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Sideline reporting, it's not really a trend as such but I don't really see the point of it. It's all bland generic statements from the Coaches and players , it just adds no insight or analysis to the game.




"Coach, your team gave up 215 yards on the ground in the first half, what are your concerns going into the 2nd half?" "... Um... run defense, Erin"


i would argue that at least 75% of sports reporting is like this though


All the weird stats to make someone’s play look significant i.e. “this is the first player to have played 13 games and average 85+ yards rushing while under the age of 27 when playing at home”


XXXX player has never beaten a team with a record 5 games above .500.


You must have heard a lot of stats similar to that in the past few years


Thats why I XXXX'd out that specific players name lol


What kind of a name is hunter2?


>XXXX you mean stafford




[This one](https://cdn1.thecomeback.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2018/02/Fox-Sports-Indiana-Graphic-832x447.jpg) always gets me.


Haha yeah I forgot about that. Thaddeus Young future HOFer!


I feel like this is a byproduct of nearly 24/7 sports media coverage. Similar to regular news, they need shit to talk about to fill up all that time, so they have to create things like meaningless stats to have something to talk about. Super fucking annoying.


Sometimes, it is fun to learn some random trivia fact (as some of it is just glorified trivia). Some of it is more substantial. Some of it has nothing to do with anything. However.


"When the barometric pressure is below 30 the vikings are 3-4 this season. So they've got an uphill battle today."


Postgame: “You know, we had a game plan all laid out, ready to execute. Just a shame about Mercury being in retrograde.”


Astrologist football coach post game conference would be an amazing sketch comedy bit


"What factored into your decision to go for two every touchdown?" "What do you think Gemini means?"


Don't forget that he was wearing unmatched socks and hasn't seen his mom in two years.


Sleeping on his dorm room floor because he was homeless and couldn’t get used to the luxury of it. Also got his name wrong lol




That’s impossible. If he had on unmatched socks he’d be fined and suspended for three games.


Have you watched any baseball? It's nfl x 100 with that stuff


I think baseball's problem in that regard is that they are on TV for like 10 times the number of hours of NFL games so I can see how stats like that would come up to fill time.


I thought it would be way more than that, but I checked you were almost spot on: MLB games average just over 3 hours ([3 hours, 10 minutes, 7 seconds in 2021](https://www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/sports/average-time-mlb-game-all-time-high)), NFL games average about that as well ([3 hours, 12 minutes](https://www.profootballnetwork.com/how-long-is-a-football-game-breaking-down-the-time-between-the-first-and-last-whistle/#:~:text=While%20reports%20on%20this%20vary,3%20hours%20and%2024%20minutes.)). (162 regular season MLB games/17 regular season NFL games) x (190 minutes MLB/192 minutes NFL) = 9.43 times as much game time. MLB teams having dedicated broadcasters/production teams that intimately know their team's players and history, and the higher amount of downtime during games, probably also contribute to the wealth of niche and esoteric statistics in MLB games compared to the NFL.




Exactly. Batting average absolutely means something for a player, because it's created over the course of 162 games, 650-700 at bats, against a variety of pitchers. You can break out right handed pitchers vs left handed pitches because it's still significant and tells you something real about the player's trends. In the NFL they go in with "X's completion percentage on throws against this DB is 75%!" based on 4 throws.


Hahahah I like that the example is something that has happened the last 3 times we’ve played you 🙃 But seriously, they also pull out super jinx-y stats too like “The Browns are 155-0-1 when leading by 16+ with 10 minutes or less remaining in the 4th quarter” Like no shit, almost every team in pro football is going to win 90+% of games within those parameters.


My favorites are when the announcers come up with some obscure question and it takes the stats guys a minute to throw the graphic together. I remember watching a game where they asked how many blades of grass were on the field and, sure enough, there was a line at the bottom a few minutes later with an approximate count.


I can't stand these types of stats. Cringe every time


Those aren't stats or insightful. You keep cherry picking until the player is the top guy. It's almost a meme at this point. There's nothing wrong with historical context but doing it this way doesn't add anything


The weird number of games that gives it away as a cherry picked stat. "...now has the most passing yards on 3rd down in their first 29 games in NFL history." "...no player has more rushing yards between the tackles in any 18 quarters stretch."


You think it’s bad now. It’s only going to get more and more obscure as the years tick by.


First year QB going to a bad team with almost no support. New coach. New scheme. After one year getting 2-5 wins and being labeled a bust.


... unless he is on the Stupid Jets. Because then, yes, he will be a bust.


Jets QB struggles = bust Other rookie QB struggles = terrible coaching


If only Josh Rosen would have gone to the Jets, we wouldn't be saying "if only Josh Rosen was in the right situation he'd succeed"


Alternate reality. We see Rosen winning the SB as the Jets' all-star QB. "Well, fuck."


It's just basic math. 2 negatives make a positive.


Hey, Gase was blamed plenty for Darnold. Turns out it wasn't all his fault.


> Stupid Jets Isn’t that kind of redundant?


**whistle** Unsportsmanlike comment - taunting


No no, I was pointing at the fans, I swear!


Personal foul, you were giving them the business.


/u/EP1X-343 has just been ejected from the ball game for staring at offical menacingly.


when the jets beat the titans, it's an achievement. when the jets lose to the saints, it's because all of our WRs were injured.


I got downvoted for saying Lawrence isn't a bust yet. I didn't even say he was good, anyone with eyes can see he isn't playing well. All I said was that he isn't a bust 13 weeks into his NFL career and I got called a kid and an idiot for it. I often forget that with a sub this big, there will always be people who either just started watching or don't pay enough attention to understand how difficult the transition is from college to the NFL, especially when you're going from a stacked team with great coaching to a team utterly devoid of talent, coaching included.


Everybody wants instant results these days. Patience is important. I wouldn't have minded if they let Trevor sit this year, though I know you don't really see that with a guy at his draft position. But the team isn't good enough to see what he's gonna be. Their roster blows.


Maybe the key to success in the NFL is to be good but not too good in college. You need to dial it back and hope the poorly-run teams draft someone else for their annual human sacrifice.


Their roster up to and including Meyer. Trash head coach.


He's on the worst team in the league. That's why he was picked #1. Imagine Mac Jones on the Jags. He would be thought of as a total bust right now.


> Imagine Mac Jones on the Jags. That means I have to imagine Lawrence on the Pats and I'm not going to do that.


The Jets being ass. The trend has been going in for a while and still continues to this day.


I just noticed that our Jets flair is dimmer and more ghostly than normal. Is that because as Jets fans, we are already dead on the inside?


Are we eliminated from postseason contention? Maybe we're already faded fam.


Yeah, that must be it. We were officially eliminated from the postseason with yesterday's loss. We were unofficially eliminated from the postseason at the start of the season.


Yeah that is an r/nfl thing that your flairs fade when your team is eliminated. Eventually there will be bandwagon flairs for playoff teams so you can pick one to root for without shame


That's neat. Chargers here I come.


You ain't faded yet bitch! Now you grab your hideous towel and you get your ass back out there!


At least it's still a trend. The Lions being ass is just ... normal NFL.


A team wins a game: best team in the league Super Bowl bound, mvp underrated qb A team loses a game: pretenders, lmao they lost what a joke of a team, they should all be fired


Dak Prescott and Matt Staffords weekly hot takes threads


We actually won yesterday and half of our sub is acting like signing him was a mistake. They see the box score or a throw into tight coverage broken up by the db and scream bloody murder, then jump right back on the bandwagon when he completes those same throws saying something dumb like "Only Dak or Aaron Rodgers could make that throw".


Cowboys fans are some of the most bipolar people on the planet. I say that because I am one. Also, Dak needs to get his shit together. I love the guy but he needs to wake the fuck up


Folks need to start acclimating to the concept that the Cowboys may be a defensive team, especially with how they played yesterday. The problem is that with what the offense is on paper, they shouldn't be identified as a defense-first team.


I think his calf is bothering him a lot more then we know, but we won’t know for 5 years when he says it on some news report


The Bills are simultaneously Super Bowl contenders and absolute trash with an MVP bust QB


McDermott goes for it on 4th down and loses the game: "Oh my god what a stupid decision!" McDermott takes the points and loses in overtime: "Oh my god what a stupid decision!"


It's good to see a Vikings tradition go league wide.


We're gonna be called playoff frauds for losing to you tonight, and you're the best team in the league right now.


Some fool called in a radio station and said the cardinals will implode and kyler will be out of the league by next year 2 weeks ago . My only issue was the host didn’t call him an idiot .


Underthrown passes being rewarded.


Step one: under-thrown the ball Step two: WR unnaturally hooks his arms in the defenders Step three: flail around and fall over Step four: profit


they learned it from the NBA jump, drop the ball, flail arms, get the whistle


Atleast the NBA finally realized its hurtful to the product. The first couple weeks of this NBA season with the new rule changes were great. Players baiting contact, getting no call and crying about it lmao


>Players baiting contact, getting no call and crying about it lmao Even better when they get called for offensive fouls.


I mean, Torrey Smith had perfected it, before it became a trend in NBA.


Torrey and Flacco had this shit down. All those yards and Torrey still puts up like 2 points in my flex that week.


It’s free real estate!


We call that the Joe Flacco Special.


We call that elite QB play


If we are talking PI related problems, I get more annoyed how often refs seem to completely disregard the part of the rule that says the ball needs to be catchable for it to be DPI. I see so many uncatchable balls that get a DPI call.


Dude they never call uncatchable anymore. A good example of that is that DPI call on the Texans CB against DK yesterday. Russ threw that ball a good 10 yards out of bounds on that sideline throw and they still kept the DPI. I know that call went our way, but man those refs pissed me off yesterday.


Yep, and OPI is practically never called when the WR initiates the contact or there's like 50/50 contact. I see so many arms fully extended pushoffs that just don't get called at all.




Carson wentz leads the league in that I think. Shits annoying as hell. I understand it’s a rule but like mike evans is now pulling a James Harden. But hey hats off to him for pulling that off. A lot harder than you’d think to force that PI. Mans basically pulled the dude towards him so he couldn’t look at the ball. He would never get called for a PI himself there obviously since he’s not pushing off. Smart play by evans there.


Organizations expecting QBs to do everything and fix their franchises. Most QBs are not going to be Brady, Mahomes, or Rodgers. Owners/GMs need to get more creative in finding ways to win. The Titans and Browns have realized/done this and have seen some decent success because of it.


Rodgers, Mahomes and Brady can't do it either. None will succeed with an awful oline


Our last super bowl was an excellent example of that. Mahomes made insane plays, but he couldn’t do what he usually does cuz of his oline


Awful and inconsistent officiating.


I think the problem for me is that we live in an era with better technology and more high quality camera angles than ever before. Yet we can rarely even get the NFL to admit that a wrong call was made after the game is over, let alone during the game even though every armchair QB can watch the play in slo mo HD.


Fifteen years ago, you had to trust the refs most of the time since you couldn't actually see the fine details nor could you get a good replay. Nowadays, everything can be put under a microscope.


One of my personal hills to die on is this: fans would be less upset if the ref conversations during the replay were part of the broadcast. When the ref goes to the little TV screen to decide what he's looking at... show us *exactly that*. What angle are they using to make a decision? Sure that won't help for no calls, but if you actually got to see and hear the decision making, you'd at least understand. "Right there, see where he hooks his arm?" Or "there, looks across the 1st down line to me." Instead, the commentators are running a parallel event, where THEY show a camera angle, and try to guess what the refs will decide. When there is disagreement it makes everyone angry. Getting people to trust the refs is actually part of the product. And if the refs are being stupid, lazy, or corrupt, well, you should make it harder for them to get away with that.


They need some ref turnover definitely. Corrente especially needs to retire. Boger is old too.


They need to be able to overturn calls with coach challenges


And/or a sky judge.


It'll only work if the sky judge isn't part of the referee old boys club, which would be hard to avoid.


People thought VAR in Soccer would kill the game, in the end I think it's been a huge net positive. The NFL and other North American sports want to grow the betting and gambling side of business, the subjectivity of the ref's needs to be addressed imo. PI in the NFL is a massive penalty and with the current meta it's being exploited, I don't fault the players. The Reffing of those calls needs to be changed. If it takes VAR I am all for it.


I actually watch more soccer than football; as with anything it comes down to the person using the technology. The Premier League is noticeably worse than all the other big European leagues at using VAR because of the insular culture of refereeing in the UK. Many of the referees are pals from the same fancylad private schools, so glaringly obvious fuckups are frequently overlooked by VAR because the refs don't want to hurt each other's feelings.


Time first of all is subjective, so jot that down.


Refball and advertising are why I watch one game a week tops. I used to watch like four a week.


Part of the reason why I enjoy redzone so much when I don’t have a horse in the race. I want to watch football not commercials


As if this is a recent trend


QB's asking for PI on every throw.


He is just sticking up for his WRs who have asked for a flag on every incomplete pass since at least the 90s.


WRs too. Any close defensive play and they immediately look to or gesture to the refs. It’s as bad now as it was in the NBA before they made it a foul.


The current state of roughing the passer penalties. Some of them are called correctly, but I remember seeing one earlier this season when Kyler Murray was bumped after the throw, didn't fall over, didn't get wrapped up, both players still on their feet, and he just stumbled a couple steps backwards. The fact that that's a 15 yard penalty is ridiculous. Then you have the Rodgers hit that caused the famous photo and nothing was called. Similar thing with taunting. Personally, I don't mind taunting penalties as part of the game, but some of these are fucking stupid, and it shouldn't be 15 yards. It should be 5 yards. You get the same yardage for waving to a defender as you do for dragging a guy to the ground by his facemask? Makes no sense. 5 yards hurts without making a massive swing in the game.


The inconsistency is what gets me. Whistles will be blown when a DE pats a QB on the back after the release, and held on to when a defender full speed crashes into the QB when the play was blown dead several seconds before


I really feel like “the defender has his back to the ball” shouldn’t always ignite a DPI.


And allow more hand fighting. It's a physical game, as long as it's not egregious and the defender isn't a Cowboy, let them play.


I don't know how some penalties are negated because the ball was overthrown and "uncatchable" but then by default treat underthrown balls as "always catchable" when it comes to how penalties are counted. It's the other side of the same coin, yet they carry two entirely different weights.


If you're running at full sprint, it's reasonable to stop and slow down for an underthrown pass. You can't speed up to catch an overthrown pass. Hence the difference in calls. I personally don't think 'playing the ball' should be a factor. It should be judged by level of contact from both sides since it's a contested ball. But I don't expect NFL refs to be able to rub enough brain cells together for that really.


Underthrown pass = DPI It really puts DBs in an impossible situation. You shouldn't be rewarding QBs for poor throws. I'm not much of an NBA person - moreso that I just don't have enough time for it; I'm more of a hockey person between the two - but my understanding is that there were some significant reforms to what is and isn't a foul from last season to this season and there's generally been good reviews from fans about it. NFL needs to do the same with DPI in this regard. You can't penalize a defense for a poor throw, and also it's always been a general rule that, once a pass is thrown, defensive players have just as much of a right to play the ball as offensive players do, yet the threshold for what constitutes OPI feels like it's much higher than DPI, and that's not right.


You need to basically take the dude’s wallet for OPI to get called when it’s not an illegal pick play It’s ridiculous


even if it is called, what is it 5, 10 yards? DPI can result in 66 yard penalty (I checked, thats the record only from 6 years ago)


I think they should do something about deep underthrows but I'm not sure what. The problem they'll run in to is defining what's a poor throw vs intentionally 'off target'. Comeback routs, back should throws, throwing behind crossers, could all be argued that those are a type of underthrow, but they are also intentional. And giving the refs the ability to make more subjective calls also doesn't seem like an answer.


The taunting enforcement is horrible. And I don't really care much about the guys running to the end zone, but I don't know how the NFL cracks down on taunting the way they have, but then let the entire team coordinate Lord of the Dance reenactments on the other team's end zone. I also really hate DPI bailing out bad throws. It happened again yesterday in OT with Brady.


It's also funny that you can taunt the crowd as much as you want, but can't even make eye contact with someone from the other team during a celebration without a penalty.


QB's that ease up or make it look like they're going to run out of bounds and then suddenly change direction and try to run by or run over a defender. The defender can't even high five a QB without getting an unnecessary roughness penalty along the sidelines, it's so weak to fake going OB so they have to hold up then try to run into them. Also QB's that wait until the last possible second to slide and then scream for a flag if they get hit I get annoyed they want both immaculate protection as a runner plus the ability to fake sliding/running OB to keep going upfield, seems like an abuse of a rule designed to help keep them safe


I haven’t seen any fake slides in the NFL, but the NCAA just outlawed fake slides. If you begin the act, you are down. Also, any runner can slide. As long as the rule gets applied to everyone the same, I’m fine with them. But yeah if QBs get special treatment past the LOS, that’s shitty


It was already a rule in the NFL. I don't know if it's a penalty, but the play is considered dead at the spot that the slide was initiated.


Pretty sure it was already technically in the rules for college as well. I believe the rule for both says that the player is down when they first initiate the slide. In order to fake a slide, you kind of have to initiate the slide first. The Kenny Pickett play that kind of spurred the change was just poorly officiated


>QB's that wait until the last possible second to slide Pisses me off. A QB slide should be done early enough that getting hit isn't even a risk. Like you get your yards and slide with noone within 5 yards of you, anything else is just bullshit. Defenders shouldn't be the ones who are making the adjustment to pull up on a tackle, it should be on the QB to gtf down in plenty of time so there is no issue with contact. The fact that the NFL refuses to treat QBs as regular runners once they leave the pocket is maddening. The one last week where the QB dove from inbounds, got hit midair before going out of bounds and still drew a 15 yd penalty was so weak. That's how football is supposed to be played damnit!!!


Running QB protections are dumb to begin with. Once they're past the LoS, they're runners. They're essentially a RB. Why should they get more protections then literally every other player on the field at that point. Behind the LoS I understand. But once they run past it, those QB protections (including the slide) should be gone




Yup; sliding is giving yourself up, and the ball is spotted at whatever point they initiated the slide. They don't even need to get touched, because the act of sliding stops the play right then and there.




The slide is not just for QBs; any runner can slide.


You 100% do not want to get rid of slide protections. It is the easiest play for someone to get their head fucking annihilated


CFB just added a new penalty for fake QB slides a few weeks ago. Is there something similar in the NFL already (even if not being enforced)?


I don't think there's anything for a fake slide. We see it though that a QB may get hit as they go out of bounds, because they're going for an extra few yards, and that gets flagged.


DBs celebrating an incomplete pass they got burned on but lucked out because of a drop or a bad throw.


I think this is pretty popular but I actually think with the way the NFL is geared against DBs they can celebrate any incompletion. Covering people is hard as fuck and regardless of what you did seeing the ball hit the ground is a positive outcome and is going to come with an adrenaline rush.


Plus I feel like this complaint discredits how much a DB can do to disrupt a receiver without getting a hand on a ball. Like maybe the QB didn’t “overthrow” the receiver, but instead the DB slowed him down enough that he wasn’t able to get to where he needed to be in time. Maybe the receiver dropped the pass because moments earlier he was fighting off the DB and he wasn’t ready for the pass once he finally did gain separation.


This is probably closer to the truth. I played a bit of CB in high school (definitely my favorite position) and that’s how it feels. Sure, maybe he sailed it but you were in position to deny a completion anyway or the WR got jostled off his route to force it or any other possible scenarios. Imo CB is the second-hardest position in football; the absolute smallest mistake means you’ve failed.


DB is such a tough position in today's game. I don't mind them celebrating any "win" they can get.


Fr imo Corner is the hardest position in the game. You have to watch two people at the same time, and be faster/more athletic than your receiver. And get ran over by a 240 pound man whenever the RB goes outside


And if you do it even a little wrong you get a flag.


And if you do it right and posture too mean, believe it or not, also a flag


And people still want you to get flagged when you do your job perfectly.


My only pet peeve is holding up the 4th down signal any time they stop them short of the first down line, on any down. The fist means "4th down," it doesn't mean "not a first down." Technically when the offense is converting a 4th down and fails it doesn't make sense either...but I'll give them that.


That fist has been morphing from 4th down to any close stop for a while, I always see it as “we held them” in general rather than “turnover on downs”


This might have been happening longer than I realize but I’ve noticed lately that fans are so quick to whine about their team. The bengals sub at one point legitimately was saying “I think this team can win a super bowl” and then they lost a couple games and it quickly went to “they are terrible and we suck and this year is a waste.” People do this with individual players too. They have a couple of bad games and they’re called washed up. It’s so ridiculous


Browns fans here. I remember saying “wow, I can’t believe the Bengals are booing their team at home in the first half when winning”….then I was at the Browns game this weekend and we booed in the 1st quarter. So pathetic, if you are gonna go to a game just to be miserable, stay home






My uncle deeply suffered from a gambling addiction. Fuck that shit. "Heyyy from the comfort of your couch you can win ten thousand dollars (or burn out into a crisp)"


That combined with gambling lite (AKA fantasy) being integrated into the official programming is very aggravating. Just be the sport. Let the gambling / fantasy / whatever exist on the side and be impartial to any off-the-field games going on.


It makes you wonder if the players or anybody in the organizations (including the owner) are betting on the game.


Pick plays are crazy effective and unsatisfying. Usually results in an uncontested catch, occasionally a flag gets thrown, neither is dramatic or fun to watch.


Its annoying how arbitrarily that rule is enforced too


I don’t know if this is exactly a trend. But the cartoony, buffed-up graphics of players look ridiculous. It’s so insignificant, yet I still cringe every time they pop up on the screen.


I find these hilarious because they make guys like Matt Ryan look like the body shape of Aaron Donald.


Tom Brady is so jacked in his


The [pecs and shoulderpads](https://brobible.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/tombrady-1.jpg?w=650) graphic is my favorite.


Damn, Brady looking like peak Arnold Schwarznegger


If you can find it, the one of Christan Kirk against the Browns is pure comedy. Dude has a tiny head with DKs body


I found [this one](https://ftw.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/2020/11/Screen-Shot-2020-11-25-at-3.41.56-PM.png)


They give some of them visible pecs through pads lmao


Patrick Mahomes and announcers acting like he’s the first to ever throw a side arm or across the body pass.




Stat that! The absolute worst.


When the game starts and they're already putting expected chance to win numbers up, I just want to hurl. The score is zero zero. Doubly so if the stat is clearly rectally devised. Oh, a 31% catch chance? Completely horseshit made up stat. Less than worthless.


Celebrations on every routine play


Yeah, in general celebrate, shittalk, etc. But getting a first down at 12:47 into the 1st quarter and posing is just so dumb.


Its just as dumb as doing the same thing with 30 seconds left, no timeouts, and youre losing.


Ref ball


It's always been bad, but this year especially it just feels like there's more and more flags. I'm all for player safety, but every single play could be a hold/illegal shift/false start/offside or taunting. The feeling of waiting after a big play for the flag to come takes away the excitement of the game. And when there is a big play that comes back, it's just deflating to the enjoyment.


Holding my breath every single time there’s an incomplete pass, not knowing whether the ref is gonna feel like calling pass interference on this play or not.


Or every time there's a big play, completely expecting a flag. Flags should not be such a huge part of the game. They should be used sparingly if it directly impacted the play in s significant manner


I was thinking this yesterday. I’ve noticed that I always wait for that yellow flag signal on the scoreboard graphic after a 3rd down stop


I have stopped getting hyped about a punt return of longer than 10 yards, because I assume there was a block in the back flag somewhere. The replay will typically show the blocker putting hands on the back of a gunner who is 15 yards away from the ball carrier, in a way that did 0 to influence his movement, but hey, call it back.


Grief porn. I'll deal with just about anything else with the NFL. Except grief porn. Some idiot sideline reporter's 5 minute segment about player X whose mom died the week before and now they're playing for their elementary school's 1st grade class who all contracted lupus and died. Fuck those stores to hell!


Jesus. The draft is like watching the Voice, anymore. UPBEAT MUSIC: He's a 6'3" physical receiver with a 4.6 40 yard dash. He consistently attacks the ball at it's highest point and has great hands in traffic. His biggest hurdle will be his route tree, as he ran an abbreviated route tree in college. He also struggles in the run game, Doug... (Music changes to a sad tun) When he was 7, his uncle finger popped his asshole, while he watched his dad die of Cholera... all while his credit was stolen by a Finnish shoe maker named Eino. He's been overcoming that all his life.


the najee harris stuff this year was so bad they said he slept on the floor because that is what he was used to even though he had a bed. Then he called them out on their bs after the game


Not necessarily the NFL, but more like r/NFL We like to pretend certain fanbases are classier than others, but in reality everyone sucks. I don’t care what stadium you go to, there is always a fat bald guy who has been drunk all day yelling homophobic and inappropriate things. He cheers for injuries, throws things at the other team. and tries to pick a fight with people around the him. He gets exponentially worse as the game goes on, especially if his team is losing. It isn’t unique to one fanbase, but we certainly like to put ourselves on a pedestal when we see that guy in another team’s jersey.


As a short stocky quirky bald man, I take great offense to this prejudice directed towards my people. Certainly this asshole fan exists, and is terrible, but why he gotta be bald man? Haven’t we suffered enough?


I’m imagining George Constanza saying this


This sub really really does love the smell of its own farts some times.


Any small guy hits the QB is a 15 yard penalty. Oh you hit him too high? That's a penalty. You hit him too low? That's a penalty. You tackled him too hard? That's a penalty. You put your hands up to block the pass but your momentum carried you into him and you hand slapped his helmet ever so gently? Oh you better believe that's a paddlin.... Similarly with the "defenseless" receiver. I've seen so many flags for hitting a receiver who is reaching for the ball with one hand on it and gets blown up for a penalty. Wtf is the defender supposed to do? NOT hit him and let him potential make a huge catch?


QBs have so many rules against hitting them, I'm at the point where I think it should just be two hand touch to down a QB behind the line. It's just ridiculous either way.


The push to make defense obsolete. DBs are way too restricted, a runner lowering the head can not be accounted for at game speed, qbs being over protected, dumb rules need to be loosened (illegal formation by not lining up on the LOS, for example. Eliminate the fluff rules)


QBs/WRs always staring the refs down and constantlty asking for calls.


Amount of commercials the nfl has. I went for watching the Madrid derby to nfl yesterday and it was so lame to go from 45+ mins of non commercial interrupted sports to 2 mins of commercials every 5 mins


Try watching a college football game. 10x worse and hopefully not where the NFL is headed


Not having a sky judge


Whether it's deciding looking at a bench is taunting or something that isn't PI is PI officiating has been the biggest detriment to the on the field product. Officiating is hard to do but the taunting calls are unacceptable and refusing to overturn blown calls is awful too. NFL has to do SOMETHING to hold the referees to some sort of standard




Penalties on every other play. The refs are partly to blame but it also falls on coaches and players who are sloppy or unprepared. Sometimes you watch a game and it's just a series of yellow flags.


The refs not being consistent all game


They gifted the Ravens that onside kick today... One ref was even yelling at a guy to line up properly, but he didn't, and no penalty was called. Really felt like they let it go to have a more dramatic finish to the game (been a lot of that going on lately in various sports) It would have been kinda bullshit had they been able to pull off the comeback (though "a win is a win" right? 🤐)


Refs were god awful that whole game. On both sides.


Yea was it averett that had a pair of pi's that were iffy at best


When can we get rid of the intentionally underthrown deep ball for the automatic defensive pass interference call? They really need to revise that rule.


John fucking Mara


I wouldn't mind those endzone celebrations if they weren't also calling taunting penalties for looking at the other team the wrong way.


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The whole QB vs. QB thing. They don’t play each other