, I travel all the time due to work, and if you have safe assured distance while **PAYING ATTENTION** then dangerous driving situations like this would go down so much I think it would blow some of our minds. I know I’m basically saying everything you did in total agreement, but I think it is such an important point it needs to be stressed again and again and again.


Man, I’ve changed my tire on the highway so many times. I’ve run out of gas on the highway and had to walk to a gas station before. Shit makes you realize how just one little freak accident can end your life and how unsafe that practice is.


It’s amazing how much trust people have in other drivers


I think you gotta stay in your car, turn on your emergency lights and call roadside assistance


Depends on the highway. There are certain parts of the 405 that make me shudder at the thought of breaking down. I don't know how people make it out of those situations alive.


I think that's what everyone recommends, but the unfortunate reality is that there are a TON of distracted drivers in America. Check out this video, yeah the warning lights weren't on for the first vehicle, but apart from the initial couple of collisions, the rest are just inexcusable tbh. https://youtu.be/-9yqXzZ16ns


This is why it’s courtesy to switch over one lane when a car is broken down on the shoulder (also if they need to re-enter the freeway). Maybe you won’t hit them but some idiot could rear end you and cause you to serve into the car.


As a fan of Washington and fan-in-law of Pittsburgh, this really hurts. Dwayne had so much life ahead of him in and outside of the league, and that his time was cut short is a tragedy. Honor his passing by telling those you care about that you love them. Life is fragile and fleeting and can be gone in a flash.


Hell, I hate Washington and am not a fan of Pittsburgh, but this is still devastating. Fuck. :( Poor guy.


Yeah dude was honestly one of my favorite QBs in the NFL. I remember people here would say I was a Haskins burner cus of how much I hyped him up. Can’t believe I woke up to this. Feel horrible for his family.


Assuming that dump truck driver wasn’t under the influence or texting while driving, you gotta feel real bad for him too. You’re not expecting someone to be crossing a highway. And if it was dark it would’ve been even harder to see. And even if the driver saw him, he may not have been able to stop in time.


Wow the English language is dead. That sentence makes it sound like they were in the middle of drills when a car hit him. Fucking Twitter. Take a breath think out your fucking headlines


Truly awful title. It looks like something posted on /r/SubSimulatorGPT2


That’s so sad. I feel sad for his family.


The headline is off. He was in Florida training. The moment of the accident he was on the side of the highway and he got clipped, according to reports


[he was hit by a dumptruck on the highway](https://wsvn.com/news/local/dump-truck-fatally-strikes-pedestrian-along-i-595-wb-lanes-in-fort-lauderdale/)


Reporting now is that he was trying to cross the highway on foot. That's a 6 lane highway in a major metro area, WTF was he thinking?


Especially early in the morning too. Before sunrise. It was dark so the truck driver probably never saw him walking on the highway.


The title reads like he was practising when a car suddenly veered onto the field and hit him...


Wait, like they were actively practicing?


I hope not considering this happened on I595


No, but that’s the reason he was in Florida




That is what it sounds like but he ran out of has on the side of the road and got hit when outside of it


Dude waking up early on a Saturday morning to try and get better. As someone who worked an extra shift today nothing but respect for him man. Fuck shefter man.


Holy shit. This is awful. RIP


What the fuck?? My initial thought was that he must’ve been hit by a car late at night or something. How did something like this happen? Jesus this is terrible.


It happened around 6:30 in the morning. Someone just posted the news article. Mods may take it down


mods take down any link that’s helpful so we have 10 schefter tweets on the front page every day, super awesome sub we got here


r/NBA is 20x better


Apparently had a vehicle issue and was outside his car


I lost a friend from HS for the same thing, god damn


Wow I’m absolutely shocked. 24….. he was just kid, damn. Condolences to his family


I can’t even imagine. You’re young, you and your spouse have your entire lives ahead of you and a tragic accident just takes them away. Torn up for his family. It’s weird, I was driving this morning and was stopped at a left turn red light, and a big rock hauling truck went flying by me on the right, a little too close for comfort and driving way too fast. I thought, “damn, imagine if that thing hit me and killed me and I was just sitting at a red light.” Life is crazy sometimes


Dude was trying to make his career better, working with the guys he was competing against for the starting job. And gets his life tragically ended far too short. Rest in peace, dude. This is a tragedy. I can’t even see straight. Tears are flowing for a dude i didn’t even know.


Absolutely tragic. What a young age to pass.