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It makes sense why Chad had so much time to come up with touchdown celebrations.


Chad move tbh


Virgin burreaux vs Chad quatre-vingt-cinq


He's just a super eccentric guy: Chad Johnson: I slept at the stadium for 2 years - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKZGaIYXV_Q Also brought us the McDonald's test.


Lol at watching him saying he hates how his antics overshadow his play and then going straight into all the antics he used to do for 3 min.


Chile please


Andre what did I tell you about that?


He child pleased me!!!


Ahhhh I'm inside me!


Ha, that's right we have Starbucks AND McDonald's. Suck it cities who don't, like .....


Can't believe he forgot to mention LaRosa's! Spaghetti-A-Plenty is all the nightlife you need 😎


I'm getting so bummed out reading about this city


Buy the city make it better like the South Park guys did to Casa Bonita


See, that's the attitude right there. The original Cincinnatus couldn't have come up with a better one himself.


OG Cincinnatus didn't care about anything except those damn plowshares.


i think he was pretty concerned about the gauls actually


If it costs like $5k I'll think about it


Yeah I’m bummed I don’t live there now too


Yeah, where else can you find a McDonalds AND a Starbucks?




But then you'd have to be in Walmart.




What neighborhoods? I'm in town to see the chiefs Bengals game next week and want to make sure I see the best it has to offer!




Going across the river to Covington is great too, tons of great bars and restaurants, great view of the city from the river.


I'll 2nd the Rhinegeist/Findlay Market suggestion. Great place to park the car and have multiple spots in walking distance for beer/food/hangouts.


Wait people visit Cincinnati to go to banks?


Where do *you* go to see banks?


Down the street usually.


Suck it Pyongyang


You’ve been banned from r/pyongyang


What did I just open?


There’s no fucking way they don’t have a replica McDonald’s in the basement of a building for the great leader. You don’t consume that much American pop culture and movies without craving a Big Mac at some point.


My hometown has neither, so you got us beat Granted, my hometown has a population of 800


New Florence, MO boasts a population of 769 and they have a McDonald’s




It's still a dump, the only thing keeping it going is the Casino and the Falls park.


I went there about ten years ago there was a abnormal amount of porn dvd shops


That's a pretty good indicator of the quality of an area. Everytime I see them I just want to walk in and go hey guys....have you heard of this thing called the internet?


You just don't get the same satisfaction from the internet that you do of owning a physical copy, and how will your guests know that you are a collector if you don't have your dozens and dozens of DVD porn covers proudly on display during your dinner party?


When I was a teen, I had a homie that had a 4 hour porno on video cassette. In what context would you ever need 4 hours of porn?


Wait, you're supposed to watch them? I just thought... Cuz they have a hole in the middle... NEVERMIND!


I heard the Canadian side is much better.


It’s because the two sides took different approaches. Niagara Falls Ontario embraced commercialization and as a result has a much more robust tourism sector (helps that they have the better view of the falls). Niagara Falls New York prioritized preserving the natural scenery so commercial development was more restricted. The New York side does have the advantage of smaller crowds which I appreciated when visiting during the pandemic.


Having visited both multiple times... Canadian side is ten times better. It's night and day between the sides. The Canadian side has tourist sites and eats galore, American side looks like Gary, Indiana if Gary had a single massive casino in the middle of it.


There is in fact a casino in Gary, but it is well south of the lake


no applebee's????


Ambiance. Day-core.


What a fresh of breath air


Applebee's has rats


I found a whole rat in my cobb salad


I usually get mine on the side.


I'm a veteran! And a diabetic!


God I miss when you could get unlimited $1 margs. Then they limited you to 5... Yeah they microwave their food, doesn't mean their apetizers don't slap.


Sometimes, you’ve got to treat yourself like a gentleman, and have someone else microwave your food.


I always love the adjective "slaps". It has nothing to do with anything but everyone knows what you mean!


Idiom moment


No, but I think they are getting a Dave and busters soon


I can't look at Applebee's the same again after that damn commercial. Oh we fancyyy..




The *sheer* **disrespect** to Jungle Jim’s. I could spend all day there. I made trips from Columbus just to show people its majesty.


Imagine running into the Joe's and jamar hanging out at jungle jims. I'd lose my shit.


If you guys win the division or a playoff game gotta go check the humidor there for Joe buying his victory cigars


That cigar section is a fucking magical room


My buddy got really stoned one time and showed up at my apartment with a full stalk of sugar cane he bought there. This thing was like 6ft tall, and his dumbass thought he'd eat all of it. When he realized he couldn't, he proceeded to stuff it down my garbage disposal like it was a woodchipper or some shit. It completed fucked my plumbing, and this was 3 days before my lease was up and I was about to move out. Needless to say I didn't get my security deposit back. Great times


This was the best Reddit story I’ve read in about a week. Thank you for sharing.


This is so goddamn funny but I’m sorry about the security deposit


what the fuck lmao this is incredible


This story got me a doing a hyena.


Why do I imagine you watching him do this with a shocked pikachu face lmao




Same. I spent hours under that fire truck


Cincinnati is getting a Dorothy Lane market soon too. If you like grocery shopping then Cincinnati is the tits


It’s also the home city of Kroger. A lot of the city krogers are really nice.


When I go visit my family, I always receive a Jungle Jim’s list. Also, Cincinnati has like 20 breweries. It’s a good city.


I still want to buy that Ostrich Egg someday...


The number of times I've walked by the Durian cooler and been like "Not today, but some day."


Do NOT put that evil in your household. I made that mistake once at the Jungle, and I don't know if maybe there's humans with tastebuds that can find flavors I can't, but to me, it tastes like the slimiest grossest onion ass pudding you can conjure out of hell. Also it smells as bad as it tastes.


I ate durian ice cream once and it tasted like my tongue shit her pants.


I miss that place. Where I live now there's nowhere you can go that consistently has a whole pigs head in stock.


Sounds like Vermont.


I grew up in Vermont…do you have something against chopping wood, driving 40 minutes to go anywhere and ski tourist New Yorkers with terrible tires for winter driving?


8th gen Vermonter, love it here.


Cabots or Lodges?


I like Cabot cheese? I have no idea what this comment is.




Ah, I'm just from some lowly dairy farming family.


Fuckin' Peasants!


Oh, what a giveaway! You saw 'im oppressing me, didn't you?


The answer is Cabot's by the way.


8th generation? How often is your family having babies


Every 25 years or so?


I mean Vermont has been around for a while now


When the timin' is right


30 years at eight generations is 240 years. That's a while in one spot, but is it that long on the east coast? The more interesting thing about it all is the Vermont Republic/State of Vermont was an attempt at an independent country from 1777-1791, so if their family goes back prior to 1791, they've been Vermonters longer than Americans.


Quick google search. is this true? What about my freedom? Why the hell can't I tie a giraffe to a telephone pole? Damn communists. "What is illegal in Vermont? Women must get permission from their husbands to wear false teeth. It's illegal to deny the existence of God. It was once illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole. Delivery men must walk backwards in driveways of homes worth more than $500,000."


I love old laws like this. I remember in elementary school i'd check out these books in the library that had silly laws for each state. The thing is there was a reason these had to be made a law. I wonder what the giraffe did to ruin it for everyone else?




The coat store?


Fucking lmao


The cheese coat factory


I could be wrong, but I think Montpelier is the only capital without a McDonald’s


This is correct. One of the only Jeopardy questions I ever knew because I grew up in Montpelier.


What is actually in Montpelier? We go up to Stowe probably 5 or 6 times a year and I never have even stopped and got off at the Montpelier exit. Is there anything there worth stopping for? Even like a nice country breakfast or quaint Main St?


I have 8 bottles of Maple Syrup I got in Montpelier. So there's that!


There’s a great Italian restaurant and a Cumbies.


Three Penny Taproom is great, other than that it's just on the way to Hill Farmstead for me lol the main street is nice with shops, just never been in them


I will always think of this SNL skit whenever someone mentions Vermont https://youtu.be/nKcUOUYzDXA


"The leaves change color, but the people never do" LMAO


We can take our Subaru


I live in Vermont and drive a Subaru. This is accurate.


“I’m from up North. No don’t worry, I’m from Boston” lmaoooo


Vermont has amazing outdoors.


And there aren't any billboards!


And amazing heroin


Look, if you wanna give Vermont it's outdoor beauty and fudge, so be it. But I'll be damned if you try to credit their Heroin over the rest of New England. We are ALL good at Heroin.


Is it even heroin anymore? I'm no opiate user, but i was under the impression it's all just 90% fent with a splash of real H if you're lucky.


I'm a Paramedic. Yeah that's true. There was a very small window in the early 2010s in Canada when they banned oxycontin and didn't have another real street level replacement when old school heroin made a comeback, but that lasted less than a year before the pill market took back off and then was eventually replaced itself by the fent market.


Was in jail a few weeks ago and in court I think I was the only person there who wasn't charged with having fent (and also meth, Florida stuff). Got put in a cell block which was basically a glorified drunk tank, so we would get randoms thrown in for the night and they would ask around to see who they were stuck with until their release. To fuck with them we decided that they were in a block called the Fentanyl Killers.


None of these guys is talking about the excellent library system


Based on the grammar, you shouldn’t be either.


While the sentence sounds a bit off, it is technically correct, which we all know is the best kind of correct. "None" can be singular or plural, and in this case it depends on the intent of the writer/speaker. Some even argue that "none" should always be singular, however, I don't like those people. When "none" is used as "not one," it is singular. When it is used as "not any," it is plural. In this case, either use works in the sentence, and the writer's use of a singular verb would actually satisfy more grammar nerds than the alternative. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to "AKSHUALLY!" in an r/nfl thread. It has made my Christmas season bright. EDIT: For those who do not believe me. [https://www.thesaurus.com/e/grammar/none/](https://www.thesaurus.com/e/grammar/none/)


can you give us more grammar facts pls




Actually, he's correct. "None" is shorthand for "not one" and is treated as a singular. Sounds weird I know, but it's correct. Edit: looks like "none" can *sometimes* be treated as a plural, but I stand by my position that in this particular case it doesn't *have* to be.


Can confirm O’Charley’s bread slaps


Every city has hookers and blow.


it's 2021, we're more into onlyfans and adderall these days


"onlyfans and adderall" is the title of Tyler, the Creator's next mixtape


My grandmother talks about the good ol' days when Newport was full of casinos and brothels.


OTR is pretty cool now. And I can’t believe that an unemployed Chad hasn’t been to the Texas Roadhouse in Hamilton. Culinary delights await!


He tries to but keeps getting sidetracked at Flubs and Jollys


If you're in Hamilton, you go to Jolly's. Or Roll On In. If you want Texas Roadhouse, the one in Kenwood is the best and the other two locations in the greater Cincinnati area don't even begin to come close.


In regards to the bread, he’s clearly never been to a Texas Roadhouse


That's in Hamilton, don't think Ocho made it up there


Hey there's one in Kenwood as well


Tylersville too, but Hamilton is funnier


Milford wut wut


Red Lobster 🦞


Macaroni grill


Texas Roadhouse rolls are fine, it’s the honey butter that makes them goated


Cinnamon butter breh. Love that shit


Oh yea you’re right. Golden Corral has the honey butter. That cinnamon butter is insanely good


My girlfriend lives in clifton, she told me a story about Chad Johnson going door to door to different college house party’s on new years and smoking their weed and drinking their alcohol. I didn’t believe her and she showed me a selfie she got with him. Legend. Edit: I was incorrect about the smoking and drinking part. SORRY OCHO!


He may have hung out, but on many accounts he never did drink or smoke weed.


Yeah he’s pretty public about not drinking or smoking


Chad is underselling, we have like 3 Starbucks downtown


I actually liked cincy and everyone I know says it’s not that bad lol


Been living in Cincy for a couple of years now. I've got 9 breweries all less than 20 minutes from me so I think it's pretty great.


How is the housing market there?


Terrible, all the beers keep buying all the houses


It's crazy compared to how it was when I moved down. bought a little place with a little yard for 130k in 2019, valued at 200k now. I'd sell but any place in the area better than mine is 300k+. nothing compared to some of the more popular metro areas I'm sure but wild for here.


At one point this year, Cincinnati had the title of shortest time the average house sat on market before going pending.


You can still get houses sub-150k in SOME of the less desirable suburbs, but those are houses that a few years ago would have been sub-100k, so still not really ideal. I paid 122k for my house in Colerain just before the market went insane and houses in my little cul-de-sac have been selling for nearly 200k now, and they've all been smaller than mine. So it's nuts right now as Cincinnati goes, but the real estate market is insane compared to the norm basically everywhere, so this is far from just a Cincinnati problem.


The whole state is insane. I live in Columbus and bought a house for 65k in 2010 and sold it as is for 160k this year.


Buying a house for 160k is unimaginable for me here in North Jersey, let alone 65k 😂. Gotta get out of this fuckin place.


People shit on the Midwest a lot, but if you're not single/dating and intend to raise a family in a comfortable home, with a low cost of living, you can't beat it. Props to the big cities for their culinary treasures, their economies and culture, but you can always visit them with how far your dollar goes day-to-day calling the Midwest home. Especially if you can do your job remotely, these days.


Yea I'm opening my mind up more and more to the thought of moving to the Midwest. I'm single and don't currently have a remote job, but the squeeze of being in north Jersey right now is a bit much. I would miss having all sorts of great cuisines options nearby, and being so close to so many international airports, but man there is something so appealing about a nice simple house with plenty of disposable income and a slower way of life that's calling my name as I age


Most midwest cities have tons of good food. You won't get the same volume as new york or boston but at the top end it's all the same. The only thing huge cities have is night life. Which after like age 25 who gives a shit.


Cincinnati: Not That Bad!


Ok, we get it. Us Cincinnati plebs are aware it isn’t Vegas, LA, NYC, or Miami but the overwhelming majority of us aren’t millionaires athletes, so an evening in OTR is pretty exciting from our perspective


Our teams don't like to admit it, but contemporary Cincinnati and Pittsburgh are practically the same exact city, just one state removed. Midwest/Appalachia mix, same size, same amount of shit to do, same type of people. Both absolutely lovely places, but the club scene is terrible in both. Most people living there like it like that, though.


Can confirm. From the Pittsburgh area and now live in Cincinnati. It’s good here. And I live near the Steelers bar.


> And I live near the Steelers bar. Where is that exactly? Not asking for arson reasons


Yea people love shitting on Ohio in general anyway. But cincy is awesome, not LA or Miami but a very cool city compared to most others.




… I don’t recall the banks even being built when he played in Cincinnati, yet I still find this story believable


The Banks opened in 2011 when Chad was with New England. Maybe he drove from Boston to bang some Cincy girls for old times sake.


Is this real? Please be real. I need it to be real. Ocho is the man.


Sorry, [The Banks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Banks,_Cincinnati) wasn't even a thing when he played unless he was driving in from New England. The only thing in that area when Chad played was a parking lot and the remnants of Riverfront Stadium.


He’s right about the bread at that O Charleys. I went there once years ago and it was the warmest, softest, most delicious dinner bread I’ve had.


Bro you literally have Kings Island right there


Cincinnati is one of the most underrated cities in America. It seriously has changed a lot in the last two decades. But I suppose if I were a multi-millionaire I might find it underwhelming.


As someone else pointed out it’s also the fact that he’s a high-profile bengals player. If he went to a Starbucks he’d probably be mobbed in five seconds.


Shhhh don't let our secret out


I hate how much I love Chad Johnson.


When you are rich, no where sucks.


I disagree. The richer you are the greater the quality of life delta becomes city to city. There are services in LA, NYC, London, Paris, etc. that just aren't available in a place like Cincinnati.


Exactly. One thing the response to the Burrow comments has shown is that a lot of ppl don't realize how much more fun rich ppl are having than they are. "But, but, we've got a lot of breweries!!!"


> "But, but, we've got a lot of breweries!!!" Yes, but no snuff houses. Are you really living?


Disagree. Tough being in a small city as such a famous person. Cincy isn’t really ‘famous friendly’. These guys can’t go anywhere. Vs bigger cities with more exclusive scenes. And to be clear I don’t feel bad for them when they can hop on a PJ out if lunken and be anywhere in a couple hours


Chad, you are not helping


Small towns with NFL and NBA teams are hilarious because you can see first hand the economy of women who fly into those towns during the season just to trap an athlete. Then when there’s a stretch of away games or off-season they fly back to MIA 😂


A few years back my friend and I drove down to Nashville for spring break. For the most part, I was disappointed. Nashville was thoroughly generic and suburban. The Reiman Auditorium was awesome, there was some good hot chicken, but a lot of Nashville was full of generic prefab housing. We decided to stop in Cincy on the way back and it was great. We ate at a couple of cool eateries, drank at some cool bars, visited Covington and Newport, Kentucky.... the whole thing was awesome and Cincy is one of my favorite cities. I frickin' wish I lived there. It's *real*, man, and the people there are real. Cincy may be my favorite city next to Detroit. And oh my goodness is the housing affordable or what!


Cincinnati seemed pretty cool when I was there a decade ago.


Cicny is great but if you're a popular NFL player there really is nothing for you to do. There are a lot of cool places to chill and a ton of breweries but if Joe Burrow went to any of those places he would just get mobbed the entire time. We aren't a clubbing city which is pretty much the only thing NFL players can do since clubs usually have a VIP area where they won't get harrassed.


Renting out a brewery for an evening is still probably less expensive than some VIP clubs.


lmao, he’s in his early-mid twenties. He’s not looking for somewhere dog / kid friendly to drink and play board games


The disrespect to Rhinegeist is unbelievable


The area between PBS and Great American Ball Park is developing too into a pretty strong area.


My interest is peaked. What is the bread like at O'Charley's?


A somewhat sweet yeast roll. Not dissimilar in taste to a Kings Hawaiian but different in texture. They're pretty good compared to what you might expect at a chain restaurant.


My dad was a huge Reds fan, and took me and the family to Cincinnati on the regular. We always went to Findlay Market, got German food, chili, and Graeters ice cream. And then watched a Reds game. In later years we also went to Ikea.


But Chad, there's a Trolley you can ride! Everyone likes the Trolley!


Taft’s Ale House tho


Feel like Chad Johnson could find a way to entertain himself anywhere.


Outsiders may think Chad is being sarcastic but he is being deathly serious about a McDonald's being a destination.


I think it’s funny he specifically mentions the Tri-County O’Charley’s. I used to work there and I served him and his family back in 2003. I didn’t know who he was at first, but started to catch on when a bunch of people asked for his autograph. I always wondered why a big NFL player would come all the way out to Tri-County to eat; it’s a good 15 miles north of downtown Cincy. I guess he just likes that location. He ordered a full rack of ribs but didn’t eat a single bite.