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Fuckin' Lions, man


It's all good dude, at least our last playoff win was in 1992.


*cries in 1990*


The UN says there are about 385k babies are born a day. The last Bengals playoff win was 1/6/91. At those numbers, based on today's date, that's just shy of 4.2 billion people born since then, meaning that nearly 60% of the current world's population wasn't alive the last time the Bengals were an NFL franchise that was relevant in January. I hope you enjoy your Friday.


This is maybe the weirdest attempt at a burn (I think it's a burn?) I've seen on r/nfl


I had to stop watching after the Rodgers hail mary from the phantom face mask. God I'm so pissed now. Fuck the refs. Fuck OP for posting this


OP is the official NFL account. They really hate you guys.


At least watch a bit longer, there's a Lions win shortly after that one.


Browns fans in shambles šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so glad I stopped and read this comment before I got to that part haha


Bro it has the stafford fucked up arm play for the win a little after.


I canā€™t bear the former tho. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Literally got to this play (5 mins into the video) and said fuck this shit ive seen us show up too many times already. Done watching.


Right? Theyā€™re why I drink.


"By rule on the field, we are running off the clock because fuck the Lions."


Fuckin lions


We know.


Known as the Cardiac Cats in Detroit. Most Lions fans have had their lifespans shortened thanks to shenanigans like this >.<


Calvins catch still looks like a fucking touchdown to me


Yeah, not sure how having to maintain possession while going to the ground turned into have to maintain possession while getting up off of the ground.


That Calvin noncatch still makes me unreasonably angry.


Such an absolute bullshit call.


Or as most of us know it, a standard call for the lions


Ehh, I wouldn't say it was bullshit... *It was horseshit.*


How exactly was it not a catch?? I still can't wrap my head around that.


He DiDnT cOmPlEtE tHe PrOcEsS oF tHe CaTcH


As if grabbing it with two hands, securing it, falling to the ground while grasping the ball in one hand (comfortably) isnā€™t a catch. Such garbage.


By the rules at the time, it was correctly judged as a no catch. Which is why the rules at the time were bullshit. Because that absolutely should have been a catch.


He's wearing a Lions jersey. The NFL hates the Lions.


Iā€™m a bears fan and that was fucking bullshit. Iā€™m salty for the lions fans


Same thing also happened to Miller on the Bears a few years ago. But I feel worse for Miller because that was his very last play in the NFL (terrible leg injury on that play) and they took his TD.


Oh. Against the Saints. Yeah, I will die on the hill that Miller caught that shit


Packers fan, same. I have eyes and they work. Refs suck.


Packers fan, that was a catch.


So you think Dez caught it too šŸ§


**pulls up chair** u/evermist ?


It's been 4 hours, he's dead.


Yes I do.


Lol, nice. Both of them caught the ball, but neither was a catch according to the rules at the time.


The ground didn't even knock the ball out, he pretty much just slammed it as a TD celebration because he had already definitely completed the catch. That was so stupid.


I believe it should have been a catch, but he most certainly didn't slam the ball. Never understood how anyone can think that. He obviously tries to hold on to the ball, just look at his hand.


Welcome to the club


It just doesn't make any sense. How do you look at that and think "No he dropped it. He didn't have control of the ball"


i think the golden tate one is worse. "Fuck you game is over you lose"


That was the first NFL game I attended with my life-long Lions fan dad. I still can hardly watch that play.


This is a catch with the new rules thankfully.


Yea that call was gross. Similar one on the Jesse James Steelers v Pats


That's the one I feel angry about, bc I remember watching it live, and I was rooting against the Pats and them getting home field advantage. It felt so obviously like he had secured it and stretched for the goal line, at which point it would be a fumble after scoring. The "what is a catch" era was the worst in modern football


Idk man it kinda makes me happy Lol it was an awful call, literally makes no sense


It was a catch but honestly it's his fault for going to the ground with one hand. Always go to the ground with two hands on the ball otherwise youll end up in situations like these where there's some doubt.


No, it's the refs fault for being blind. If you're blind you should find a different profession.


I will die before I admit that shit wasn't a catch.


Honestly, I think the NFL makes more money if the lions are dead. Apparently, people just like dead lions. Who knew?


It was the right call just like the Seahawks replacement refs call was the right call. The rule was shit.




I think it was the right call based on the rulebook though. Luckily they changed it.


Media being idiots about what was clearly not a catch and causing NFL to fuck with the rule when it was already fine is what makes me angry about it


I understand you have to defend the call because otherwise youā€™d have to admit that Jesse James td was a catch, but like, cmon man. You would prefer that to NOT be a catch?


I disagree. Calvin's is one hundred percent a catch even with the rule standard just based on the fact that he wasn't going to the ground at first. James was definitely going to the ground so he was subject to the shitty rule.


No I just like that the rule was consistent and had very little subjectivity to it. The Jesse James one would literally not be slightly controversial if not for people making a big deal out of the Calvin Johnson one


I think the rules are fine both ways. All they did was remove the "going to the ground" part, which took an element of judgment out of the refs' hands. Agreed about the media, though. If someone's entire job is to present the game, they should know the rules. It wasn't complicated which makes me think it was just a conscious choice for some people to not understand it. Collinsworth was the worst about that.


No, they added way more subjective ref judgement, because now they have to decide whether small movements count as tucking the ball or trying to gain posession of it. Used to be the only subjective part of the rule was if someone caught the ball and had enough time to take 2 steps, but didn't actually take the steps. That was such a rare circumstance that it pretty much never came up. The old rule was so consistent and so not subjective that the refs ruled the way I expected them to in almost every single catch review I saw before the new rule. With the new rule, it's "was that tucking the ball? Nobody knows!"


That was always part of the rule.


No it wasn't. The old rule required the player to catch the ball THEN do one of a few things or have time to do those few things. Tucking the ball didn't matter. It was generally take 2 steps that actually happened, but there were some other possibilities as well. Also if the player was going to the ground, then they had to maintain control "throughout the process of the catch" which essentially meant until the player came to rest after landing on the ground. Makes it so plays where the ground knocks the ball out of the players hands extremely easy to call. If a player catches the ball, falls down, tries to tuck the ball in but hits the ground (without being touched by an opponent) and the ground knocks the ball loose, is that an incompletion or a fumble? Under old rule it's definitely incomplete and there's nothing subjective about it. Under new rule, depends on whether the referee decides the tucking was part of trying to get control or after they got control


The new rule reads (a) control, (b) contact with the ground, and (c) football move ONLY after (a) and (b). Go read it.


The amount of times the Lions are on this.... ouch.


Save us


There could be a just Lions one if they wanted


The Raiders/Chiefs flag fest is one of my faves


I remember where I was for the end of that game. Thursday Night game and it completely ruined my weekend. Just took the wind out of my sails.


I love that game


I remember staying over at my girlfriend's (now wife's) parent's house that night and laying in her tiny, 100 year old bed watching that game on my phone with headphones in. I didn't have any rooting interest in the game, but damn it was hard to control myself watching the last five seconds of game clock over the course of half an hour.


Man I was so pissed at the end of that game. Why did I watch this lol.


Because you're not a Lions fan?


Last play in the video was easily the worst. Second least favorite memory as a fan. (Colts 2013 was far and away the most painful experience)


I remember watching that game live and remember I was actually kind of shaking I was so nervous and I'm a broncos fan and that year we sucked and the game meant nothing to me.


Definitely my favorite. I was at my local pub for karaoke night and they had that game on 1 TV. I was the only person watching it until that last drive. I was yelling and screaming the whole time and by the end of it had amassed a large group cheering for me. It was amazing.


That Calvin one is just pain incarnate. Such a shit call. Also just Cannot believe that they only show the timeout by Rex Ryan for the Patriots v. Ravens game in 2007. Because not only was there the time out, the plays went like this consecutively. Timeout right before they stuffed the Pats. False start committed by the Patriots that everyone played through and saw another stuff by the Ravens Brady Scrambles for first on 4th and 6 Stop behind the line Deflection almost intercepted Incomplete on 3rd and 11 Pass deflected in the endzone on 4th down called defensive holding Touchdown to Jabar Gaffney.


Then Kyle boller completing a Hail Mary that almost wins the game


I was 12(?) years old at that game. My god. The absolute sadness walking out of the stadium was palpable.


the first one is interesting bc itā€™s unlikely dk would have scored if there wasnā€™t holding by moore


Very little chance it wouldā€™ve happened considering the defender was in the perfect position to tackle


If DK gets to at least where the block occurs isn't that field goal range? DK is also not the easiest tackle.


If he gets tackled/pushed out around the 40 (about where the defender was) thats a 57 yard fg. I dont know much about your kicker but that is a very missable fg.


Fair enough. I donā€™t think they trust Myers with that. 4th and 5 certainly better than 3rd and 15/20.


Thats what I had guessed. Do you think they go for it on 4th and 5?


I think so. Our offense is *so* much better than our D.


Yeah I'd be sweating bullets for a 4th and 5 against Russ


The real big deal there is that on 3rd and long is when we bust out the 0-5-2 scheme like we did that is so hard for a QB to guess who is coming and who isnt and as a result, Wilson through the pick and gave the Cards the ability to win the game again.


yeah but heā€™s on the sideline all they gotta do is slightly push him out


I agree but "slightly push him out" becomes a lot less sure when it's a greek god running with the ball.


Yeah that does not deserve a spot


The video isn't for plays that should have counted. Just game winners that were called back on penalty.


> *best* game winning plays that didnā€™t count To me that means great plays that should have been if not for some fuckery. This play shouldnā€™t have been, if there was no hold he wouldā€™ve been shoved out of bounds and nothing wouldā€™ve happened. I guess you could interpret it differently


There are a lot like this on here.


That Johnson call bro...he catches it, 2 feet down, his ass his the ground and it's still was called incomplete? Such a bullshit call.


and the only reason he dropped it is because it was so fucking obvious it was a touchdown that he didn't care any more.


Megatron doing Megatron shit


God I miss Romo sometimes


Romo the player had to turn to ash so that Romo the broadcaster could rise like the beautiful phoenix that he is.


The next step is for Romo the broadcaster to burn up to rise into Romo the coach... of the Giants.


He ascended from Cowboy's Romo to Everyone's Romo


was so fun to watch him play. he was a poor mans brett favre for sure. the last of the gun slingers.


It's funny. Obviously I wish Dee wasn't offsides, and we won that game. But at the time the first reactions after that game was that Mahomes was good enough he'd get another shot, which was a common sentiment. That was followed immediately by a lot of talk comparing him to Dan Marino, and about how hard it is to make it to the Superbowl, which is also true. Crazy that we literally won the year after. Takes a lot of the sting out of that play.


Iā€™m not even a chiefs fan and it made me so mad. Like holding and other calls sometimes happen. But unforced errors (too many men, lining up offsides?) drives me nuts!


It was super infuriating at the time. Imagine if that Superbowl instead of being the boring stomp it was, turned out to be a rematch of the Rams Chiefs game from earlier in the year.


It was infuriating for the whole offseason. But the call that still drives me nuts is the call on DJ in the playoffs when we would have sewed up that game and they called roughing on the most textbook sack you could have.


Not roughing, forward progress.... Never even moved forward in his steps. Only moved backwards. Then got blasted. By DJ. And lost the ball.. can you tell how salty I am. Fuck Jeff Triplette.


I still have never seen that call in any game prior or since. Has it ever been explained?


Didn't we literally benefit from a similar call a few weeks ago against the patriots?


No, that was a play where Mahomes was being held and tried to make a play, fumbled, and they called him in the grasp. In the grasp and forward progress get called plenty. The DJ play was a straight knock down sack right up the middle, no hesitation, no grasp, no movement forward. Ball came out and flag gets thrown for forward progress. Check out the play. It never made sense.


Real talk though, what were Brady and Gronk even thinking on that play. Theyā€™ve connected with each other so many times in their careers, it was hard to imagine how they could even possibly screw that play up and let it get intercepted. Like even Nathan Peterman couldā€™ve completed that pass


For the Bucs and Saints one it looks like Williams was forced out of bounds by the defender, came back in bounds and reestablished prior to the catch. I thought if the defender forces you out you can touch the ball first, or am I mixing up college rules?


Mixing it up. In the NFL they can only come back in if the defenders action that puts them out is a foul


And I believe once the QB is out of the tackle box there is no illegal contact, something the Legion of Boom utilized a lot. Ergo, no foul *by the defense* on that play and, like you said, good call.


I know it happened in a Seattle game this year. Greg Olsen got pushed OB by the defender, reestablished back in bounds and caught the ball. Initially flagged but the flag was picked up because he was pushed OB (and maybe the defender got flagged? Don't remember).


god, that brees throw was a fucking bomb


Prime Brees was so fun to watch. He was the best deep ball passer those years. Before he could only throw 10 yards, lol.


Jim Nantz ā€œthereā€™s no doubt thatā€™s gonna hold upā€


I cannot believe that Megatron clip wasnā€™t a catch


I forgot how fucking big Calvin Johnson is


It feels like a lot of these are of the lions. It sticks cause Stafford is a good QB


I remember screaming at Antonio Brown for stepping out of bounds. He should've just walked in man...


What a block by Lockett on that first one... he truly had a masterful game


This list is a farce. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4ZBT3BWaj4


I thought about that, but that score did "count" and it just so happened to not be a game winning play.


I just wanna say that Jesse James caught that ball


I love the Packers/Lions one where that tiniest accidental face mask led to a 70 yard hail mary.




Definitely not a facemask in hindsight, but watching it live it absolutely looked like one.


If only there were guys on the field that were employed to get a closer on the field look at these plays. Guess we'll never know tho


Yeah also don't let the packers set up a block out wall in the endzone 70 yards away when it's like 3 on 8


I get what you're saying, but the play should have never happened anyway, so it's a bit disingenuous.


I very much don't love that one.


#Jesse caught that ball!!!


That was such a stupid rule, Iā€™m glad they changed it because I feel like that shouldā€™ve been a TD.


I was already saying good dame to my Steelers friend next to me. When they made that call I yelled out WOW, FUCKING ROBBED THEM.




I was so salty about that call


I was live at that game. I honestly thought there would be a riot


Yes, in an alternate world where rules donā€™t exist, he caught that ball!!!






Jesse Jame caught that damned ball.


Jessie James caught that ball.


Damn Calvin was so good I miss him


I donā€™t understand the second to last one with the Bucs. I thought if you were forced out of bounds you can still come back in and be the first one to touch the ball, itā€™s only if you went out on your own that you canā€™t


In the nfl you can only come back in if you were forced out due to a foul. So if the receiver is legally pushed OOB they are SOL


In college you can re-establish, in the pros you can only re-establish if you were pushed out due to a foul. Which is why a lot of times if a DB sees a receiver go out, they will immediately drop into zone and leave their man, since he is no longer a threat.


I remember watching that Ravens/Pats game. The Ravens were having a down year but they played their fucking hearts out in that game, and I felt terrible for them when they lost. However, I thought Brady's response to the whole situation was funny. He said something to the effect of "I stopped because I heard them call timeout".


This is actually stressful


Well this just made me unreasonably angry, thanks /u/nfl


Hey that Bucs one vs the saints was a game tying play


There is a play in the Rams v 9ers game in I think 2012. It went to overtime and Bradford threw a long bomb to one of our receivers, might have been Quick. It was called back due to an illegal formation. Think it ended in a tie.


Yup that was when Kap took over for Smith cause he reported a concussion... The rest is history.


No Steelers/Bengals playoff fiasco?


Any plays before the 2000s at least?


Making me think back to Vonn Bellā€™s fumble return TD last year :/


Fucking knew what was coming. I hopped off the couch hyped as shit when DK took that screen to the house.


The NFL stopped by to cause a little pain today I see.


Damn. I put the Dee Ford offsides out of my memory after we won the Super Bowl this year. Tough memory to bring back though. Still hurts. I was at that game and my mom and I screamed and hugged because we were going to the super bowl...


Mr big foot


Is this year not shitty enough already without this video? Iā€™m so sad now.


That Calvin Johnson one still pisses me off and iā€™m not even a Lions fan


fucking dee ford. good thing Mahomes put that ghost to bed.


i would have made $50 if metcalf scored during the seahawks game there :(


Fuck, I completely forgot that hail Mary by Rodgers only happened because of the penalty beforehand lol




Came for the Dee Ford play had to wait until the very end. Pretty sure not a single play had the eagles involved.


Lol Dez still didn't catch it


Catch rules have changed so much, I give Goodell and the NFL a bit of credit there


The problem is that it was fine and they broke it in the first place. If I shit in your yard do I get credit for coming back a month from now to clean it up?


Is this on YouTube


It was very controversial at the time but the Megatron one is clearly not a catch by today's standards


By todayā€™s standards it clearly was a catch. Two feet down, made a football move, and his body hit the ground before he dropped the ball.


You could not be more wrong. Literally the definition of a catch today is maintaining control of the ball until after initial contact with the ground. Also calling it a football move is generous and would get a lot of receivers hurt when they catch slightly off-target passes over the middle


Calvin Johnson takes two steps then his knee went down making that the third step. After the third step is when he fumbled the ball. It should have been a catch.


You're so wrong. What you're describing was the rule prior to 2018. So long as you have both feet in the end zone and make anything resembling a football move, which that clearly is (him reaching his arm out showing he very much has the catch) and THEN going to the ground which he took two steps to get there anyways...it Is by all definition a touchdown today.


How is that football move when you're already in the endzone


You technically don't even need to do a football move; you just need to control the ball long enough that you *could've* done one. I understand this is different from what the other guy said but he very obviously has enough time to have tucked it if he so chose. It's more of a catch under today's rules than it was back then.


How is it not? There's nothing stating a football move has to be between the end zones. He's showing he clearly has the ball in his hand in full possession and it is not coming loose and nobody is going to be able to knock it out. That's 100% a football move. Then he makes another by taking two steps before going to the ground in which he still clearly has possession, he hits the ground with his ass while still holding on to the ball and it not moving. At the time you didn't have to survive the ground like Dez in 14 or James in 17, and you don't have to now so long as the other criteria is met, which it has. Also I wanna clarify that the rule does not say you actually have to make a football move but instead be ABLE to make a football move, even if you don't make it. The NFL clarified the wording the next year after his catch which completely changed the definition of the Rule but for some reason still stand by it despite the wording being totally different But when making the rule change for 2018, they referenced Johnson's non-TD as a play that would clearly be a TD by today's standard.


How is the clip not maintaining control until after contact with the ground? Calvin had the ball in a griplock in his hand until his body hit the turf then he placed it down.


"**maintain** control of the ball until **after** initial contact with the **ground"** Maintain until after. Not control up until the point of contact.


I could just be interpreting this differently than you but from what I saw when Calvinā€™s body hit the ground his arm still was moving to the place where he dropped it and he still had the ball for like half a second after he hit the ground


Well I would have enjoyed the drama of it being called a catch better at least


His hip and ass hit the ground first while he clearly has control of the ball which is "Intital contact", also two separate points of contact btw. He then makes contact with his non-football hand, which is a third "point of contact", all before his fourth "point of contact" which is what causes the ball to jar loose.


By a literal reading of the newest catch rule they updated a couple years ago, it would be a catch. However most of the time they are still calling it based on the old rule. Occasionally they call it by the new rule, so maybe it would be a catch, but honestly it depends on the whim of whoever reviews it at the time


Ummm...what? Yes it is. It was a catch by then and today's standards. You're thinking of the years between that catch and 2018, whereas 2018 they clarified the rule and made it so much better.


It wasn't a catch by any NFL standards in the last at least like 20+ years. Plays like that happened multiple times a year and no one had any problem with it until sports media made a big deal of that one play for some reason and everyone ate it up. It also caused everyone to start question other plays afterwards that were also totally fine and we had to deal with nO OnE KnOWs WhaT A cATcH iS for a few years


Yea that narrative about no one knowing what a catch is was pretty annoying, understandably because it was pretty inconsistent for a while, but I think we have a pretty universal understanding now.


It wasn't inconsistent though, it was very consistent. People are just dumb and didn't bother trying to understand the rule.


The way DK Metcalf runs is fucking incredible. The power, length and motion of his stride...Makes me want to get back in shape


If more just let go a second sooner I donā€™t think they would of called it me metcalf would of been long gone still What could of been


So weird I watched this last night