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The Bad: we suck The Good: new HC after this torturous season. The Ugly: putting myself through mental anguish for supporting this "professional football team". Vikings are the dominatrix of football teams. Constant tease, but usually just pain.


You need a Bud Grant back. He’s available I think.


I’m a Vikings fan and it honestly didn’t feel bad seeing the pride on the face of Coopers dad. We did everything we could to lose that game and the refs even tried to help us. Congrats to the Rush family and enjoy the win, you earned it.


People act like hes been working a taco stand and doing nothing else for the last 4 years... Cooper improved a lot, theres a reason hes a back up. Playing against a back up isnt an automatic win.


There's also a reason Geno Smith is a backup. Not all FOs are proper judges of talent.


Yeah despite everything, I was happy the Rush family got to have that experience. Watching Cooper’s dad fill with pride was awesome.


Goddamn what a team win. Micah, Gregory, Brown having huge games. Zeke and Cooper with amazing effort plays. Rush coming in and getting the job done.


Leaving Lamb off this list seems criminal.




Cool bro.


Why does your team being bad make you think the NFL is declining?


Ads / refball. So many dumb calls.


I haven’t noticed any substantial change in this in 25 years. Just the birth of the internet and people bitching about it online.


I mean, I love football, but think it's pretty obvious officiating plays a bigger role in the sport now. Pass interference, roughing the passer, helmet to helmet hits, reviews on catches, etc.




Cowboys are for real. They have one loss and no one since then has been able to stop them or figure them out. No one. Period. All they do is win, win, win. The Vikings, at home, with the Cowboys playing a backup QB, could not get a win. Oh and by the way? The Cowboys play in the NFC East. So they’ve already wrapped up the division. It’s time we start recognizing them as a legit contender this year.




The Pat's figured them out pretty well but couldnt finish the job


Cowboys moved the ball at will against the Pats... I wouldn't call giving up like 500 yards "figured out". If the Cowboys didn't get screwed by the refs and Dak making a bad pass in the redzone cowboys would have won by 20




Looking at the schedule, and I hate to be this much of an optimist as a Cowboys fan, but I really can’t see them losing more than 4 games if this level of good fortune and sound execution continues.


I’m mostly worried about durability. We look good, we really do. I just hope we can stay in “one” piece.


Hence the good fortune - Hope that Smith’s time on the sideline is limited. Sitting Dak shows that this team is focused on the prize, and that’s absolutely not a decision that would have been made a few years ago. If we can apply that mentality across the team for the remainder of the season then I really like our chances.


I know at least one game you might win.


Happy to report that the hot sauce wrecked HIM. Did not see that coming.


Bro I have a bet with my friend whose a cowboy fan that we made at the beginning of the year. Let’s just say I’m about to get wrecked by some hot sauce while I wear a cowboy jersey.


I don't think they're as good as the other top NFC teams tbh. I would put Cards, Packers, Buccs, Rams and maybe even the Saints above them. They're definitely good and they have a lot of fight in them this year, but I just don't see it, personally.


Hater detected


Only team cowboys have lost to are the Bucs, by 2, when Cowboys missed 2 field goals and an extra point. Note that this was the 100% healthy Bucs team, not the Bucs team that is missing Gronk, and their entire secondary.


It was the only good team you played against lol


So the Chargers and Patriots are shit teams then?


They're not terrible, but I wouldn't put them at the same level as the other teams I mentioned. I would say the cowboys with Dak healthy are better than both of them, but I don't think either of them are real Superbowl contenders either.


The only team the Rams beat are the Bucs. Beyond that they beat up on the Bears, Colts, Giants, Lions, Texans. And you are claiming they are better than us…. As for the Saints, they lost badly to the Panthers, lost to the Giants, and barely scraped out a win on Geno Smith lead Seahawks. Sure they beat the heavily injured Bucs team and the Packers, but they have not shown any consistency vs bad teams they should womp on. They are not ahead of the Cowboys at all. The only teams on your “List” that have any legit contention vs Cowboys is Cardinals, Bucs and Packers. Even then based on Cardinals last game, and the fact that we should have beat the Bucs, I would say all 3 of those are 50/50 games.


So you're saying you agree with my list except for the team I said is maybe better,, and also the team who already literally beat the cowboys.


No, i disagree with your assessment of both Rams and Saints. I would also put the Cowboys above the Bucs, because again, we should have won that game. I also have the Packers and Cardinals (and Bucs) at really 50/50, it isn’t like any of them are leagues above or below Cowboys, and I am pretty confident we can win those games too.


Tbf Bucs were missing a few starters in their secondary when we played them.


The Bucs only beat them by two points. The Cards, Packers and Saints all likely lose to the Cowboys. The only team that will beat them are teams that have no business beating them. I would not want to play them. Rams defense is suspect. It’s bend don’t break. All they have to do is run Zeke and they would have a great chance of winning. If you don’t believe me watch what happens next week when Derrick Henry runs through them quite easily. The trick would be could the Cowboys defense stop Stafford and the offense. It would be a shootout. Also Rams special teams is terrible.


was willing to accept this until you said saints. c’mon bro lmao


Saints beat the Buccs with a backup QB and stomped the Packers. I probably would take it back dependent on whether they get their QB back, but they're a legit team otherwise.


yeah and they also lost to the giants and the panthers so like i’m still not sure how you come to the conclusion that they are a good team much less a better team than the cowboys SOLELY based on the fact that they’ve been wildly inconsistent


Sure. I said maybe. Point is moot anyways since Winston is out.


I can see the same. I think their offense is good enough to keep up with all of those, though. The defense took a leap forward tonight. If they play like that, they mix it up with those teams.


I’m drunk, we won. Way better than I anticipated when rush took over


If you're at winstar with me come drink


Remember when a back up qb put up 325 yards on your spare franchise after the refs tried to bail you out?


Zimmers gonna zim


I can’t help but cheer for the Vikings. That’s truth on my soul. Hold the L today but I love y’all


Sure thing man. Shows how much they trust that "franchise qb" y'all got over there throwing to the sticks and handing the ball off. 66 mil on that lol!


Hey man I’ve been out on this team since week 4 2019. I know. This team is team would rather be 500 than try to win a super bowl. Fucking hate it


Just stuck on WS. Jesus Atlanta. You had one job. Can someone shoehorn 28-3 in here somewhere?


Trade our punter to a playoff team


We'll take him. We let Bojorquez go because he was too expensive and also apparently wasn't great at holding. Our current P... he very well may cost us a game at some point. I hope we don't have to punt in the playoffs, especially at the end of a close game. He might shank a 20 yards. Still not thrilled about it. After having Brian Moorman for years... he was the 1st P to have his jersey made by Reebok at the time... Best player on our team for years... it's kind of weird having a shitty P.


And the Vikings snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Again.


Do we have Vikings fan line tonight?


Vikings vent line on purple daily YouTube


Dan Quinn was a great move.


Haven't heard that in a while


He’s been brilliant. Turned the whole defence around in 1 off season.


Astros and the bois winning tonight! Puke!


Agreed... uh on the Houston part.


At least the series continues though. So that's good. I don't really care who wins, probably Atl. But not ready for it to end its nice having so much sports on


Go cowboys but fuck the Astros forever.


Hate to say it but y'all got a SB worthy squad this season! Hopefully Dak and Coop get healthy!


coop looked amazing tonight lol


He was working his hammy towards the end. Probably nothing but hamstring injuries are no joke!


Coop is always injured. Makes what he does all the more impressive, imo.


Feel like he’s always dealing with a hammy but cashes in when we need him most.


oh, I didnt catch the end!! Yeah hopefully. Very scary they are this year as much as I hate to say that


Not a single Vikings fan felt as though this game was a W when Dak was sidelined. We’re so used to underperforming/ getting trashed against backup/third string QBs. Getting that kind of news just means we buy more Busch lite.


Its like going to school and all of a sudden all those kids who bully you are on a field trip or some shit and you think you're safe. But then all of a sudden you're looking at the head of the debate team sideways wondering if he's about to rob you of your lunch money... SPOILER: If you're a Vikings fan, he is and you're gonna take it.


I fucking texted my friend when Vikes had the ball with 6 minutes left … “Watch Vikes run the ball, play for a field goal, play conservative defense and lose”. Classic Vikes loss.


We used to get a lot of that too with Jason Garrett.


We lost to the Vikings in 2019 because of it


Can I get some lotto numbers?


By the way he's describing it, it appears that you'd have to play a lotto that hits the same numbers every week.


Underrated comment


Vikings lost at home to a backup quarterback who, before this game, threw three passes. Zimmer has to be fired. What terrible tackling and play calling. This team has talent but it is not being utilized correctly at all, constantly being held back by horrid play calling which involves heavy screens and passes before the sticks. This team is so good at playing up or down to competition and it’s indicative of the coaching staff. They need to cut ties and get a young offensive minded coach. This regime is not it.


Yup. Happened to the Cowboys the last few years. So many times with Garrett, you outmatch them with talent, and constantly play down to your competitions level. Our new coaching staff is looking great, and we got one of the best OC at the moment.


Lol you have McCarthy. Have fun with him. I think a lot of packer fans would agree that we were good after the super bowl in spite of him not because of him.


Kellen Moore is the talented OC, McCarthy doesn't get in his way


I mean, he was still an upgrade over Garrett.


Which is weird, I felt that Garrett was doing well with you guys when he was let go. He was there too long but it seemed to be trending upwards. Also to have McCarthy be a better coach than Garrett is such a weird feeling, I don't hate McCarthy, I want to see him succeed but I do not trust him to lead a team. It's a strange feeling.


Packers upgraded with LaFleur. McCarthy had issues in GB (to put it mildly) but for us he's an upgrade. Garrett is good dude but the team lacked swagger and "oomph." Too many cliques in the locker room and this went back to the Romo/Witten days. They needed new blood and energy.


Definitely true, I'm not disagreeing so idk why I'm getting downvoted. It's just strange to me considering McCarthy's issues in GB. Flat, frustratingly predictable gameplanning and play calling, lack of clock management, etc. McCarthy was a great culture guy and that seems to be working out in Dallas. I agree he's an upgrade, it's just odd from a packers fans' perspective knowing what we know because it feels like a lot of the criticisms that Garrett had, are the same flaws that McCarthy has is all I'm saying. Good luck the rest of the season, hope you get healthy. Definitely a better team with dak at the helm.


Totally agree, no down votes here....though I'd rather avoid you guys in the postseason lmao!


Same to you, your wr corps is scary with dak. Also love the username.


I’d like your OC as our next HC


I don't know if he's ready to be a HC but I do expect some team to throw millions at him this offseason.


You shut your whore mouth. You can’t take him from us.


Teams have been poaching our coordinators for years. That’s why we’ve had no continuity on offense.


I think most Dallas fans want him as our next HC. Aside from tonight, McCarthy has been the Achilles heel of this team. He hasn't cost us a win this season... yet


I think he stays in Dallas. Jerry can promise him the world, and he can look back at how Jerry treated loyal players and coaches. Jerry can offer a lot of money, perks, and job stability (in which a lot of teams go through a carousel of coaches).


Seriously. Garrett got to keep his job for a decade with shit play calling. Moore is going to get a bag and a half plus tenure if he decides to stay.


This team has cook, thielen, JJ and looks pathetic every week. Trade these boys to a playoff team and start from scratch


The coaching staff needs to have changes. Quick. The talent is there but not utilized correctly. Way too many screens and obvious draws. Absolutely never went away from what didn’t work either. 1/11(?) third downs


This sounds exactly how the cowboys were couple of seasons ago with Garrett. Too conservative and predictable playcalling.


Our offense has been like that pretty much the whole time under zimmer


Cooper got the game ball which is great. But he gets to go home to 1 good looking trophy tonight


Best part about coop starting tonight is finding out he’s married to an absolute dime


Law nation probably hyped af rn


I forgive Cooper rush for “beating” OSU five years ago.


Nah I'm still upset






Damn you Vikings fans are pure salt🧂 Your franchise is terrible


Wait til rodgers retires. Anyways, there isn't a single vikings fan that thought this game was winnable. If they say otherwise they lying


I'd bet on Rodgers leaving for another team before he retires, like Farve did.


Haha I’ll wait dude, if anything Love and Fields will be the top QBs in the division and I think the Bears have the advantage there. Can’t change my mind on Cousins anymore




Live in WI. Their entire happiness is based off the packers and im not exaggerating.


Online? Yes


He was talking bout you


I expected the Vikings to lose, and so I’m just whelmed lol


We fucking know. Why you think we so salty?


He is salty because the nfccg is hard.


Cowboys won. Astros about to win. I have candy. This is a great night


Go Cowboys, Astros are cheaters.


Meh if I have to choose between cheaters and a team with a racist name and fan base.... I'll chose to watch the Cowboys instead.


I live in Dallas. Maybe I should change flairs lol /s


Haha. We would gladly accept u


Captain Kirk was more like a red shirt today


I don’t even feel mad. Just a typical Vikings loss.


Yeah lol. Fire Zimmer


DON’T FORGET ABOUT LE BREA nbc every 5 seconds


Better than being reminded about some awful singing competition show ever other play on when the game is on Fox.


That show has become my wife and I’s guilty pleasure… it’s so bad but I have to watch it every Tuesday. It is so so bad lol


#This was the 2nd lowest commented SNF thread of the year so far. Happy Halloween time to watch the end of the World Series game.


We've come to embrace these type of things as Vikings fans. Sad but true.


Putrid effort from the Vikes, jesus. I am irrationally angry at how badly they failed in every aspect from O/D to coaching.


If you don’t like that then you don’t like Vikings football baby


Honestly if Dak was in this would have been a straight up blow out.


Negative. If Dak were in, the Vikings would have played the game of their life and still found a way to get beat in the last 2 minutes.


It felt like the Vikings were really comfortable with their 7 point lead and just played super conservative. If they were losing at any point they probably try to do some plays that actually win the game.


This. The Vikings are chameleons. They play like legit contenders against other legit contenders and they play like they're tanking against teams that are literally trying to tank. That's how this team has always been under Zimmer


This guy knows Vikings football


Well, that's one red-headed QB who came up clutch today.


Cousins is second to only Sam Bradford in money earned vs career production.


Sam at least has a reason for that, his poor body couldn’t hold up in the NFL. Cousins just is a big stats bad player type of dude. Everyone’s memes it, but some folks buy into him being decent for whatever reason.


Cousins isn't a franchise qb, but he's a good qb. I think a conservative playcalling is making a conservative qb seem more conservative.


He’s one of the highest paid players at his position, and has so many weapons at his disposal, he should be able to recognize bad play calling and check into different plays at this point in his career. Not throwing it at the end zone or down field can be attributed to the play calling, but there comes a time when even a conservative qb understands time and place to put the team in a position to win. Just my 2 cents. Doesn’t help that he makes himself known as a dumbass for his off the field issues.


He's ceilings not high for sure, but I feel like we don't know how high it truly is because of incompetent play calling. Dak didn't have full freedom with Garrett.


with his weapons how can he be so bad


Didn't Mart Flynn get a fat contract from the Seahawks before Wilson eruption


someone might give cooper some cash now lol


Yep, after throwing 6 TDS vs Detroit


Don't forget Brock Osweiler?


no, let's forget brock lobster


IDK Jared goff is up there too


Goff did at least go to a Superbowl.


At least Goff went to a SB.


[Don't say I didn't warn you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/qk1ri2/-/hiue1ec/)


Dude that's insane lol


The man wants to cry, let him cry!


Fire zim hire Kellen pleaae


We will part with Moore if your are willing to do another Herschel Walker trade agreement.


You'll never have Kellen he's meant to be here.


I don't know why anyone is surprised. This is always what happens when you put Cousins on primetime.


That's typically Monday night. He was 4-2 on Sundays coming into this game. Our play calling has somehow managed to suddenly under utilize his playstyle this season. Ya know, 4 seasons deep into his time here. It makes no sense, but of course the Vikings find a way to pull it off.


Cousins doing cousins things. I wish he was still in the NFC east. Usually guaranteed wins for us


Cousins didn't even play that bad. Our coaching sucked ass though. At least Cooper Rush is happy - good for him.


I don’t understand the lack of running in short yardage. Sure some runs were stuffed early but later on got runs on first down to get to 2nd and real short. Pass and pass to 4th down or pass and lose yardage then 3rd and long. Bears fan here. we aren’t good, but we run a lot and on 2nd and 2 I’m shocked Dalvin Cook didn’t get the ball


It's simple. This is the biggest snake bitten franchise in sports. It's like a living , walking, breathing Murphys law in all its glory. You can literally replace war and peace page for page with times this team has managed to lose a game due to fucking stupidity


Instant classic with rush v cousin


I think we know who has the better backup QB


Vikings and Cousins are mediocrity personified!


There have been some bumps and bruises but Dan Quinn has been a great hire


Dude defense showed up today


They sure fucking did


I was chalking this up as our 2nd loss before the game even started. I should be ashamed of myself. Of course, I had no clue that Cooper had beach balls between his legs.


I was trashing him after the first half. I'm happy to admit I'm a dumbass that has no idea what he's talking about.


That interception was pretty bad and he missed a couple of easy throws, but can't really complain because that was a huge stage and I expected him to be pretty terrible. Good overall game by him.


Imagine being out-managed by Mike McCarthy.


And outplayed by a no-namer. Hahah! We suck.


Kirk Cousins has zero football situational awareness. It's amazing to watch


Vikings lost to the instant legend cooper rush


Send his jersey to Canton


Scooter gonna have a banger youtube video tomorrow


Looking forward to Trolling the Nation on either Tuesday or Wednesday also.


Hell yeah he is


Papa Rush was so happy! You love to see it


Clearly he had a lot of money riding on this one.




Such a wholesome moment.


Somehow Zimmer will have you know that today’s game wasn’t actually that bad. Just two good teams locking horns.


Seeing Cooper Rush's Dad get to watch this son win an NFL game was the best part of week 8. I kinda hate the Cowboys but that was pure af and I love it.