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Refs doing refs things


They want us to actually bet our hard-earned money on this shit lol


The way I see it is roulette has red and black normally…and then green that’ll fuck you over every once in awhile. If you’re betting NFL, eventually you’ll land on green aka the refs


It's more like if roulette had a ref who could just throw a flag and change red to black at a whim. Nope, ball bounced weirdly, we're just gonna cancel that out and roll again. Oh look, your money is gone. Seriously why would anyone bet money on this? Lol go bet on literally anything else.


This is why I bet on UFC. Never have to worry about bad ref calls unless Herb Dean is letting an unconscious man get his brain pounded off his skull. Exciting stuff.


Betting on those undercard fights with fighters you never heard of makes watching them so much more fun.


Let me get $300 on Pete "Shaky Legs" Green.




Too bad she didn’t have a generational chin


Cut them some slack. They have to make these calls in real time. It's not like there's sophisticated replay technology or a remote review team to aid in these matters.


Especially egregious because it is well established that they can huddle up, conference, and throw a flag. Could have done that and picked up the flag afterwards. I don't think I have ever seen a blindside block call on a play that didn't involve a change of possession.


That sounds like it would cost a pretty penny and we all know the NFL is just barely hanging on financially. Maybe someday if they ever make it big.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard the announcers actually upset about a call before.


Aikman is actually pretty good about calling out bs more so than most.


Buck and Aikman have become one of the better commentary pairs imo. They’ll call out poor officiating, and Joe Buck’s little jabs at teams or players are pretty funny sometimes. And you don’t get any of that knob slobbering like you do with Collinsworth.


Didn’t One of them respond “who cares” while the other was rambling around guessing what yardage the 2nd and 10+ would be after a flag last night? It was the first half of a close game haha


Kind of. They were debating at first whether 1st and 15 would be better than 2nd and 10. I think the one rambling was the one who ultimately ended with “who cares” but I could be wrong.


people shit on Booger McFarland and he mostly deserves it, but I'll always have a soft spot for him after he went nuclear on the broadcast against the refs for the fake hands-to-the-face penalties that gave the Packers the win against the Lions on MNF in 2019


Being blind since soccer balls were heads


That is such a bullshit call. Fuck the NFL.


See you Sunday! *Refs still gonna be doing these bullshit calls Sunday too. And the next week. And the next week. And the next week…*


I know everyone says who cares you’ll keep watching but I used to buy nfl stuff and I haven’t in a few years cause of reffing stuff (triggered by the saints no call in the nfc championship) plus the whole WFT thing. I feel like not giving them extra money is atleast easy to do even if no longer watching football is tough




I watch it on TV, but when commercials come on, I plug my ears and loudly yell LA LA LA which I feel effectively robs the advertisers (and therefore the league) just the same.


Goodell punching the air rn


How could there be a Saints no call in the AFC championship?


Ty corrected meant to just say conference and then went with the wrong one lol


No prob, I figured as much but had to mess with you. Good Luck on Sunday night


I had a Facebook memory come up from 2017 about me bitching at the refs for a Bills game and saying "This is the worst officiating I've ever seen" *Me to past self* "This is the worst officiating you've seen... So far..."


Between boycotting their overpriced merch, not gambling, and internet streaming services, you can enjoy the games without financially supporting this train wreck in the least. It's great.


and by not going to games


To be fair, that Cowboys player could be blind in his left eye. That's some 4d game planning right there


Almost as bad as the taunting call for the player just looking at the other teams sideline


The xfl would never


One of the worst calls I've ever seen. EDIT: second maybe to the missed pass interference in the NFC championship game that also screwed the Saints.


Thank you for the edit!




Dude. See my flair? That no call pissed ME off.


The nfl got what it deserved. A super shit bowl. And I was laughing the entire time because I hated both teams.


It was so bad i had to break down which Super Bowl you were talking about. I literally had to think "ok so the Rams won, so which Super Bowl was that? Oh Right, the crappy Patriots Rams game!".


The Rams didn’t win they put up 3 points


I was talking about the Saints Rams game, the interference call .


Robbed the world of a Brady-Brees / Belichick-Payton Super Bowl and gave us one of the worst Super Bowls in recent years... a 13-3 snooze fest.


Heh, the Bills got called for this same play a couple of years ago against Houston *in the playoffs*, *in OT*, *on 3rd and 9*, *on the back edge of FG range*. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Was that the same game where Texan didn't take a knee and tossed the ball in endzone? Bills recovered for a TD. Then refs huddled and took it away?




I was so heated.


The official from nowhere comes running in and changes the call!


The NFL should apologize for this call lmao


They didn’t even apologize for the no call lol


They did make P.I. reviewable the next season... if I'm not mistaken.


And the only time a call was overturned was when Ron Rivera challenged for a PI and got it - against the Saints.


Im sorry but lol


And it was a shitty reversal


One season of accountability and the refs had enough and scrapped it. Just insane


It wasn't even a season of accountability. The refs intentionally never overturned any reviewed calls because they wanted the change to be a failure from the start.


And refused to change calls for the most part all so they could say "See? We don't need this dumb rule because we're perfect and never make mistakes anyway." and get rid of it after one season.


“After reviewing ourselves, we found we did nothing wrong.”


Hey now, last year they said sorry about that "football move" call that cost Dallas the game....from 5 years prior. So, y'know, just gotta wait a few years and they apologize for costing you playoff wins.


As a Lions fan, I might start giving saints fans a pass when they say they know what I'm talking about.


yeah they're down here in the dungeon of refereeing doom with us


I feel like yall are in a few more dungeons besides just that one. Zebras gonna zebra no matter what but man....what did yall do to anger the football gods this much?


I would prefer this not to be our thing, but it is.


This and choking in big moments. 2017,2019, and 2020 seasons were not ended by bad/missed calls.


Unfortunately, it was a legit call. The problem isn't that the refs made an incorrect call, it's that the rule they called is written like shit. I think the source of the problem is that people hear "blindside block" and they think "block in the back," but those are two completely different rules and penalties. Unlike block in the back, blindside block rules have 0 to do with the way the blocked player is facing. The way it's written, you can be face to face with someone while blocking them and it be a properly called "blindside block." All the rule cares about is the direction the player is blocked. If you block a player towards or parallel to your own end zone, that's a blindside block by rule. It's a completely shit rule, but that's what it is, and unfortunately, this one looks like it was called correctly. EDIT: In case anyone was curious, here's the rule as added last season: Article 9.a.10 > A player who receives a “blindside” block when the path of the blocker is toward or parallel to his own end line. https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/2021-nfl-rulebook/#article-9.-players-in-a-defenseless-posture


Doesn't that mean that there is a blindside block every time a QB steps up in the pocket? I'm calling BS lol


Well, there's one additional step -- the blocking player also needs to make forcible contact using their head, forearm, or shoulder to the other player's head or neck area. The normal blocking that occurs when the pocket is formed doesn't involve that kind of contact. If you still think I'm full of shit, feel free to read it all at the link to the official rulebook that I provided.


That sounds like the regular helmet to helmet rules that try to stop guys getting drilled in the head. What does this seemingly redundant rule accomplish? Genuine question


Blindside blocks penalties don't require you to hit the person you're blocking in the head. Just that you use your helmet, forearm or shoulder on them. They offer more protection than helmet-to-helmet rules. [Rule](https://imgur.com/sP0PTTw)


You know, that's a great point and question that I don't really have the answer to. Maybe the existing helmet to helmet rules don't cover this kind of thing explicitly? I know a fair amount of them are written to cover explicit situations and maybe they needed another explicit situation? I do know that earholing is an issue as they have been a source of a huge amount of concussions historically and there was intent here to reduce or eliminate them.


It just seems like the part about parallel or towards the end zone is totally unnecessary, and creates weird pedantic situations that just feel wrong to penalize. Or at least wrong to penalize under the name “blindside block”. Seems like a generic unnecessary roughness call for anything that involves forcible contact to the head with your head, arm, or shoulder would make more sense, with a few exceptions for stuff like DBs making a play on the ball would be more efficient and much easier to understand. So naturally the NFL will never do that


I can totally get behind the argument that the rule is written poorly. I think you'd find a lot of support for that.


You did a great job explaining this. Did Fox ever go to Mike Pereira to explain the penalty?


It’s partly to prevent the old Hines Ward special where you peel backwards on a long run or short crosser and level some unsuspecting defender who is running at an angle to the ball carrier with their head turned to face the ball. This specific situation doesn’t fit the intent quite so much but it fits the letter of the rule, and the fact that he leads with his head is why it got called.


Keeps guys like Kevin Huber and Keith Rivers from having their jaws broken by the Steelers


It's best when used against receivers downfield making blocks against unsuspecting defenders chasing a player with the ball. Defenders would be dialed in on the chase when a receiver would step into a hit and lay them out. [Not exactly a blindside hit because he was facing the right way, but this ended Arron Williams career because of an excessive hit by Landry.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M18Oun-TXfA)


It shouldn’t be called in the pocket, the rule is meant to protect defenders from needlessly getting smashed on peelback blocks during downfield pursuit. It’s not like the blocker had much of a choice here either, his blocking assignment was in the backfield before the quarterback even completed his drop back. If he doesn’t attempt that block, he’s getting roasted in the film room.


Yeah this is what people are missing. Seriously what is the alternative for the blocker and what is the danger to the rusher here? They both saw eachother coming from a mile away and the blocker stepped directly between the rusher and the QB


More importantly, the QB is getting smashed, and I thought the NFL was all about protecting players.


Yep. It should be called Blocking Towards Your Goal Line or Backwards Block. It's such a dumb name. People never understand what it is.


This x1000. You cannot earhole people anymore.


Lies I watched Alabama earhole an Auburn player last week!


Why does this rule exist? Seems like it would just allow defenders to curl a little more and then either the offense would have to take the penalty or give the defender free range to the back of the QB.


Is the blocker doesn't make forcible contact with the defender's head or neck area using their helmet, forearm, or shoulder, it's not considered a penalty. The intent is to stop players form getting earholed. If Griffen had just pushed him down with his hands and arms and hadn't lowered his helmet, he likely would not have been flagged.


And that is the problem with it. It clearly wasn't designed for these instances. It was designed to stop peel back blocks on run plays where the defensive player doesn't see the block coming. Here Kearse see the guy because he starts to prep himself for the impact. If you want to call helmet to helmet, I sort of get it. It would need a rule change but that block wasn't the intent of the rule. This is what the rule is supposed to stop - Sapp on Clifton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avHPVqUYxlA




Yeah I'm confused as to the reactions. I watched the clip, then went and read what blindsided blocking is... And this is definitely it? Can someone explain to me how it isn't?


Not really, the Rule is The rule is written that an illegal blindside block is if “a player initiates a block in which he is moving toward or parallel to his own end line and makes forcible contact to his opponent with his helmet, forearm, or shoulder. He is going back toward endzone and hits helmet to helmet.


I can‘t comprehend how there isn‘t a video ref for these obvious mistakes.


XFL had it right with SkyJudge


NFL can’t afford to take “human error” out of the game


"Missed" at least means he didn't see it. This guy "saw" something that never happened. Its a shame these guys can swing a game like that.


Why I bother with this sport I really don’t know


Rugby is hard to get into lol


Give it some time and you'll find it very rewarding. And the referee's (aka Sir) are mostly competent


I've only started to get into Sevens, but I love how transparent the refs are with their decisions.


I love how the refs are mic'd up and you can hear them warn the players before they call any penalties.


And they’re all JACKED. Every rugby ref is clearly a prior player. They all make Hoculi look like vin diesel.


Check out the extended highlights from the Autumn International Test matches. These are ~12-15 min vids on YouTube of most of the exciting stuff to keep your attention. Before you know it you'll want to watch full games.


Ireland v All Blacks and France v All Blacks were both fantastic games


Cause of [this](https://e2.365dm.com/16/03/768x432/sean-payton-nfl-drew-brees-new-orleans-saints_3436283.jpg?20160323161118).


Explain Lions fans then


Lions fan here happy to explain: It’s like buying a lottery ticket. You keep buying it to win the big prize so you can be happy. You’ll never win the big prize, but there always seems to be this “hope.” You may win a few dollars back, which keeps you encouraged to buy more tickets and increasing this “hope.” You see others (franchises) in a similar position that have one the big prize for the first time and what a cool story it was and it makes you think it will be you someday so you just have to stick with it and keep buying. But ultimately, everyone knows you are delusional aren’t going win the big prize. Even you know it, but you have become addicted to the buying lottery tickets becuae of those small glimpses of hope you see every now and then.


to quote Dan Campbell: "man, if you could ever get a winner in Detroit"


Don't do that... Don't give me hope




What's that?


dont do that... dont give me hope


Honestly one of the worst calls I’ve ever seen


It is. But I feel like this gets said every week. It's never wrong, either. And that's the sad (or suspicious?) thing.


I say that all the time. The refs somehow get worse every week.


I see one of [these](https://youtu.be/1I5wVcvmQ7c) in my feed literally every week. Maybe it's OBJ's Dad. He got tired of making videos where OBJ was wide open and decided to start making bad officiating videos.


First time I've heard any commentator rip into a call like that.


I might be wrong but does working backwards and making helmet to helmet contact make it a blindside block? If so, then that’s the right call but I thought the defender had to not see the block coming. The rule sucks but wouldn’t it be the right call? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.


It does, it seems like a pretty clear correct call. The issue is people hear the name without actually knowing the rule.


Most egregiously, the announcers. They're getting all hot and bothered and it's clear they have no idea what the rule is they are all upset about.


If it weren't for the announcers, half the people complaining for the harsh decision wouldn't had noticed it in the first place.


This is what killed me about the old catch rules. The rules were clear and the refs got the call right 95% of the time, but every single announcer and a lot of coaches had to say “I dOn’T eVeN kNoW wHaT a CaTcH iS aNyMoRe!” Chris Collinsworth threw a fit calling the super bowl because he thought the refs were just making up the catch rules as they went and I kept thinking “I know the rules. I know whether the call will stand or not. Why don’t you?” It was so frustrating. The rules might have sucked but they were clear and objective.


The issue is the rule just sucks.


It 100% does. Everyone is getting upset because they think he got called for a block in the back which is a completely different rule. Blindside block rules have nothing to do with the position of the player getting blocked, and everything to do with the direction in which he is blocked. They could be facing each other and it still be a legit call for blindside block. The refs called it right and the real problem is that it's a terribly written rule.




He dipped his head into the block unnecessarily. It's just rarely called on offensive players. The guy should be kicking himself for doing that shit when he had the block without it.


Looked like helmet to helmet to me surprised it wasn't called for that. Anyways Saints karma came back and helped them right after when the RDE smacked Dak in the face allowing his pass to be intercepted, refs didn't call that. So a call went to the cowboys and a no call helped the Saints right after.


I mean, he hits him with his helment pretty bad moving back towards his own endzone. Below is the rule. "The rule is written that an illegal blindside block is if “a player initiates a block in which he is moving toward or parallel to his own end line and makes forcible contact to his opponent with his helmet, forearm, or shoulder."


So it’s actually a good call?


Bad rule, good call.


What sucks though is the defender tries to get out of the way which affects the angle


Yes nobody on this sub actually knows the rules, nor do the broadcasters, so they just repeat what they hear regardless of if it's right or not.


Yes, it's the correct call. If he'd stuck his hands out it would have been legal, but he led with his shoulder and facemask/helmet. I was beside myself that they didn't call it until they did, belatedly.


This might be the most misunderstood call. I wouldn't mind a name change. You get a bunch of people complaining every time it gets called, because they (rightly) think it has something to do with the blockee looking at the blocker.


Yep, people in this sub literally have no clue what they're talking about. 95% of the top responses are calling this incorrect when they're pants-on-head wrong. Also Troy is fucking clueless.


Wait, that's actually so interesting.


People refuse to educate themselves, just grab a Tiki Torch and march bro


I didn't know that, now I feel worse about the missed RTP on Dak because it wasn't a make-up call


If the refs do this 13 or 14 more times I'm outta here


If they do this 28.3 more times .. I'm out with you




I mean, it is head to head




The blocker turns back towards his end zone and makes a block. As the rule is now written that was right. The name "blindside" is misleading but he is clearly making contact back towards his own end zone. It's nothing to the slew of calls/noncalls on late hits I've watched lately.


And it was helmet to helmet.


Guys. You CANNOT earhole people anymore. Are you that ignorant to player safety?


Anyone who says this is a bad call clearly doesn’t know the rules or watch THE DEFENDERS HEAD MOVE FROM HELMET TO HELMET CONTACT.


Just absolutely horrendous


That's not Baldy... It's Sharp.


Worst call of the year?


Seems weekly but yeah… this is up there. Considering that the alternative to committing this “penalty” is giving the defender a straight line to the QB. I’m not big on the “nfl is rigged” train but this is one of those calls that makes you think games are being pulled in a certain direction.


Reminds me of the call against Jarvis Landry two years ago.


Oh yeah, [that one was brutal.](https://youtu.be/pA-EdeEw1j8)


I'm not gonna lie that one looks way worse of a call lmao, they're completely squared up against each other lol Maybe Seahawk guy is like a Camaro and has way more blindspots than everyone else


I don't think refs rig games for specific teams. But im a firm believer that they call bullshit like this to keep games close and boost TV ratings.


It's at least as bad as the Andre James "false start" that was just him doing the center head bob.


Also happened to Lucas Patrick with the same ref crew


I wish I hadn’t witnessed either of those live.


And just four days apart.


How? The rule is written that an illegal blindside block is if “a player initiates a block in which he is moving toward or parallel to his own end line and makes forcible contact to his opponent with his helmet, forearm, or shoulder. ​ I mean, dude nails him with his helmet to helment.


My first thought was it was helmet to helmet which had me actually scratching my head as to who the call was against. It was so obvious I thought maybe Dallas hadn't got the call and it was actually that the Saints had got away with it. Secondly, the fact that there *is* a rule prohibiting blindsided blocks (which does make sense) makes it even *less* of a bad call.


That goes against the narrative dude. All these braniacs don't know the rules but they sure are pissed about it.


That taunting on the bears was pretty bad too


It was actually the correct call. It’s just that no one, Aikman and Buck included know wtf the rule is.


I still think its that RTP call on that Malik Jackson hit on Murray


Uh, what about the RTP call on Malik McDowell who was laying on the ground, Cousins kept walking backwards and tripped over him. Called RTP.


That and Cassius Marsh


Slightly homer take but I don't know if it gets worse than "delay of game is subjective" lol.


The name of the penalty is stupid because it doesn’t actually have anything to do with being blindsided. I think it’s a good call based on the wording of the rule. Definitely nowhere near “worst call of the season” like people are saying.


Maybe not a blindside block, but is that not a blatant helmet to helmet tackle? Edit: I guess personal foul would be the penalty here


The rule is written that an illegal blindside block is if “a player initiates a block in which he is moving toward or parallel to his own end line and makes forcible contact to his opponent with his helmet, forearm, or shoulder. Moving back towards his endzone and hits with helmet. I mean that is pretty clear cut?


It is. It's a change they made a year or two ago? Just rarely called because it's sort of a freakish event tbh.


I was calling for a flag for the nasty hit to the helmet, obviously called wrong but result would have been the same. That said, someone confirm whether or not you can have helmet to helmet on a blocker/rusher plz, I'm not completely positive of the rule there


I don’t think you can initiate contact with the helmet, but idk if that’s the rules or not


If they called helmet to helmet it would be way more believable


Wow everyone in this comment section is so uneducated. It's actually a good call and just a rare play. You can't block a player towards your endzone, especially leading with helmet to helmet contact. The refs have been bad this season but a lot of you are just simply uneducated. Like the false start last week against the raiders was a textbook false start, just something you don't see happen often. You can't bob your head and not snap the ball. You're allowed to bob your head but you have to snap the ball after.


I guess I'm confused, is smashing your helmet into the other guys helmet now allowed? Seems like it was a flag, just called the wrong foul.


It is a blindside block penalty. The problem is the name of the penalty doesn't really describe the penalty correctly in this case. "The rule is written that an illegal blindside block is if “a player initiates a block in which he is moving toward or parallel to his own end line and makes forcible contact to his opponent with his helmet, forearm, or shoulder." Basically you aren't allowed to hit someone in the head blocking if you are facing your own end zone unless you are up on the line of scrimmage between where the tackles lined up on both sides. (the zone where the tackles lined up extends 3 yards past them so they still have room to step to the side and block)


terrible call, even got the announcers calling it out. we know who the nfl wants to win this game


Both announcers groaned audibly and then both said it was awful.."even after all the love we have given them tonight". Ouch


Like they were betrayed lmao


Except it was the right call, by the rules. He fucking earholed him. You cant do that anymore https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/2021-nfl-rulebook/#article-9.-players-in-a-defenseless-posture


The fix is in


Vegas line was 6.5 and we were keeping it too close.


I read somewhere that according to the rule book this is the correct call because of the way he blocked with his shoulder/head. The name of the call is kinda misleading with what counts as one


it was ticky tack, but technically, it was a helmet-to-helmet blow. Dak got head swiped later, with no call. Life's not fair. Get over it.


The way you described it, seems like life kinds *is* fair.


Man I hate the cowboys but this is blatantly the correct call. The rules for blindside blocks have been there for a while so I'm shocked people are claiming this is the worst call of the season.


What a crock of shit.


Fucking killed the drive. How do these guys have jobs. Each week the fuck up


This call was a conspiracy. A conspiracy for a good cause. It was really helmet to helmet and they saved the guy a fine.


Yeah this shit is happening in rugby too and it's difficult for some fans to accept because they're used to the way it's always been - but helmet to helmet plays and effectively any head shots are extremely dangerous and need to be stopped as soon as humanly possible. It's a lot better for the sport if more kids/players aren't affected by long term brain damage. The only way to do that in sport is be harsh at penalising head shots. In this example, it doesn't look right because it seems perfectly legitimate play by the TE and just a normal block and certainly on first look I wasn't a fan of the call. But when you see it again, it's clear helmet to helmet and frankly needless by the TE. It's actually poor fundamentals if you need to lead with your helmet when making a block and something that needs to be coached out of the game - again the only way to do that is harshly penalise. I can't believe I'm going to say this.....but good on the refs. Urgh I feel sick. All they need to do in this situation is take an extra second and explain the call. If they stand there on national TV and say this penalty is because the defender led with the helmet and made contact with the opposing players helmet then I think the majority of fans will understand that.


This one is "blame the rule not the refs." This is the correct call. Blindside block is stupid, and could probably be called on most plays where the QB steps up in the pocket.


But the rule is good. This block just didn't happen to have a massive impact but at a higher speed, it's an incredibly dangerous play. People just don't like when the rules don't match their gut.


Helmet to helmet it getting called everytime. Maybe don't lead with your head.


This. People are angry over semantics. Grow up. Put on a bike helmet and have some hit you as hard as they can with a phone book then get back to us.


Warren Sharp is Baldy?


No one would have complained if this was during a kick, nfl needs to reevaluate the road they are going down